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2022年考博英语-中国科学技术大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 填空题Although personality change is _ difficult, sometimes people can change the most dysfunctional aspects of their feelings and behavior. (exceed)【答案】exceedingly【解析】【考查点】副词。【解题思路】在is _ difficult中,is和difficult是系动词和表语,横线所在内容修饰形容词difficult,应该为副词,exceedingly“极其”符合语境,指的是性格的改变极其困难。【句意】虽然性格的改变极其困难,但有时人们可以改变他们的感觉和行为中最不正常的方面。2. 填空题Meteorologists describe the air primarily in terms of its composition, temperature, pressure, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, and _. (humid)【答案】humidity【解析】【考查点】名词。【解题思路】根据关键词and,可知precipitation和横线所在内容为并列结构,应该和precipitation一样为名词,humidity“(空气中的)湿度”符合语境,指的是湿度是描述空气的元素之一。【句意】气象学家主要根据空气的组成、温度、压力、风速、风向、降雨量和湿度来描述空气。3. 单选题As they attempted to board the vessel, Israeli security guards on board opened fire with pistols, forcing the pirates to _.问题1选项A.revoltB.restoreC.retrieveD.retreat【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. revolt 叛逆,违抗 B. restore 恢复(某种情况或感受)C. retrieve 取回,索回 D. retreat 退却,撤退;离开【答案】D【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】pirates和横线处构成主谓搭配关系,指的是以色列保安人员用手枪逼迫海盗_,retreat符合语境,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合语境。【句意】当他们试图登船时,船上的以色列保安人员用手枪开火,迫使海盗撤退。4. 填空题Concerns about research ethics were further heighted by a research project called the Tuskegee Study,sponsored by the United States Public Health Service to assess the clinical course of syphilis. A B C D【答案】A heighted改为heightened【解析】【考查点】被动语态。【解题思路】此句为被动语态,指的是人们对研究伦理的担忧进一步被加剧,应该用heighten的过去分词heightened。【句意】一个名为“塔斯基吉研究”的研究项目进一步加剧了人们对研究伦理的担忧,该研究项目由美国公共卫生局资助,旨在评估梅毒的临床病程。5. 单选题At the height of the war, more than a million people were displaced and confined to squalid camps.问题1选项A.wetB.tinyC.crowdedD.dirty【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. wet 潮湿的 B. tiny 极小的,微小的C. crowded 拥挤的 D. dirty 肮脏的,污秽的【答案】D【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】squalid的意思为“肮脏的”,表示难民营很脏,dirty与之词义相近,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项词义与之不符。【句意】在战争最激烈的时候,有一百多万人流离失所,被关在肮脏的难民营里。6. 单选题To say that the child learns by imitation and that the way to teach is to set a good example oversimplifies. No child imitates every action he sees. Sometimes, the example the parent wants him to follow is ignored while he takes over contrary patterns from some other example. Therefore we must turn to a more subtle theory than “Monkey see, monkey do.”Look at it from the childs point of view. Here he is in a new situation, lacking a ready response. He is seeking a response which will gain certain ends. If he lacks a ready response for the situation, and cannot reason out what to do, he observes a model who seems able to get the right result. The child looks for an authority or expert who can show what to do.There is a second element at work in this situation. The child may be able to attain his immediate goal only to find that his method brings criticism from people who observe him. When shouting across the house achieves his immediate end of delivering a message, he is told emphatically that such a racket is unpleasant, that he should walk into the next room and say his say quietly. Thus, the desire to solve any objective situation is overlaid with the desire to solve it properly. One of the early things the child learns is that he gets more affection and approval when his parents like his response. Then other adults reward some actions and criticize others. If one is to maintain the support of others and his own self-respect, he must adopt responses his social group approves.In finding trial responses, the learner does not choose models at random. He imitates the person who seems a good person to be like, rather than a person whose social status he wishes to avoid. If the pupil wants to be a good violinist, he will observe and try to copy the techniques of capable players; while some other person may most influence his approach to books.Admiration of one quality often leads us to admire a person as a whole, and he becomes an identifying figure. We use some people as models over a wide range of situation, imitating much that they do. We learn that they are dependable and rewarding models because imitating them leads to success.1. For a child the first element in his learning by imitation is _.2. Apart from achieving his desired results, a child should also learn to _.3. Children tend to imitate their models _.4. “An identifying figure” (Para. 5) refers to a person _.问题1选项A.the need to find an authorityB.the need to find a way to achieve the desired resultC.the need for more affection from his parentsD.the desire to meet the standards of his social group问题2选项A.behave properlyB.attain his goal as soon as possibleC.show his affection for his parentsD.talk quietly问题3选项A.who do not criticize themB.who bring them unexpected rewardsC.whom they want to be likeD.whose social status is high问题4选项A.who serves as a model for othersB.who is always successfulC.who can be depended uponD.who has been rewarded for his success【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A【解析】第1题:【选项释义】For a child the first element in his learning by imitation is _. 对孩子来说,模仿式学习的第一个因素是_。A. the need to find an authority A. 需要找到权威B. the need to find a way to achieve the desired result B. 需要找到达到预期结果的方法C. the need for more affection from his parents C. 需要从父母那里得到更多的爱D. the desire to meet the standards of his social group D. 希望达到所在的社会群体的标准【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干中信息词first element定位到第三段第一句,该处讲到“还有第二个因素在起作用(second element)”,推测第一因素在第二段,结合第二段第三、四句,该处讲到“他在寻求(seeking)一种能达到特定目的的反应(gain certain ends)他观察到(observes)一个似乎能够得到正确结果(right result)的模型。”,可知模仿式学习的第一个因素是需要达到自己想要的结果,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“需要找到权威”:对应第二段最后一句,该处讲到“孩子们会寻找一个权威人士(authority)或专家来告诉他们该做什么(what to do)”,可知寻求权威的建议是是方法,而不是原因,属于偷换概念;C选项“需要从父母那里得到更多的爱”:对应第三段倒数第三句,该处讲到“当父母喜欢他的反应时(when his parents like his response),他会得到更多的爱(affection)和认可。”,这是属于第二因素的内容,而非第一因素,属于张冠李戴;D选项“希望达到所在的社会群体的标准”:对应第三段最后一句,该处讲到“如果一个人想得到他人的持续支持和维持自己的自尊(support of others and his own self-respect),他必须以社会群体认可的方式回应(responses his social group approves)。”,这是属于第二因素的内容,而非第一因素,属于张冠李戴。第2题:【选项释义】Apart from achieving his desired results, a child should also learn to _. 除了达到他想要的结果,一个孩子还应该学会_。A. behave properly A. 行为恰当B. attain his goal as soon as possible B. 尽快实现目标C. show his affection for his parents C. 对父母表达爱D. talk quietly D. 小声说话【答案】A【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】此题定位到第三段第四、五、六句,该处讲到“解决任何客观问题(solve any objective situation)的愿望就变成了正确解决问题(solve it properly)的愿望。孩子早期学到的一件事是,当父母喜欢他的反应时,他会得到更多的爱和认可。然后其他成年人奖励一些行为,批评其他行为。”,可知除了达到希望的结果,还需要行为恰当,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“尽快实现目标”:对应第三段第二句,该处讲到“孩子可能会达到他的即时目标(immediate goal),却发现他的方法受到了其观察者的批评。”,这里表达的是孩子在实现当下想要实现的目标时,如果方式不符合社会标准,会受到批评,并没有鼓励孩子尽快实现目标,属于偷换概念;C选项“对父母表达爱”:文中没有提到对父母表达爱意,属于无中生有;D选项“轻言细语”:对应第三段第三句,该处讲到“他应该走到隔壁房间,小声说话(say his say quietly)”,这是针对吵闹的孩子说的,而不是所有的孩子,属于以偏概全。第3题:【选项释义】Children tend to imitate their models _. 孩子们倾向于模仿_的榜样。A. who do not criticize them A. 不批评他们B. who bring them unexpected rewards B. 给他们带来了意想不到的回报C. whom they want to be like C. 他们想要与之相像D. whose social status is high D. 社会地位高【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干中信息词imitate their models定位到第四段第二、三句,该处讲到“他模仿那些看起来不错的人(seems a good person)如果一个学生想成为一名优秀的小提琴家(wants to be a good violinist),他会观察和模仿(observe and try to copy)优秀演奏者(capable players)的技巧。”,可知孩子们倾向于模仿有自己想要的品质的人,因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“不批评他们”:文中没有提到模仿不批评他们的人,属于无中生有;B选项“给他们带来了意想不到的回报”:文中没有提到给他们带来意外回报的人,属于无中生有;D选项“社会地位高”:对应第四段第二句,该处讲到“他模仿那些看起来不错的人,而不是那些他希望避免其社会身份的人(whose social status he wishes to avoid)。”,这里表达的是孩子会模仿自己想成为的、具有某个社会身份的人,而不是模仿社会地位高的人,属于偷换概念。第4题:【选项释义】“An identifying figure” (Para. 5) refers to a person _. “标志性人物”(第5段)是指_的人。A. who serves as a model for others A. 为他人树立榜样B. who is always successful B. 总是成功C. who can be depended upon C. 可以信赖D. who has been rewarded for his success D. 因他的成功而获益【答案】A【考查点】语义推断题。【解题思路】根据题干中信息词An identifying figure定位到第五段第一句,该处讲到“对某一品质的崇拜(Admiration of one quality)往往会使我们对一个人的整体产生崇拜(admire a person as a whole),而这个人也就成为了_。”,结合该段第二句“很大程度地模仿(imitating much)他们所做的”,可知横线处是指对某个人有崇拜之情,并且模仿他,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“总是成功”:对应第五段第一句“对某一品质的崇拜(Admiration of one quality)往往会使我们对一个人的整体产生崇拜”和最后一句“因为模仿他们会通向成功的道路(leads to success)”,不是因为他们总是成功而模仿他们,而是因为模仿他们的优秀品质会带来成功,属于偷换概念;C选项“可以信赖”:文中没有提到,属于无中生有;D选项“因他的成功而获益”:对应文章最后一句,该处讲到“因为模仿他们会通向成功的道路(leads to success)”,通过模仿他们,自己可能会成功,而不是因为他们的成功自己获得直接的好处,属于偷换概念。7. 单选题If a person is in a state between sleeping and being awake, often as a result of heat or drinking alcohol, he feels _.问题1选项A.tiresomeB.fatiguedC.drowsyD.restless【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. tiresome 讨厌的,令人厌烦的 B. fatigued 身心交瘁,精疲力竭C. drowsy 困倦的,昏昏欲睡的 D. restless 坐立不安的,不耐烦的【答案】C【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】根据关键词between sleeping and being awake,可知这里指一个人半梦半醒时的感觉,drowsy符合语境,因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合语境。【句意】如果一个人处于半梦半醒的状态,通常是由于发热或饮酒,他会感到昏昏欲睡。8. 单选题The physical devastation caused by the Civil War, the freeing of the slaves, and the chaos of the Reconstruction era had ruinous effects on Mississippis economy.问题1选项A.impactB.disorderC.offenceD.folly【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. impact 巨大影响,强大作用 B. disorder 杂乱,混乱C. offence 犯罪,罪行 D. folly 愚笨,愚蠢的想法(或事情、行为)【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】chaos的意思为“混乱,杂乱”,指的是重建时期的混乱,disorder与之词义相近,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】南北战争造成的物质破坏,奴隶解放和重建时期的混乱给密西西比的经济带来了毁灭性的影响。9. 单选题Part of the motivation for exploring the Kuiper Belt was the recognition of just how little we know about this cold, dark region at the fringe of our solar system.问题1选项A.coreB.edgeC.visionD.formation【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. core (物体的)中心部分 B. edge边,边缘C. vision 视力,视野 D. formation 组成,形成【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】fringe的意思为“(地区或群体的)边缘”,这里指的是对太阳系的边缘了解不多,edge与之词义相近,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】探索柯伊伯带的部分动机是意识到我们对太阳系边缘这片寒冷、黑暗的区域知之甚少。10. 单选题Coal beds contain appreciable quantities of methane, the principal component of natural gas. In coal deposits, methane is often dispersed throughout the pores and fractures of the coal bed.问题1选项A.softenedB.decayedC.circulatedD.trickled【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. softened (使)变软,软化 B. decayed (使)腐烂,腐朽C. circulated (液体或气体)环流,循环 D. trickled (使)滴,淌,小股流淌【答案】C【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】dispersed的意思为“(使)分散,散开”,指的是甲烷这种气体在煤层的孔隙和裂缝循环流动,结合语境,circulated与之词义相近,因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】煤层含有大量甲烷,这是天然气的主要成分。在煤矿床中,甲烷往往分散在煤层的孔隙和裂缝中。11. 单选题In recent years, Israeli consumers have grown more demanding as theyve become wealthier and more worldly-wise. Foreign travel is a national (1); this summer alone, one in 10 citizens will go abroad. (2)to higher standards of service elsewhere, Israelis are returning home expecting the same. American firms have also begun arriving (3)large numbers. Chains such as KFC, McDonalds and Pizza Hut are(4)a new standard of customer service, using strict employee training and constant monitoring to (5)the friendliness of frontline staff. Even the American habit of telling departing customers to “Have a nice day” has(6)all over Israel. “Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, Lets be nicer,” says Itsik Cohen, director of a consulting firm. “Nothing happens without competition.”Privatization, or the threat of it, is a motivation as well. Monopolies that until recently have been free to take their(7)for granted now fear what Michael Perry, a marketing professor, calls “the revengeful customer”. When the government(8)competition with Bezaq, the phone company, its international branch lost 40% of its market (9), even while offering competitive rates. Says Perry, “People wanted(10)for all the years of bad service.” The electric company, (11)monopoly may be short-lived, has suddenly stopped (12)users to wait half a day for a repairman. Now, appointments are (13)to the half-hour. The graceless El Al Airlines, which is already at auction, has restrained his (14)to emphasize service and is boasting about the results in an ad campaign with the(15). “You can feel the change in the air.” For the first time, praise outnumbers complaints on customer survey sheets.问题1选项A.emotionB.favorC.passionD.spirit问题2选项A.InstructedB.ExposedC.AffectedD.Restored问题3选项A.withB.inC.atD.by问题4选项A.settingB.achievingC.maintainingD.pressing问题5选项A.secureB.assureC.preserveD.ensure问题6选项A.taken onB.focused onC.put onD.caught on问题7选项A.customersB.businessesC.competitorsD.monopolies问题8选项A.set upB.opened upC.took upD.gave up问题9选项A.sectorB.segmentC.shareD.section问题10选项A.claimB.complaintC.revengeD.charge问题11选项A.whichB.whoseC.whereD.that问题12选项A.permittingB.insuringC.limitingD.requiring问题13选项A.scheduledB.arrangedC.regulatedD.directed问题14选项A.standardsB.customersC.surveysD.employees问题15选项A.remarkB.quotationC.sloganD.saying【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D第6题:D第7题:A第8题:B第9题:C第10题:C第11题:B第12题:D第13题:A第14题:D第15题:C【解析】第1题:【选项释义】A. emotion 情绪 B. favor 特别照顾,偏袒(慷慨地对待某人或某一群体,但对其他人似乎不公平)C. passion 酷爱,热衷的爱好(或活动等) D. spirit 情绪,心境【答案】C【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】分号后面的句子对分号前的内容进行解释,前后为解释性关系,后面说到出国旅游的人口比例很高,可知全民热爱出国旅游,出国旅游是大家的爱好,因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均不符合相应的逻辑关系。【句意】全民热爱出国旅游,仅今年夏天就有十分之一的人出国旅游。第2题:【选项释义】A. Instructed 指示,命令 B. Exposed 使接触,使体验 (be exposed to sth.)C. Affected 影响 (affect sb.) D. Restored 恢复(某种情况或感受)【答案】B【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】逗号前后表示因果关系,因为_更高标准的服务,所以回国后也期望得到同样的待遇,结合各个选项的词义和用法,Exposed符合语境,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均不符合相应的逻辑关系。【句意】以色列人在国外享受到更高标准的服务,回国后也期望得到同样的待遇。第3题:【选项释义】A. with 和在一起 B. in (in large numbers 大量地)C. at 在(某处) D. by 在旁边【答案】B【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】横线所在内容到句尾是句子的状语,为介词短语,指的是大量美国公司来到以色列,in large numbers符合语境,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均不符合搭配用法。【句意】美国公司也开始大量涌入。第4题:【选项释义】A. setting 树立,创立,开创 B. achieving (凭长期努力)达到(某目标、地位、标准)C. maintaining 维持,保持 D. pressing (被)压,挤【答案】A【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】横线所在内容和a new standard属于动宾搭配关系,结合上一句说的大量美国公司来到以色列,可知这里指的是这些公司带动了这里服务新标准的形成,setting符合语境,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项指的是通过努力达到某个目标,这些公司没有刻意努力来达到某个标准,不符合语境;C选项指的是维持,这些公司让标准更高,而不是维持标准,不符合语境;D选项指的是施加物理压力,不符合上下文语义。【句意】肯德基、麦当劳和必胜客等连锁店带动以色列形成客户服务新标准。第5题:【选项释义】A. secure (尤指经过努力)获得,取得 B. assure 使确信(告诉某人某事肯定是真的或一定会发生,尤指当他们对此有怀疑时)C. preserve 保护,保留 D. ensure 保证,确保【答案】D【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】横线所在内容和the friendliness构成动宾搭配关系,指的是通过培训员工,确保员工对客人态度友好,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合语境。【句意】肯德基、麦当劳和必胜客等连锁店带动以色列形成客户服务新标准,它们严格培训员工,并且持续监督,以确保服务员态度友好。第6题:【选项释义】A. taken on 承担 B. focused on 集中于C. put on 举办(演出、展览);提供(服务) D. caught on 流行【答案】D【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】结合上一句说到这些连锁店带动以色列形成客户服务新标准,可知许多以色列人模仿美国的服务方式,美国人的服务习惯在这里变得流行,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合上下文语义。【句意】甚至连美国人对即将离开的顾客说“祝你今天愉快”的习惯也在以色列流行开来。第7题:【选项释义】A. customers 顾客,客户 B. businesses 商业C. competitors (尤指商业方面的)竞争者,对手 D. monopolies 垄断,被垄断的商品(或服务)【答案】A【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】根据关键词until recently和now,结合语境,横线所在内容对应the revengeful customer,这里在把以前和现在企业对客户的态度进行对比,以前对待客户比较随意,现在却害怕他们因为服务不周而不再光顾,customers符合语境,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项均不符合相应的逻辑关系。【句意】直到最近,垄断企业还可以视客户的到来理所当然,现在却害怕市场营销学教授迈克尔佩里所说的“报复性顾客”。第8题:【选项释义】A. set up 设立,设置 B. opened up 开放;(机会、可能性)出现C. took up 开始从事(对某事物感兴趣,并为此花时间,无论是作为爱好还是职业) D. gave up 放弃【答案】B【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】上一句说到垄断企业前段时间还不担心客源,现在害怕客户不上门,这一句又说政府和电话公司竞争,说明这里指的是从垄断到市场开放,垄断企业也要开始竞争了,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项和D选项均不符合上下文语义;C选项指的是对某事感兴趣,而这兴趣可以是爱好或者是职业,不能搭配competition,不符合语境。【句意】当政府与电话公司Bezaq展开竞争时。第9题:【选项释义】A. sector (尤指一国经济的)部门,领域,行业 B. segment 部分,份,片(某事物的一部分,与其他部分分开或可以单独考虑的部分)C. share (在若干人之间分得的)一份(market share 市场份额) D. section 部门,处,科【答案】C【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】这里说到政府和电话公司在市场进行上竞争,结合各个选项的意思,可知这里指的是市场份额降低,market share的意思为“市场份额”,符合英文的表达习惯,因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项和D选项不符合上下文语义;B选项指的是某事物的一部分,市场份额指的是所占比例,不符合语境。【句意】当政府与电话公司Bezaq展开竞争时,它的国际分公司失去了40%的市场份额,尽管它提供了有竞争力的价格。第10题:【选项释义】A. claim 宣称,声称 B. complaint 抱怨,埋怨C. revenge 报复,报仇 D. charge (商品和服务所需的)要价,收费【答案】C【考查点】关键词同义转化。【解题思路】横线所在内容对应该段第二句提到的the revengeful customer,指的是这些客户因为服务不周而不再光顾,因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不是关键词同义转化,不符合语境。【句意】佩里说:“人们想要报复多年来糟糕的服务。”第11题:【选项释义】A. which 哪一个,哪一些 B. whose (特指)那个人的,那一个的C. where (在)情况下 D. that (用于某些动词、形容词和名词后,引出从句)【答案】B【考查点】从句。【解题思路】横线所在内容和monopoly may be short-lived是修饰The electric company的定语从句,并且monopoly和所修饰部分是所属关系,whose表示所属关系,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不表示所属关系,语法错误。【句意】可能只是暂时垄断市场的电力公司。第12题:【选项释义】A. permitting 允许,准许 B. insuring 投保,给保险C. limiting 限制,限定 D. requiring 使做(某事)【答案】D【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】上一句提到客户会因服务不周而不再光顾,这里提到电力公司可能不会永远垄断,可知电力公司会提高服务质量,让客人不再等那么久,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项放进句子中表示允许客户等待很久,不符合上下文语义;B选项指的是投保,不符合语境;C选项放进句子中表示限制客户的等待时间,要等半天才可以等来修理工,不符合上下文语义。【句意】可能只是暂时垄断市场的电力公司,突然不再让用户花半天的时间等修理工了。第13题:【选项释义】A. scheduled 为安排时间,预定 B. arranged (提前)安排,筹备C. regulated (用规则条例)管理 D. directed 监督,指导【答案】A【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】上一句说到客人不再需要等候半天,也就是需要提前半天预约,这里说到具体的预约时间,预约_在半个小时,scheduled表示安排时间,符合语境,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项的词义不表示安排时间,不是最佳答案;C选项表示用规则管理,这里指的是安排时间,而非用规则管理预约,不符合上下文语义;D选项表示监督和指导,这里没有监督和指导预约的意思,不符合上下文语义。【句意】现在,预约时间为半小时。第14题:【选项释义】A. standards (品质的)标准,水平 B. customers 顾客,客户C. surveys 民意调查 D. employees 雇工,雇员【答案】D【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】上文说到不让客人久等,强调服务的重要性,这一句同样表达服务的重要性,航空公司要求_重视服务,employees符合语境,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合上下文语义。【句意】已被拍卖、不重视服务的以色列航空公司,要求员工以服务为中心。第15题:【选项释义】A. remark 谈论,言论 B. quotation 引语,引文,语录C. slogan 标语,口号,广告语 D. saying 谚语,格言【答案】C【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】横线后的句子是对横线所在内容的具体解释,结合关键词ad,可知横线所在内容指的是广告标语,因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均不符合相应的逻辑关系。【句意】已被拍卖、不重视服务的以色列航空公司,要求员工以服务为中心,并在广告宣传中打出了广告语,你能感觉到空气中的变化。12. 单选题Many products, including prescription drugs, are regulated by the federal government. However, the states have laws that allow injured consumers to sue a manufacturer.问题1选项A.complainB.chargeC.executeD.punish【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. complain 埋怨,发牢骚 B. charge 控告,起诉C. execute (尤指依法)处决;实行,执行 D. punish 对判罪【答案】B【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】sue的意思为“控告,提起诉讼”,这里指各州的法律允许消费者起诉制造商,charge的词义与之相近,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】许多产品,包括处方药,都由联邦政府监管。然而,各州的法律允许权益受到侵害的消费者起诉制造商。13. 填空题Animal behavior was studied as a discipline on its own, and human behavior was studied similarly inrelatively isolation. However, behavioral traits in animals and in humans may under certaincircumstances have profound effects on A B Cbreeding patterns and mate selection. D【答案】B relatively改为relative【解析】【考查点】定语。【解题思路】在B部分中,isolation“孤立状态”是名词,应该用形容词作为定语修饰名词,所以此处应为relative“相比较而言的”。【句意】动物行为是作为一门独立的学科来研究的,人类行为也是在相对孤立的环境中研究的。然而,在某些情况下,动物和人类的行为特征可能会对繁殖模式和配偶选择产生深远的影响。14. 填空题Since competition is seen as the major source of progress and prosperity by most Americans, competitive business institutions are respected. Competition is not only good in itself, it is the meanswhich other basic American values such A B


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