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2022年考博英语-武汉大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题In an age of perpetual digital connectedness, why do people seem so disconnected? In a Duke University study, researchers found that from 1985 to 2004, the percentage of people who said there was no one with whom they discussed important matters tripled, to 25%; the same study found that overall, Americans had one-third fewer friends and confidants than they did decades ago.Another recent study, by researchers at the University of Michigan, found that college students today have significantly less empathy than students of generations past did. The reason, psychologists speculate, may have something to do with our increasing reliance on digital communication and other forms of new media.Its possible that instead of fostering real friendships off-line, e-mail and social networking may take the place of themand the distance inherent in screen-only interactions may breed feelings of isolation or a tendency to care less about other people. After all, if you dont feel like dealing with a friends problem online, all you have to do is to log off.The problem is, as empathy wanes, so does trust. And without trust, you cant have a cohesive society. Consider the findings of a new study co-authored by Kevin Rockmann of George Mason University and Gregory Northcraft at the University of Illinois who specializes in workplace collaboration. Northcraft says high-tech communications like e-mail and (to a lesser extent) videoconferencingwhich are sometimes known as “lean communication” because they have fewer cues like eye contact and posture for people to rely onstrip away the personal interaction needed to breed trust. In a business settingas in all other social relationships outside the workplacetrust is a necessary condition for effective cooperation within a group. “Technology has made us much more efficient but much less effective,” said Northcraft in a statement. “Something is being gained, but something is being lost. The something gained is time, and the something lost is the quality of relationships. And quality of relationships matters.”In Rockmann and Northcrafts study, 200 students were divided into teams and asked to manage two complicated projects: one having to do with nuclear disarmament; the other, price fixing. Some groups communicated via e-mail, some via video-conference and others face to face. In the end, those who met in person showed the most trust and most effective cooperation; those using e-mail were the least able to work together and get the job done.Northcraft thinks this is because real-life meetings, during which participants can see how engaged their colleagues are, breed more trust. Over e-mail, meanwhile, confirmation of hard work gets lost, which tends to encourage mutual slacking off.17. The study of interpersonal relationships by Duke University reveals that( ).18. The reason why people feel isolated and become less empathetic is that( ).19. According to the passage, the “lean communication”( ).20. Which of the following best summarizes the passage?问题1选项A.people become shyer and timider than beforeB.people tend to be less compassionate than beforeC.people may feel more isolated than beforeD.people prefer communicating with others online问题2选项A.it is very challenging to foster a friendship in real lifeB.they have more opportunities to get to know new peopleC.digital communication is replacing real-life friendshipsD.it is easy to escape from helping their friends if they like问题3选项A.makes us work more effectivelyB.lacks non-verbal interactionC.helps people to develop trustD.facilitates workplace cooperation问题4选项A.Digital communication is hurting personal relationship.B.Online networking may take the place of offline relationship.C.New media contribute less to fostering real friendship.D.Real-life meetings can breed trust among students.【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A【解析】17.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段第二句In a Duke University study, researchers found that from 1985 to 2004, the percentage of people who said there was no one with whom they discussed important matters tripled, to 25%; the same study found that overall, Americans had one-third fewer friends and confidants than they did decades ago.(在杜克大学的一项研究中,研究人员发现,从1985年到2004年,说找不到可以一起讨论重要事情的人的比例增加了两倍,达到25%;同样的研究发现,总体而言,美国人的朋友和知己比几十年前少了三分之一。),说明杜克大学的研究发现和以前相比,人们的朋友更少,更孤立。因此C选项“人们可能会感到比以前更加孤立”正确。A选项“人们会变得比以前更害羞、更胆小”,B选项“人们的同情心往往不如以前了”,D选项“人们更喜欢在网上与人交流”均不属于杜克大学的研究发现内容,所以A,B,D错误。18.【试题答案】C【试题解析】客观细节题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段Another recent study, by researchers at the University of Michigan, found that college students today have significantly less empathy than students of generations past did. The reason, psychologists speculate, may have something to do with our increasing reliance on digital communication and other forms of new media.(密歇根大学的研究人员最近进行的另一项研究发现,与上一代人相比,如今的大学生明显缺乏同情心。心理学家推测,原因可能与我们越来越依赖数字交流和其他形式的新媒体有关。),说明人们变得缺乏同情心的原因是越来越依赖线上交流。因此C选项“数字交流正在取代现实生活中的朋友关系”正确。A选项“在现实生活中培养友谊是非常具有挑战性的事情”,B选项“他们有更多的机会认识新朋友”,D选项“如果他们想的话,可以轻松逃避帮助朋友”均不符合题意,所以A,B,D错误。19.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干关键词“lean communication”可以定位到文章第四段第四句Northcraft says high-tech communications like e-mail and (to a lesser extent) videoconferencingwhich are sometimes known as “lean communication” because they have fewer cues like eye contact and posture for people to rely onstrip away the personal interaction needed to breed trust.(诺斯克拉夫特说,像电子邮件和视频会议这样的高科技沟通方式,有时被认为是“低效沟通”,因为它们很少有眼神交流和人们可以依赖的姿势等线索,它们剥夺了培养信任所需的人际互动。),说明“低效沟通”意味着缺乏眼神交流和肢体语言,即缺乏人与人之间的交流与互动。因此B选项“缺乏非语言互动”正确。A选项“使我们的工作更有效率”,由原文可知,作者并不认为科技能使我们工作更加有效,所以A错误。C选项“有助于人们建立信任”,原文说到strip away the personal interaction needed to breed trust(剥夺了人们培养信任所必需的人与人之间的互动),说明“低效沟通”并不能加强信任,所以C错误。D选项“促进职场合作”,由原文可知,科技让人失去了人际关系的品质,通过电子邮件等高科技通讯手段交流的小组在合作以及完成任务方面表现得是最差的,说明“低效沟通”不能促进职场合作,所以D错误。20.【试题答案】A【试题解析】主旨大意题。文章首先介绍了研究表明线上交流会让人感觉更孤单、缺乏同情心,接着又介绍了线上交流不利于职场合作,并举出具体的例子来证明这一点。由此可知本文的主题是线上交流会危害人际关系。因此A选项“数字交流正在伤害人际关系”正确。B选项“线上网络可能会取代线下关系的地位”,C选项“新媒体对培养真正的友情贡献较小”,D选项“现实生活中的见面可以培养学生之间的信任”均不能完整地概括本文的主旨,所以B,C,D错误。2. 翻译题各国文明的多样性,是人类社会的基本特征,也是推动世界文明进步的重要动力。当今世界拥有60亿人口,200多个国家和地区,2 500多个民族,5 000多种语言。由于历史传统、宗教信仰、文化背景、社会制度、价值观念和发展程度的不同,各个国家和地区才具有了各自鲜明的特征,整个人类文明也因此而交相辉映、多姿多彩、富有活力。这种文明的多样性是在历史长河中形成的,并将长期存在下去。我们应该尊重和维护各国文明的多样性,而不应人为歧视或贬低他国文明;应该鼓励各种文明在对话交流中相互借鉴、取长补短,而不应相互隔绝和相互排斥;应该倡导各种文明在相互包容、求同存异中共同发展,而不应强求一律、强加于人。随着经济全球化和新科技革命的发展,国家间的相互联系和相互依存愈益加深,但这并不意味着可以忽视和削弱国家主权的地位与作用。必须实行国际关系民主化。不尊重别国主权,以大欺小,以强凌弱,推行霸权主义和强权政治,实践证明是行不通的。Directions:Translate the following paragraph from Chinese into English. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】The diversity of the worlds civilizations is a basic hallmark of human society and an important driving force that propels human progress. Our world today has over 6 billion inhabitants living in more than 200 countries and regions. They break down into over 2,500 ethnic groups and speak more than 5,000 different languages. Because of the difference in historical tradition, faith and culture, or social system, values and level of development, those countries or regions are often different from one another. It is these differences that make our planet dazzling, colorful and bustling with life. Such diversity is a legacy of history and will stay with us into the future. Instead of harboring bias against or deliberately belittling other civilizations, we should give full respect to the diversity of civilizations all over the world. Instead of shutting each other out in mutual exclusion, we should encourage dialogues and exchanges between civilizations so that they can learn from each other in mutual emulation. Instead of demanding uniformity and imposing ones will on others, we should promote common development of all civilizations in the course of mutual tolerance and seeking agreement while shelving differences.With the globalization of economy and the advancement in new, scientific and technological revolution, the interconnection and interdependence between countries are developing in depth, but this doesnt mean allowing of ignoring and weakening the status and role of a nations sovereignty. It is necessary to have greater democracy in international relations. Practice indicates that the disregard for other countries sovereignty, the practice of the big oppressing the small and the strong bullying the weak and the pursuance of hegemonism and power politics wont work.3. 单选题Standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon, gazing across this giant wound in the Earths surface, a visitor might assume that the canyon had been caused by some ancient convulsion. In fact the events that produced the canyon, far from being sudden and cataclysmic, simply add up to the slow and orderly process of erosion.Many millions of years ago the Colorado Plateau in the Grand Canyon area contained 10,000 more feet of rock than it does today and was relatively level. The additional material consisted of some 14layered formations of rock. In the Grand Canyon region these layers were largely worn away over the course of millions of years.Approximately 65 million years ago the plateaus flat surface in the Grand Canyon area bulged upward from internal pressure; geologists refer to his bulging action as up warping; it was followed by a general elevation of the whole Colorado Plateau, a process that is still going on. As the plateau gradually rose, shallow rivers that meandered across it began to run more swiftly and cut more definite courses. One of these rivers, located east of the upwarp, was the ancestor of the Colorado. Another river system called the Hualapai, flowing west of the upwarp, extended itself eastward by cutting back into the upwarp; it eventually connected with the ancient Colorado and captured its waters. The new river then began to carve out the 277-mile-long trench that eventually became the Grand Canyon. Geologists estimate that this initial cutting action began no earlier than 10 million years ago.Since then, the canyon forming has been cumulative. To the corrosive force of the river itself have been added other factors. Heat and cold, rain and snow, along with the varying resistance of the rocks, increase the opportunities for erosion. The canyon walls crumble; the river acquires a cutting tool, tons of debris, rainfall running off the high plateau creates feeder streams that carve side canyons. Pushing slowly backward into the plateau, the side canyons expose new rocks, and the pattern of erosion continues.1.What does the passage mainly discuss?2.According to the passage, the first phenomenon to contribute to the formation of the Grand Canyon was( ).3.Which of the following conclusions about the Grand Canyon can be drawn from the passage?4.The passage would most likely be found in a textbook on which of the following subjects?问题1选项A.Patterns of erosion in different mountain ranges.B.Forces that made the Grand Canyon.C.The increasing pollution of the Colorado River.D.The sudden appearance of the Grand Canyon.问题2选项A.a series of volcanic eruptionsB.the collapse of rock formations in the Colorado PlateauC.a succession of floods from the Hualapai River and what is now the Colorado RiverD.the Earths internal pressure lifting the Colorado Plateau region问题3选项A.Its contours are constantly changing.B.It contains approximately 14 million tons of rock.C.Its eruptions have increased in recent years.D.It is being eroded by toxic waste and pollutants.问题4选项A.Astronomy.B.Botany.C.Geology.D.Chemistry.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C【解析】第1题:1.【选项释义】1. What does the passage mainly discuss? 1. 这篇文章主要讨论什么?A. Patterns of erosion in different mountain ranges. A. 不同山脉的侵蚀模式。B. Forces that made the Grand Canyon. B. 形成大峡谷的因素。C. The increasing pollution of the Colorado River. C. 科罗拉多河日益严重的污染。D. The sudden appearance of the Grand Canyon. D. 大峡谷的突然出现。【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】首先,根据首段第二句“事实上,形成峡谷的事件远不是突然的、灾难性的,而是缓慢而有序的侵蚀过程”,和末段第一句“从那时起,峡谷的形成是累积的”可知,本文关注的话题是峡谷的形成;然后,结合文章的行文结构,文章的后面三段都是在论述峡谷形成的一些因素;综合理解可推断,文章主要讨论的是形成大峡谷的因素,B项正确。【干扰项排除】A项“不同山脉的侵蚀模式”只是在文章中部分提及,属于以偏概全;C项“科罗拉多河日益严重的污染”在文中并没有提到,属于无中生有;D项“大峡谷的突然出现”根据原文可知,峡谷的形成是一个缓慢的过程,所以该项属于反向干扰。第2题:2.【选项释义】2. According to the passage, the first phenomenon to contribute to the formation of the Grand Canyon was _. 2. 根据这篇文章,第一个促成大峡谷形成的现象是_。A. a series of volcanic eruptions A. 一连串的火山爆发B. the collapse of rock formations in the Colorado Plateau B. 科罗拉多高原岩层的崩塌C. a succession of floods from the Hualapai River and what is now the Colorado River C. 来自瓦拉派河和现在的科罗拉多河的一连串洪水D. the Earths internal pressure lifting the Colorado Plateau region D. 地球内部的压力抬升了科罗拉多高原地区【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干可定位至文章第三段对大峡谷促成因素的描述:大约6500万年前,大峡谷地区高原的平坦表面由于内部压力而隆起;接下来是整个科罗拉多高原的整体提升,随着高原逐渐升高,蜿蜒流过高原的浅水河流开始变得更加湍急,水流的方向也更加明确。它最终连接了古老的科罗拉多河并获得了它的水。这条新河流随后开始挖出长达277英里的海沟,最终形成了大峡谷。”从中可知,最初促成大峡谷形成的现象是地球内部压力抬升了整个科罗拉多高原,D项“地球内部的压力抬升了科罗拉多高原地区”符合原文。因此,该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A项“一连串的火山爆发”和C项“来自瓦拉派河和现在的科罗拉多河的一连串洪水”在文中没有提及,属于无中生有;B项“科罗拉多高原岩层的崩塌”是其他的累积因素,并不是最初造成大峡谷的现象,属于本末倒置。第3题:3.【选项释义】3. Which of the following conclusions about the Grand Canyon can be drawn from the passage? 3. 下面哪个关于大峡谷的结论可以从这篇文章中得出?A. Its contours are constantly changing. A. 它的轮廓在不断变化。B. It contains approximately 14 million tons of rock. B. 它含有大约1400万吨的岩石。C. Its eruptions have increased in recent years. C. 近年来,火山喷发次数有所增加。D. It is being eroded by toxic waste and pollutants. D. 它正受到有毒废物和污染物的侵蚀。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第三段第一句中的“这个过程仍在继续(a process that is still going on)”,和第四段最后一句中的“侵蚀的模式仍在继续(the pattern of erosion continues)”可推测,大峡谷的轮廓还在持续地变化,所以A项“它的轮廓在不断变化”符合原文。【干扰项排除】B项“它含有大约1400万吨的岩石”、C项“近年来,火山喷发次数有所增加”和D项“它正受到有毒废物和污染物的侵蚀”在原文中没有依据,属于无中生有。第4题:4.【选项释义】4. The passage would most likely be found in a textbook on which of the following subjects? 4. 这篇文章最有可能在教科书中找到下列哪一个主题?A. Astronomy. A. 天文学。B. Botany. B. 植物学。C. Geology. C. 地理学。D. Chemistry. D. 化学。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】通读全文可知,这篇文章主要描述的是大峡谷形成的成因,而这是地质学研究的范畴,所以这篇文章可能见于一本地质学教材,因此C项“地理学”正确。【干扰项排除】A项“天文学”、B项“植物学”和D项“化学”都与本文无关,属于张冠李戴。4. 单选题Over the past decade, American companies have tried hard to find ways to discourage senior managers from feathering their own nests at the expense of their shareholders. The three most popular reforms have been recruiting more outside directors in order to make boards more independent, linking bosses pay to various performance measures, and giving bosses share options, so that they have the same long-term interests as their shareholders.These reforms have been widely adopted by Americas larger companies, and surveys suggest that many more companies are thinking of following their lead. But have they done any good? Three papers presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management in Boston this week suggest not.Start with those independent boards. On the face of it, dismissing the bosss friends from the board and replacing them with outsiders looks a perfect way to make senior managers more accountable. But that is not the conclusion of a study by Professor James Westphal. Instead, he found that bosses with a boardroom full of outsiders spend much of their time building alliances, doing personal favors and generally pleasing the outsiders.All too often, these seductions succeed. Mr. Westphal found that, to a remarkable degree, “independent” boards pursue strategies that are likely to favor senior managers rather than shareholders. Such companies diversify their business, increase the pay of executives and weaken the link between pay and performance.To assess the impact of performance-related pay, Mr. Westphal asked the bosses of 103 companies with sales of over $ 1 billion what measurements were used to determine their pay. The measurements varied widely, ranging from sales to earnings per share. But the researchers big discovery was that bosses attend to measures that affect their own incomes and ignore or play down other factors that affect a companys overall success.In short, bosses are quick to turn every imaginable system of corporate government to their advantage一which is probably why they are the people who are put in charge of things. Here is a paradox for the management theorists: any boss who cannot beat a system designed to keep him under control is probably not worth having.1.What is the purpose of the large companies in recruiting outsiders and putting them on the board of directors?2.What does Professor James Westphals study suggest?3.Which of the following statements is true?4.How does the author feel about the efforts to control senior executives?问题1选项A.To diversify the business of corporation.B.To enhance the cooperation between the senior managers and the board directors.C.To introduce effective reforms in business management.D.to protect the interests of the shareholders.问题2选项A.Boardroom reforms have failed to achieve the desired result.B.Outside board directors tend to be more independent.C.With a boardroom full of outsiders, senior managers work more conscientiously.D.Cooperation between senior managers and board directors suffered from the reforms.问题3选项A.Corporate executives in general are worth the high pay they receive.B.The income of corporate executives is proportional to the growth of corporate profits.C.Corporate executives tend to take advantage of their position to enrich themselves.D.The performance of corporate executives affects their own interests more than those of the shareholders.问题4选项A.Doubtful.B.Optimistic.C.Positive.D.Approving.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A【解析】第1题:1.【选项释义】1. What is the purpose of the large companies in recruiting outsiders and putting them on the board of directors? 1. 大企业把外来者招进董事会的目的是什么?A. To diversify the business of corporation. A. 使公司业务多样化。B. To enhance the cooperation between the senior managers and the board directors. B. 加强高级管理人员与董事会之间的合作。C. To introduce effective reforms in business management. C. 对企业管理进行有效改革。D. To protect the interests of the shareholders. D. 保护股东利益。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第一段的内容“美国公司一直在努力寻找方法来阻止高级管理人员以牺牲股东利益为代价来牟取私利。最受欢迎的三项改革是:招募更多的外部董事以使董事会更加独立”,可知,招募外来者进董事会的目的是阻止高级管理人员以牺牲股东利益为代价来牟取私利,即保护股东的利益,D项正确。【干扰项排除】A项“使公司业务多样化”是韦斯特法尔的研究发现,与题干无关,属于张冠李戴;B项“加强高级管理人员与董事会之间的合作”根据解题思路可知,该项曲解原文;C项“对企业管理进行有效改革”,根据第二段最后两句“但这些改革真的有效吗?本周在波士顿召开的管理学会年会上提交的三篇论文表明,答案是否定的。”可知,把外来者招进董事会的这种改革是没有作用的,该项属于反向干扰。第2题:2.【选项释义】2. What does Professor James Westphals study suggest? 2. 詹姆斯韦斯特法尔教授的研究表明了什么?A. Boardroom reforms have failed to achieve the desired result. A. 董事会改革未能达到预期效果。B. Outside board directors tend to be more independent. B. 外部董事往往更独立。C. With a boardroom full of outsiders, senior managers work more conscientiously. C. 在董事会里挤满了局外人的情况下,高级经理们工作起来会更加认真。D. Cooperation between senior managers and board directors suffered from the reforms. D. 高层管理人员和董事会之间的合作受到了改革的影响。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据关键词Professor James Westphal定位到第三段,最后一句提到“James Westphal教授发现董事会里全是外部人士的老板们花了很多时间来建立联盟,牟取私利,以及取悦外部人士”,潜在意思是说,董事会改革并没有达到预期效果。选项A符合原文。【干扰项排除】B项“外部董事往往更独立”和D项“高层管理人员和董事会之间的合作受到了改革的影响”没有体现,属于无中生有;C项“在董事会里挤满了局外人的情况下,高级经理们工作起来会更加认真”,根据第三段第二和第三句“从表面上,将老板的心腹赶出董事会,并由外部人士取代他们,似乎是让高级管理人员更负责任的完美方法。但这并不是James Westphal教授的一项研究的结论。”可知,该项并不是詹姆斯韦斯特法尔教授的研究结果,该项属于反向干扰。第3题:3.【选项释义】3. Which of the following statements is true? 3. 下列哪一项是正确的?A. Corporate executives in general are worth the high pay they receive. A. 一般来说,公司高管们的高薪是值得的。B. The income of corporate executives is proportional to the growth of corporate profits. B. 公司高管的收入与公司利润的增长成正比。C. Corporate executives tend to take advantage of their position to enrich themselves. C. 公司高管们往往利用他们的职位来牟利。D. The performance of corporat


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