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2022年考博英语-华中科技大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 翻译题一位专家近日称,漱口水(Mouthwashes)可能会导致口腔癌,并呼吁超市停售这类产品。1. 澳大利亚一名科学家对近期的一些相关研究进行调研后做出评论:目前有“足够的证据”可证明含有酒精的漱口水会增加患口腔癌的风险。麦克尔迈克洛夫教授称,一些漱口水比葡萄酒或啤酒还要危险,因为它们所含的酒精浓度较高,达到26%。该研究结果在澳大利亚口腔健康期刊上发表。迈克洛夫教授指出,漱口水应需处方才能购买,而且建议只能短期使用。他说:“我们发现口腔癌患者正是使用了含有酒精的漱口水,而并未涉及其他风险因素,所以在这项研究中,我们深入分析了现有的全部病例。”2. 吸烟和饮酒已被认定为口腔癌的主要发病因素,每年英国有五千人患口腔癌,死亡病例达1600人。来自墨尔本大学的迈克洛夫教授称,漱口水中的酒精会导致烟碱等致癌物更易渗入口腔内壁。而且酒精的代谢产物乙醛也容易通过漱口过程在口腔中堆积,这种物质也会致癌。3.该评论报告了一项有3210人参加的全球性研究提供的证据。这项研究发现,每天用漱口水是导致患头颈癌的一个“很重要的风险因素”。【答案】1. There is sufficient evidence that those containing alcohol contribute to increased risk of the disease, according to a review of the latest studies by an Australian scientist.2. Smoking and alcohol consumption are well-established risk factors in oral cancer which is diagnosed in 5,000 people in the UK each year, and causes 1,600 deaths.3. The review reported evidence from an international study of 3,210 people which found daily mouthwash use was a significant risk factor for head and neck cancer.2. 翻译题Although television on demand has not yet become a mainstream activity in the UK, the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 have all invested vast sums of money in technology which enables viewers to watch their favourite shows on their computers.1. But some critics, including some internet service providers, have warned that the internet will collapse under the strain of millions of people downloading programmes at the same time.Over the next four years, it is thought that the number of videos watched over the internet will quadruple, with people moving from short clips to hour-long programmes.2. Broadband companies claim that the service will cause “traffic jams”, which will cost millions of pounds to sort out.But Mr Cerf dismissed the warnings as “scare tactics”, saying that critics had predicted 20 years ago that the net would collapse when people all around the world started to use it en masse.3. “In the intervening 30 years its increased a million times Were far from exhausting the capacity” he said, “Its an understandable worry when they see huge amounts of information being moved around online.”【答案】1. 但包括部分互联网服务提供商在内的批评人士警告说,如果几百万人在同一时间下载节目,互联网会因无法承受压力而崩溃。2. 宽带公司称,这一服务会导致“网络交通堵塞”,而“疏通”成本高达数百万英镑。3. 他说:“过去三十年中,互联网的容量增加了一百万倍我们还远没用尽这些容量。看到大量信息在互联网间传输,有人产生这样的担忧是可以理解的。”3. 写作题You are required to write about 200 words on the following topic “ The Significance of the Spring Festival Gala”.【答案】The Significance of the Spring Festival Gala4. 单选题Painter Frida Kahlo (19101954) often used harrowing images derived from her Mexican heritage to express suffering caused by a disabling accident and a stormy marriage. Suggesting much personal and emotional content, her worksmany of them self-portraitshave been exhaustively psychoanalyzed, while their political content has been less studied. Yet Kahlo was an ardent political activist who in her art sought not only to explore her own roots, but also to champion Mexicos struggle for an independent political and cultural identity.Kahlo was influenced by Marxism, which appealed to many intellectuals in the 1920s and 1930s, and by Mexican nationalism. Interest in Mexicos culture and history had revived in the nineteenth century, and by the early 1900s, Mexican indigenista tendencies ranged from a violently anti-Spanish idealization of Aztec Mexico to an emphasis on contemporary Mexican Indians as the key to authentic Mexican culture. Mexican nationalism, reacting against contemporary United States political intervention in labor disputes as well as against past domination by Spain, identified the Aztecs as the last independent rulers of an indigenous political unit. Kahlos form of Mexicanidad, a romantic nationalism that focused upon traditional art uniting all indigenistas, revered the Aztecs as a powerful pre-Columbian society that had united a large area of the Middle Americas and that was thought to have been based on communal labor, the Marxist ideal.In her paintings, Kahlo repeatedly employed Aztec symbols, such as skeletons or bleeding hearts that were traditionally related to the emanation of life from death and light from darkness. These images of destruction coupled with creation speak not only to Kahlos personal battle for life, but also to the Mexican struggle to emerge as a nationby implication, to emerge with the political and cultural strength admired in the Aztec civilization. Self-portrait on the Border between Mexico and the United States (1932), for example, shows Kahlo wearing a bone necklace, holding a Mexican flag, and standing between a highly industrialized United States and an agricultural, preindustrial Mexico. On the United States side are mechanistic and modem images such as smokestacks, light bulbs, and robots. In contrast, the organic and ancient symbols on the Mexican sidea blood-drenched Sun, lush vegetation, an Aztec sculpture, a pre-Columbian temple, and a skull alluding to those that lined the walls of Aztec templesemphasize the interrelation of life, death, the earth, and the cosmos.Kahlo portrayed Aztec images in the folkloric style of traditional Mexican paintings, thereby heightening the clash between modem materialism and indigenous tradition; similarly, she favored planned economic development, but not at the expense of cultural identity. Her use of familiar symbols in a readily accessible style also served her goal of being popularly understood; in turn, Kahlo is viewed by some Mexicans as a mythic figure representative of nationalism itself.31.Which one of the following best expresses the main point of the passage?32.Which one of the following statements concerning psychoanalytic and political interpretations of Kahlos work would the author be most likely to agree?33.Which one of the following stances toward the United States does the passage mention as characterizing Mexican nationalists in the early twentieth century?34.In the context of the passage, which one of the following phrases could best be substituted for the word romantic(Paragraph 2, Line 7) without substantially changing the authors meaning?35.The passage implies that Kahlos attitude toward the economic development of Mexico was().问题1选项A.The doctrines of Marxist ideology and Mexican nationalism heavily influenced Mexican painters of Kahlos generation.B.Kahlos paintings contain numerous references to the Aztecs as an indigenous Mexican people predating European influence.C.An important element of Kahlos work is conveyed by symbols that reflect her advocacy of indigenous Mexican culture and Mexican political autonomy.D.The use of Aztec images and symbols in Kahlos art can be traced to the late nineteenth-century revival of interest in Mexican history and culture.问题2选项A.The psychoanalytic interpretations of Kahlos work tend to challenge the political interpretations.B.Political and psychoanalytic interpretations are netplementary approaches to Kahlos work.C.Recent political interpretations of Kahlos work are causing psychoanalytic critics to revise their own interpretations.D.Unlike the political interpretations, the psychoanalytic interpretations make use of biographical facts of Kahlos life.问题3选项A.Opposition to United States involvement in internal Mexican affairs.B.Desire to decrease emigration of the Mexican labor force to the United States.C.Desire to improve Mexicos economic competitiveness with the United States.D.Reluctance to imitate the United States model of rapid industrialization.问题4选项A.Dreamy and escapist.B.Nostalgic and idealistic.C.Fanciful and imaginative.D.Transcendental and impractical.问题5选项A.enthusiasticB.condemnatoryC.cautiousD.noncommittal【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】31.文章主旨题。浏览全文,本文的主题人物是Painter Frida Kahlo,全文的主题句为原文第一段最后一句,“Yet Kahlo was an ardent political activist who in her art sought not only to explore her own roots, but also to champion Mexicos struggle for an independent political and cultural identity.(然而,卡罗是一位热情的政治活动家,在她的艺术中,她不仅寻求探索自己的根源,而且还支持墨西哥争取独立的政治和文化身份的斗争。)”其中的关键词为her art,political activist和political and cultural identity。从而得出本题答案。32.细节推断题。原文第三段第二句中的by implication体现了作者的想法,“by implication, to emerge with the political and cultural strength admired in the Aztec civilization. Self-portrait on the Border between Mexico and the United States (1932) , for example, shows Kahlo wearing a bone necklace, holding a Mexican flag, and standing between a highly industrialized United States and an agricultural, preindustrial Mexico.”而political与选项B重现;not only .but also.体现了 Kahlo作品中Political和psychoanalytic为互相补充的关系。从而得出本题答案。33.事实细节题。根据题干关键词the early twentieth century可定位原文第二段第二句。“Interest in Mexicos culture and history had revived in the nineteenth century, and by the early 1900s, Mexican indigenista tendencies ranged from a violently anti-Spanish idealization of Aztec Mexico to an emphasis on contemporary Mexican Indians as the key to authentic Mexican culture.(19世纪,人们对墨西哥文化和历史的兴趣重新燃起,到20世纪初,墨西哥原住民主义的倾向从对阿兹特克墨西哥的强烈反西班牙理想化,到强调当代墨西哥印第安人是真正墨西哥文化的关键。)”从而得出本题答案。34.语义题。根据题干信息定位到第二段最后一句。“Kahlos form of Mexicanidad, a romantic nationalism that focused upon traditional art uniting all indigenistas, revered the Aztecs as a powerful pre-Columbian society that had united a large area of the Middle Americas and that was thought to have been based on communal labor, the Marxist ideal.” romantic的意思为“浪漫的;多情的;空想的”,根据原文中的traditional, ideal判断得出本题答案。35.细节推理题。根据题干关键词 Kahlos attitude, the economic development of Mexico 可以定位到最后一段第一句,“Kahlo portrayed Aztec images in the folkloric style of traditional Mexican paintings, thereby heightening the clash between modem materialism and indigenous tradition; similarly, she favored planned economic development, but not at the expense of cultural identity.”第一句中提到了Kahlos attitude,她支持planned economic development,接着but转折,不能以cultural identity为代价。从而得出本题答案。5. 单选题Medievalists usually distinguish medieval public law from private law: the former was concerned with government and military affairs and the latter with the family, social status, and land transactions. Examination on medieval womens lives shows this distinction to be overly simplistic. Although medieval women were legally excluded from roles that categorized as public, such as soldier, justice, jury member, or professional administrative official, womens control of landusually considered a private or domestic phenomenonhad important political implications in the feudal system of thirteenth-century England. Since land equaled wealth and wealth equaled power, certain women exercised influence by controlling land. Unlike unmarried women who were legally subject to their guardians or married women who had no legal identity separate from their husbands, women who were widows had autonomy with respect to acquiring or disposing of certain property, suing in court, incurring liability for their own debts, and making wills.Although feudal lands were normally transferred through primogeniture (the eldest son inheriting all), when no sons survived, the surviving daughters inherited equal shares under what was known as partible inheritance. In addition to controlling any such land inherited from her parents and any bridal dowryproperty a woman brought to the marriage from her own familya widow was entitled to use of one-third of her late husbands lands. Called “dower” in England, this grant had greater legal importance under common law than did the bridal dowry; no marriage was legal unless the groom endowed the bride with this property at the wedding ceremony. In 1215 Magna Carta (The charter of English political and civil liberties granted by King John at Runnymede in June 1215) guaranteed a widows right to claim her dower without paying a fine; this document also strengthened widows ability to control land by prohibiting forced remarriage. After 1272 women could also benefit from jointure: the groom could agree to hold part or all of his lands jointly with the bride, so that if one spouse died, the other received these lands.Since many widows had inheritances as well as dowers, widows were frequently the financial heads of the family; even though legal theory assumed the maintenance of the principle of primogeniture, the amount of land the widow controlled could exceed that of her son or of other male heirs. Anyone who held feudal land exercised authority over the people attached to the landknights, rental tenants, and peasantsand had to hire estate administrators, oversee accounts, receive rents, protect tenants from outside encroachment, punish tenants for not paying rents, appoint priests to local parishes, and act as guardians of tenants, children and executors of their wills. Many married women fulfilled these duties as deputies for husbands away at court or at war, but widows could act on their own behalf. Widows legal independence is suggested by their frequent appearance in thirteenth-century English legal records. Moreover, the scope of their sway (a: a controlling influence b: sovereign power: DOMINION c: the ability to exercise influence or authority: DOMINANCE; synonyms see POWER. ) is indicated by the fact that some controlled not merely single estates, but multiple counties.26.Which one of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?27.Which one of the following most accurately expresses the meaning of the world “sway” as it is used in Line 33 of the passage?28.Which one of the following most accurately describes the function of the second paragraph of the passage?29.According to information in the passage, a widow in early thirteenth-century England could control more land than did her eldest son if ( ).30.The primary purpose of the passage is to ( ).问题1选项A.The traditional view of medieval women as legally excluded from many public offices fails to consider thirteenth-century women in England who were exempted from such restrictions.B.The economic independence of women in thirteenth-century England was primarily determined not by their marital status, but by their status as heirs to their parents estates.C.The laws and customs of the feudal system in thirteenth-century England enabled some women to exercise a certain amount of power despite their legal exclusion from most public roles.D.During the thirteenth century in England, widows gained greater autonomy and legal rights to their property than they had had in previous centuries.问题2选项A.Vacillation.B.Dominion.C.Predisposition.D.Inclination.问题3选项A.Providing examples of specific historical events as support for the conclusion drawn in the third paragraph.B.Narrating a sequence of events whose outcomes discussed in the third paragraph.C.Explaining how circumstances described in the first paragraph could have occurred.D.Describing the effects of an event mentioned in the first paragraph.问题4选项A.the widow had been granted the customary amount of dower land and the eldest son inherited the rest of the landB.the widow had three daughters in addition to her eldest sonC.the principle of primogeniture had been applied in transferring the lands owned by the widows late husbandD.the combined amount of land the widow had acquired from her own family and from dower was greater than the amount inherited by her son问题5选项A.explain a legal controversy of the past in light of modem theoryB.evaluate the economic and legal status of a particular historical groupC.resolve a scholarly debate about legal historyD.trace the historical origins of a modem economic situation【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B【解析】26.主旨目的题。全文多次出现关键词,Medievalists, law, women,浏览全文,主题句可定位到第一段第三句。“Although medieval women were legally excluded from roles that categorized as public, such as soldier, justice, jury member, or professional administrative official, womens control of landusually considered a private or domestic phenomenonhad important political implications in the feudal system of thirteenth-century England.(虽然中世纪妇女在法律上被排除在公共角色之外,如士兵、法官、陪审团成员或职业行政官员,但妇女对土地的控制通常被认为是一种私人或家庭现象在13世纪的英国封建制度中具有重要的政治含义。)”由此得出本题答案。27.语义题。根据题干关键词sway定位到原文最后一段最后一句。“Moreover, the scope of their sway (a: a controlling influence b: sovereign power: DOMINION c: the ability to exercise influence or authority: DOMINANCE; synonyms see POWER.) is indicated by the fact that some controlled not merely single estates, but multiple counties.”后面括号中的内容是对其的解释说明,括号中提到influence, power, authority,那么sway的意思则应与这些词相近。选项中dominion意为“主权,统治权”符合要求,从而得出本题答案。28.细节事实题。根据题干定位第二段。原文第一段最后一句“Unlike unmarried women who were legally subject to their guardians or married women who had no legal identity separate from their husbands, women who were widows had autonomy with respect to acquiring or disposing of certain property, suing in court, incurring liability for their own debts, and making wills.”提到了widows(寡妇)如何分得财产,包括suing in court, incurring liability for their own debts和making wills三种情境,第二段就是围绕着这几种情境来具体描述解释相关的法律规定。从而得出本题答案。29.细节事实题。根据题干关键词widow, control more land, her eldest son可定位到原文第二段。根据“the surviving daughters inherited equal shares under what was known as partible inheritance.” “property a woman brought to the marriage from her own family” “a widow was entitled to use of one-third of her late husbands lands.”即可得出本题答案。30.主旨目的题。本文讨论的话题背景时期为thirteenth-century England,与选项B中的a particular historical group对应;原文第一段第四句提到那段特定历史时期是land equaled wealth and wealth equaled power与选项B中的 the economic and legal status 对应。从而得出本题答案。6. 单选题Agricultural progress provided the stimulus necessary to set off economic expansion in medieval France. As long as those who worked the land were barely able to ensure their own subsistence and that of their landlords, all other activities had to be minimal, but when food surpluses increased, it became possible to release more people for governmental, commercial, religious and cultural pursuits.However, not all the funds from the agricultural surplus were actually available for commercial investment. Much of the surplus, in the form of food increases, probably went to raise the subsistence level; an additional amount, in the form of currency gained from the sale of food, went into the royal treasury to be used in waging war. Although Louis VII of France levied a less crushing tax burden on his subjects than did Englands Henry II, Louis VII did spend great sums on an unsuccessful crusade, and his vassalsboth lay and ecclesiastictook over spending where their sovereign stopped. Surplus funds were claimed both by the Church and by feudal landholders, whereupon cathedrals and castles mushroomed throughout France.The simultaneous progress of cathedral building and, for instance, vineyard expansion in Bordeaux illustrates the very real competition for available capital between the Church and commercial interests; the former produced inestimable moral and artistic riches, but the latter had a stronger immediate impact upon gross national product. Moreover, though all wars by definition are defensive, the frequent crossings of armies that lived off the land and impartially burned all the huts and barns on their path consumed considerable resources.Since demands on the agricultural surplus would have varied from year to year, we cannot precisely calculate their impact on the commercial growth of medieval France. But we must bear that impact in mind when estimating the assets that were likely to have been available for investment. No doubt castle and cathedral building was not totally barren of profit (for the builders, that is), and it produced intangible dividends of material and moral satis


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