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2022年考博英语-郑州大学考试名师点拨押题密卷(含答案详解)1. 翻译题Directions: Translate the following part into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.我们将高举和平、发展、合作、共赢的旗帜,维护国家主权、安全、发展利益。我们将加强与各主要大国协调合作,建设良性互动、合作共赢的大国关系。中国愿与国际社会一道,为人类和平与发展事业不懈努力!【答案】We will hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit and safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests. We will strengthen coordination and cooperation with major powers to build a major power relationship featuring benign interaction and win-win cooperation. China is ready to work tirelessly with the international community for the cause of peace and development of mankind!2. 单选题The governments policies in the past five years have shown a(n)( )in emphasizing the necessity of improving the peasants livelihood.问题1选项A.behaviorB.agonyC.coherenceD.exaltation【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。behavior “行为;举止”; agony “苦恼”; coherence “一致;连贯性”;exaltation “欣喜;提拔”。根据时间状语in the past five years (在过去五年)可知政府对提高农民生活水平的持续关注,因此选项C符合题意。3. 单选题Scientists around the world agree that the earths climate is changing due to human activities that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. If left unaddressed, this situation will cause increase severe weather, flooding, disease, and habitat destruction, all of which will have devastating impacts on society.In an effort to reduce its own contribution to climate change, the UN Foundation has initiated a number of efforts in the office and with staff.Steps being taken to reduce the foundations emissions include the following:A light bulb exchange program allows staff to trade regular bulbs from home for Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs). CFLs use 70 percent less energy, are much less expensive to run. and last longer than regular bulbs.The UN Foundation encourages its staff to use public transit where possible and provides them with free public transports vouchers. UNF does not provide or subsidize parking for its employees.The UN Foundation has moved into a new Gold standard LEED-certified office in early 2007, which will further reduce the Foundations impact on the environment while maximizing efficiency, savings and staff comfort. The new office demonstrates high standards in key areas of human and environmental health; energy efficiency, water savings, sustainable materials, indoor environmental quality and sustainable site development.The UN Foundation offsets its greenhouse gas emissions from day-to-day office energy use by contributing to a reforestation project that absorbs the same amount of carbon dioxide as was emitted.To do this, the Foundation used the methodology of the GHG Protocol and tools provided by the World Resources Institute to calculate the total amount of its historical carbon dioxide emission from electricity consumption, heating and cooling and air travel at its Washington D.C. and New York City offices.With pro bono legal services generously provided by Baker & McKenzie, the UN Foundation was then able to purchase an equivalent amount of carbon offsets from a reforestation project in the Sierra Gorda Mountains of Mexico.This LTNDP project sequesters (隔离)carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by reforesting lands previously converted to agricultural and livestock uses. Over and above the sequestration of greenhouse gases, this project also has significant sustainable development benefits by enhancing biodiversity in the most ecosystem-diverse natural protected area in Mexico and by providing local landowners with an income to replace farming or herding. The Biosphere Reserve also recently distinguished itself in the area of sustainable tourism by winning the 2007 Tourism for Tomorrow Destination Award.1. CFLs gain the advantage over regular bulbs for( ).2. Whats the primary cause for UNF providing free public transport vouchers to its staff?3. We can infer from this passage that the LEED certification emphasizes( ).4. Whats the meaning of pro bono in Paragraph 9?问题1选项A.they consume as 70% energy as regular bulbsB.they are much easier to run by usC.their longevity is longer than regular bulbsD.their price is cheaper than regular bulbs问题2选项A.To stop its staff from driving private cars to work.B.To encourages its staff to use public transit.C.To reward its staff with generous welfareD.To reduce the release of greenhouse gases.问题3选项A.inner and outer estheticismB.basic facilities and serviceC.humans health and wellbeingD.energy and environment问题4选项A.Done without compensationB.Being full of adviceC.Especially professionalD.Being a large number【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:D第4题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。题目问的是“节能灯与普通灯泡相比优势在哪里?”文章第四段提到“节能灯比普通灯泡节能70%,运行成本低很多,使用寿命更长” (CFLs use 70 percent less energy, are much less expensive to run, and last longer than regular bulbs),因此选项C“它们的寿命比普通灯泡长”符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“UNF给员工提供免费公交券的主要目的是什么?”文章第三段提到采取了一些措施来减少温室气体的排放量,第四段提出采用节能灯,第五段提到UNF给员工提供免费公交券,让员工在条件允许的情况下使用,根本原因是为了减少气体的排放量,因此选项D符合题意。3.推理判断题。题目问的是“根据文章可知LEED认证强调的是什么?”文章第六段第一句提到联合国基金会2007年年初搬进了一个黄金标准的LEED认证办公室,这将进一步减少基金会对环境的影响 (The UN Foundation has moved into a new Gold standard LEED-certified office in early 2007, which will further reduce the Foundations impact on the environment while maximizing efficiency, savings and staff comfort),并且新办事处在人类和环境卫生的关键领域都是符合高标准的,由此可知LEED认证所关注的问题是能源和环境两方面,选项D符合题意。4.词义题。题目问的是“pro bono是什么意思?”该词出现倒数第二段,With pro bono legal services generously provided by Baker & McKenzie, the UN Foundation was then able to purchase an equivalent amount of carbon offsets from a reforestation project in the Sierra Gorda Mountains of Mexico(联合国基金会就能够从墨西哥Sierra Gorda山脉中的重新造林项目中购买等量的二氧化碳排放抵消量),以及generously“慷慨地”可推测pro bono legal services是“无偿的法律服务”,选项A符合题意。4. 单选题I was very pleased( )the room you provided( )me.问题1选项A./, toB./, forC.with, toD.with, for【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。be pleased with“对感到满意”;provide sth. for sb.“向某人提供某物”。句意:我对你为我提供的房间非常满意。因此D选项正确。5. 单选题These natural resources will be depleted sooner or later if the present rate of exploitation goes on.问题1选项A.minimizedB.deployedC.inclinedD.mingled【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项minimized“使减到最少;小看,极度轻视;最小化”;B选项deployed“配置;展开;使疏开;部署”;C选项inclined“使倾向”;D选项mingled“(使)相混,融合;掺和;(在社交场合)相交往,应酬”。句意:如果按目前的开采速度继续下去,这些自然资源迟早会枯竭。本句关键词be depleted表示“被耗尽”,be minimized可以做同义替换,表示被最小化,被减到最少;因此A选项正确。6. 单选题It is very strange but I had an( )that the Malaysian plane had gone off course and had been caught in a suicidal hijack.问题1选项A.intuitionB.inspirationC.imaginationD.incentive【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。Intuition “直觉”;inspiration “灵感”;imagination “想象力”; incentive “动机,刺激”。分析句子可知,that引导了一个同位语从句,用来解释说明空格处单词的具体内容,因此根据后面的内容可知选项A符合题意。7. 单选题Given the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that such students often have little good to say about their school experience. In one study of 400 adults who had achieved distinction in all areas of life, researchers found that three-fifths of these individuals either did badly in school or were unhappy in school. Few MaCarthur Prize fellows, winners of the MacArthur Award for creative accomplishment, had good things to say about their pre-collegiate schooling if they had not been placed in advanced programs. Anecdotal reports support this. Pablo Picasso, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Oliver Goldsmith, and William Butler Yeats all disliked school. So did Winston Churchill, who almost failed out of Harrow, an elite British school. About Oliver Goldsmith, one of his teachers remarked, “Never was so dull a boy.” Often these children realize that they know more than their teachers, and their teachers often feel that these children are arrogant, inattentive, or unmotivated.Some of these gifted people may have done poorly in school because their gifts were not scholastic. Maybe we can account for Picasso in this way. But most fared poorly in school not because they lacked ability but because they found school unchallenging and consequently lost interest. Yeats described the lack of fit between his mind and school: “Because I had found it difficult to attend to anything less interesting than my own thoughts, I was difficult to teach.” As noted earlier, gifted children of all kinds tend to be strong-willed nonconformists. Nonconformity and stubbornness (and Yeats level of arrogance and self-absorption) are likely to lead to conflicts with teachers.When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities, they are far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers. A writing prodigy studied by David Feldman and Lynn Goldsmith was taught far more about writing by his journalist father than his English teacher. High-IQ children in Australia studied by Miraca Gross had much more positive feelings about their families than their schools. About half of the mathematicians studied by Benjamin Bloom had little good to say about school. They all did well in school and took honors classes when available, and some skipped grades.1. The main point the author is making about schools is that( ).2. The author quotes the remarks of one of Oliver Goldsmiths teachers( ).3. Pablo Picasso is listed among the many gifted children who( ).4. Many gifted people attributed their success( ).5. The root cause of many gifted students having bad memories of their school years is that( ).问题1选项A.they are often incapable of catering to the needs of talented studentsB.they should organize their classes according to the students abilityC.they should satisfy the needs of students from different family backgroundsD.they should enroll as many gifted students as possible问题2选项A.to show how poor Olivers performance was at schoolB.to explain how dull students can also be successfulC.to illustrate the strong will of some gifted childrenD.to provide support for his argument问题3选项A.paid no attention to their teachers in classB.contradicted their teachers much too oftenC.behaved arrogantly and stubbornly in the presence of their teachersD.could not cope with their studies at school successfully问题4选项A.both to school instruction and to their parent coachingB.mainly to parental help and their education at homeC.less to their systematic education than to their talentD.more to their parents encouragement than to school training问题5选项A.they were seldom praised by their teachersB.their nonconformity brought them a lot of troubleC.teachers were usually far stricter than their parentsD.school courses failed to inspire or motivate them【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:D第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。题目问的是“作者关于学校的主要观点是什么?”文章第一段第一句提到“如果有天赋的学生与学校互相不适应,也就不奇怪他们对读书经历没什么好感”(Given the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that such students often have little good to say about their school experience),选项A“它们经常满足不了有天赋的学生的要求”符合题意。2.判断推理题。题目问的是“作者引用Oliver Goldsmith老师的话的目的是什么?”文章第一段提到如Oliver Goldsmith这类有天赋的学生不喜欢学校,接下来列举了他们的学校经历来作证,因此作者引用Oliver老师中的一位的话是为了给自己的论证提供事实支持,选项D符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“像毕加索那样拥有天赋的孩子的特点是什么?”文章第二段第一句提到“这些具有天赋的学生中的一些人在学校可能因为天赋不在学业方面,因此表现很差,比如毕加索”(Some of these gifted people may have done poorly in school because their gifts were not scholastic. Maybe we can account for Picasso in this way),因此选项D“无法应对学校里的学习”符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“很多有天赋的人将他们的成功归功于”文章最后一段第一句提到“当谈到能力培养的重要影响因素时,这些天赋极高的人谈论得更多的是他们的家庭而不是学校或者老师”(When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities, they are far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers),选项B“主要是父母在家里的教育”符合题意。5.细节事实题。题目问的是“很多有天赋的学生对学校没有好的回忆的根本原因是什么?”文章第二段第三句提到“但是大多数人在学校表现不好,并不是因为他们缺乏能力,而是因为他们觉得学校没有挑战性,因此失去了兴趣”(But most fared poorly in school not because they lacked ability but because they found school unchallenging and consequently lost interest),选项D“学校课程不能鼓励和激发他们的兴趣”符合题意。8. 写作题Directions: Mr. Liu, 45 years old, is one of your friends and has passed the PhD entrance examination recently, and youve just got this news. Write to him a letter of congratulation.Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. Start your letter with “Dear Mr. Liu”. Do NOT sign your own name at the end of the letter; use “Chen Ling” instead. You do not need to write the address.【答案】Dear Mr. Liu,I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations on your passing the PhD entrance examination. I know you have studied very hard this time, so I am really glad to see your hard work paid off. I am sure your family and friends must be very proud of you. You showed me that age is not a barrier to advancement. Passing the PhD entrance examination is a fresh start for you, which will bring you a good opportunity to learn from the top professors. Besides, it is good for you to study with so many excellent students who of course will give you the motivation to study hard. I wish you greater success in university and a fruitful life in the future.Sincerely yours,Chen Ling9. 翻译题Directions: Translate the following part into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.我们要树立必胜信念、继续埋头苦干,贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,着力推进结构性改革,着力推进改革开放,着力促进社会公平正义,着力营造政治上的绿水青山,为全面建成小康社会决胜阶段开好局、起好步。【答案】We should remain firm in our conviction to succeed, continue to work hard and implement the vision of achieving innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. We will endeavor to carry out structural reform, accelerate reform and opening-up, promote social equity and justice, and create a sound political environment. Doing so will enable us to get off to a good start in our efforts to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in this decisive stage.10. 单选题During the famine of 1943, millions of Chinese peasants( )to the cities because they could not survive in the rural areas.问题1选项A.emigratedB.estimatedC.migratedD.immigrated【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。emigrate “移民,移居”;estimate “估计,估价”;migrate “移动;移居;随季节而移居”;immigrate “移入”。根据原因状语“因为他们无法在农村存活”可知他们选择移居城市。emigrate一般指移民出境;immigrate一般指移民入境。而从农村到城市不属于这二者,因此选项C符合题意。11. 单选题Life offers us a myriad of( ), even opposing ones, and what is involved in our decision process is to discover and choose what is most suited to arrive at our objectives.问题1选项A.bisociationsB.navigationsC.digeratiD.paradigms【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项bisociations“异类联想”;B选项navigations“航行,航海”;C选项digerati“电脑专家”;D选项paradigms“范例,范式”。句意:生活给我们提供了无数的模式,甚至是对立的模式,而在我们做出决定的过程中,我们要发现并选择最适合我们达到目标的模式。本句表示生活中的范式。因此D选项正确。12. 单选题The famous inventor was awarded an( )doctorate by the university.问题1选项A.honoredB.honoraryC.honorificD.honorable【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。honored “光荣的;荣幸的”; honorary “荣誉的;名誉的”; honorific “尊敬的;敬称的”;honorable “尊敬的”。此处是要表达“荣誉博士”,选项B符合题意。13. 单选题Rumor is the most(1)way of spreading stories by passing them on from mouth(2)mouth. But civilized countries in normal times have better(3)of news than rumor. They have radio, television, and newspapers. In times of stress and(4),(5),rumor; (6)and becomes widespread. At such (7)the different kinds of news are in(8), the press, television, and radio versus the grapevine. Especially(9)rumors spread when war requires censorship(审查,检查)on many important matters. The customary news sources no longer(10)enough information. Since the people cannot learn .(11) legitimate (合法的,正规的)channels all (12)they are anxious to learn, they pick up news (13)they can and when this(14), rumor thrives. Rumors are often repeated(15)by those who do not believe the tales. There is a fascination about them. The reason is(16)the cleverly designed rumor gives expression to something deep in the hearts of the victims -the fears, suspicions, forbidden hopes, or daydreams which they hesitate to(17)directly. Pessimistic (悲观的) rumors about defeat and disasters show that the people who repeat them are(18)and anxious(19)rumors about record production or peace soon coming point to complacency (满足,自得) or confidence - and often to(20).问题1选项A.primitiveB.importantC.impossibleD.outstanding问题2选项A.tillB.toC.forD.by问题3选项A.meansB.waysC.sourcesD.resource问题4选项A.confusionB.peaceC.prosperityD.worried问题5选项A.andB.howeverC.soD.therefore问题6选项A.emergesB.immergeC.immerseD.immense问题7选项A.timeB.the timesC.timesD.the time问题8选项A.competeB.competitionC.commonD.harmony问题9选项A.doB.didC.areD.were问题10选项A.give upB.give offC.give outD.send off问题11选项A.throughB.byC.inD.across问题12选项A.whatB.whyC.whichD.that问题13选项A.whereverB.whereC.whateverD.what问题14选项A.happenedB.would happenC.happensD.happen问题15选项A.everB.evenC.foreverD.much问题16选项A.thatB.whatC.whyD.how问题17选项A.actB.voiceC.behaveD.do问题18选项A.happyB.relievedC.crazyD.worried问题19选项A.BadB.PessimisticC.OptimisticD.Good问题20选项A.overconfidenceB.overweightC.over considerateD.overproduce【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:B第6题:A第7题:C第8题:B第9题:A第10题:C第11题:A第12题:D第13题:A第14题:C第15题:B第16题:A第17题:B第18题:D第19题:C第20题:A【解析】1.考查形容词词义辨析。primitive “原始的”;important “重要的”; impossible “不可能的”;outstanding “杰出的”。根据后一句“but civilized countries ” (但是文明国家),可知空格处应该填入一个与civilized想对应的词,因此选项A符合题意。2.考查固定搭配。from mouth to mouth “口口相传”,选项B符合题意。3.考查名词词义辨析。means “手段,方法”;ways “方法”;sources “来源”;resource “资源”。后一句提到的radio, television, and newspapers都是消息的来源,因此选项C符合题意。4.考查词义辨析。confusion “混乱;混淆”;peace “和平”;prosperity “繁荣,成功”;worried “担心的”。前面提到在正常时期(in normal times),消息有很多其他来源,空格处所在句子后半句提到“谣言又开始传播”说明不是在正常时期,因此选项A符合题意。5.考查逻辑关系。空格处所在句子前面的句子讲的是正常时期(in normal times),后面讲的是紧张混乱时期(in times of stress and confusion),前后是转折关系,因此选项B符合题意。6.考查动词词义辨析。emerge “出现”;immerge “浸入”;immerse “沉浸,使陷入”;immense “巨大的”,形容词。根据空格处后面的“become widespread”(传播很广)可知前面是“谣言出现”,因此选项A符合题意。7.考查固定搭配。such times 或者 such a time,因此选项C符合题意。8.考查词义辨析。compete “竞争”,动词;competition “竞争;比赛”,名词;common “普通,平民”,名词, “共同的,普通的”,形容词;harmony “协调;和睦”。根据空格处后面的内容“the press, television, and radio versus the grapevine”可知是这几种媒体与小道消息对抗,因此选项B符合题意。9.考查逻辑关系。空格处后面是一个完整的句子,因此空格处填入的词是对谓语动词的强调,且时态是一般现在时,因此选项A符合题意。10.考查词组辨析。give up “放弃”;give off “发出(光等)”;give out “分发,发出”;send off “寄出;派遣”。根据后面的名词information,可知只有C选项与之搭配合理。11.考查介词辨析。根据空格处后面的legitimate channels (正规渠道)可知“人们通过这些渠道知晓”,因此,与channel搭配的介词是through, 选项A符合题意。12.考查定语从句。先行词是all,因此引导词只能用that,选项D符合题意。13.考查逻辑关系。Since引导原因状语从句,“因为人们不能通过正规的渠道获取他们想要的信息”,可以推测主句讲的是“他们从各处能获得消息的地方收集消息”,所以选项A符合题意。14.考查时态。根据空格处后面的rumor thrives可知此处是一般现在时,所以选项C符合题意。15.考查逻辑关系。空格处前面是“谣言经常流传”,空格处后面是“在那些不相信的人中”,前后是递进关系,选项B符合题意“谣言甚至会在那些不相信的人中间流传”。16.考查表语从句。空格处填入的词引导一个表语从句,且不在从句中做任何成分,因此选项A符合题意。17.考查动词词义辨析。act “扮演,表现”;voice “表达,吐露”;behave “表现”;do “做”。空格处所在句子的大意是:他们不愿意直接表露出来。选项B符合题意。18.考查形容词词义辨析。happy “高兴”;relieved “放心的”;crazy “疯狂的”;worried “担心的”。主语是pessimistic rumors (悲观的谣言),这种谣言会让人“担心且忧虑”,因此选项D符合题意。19.考查形容词词义辨析。前面提到pessimistic rumors, 此处应与之相对,所以选项C符合题意。20.考查名词词义辨析。overconfidence “自负;过分相信”;overweight “超重”;over considerate “过度体贴”;overproduce “过度生产”。 前面提到了complacency or confidence,空格处在此基础上递进,因此选项A符合题意。14. 单选题Applied science is( )discovering ways to use the knowledge of theoretical science.问题1选项A.concerned aboutB.combined withC.concerned forD.conc


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