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ContentsChinese Abstract2English Abstract31. Introduction42. Theoretical Framework42.1The Establishment and Development of Interpretive Theory of Translation.42.2 Main Points of Interpretive Theory of Translation.52.3Three Layers of Oral Interpretation.63. Features of the Speeches at Boao Forum for Asia.73.1 The Linguistic Features of Speeches.73.2 The Structural Features of Speeches.74. Difficulties in Interpreting Speeches.84.1 Chinese Sentences Without Subject.84.2 Sentences with Idioms or with Chinese Characteristics.95.Interpretation Skills of Speeches under the Guidance of Interpretive Theory of Translation.105.1 Dealing with Non-subject Sentences.105.2 Dealing with Idioms or Words with Chinese Characteristics.116.Conclusion.13References.14从释义论角度分析领导人口译员口译技巧以近三年博鳌亚洲论坛开幕式为例摘 要博鳌亚洲论坛为亚洲地区国家间经济、社会、环境及其他相关问题的讨论提供了便利。做好开幕式致辞的口译工作可以无形之中提升国家软实力,因此对于博鳌亚洲论坛开幕式致辞的口译研究具有深刻的现实意义。本文将以释义论为指导,选取近三年博鳌亚洲论坛开幕式中国领导人致辞为研究对象,从演讲致辞的文本特点入手,分析口译过程的三个环节,即意义理解阶段、脱离语言外壳和译语产出,提出口译过程中要注意无主语句以及含有习语或中国特色的句子,针对无主语句采用改写句式或使用形式主语等方法处理,针对含有习语或中国特色的句子则采用直译、意译、增译法。通过深化译者对于释义论的认识,最终使释义论在口译实践上得到更高程度地应用。关键字:释义理论;开幕式致辞;博鳌亚洲论坛;口译On lnterpreting Techniques of Leaders Speeches from the Perspective of lnterpretive Theory of TranslationTaking the Opening Ceremony of Boao Forum for Asia in Recent Three Years for ExamplesAbstractBoao Forum for Asia has facilitated discussion of economic, social, environmental and other related issues among countries in the Asian region.The interpretation of the speeches of the opening ceremony can improve the soft power of the country. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the interpretation of speeches at the opening ceremony of Boao Forum for Asia. Under the guidance of interpretive theory of translation, this paper selects the speeches delivered by Chinese leaders at the opening ceremony of Boao Forum for Asia in recent three years as research object. This paper discusses the text characteristics of speeches firstly, then analyzes three stages of interpretation process, namely, meaning grasping, deverbalization and target language output. It also points out that in the process of interpretation, it is necessary to pay attention to non-subject sentences and sentences with idioms or Chinese characteristics. When dealing with non- subject sentences, rewriting sentence patterns or using formal subject are frequently used, while dealing with the sentences with idioms or Chinese characteristics, literal translation, free translation and amplification can be adopted. The interpretive theory of translation can be applied to interpreting practice to a higher degree by deepening the translators understanding of interpretive theory of translation.Key words: interpretative theory of translation;opening speech; Boao Forum for Asia; interpretation 1. IntroductionIn recent years, the Asian countries have gained growing international influence due to their unremitting efforts. Many international organizations provide a platform for Asian countries to discuss issues, but few forums are really dominated by Asians and focus on Asian interests. Therefore, once the concept of the forum was put forward, it has been received unanimously recognition from most Asian countries.In general, the opening speeches include simple greetings at the beginning and thanks at the end. The main contents of the speeches are about recent achievements and future prospects. Consecutive interpretation and simultaneous interpretation constitute two basic modes of interpretation. Consecutive interpretation, in which the interpreter does not begin to interpret until the speaker finishes speaking, came into being after the Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1917 (Choi,2003). Simultaneous interpretation has been welcomed by conference organizers because of its simultaneous translation for speakers and no need to occupy conference time. The so-called simultaneous interpretation refers to a kind of translation method that uses one language (the target language) to express the thoughts of speaker and contents of another language (the original language) in oral form at almost the same speed as the speaker of the original language. Simultaneous interpretation is considered to be the most ideal model of speech interpretation in the opening ceremony. The examples in this paper are all simultaneous interpretation.2. Theoretical Framework2.1 The Establishment and Development of Interpretive Theory of TranslationThe most important and classic theory of interpretation was founded by Danica Seleskovitch who was a famous French translator and translation theorist in the 1960s. Her theory holds that the translator should not simply make one-to-one correspondence between language units, but should pursue the meaning equivalence in the process of interpretation.In 1978, the interpretive theory of translation was put forward in the book of Interpreting forInternationalConferences. In the following ten years, the researchers of the ESIT (cole Suprieure dInterprtes et de Traducteurs) introduced linguistics, psychology, cognitive psychology and other disciplines into interpretation research, combined with the practice and summed up the interpretive theory of translation. Danica Seleskovitch and Mariana Lederer first put forward this theory in the publication Practice and Teaching of Interpretation Theory. Both of them are also well-known interpretation theorists and practitioners. Complete equivalence in form or language is impossible. If the interpreter wants to achieve an accurate and appropriate translation, he must consider meaning equivalence. This theory is of great significance to the definition of interpretation, the analysis of interpretation procedures, and the new thought for creation for interpretation teaching (龚龙生,2008). 2.2 Main Points of Interpretive Theory of TranslationAccording to the interpretive theory of translation, interpretation in nature is to explain the real meaning which is not the external form of language (鲍刚,2011). In other words, there are great differences in the forms of language , but interpretation emphasizes the meaning of expressions. In short, the interpretation process under the guidance of the interpretive theory of translation consists of three steps: one is to understand the source language, the second is deverbalization, and the last one is to express the emotion of the original language in the target language (蔡小红, 2007). These three steps are essential to the whole interpreting activity. Interpretive theory of translation focuses on the thought process that needs to be followed in the process of interpretation and makes interlingual translation possible (Danica & Mariana, 1995). For example, in a large conference, a speakers speech in a few minutes is likely to contain hundreds or even thousands of words. The interpreter cant express the content of the speech word by word in another language after listening to it once unless he has a very amazing memory.Therefore, it is easy for the interpreter to remember the overall meaning of the speakers speech, but it is difficult to remember every word used by the speaker accurately (高璐璐 & 朱云翠, 2013). After hearing a few complete sentences, nonverbal memory remains in the interpreters mind. Therefore, the vital thing for interpreters is to understand the meaning of the original text. The interpretive theory of translation holds the view that the interpreter can add some appropriate words according to the content in order to be consistent with the original meaning so that interpretation can be carried out accurately and quickly.The following chart is Seleskovitchs triangular model, which clearly shows the interpretation process. The source language and the target language are located on both sides of the bottom of the triangular, while the sense is at the top. The arrows represent the trancoding from one language to another. The whole interpretation process is to reproduce the meaning of the source language.Sense Language1 Language2TranscodingInterpretation triangular model2.3 Three Layers of Oral InterpretationThe three layers of oral interpretation are language level, speech level and discourse level. For example, (1) 海纳百川,有容乃大。我们应该尊重各国自主选择国家制度和发展道路的权利。The ocean is vast because it tolerates hundreds of rivers. Respecting the right of a country to independently choose its state institution and development path is the defining trend.First, language is the prerequisite for information exchange. The interpretation on language level is to express the original meaning according to the dictionary. In this case, each word is an independent abstract symbol.“海”is interpreted as “the ocean”,“百川”is interpreted as “hundreds of rivers”.Second, interpretation at the speech level depends on a certain background, and the specific meaning should be determined according to the context. The interpretive theory of translation focuses on the semantic transformation (吴小利,2007). Therefore, “发展道路”is interpreted as “development path” rather than the “development road”. It is clear that the “road” here is not a physical object, but an abstract concept. So the “path” is more appropriate expression.Third, interpretation at discourse level is considered to be the most comprehensive model and discourse interpretation emphasizes what the translator wants to express, so it is very important to combine the interpreters cognitive structure with the overall meaning of sentences. Interpretation process is considered to deliver discourse meaning and put the interpreters at a paramount position and abandon the opinion that translation is a single process of code-switching (Li Ming-qing,2009).“海纳百川,有容乃大”is interpreted as “the ocean is vast because it tolerates hundreds of rivers” rather than the “all rivers run into sea”, because the discourse contains the meaning of respecting national systems, the word “tolerates” is considered more suitable.3. Features of the Speeches at Boao Forum for Asia3.1The Linguistic Features of SpeechesAs a platform for promoting economic exchanges, coordination and cooperation among countries in Asia, the Boao Forum for Asia bears great importance. The speech of the national leader always represents the image of the country, most of the speeches at the opening ceremony are prepared in advance, the wordings have been carefully revised, the languages are concise and accurate. The expression of the four character pattern often reflects the traditional Chinese culture while the three character pattern has profound extended meaning. For example,(1)中国人自古强调“以德报德,以诚相待”,我们重情义,我们讲原则。(2)“亲望亲好,邻望邻好。”中国将继续贯彻睦邻友好原则,努力使自身发展更好惠及周边国家。(3)对话合作才是“金钥匙”。(4)中国经济要行稳致远,必须激发自动力,培育新动能。Concise language not only expresses profound meaning, but also follows the principle of simplification in conference interpretation. The speeches delivered by Chinese leaders are not only extremely standardized, but also have many culture loaded words. These words show the characteristics of activities accumulated by specific groups in the history and different from other ethnic groups (李莹,2017).3.2 The Structural Features of SpeechesGenerally speaking, conference speeches have commonly used opening and closing remarks. The opening remarks usually include greetings and thanks. The opening speech of Boao Forum for Asia also follows this rule.At the beginning of the opening ceremony, leaders will express their pleasure to attend the annual meeting and express their heartfelt pleasure to meet so many friends from afar. Next, the spokesperson expresses hearty congratulations on the successful opening of the conference in the name of the Chinese government. The opening remarks of the opening ceremony of the forum are similar over the years, so interpreters can learn from the opening remarks of the former opening ceremony and analyze its characteristics and rules so as to deal with the interpretation of the forum more easily. In addition, the conclusion of the speech also follows certain rules. The concluding remarks all express sincere wishes for the meeting. At the end of each years opening speech, the speaker will use similar words to express his expectation for the success of the conference. The leaders usually elaborate on the theme of the annual meeting firstly, then analyze the current international situation and the problems faced by Asia and the progress made in the past year. Then the Chinese leaders will give a general overview of Chinas situation and finally express Chinas firm determination to build a prosperous Asia. Therefore, the interpreter can memorize the commonly used phrases and expressions, and be confident in the process of interpretation.4. Difficulties in Interpreting Speeches4.1 Chinese Sentences Without SubjectChinese and English sentence patterns are quite different, on account of stark differences lie in Chinese and Western languages (刘永清,2007). English sentence patterns usually require one or more subjects plus predicate verbs. Generally, the sentence patterns are divided into SV, SVO, SVOA, SVA, etc. S (subject) and V (predicate) are necessary in each sentence. However, Chinese sentences usually have implicit subjects. Although the subject is hidden, the meaning is included in the sentence, which is undoubtedly the perfect embodiment of parataxis. In opening speeches, Chinese leaders usually use sentences with hidden subjects to elaborate policies or to propose plans. For example,(1)坚持共同发展大方向,结成亚洲利益共同体。Stick to the defining trend of common development and build an Asian community of shared interests.(2)同心维护和平,为促进共同发展提供安全保障。Stand ready to maintain peace jointly for the sake of providing security safeguard for promoting mutual development.In Practical Grammar of Modern Chinese, Chinese sentences with hidden subjects can be divided according to meanings expressed in the sentence.The first one is to express welcome or wish in an opening or closing statement; the other one is to express the meanings of commandsin the article (刘月华等,2001). Country leaders usually use imperative sentences with hidden subjects to express their constructive opinions. The Chinese audience may have a better understanding of the sentences with hidden subjects, but it is difficult for the audience whose mother tongue is not Chinese to understand. Therefore, how much the implicit subject sentence can be understood after the translation brings great challenges to the interpreter.4.2 Sentences with Idioms or with Chinese CharacteristicsIdioms usually refer to the combination of common words to produce special meanings. It is a phrase or short sentence gradually formed by individuals in daily life. In addition to adages and proverbs, motto of famous people also belong to idioms (包惠南,2003). Chinese culture are broad and profound, Chinese idioms are short and pithy, but they have profound implications, so the translation of idioms has always been an obstacle for interpreters.Proverbs and common sayings belong to the category of idioms. Idioms are characterized by harmonious melody, conciseness and vividness. So Chinese leaders often quote some idioms in their speeches. For example, (1) 中国有句老话,“单丝难成线,独木不成林。”亚洲地区国家要深化全领域务实合作。According to some ancient wisdom .“A Single thread cannot be spun into a cord and a single tree cannot form a forest.” We the Asian countries need to deepen practical cooperation in all-round fields.(2) 习近平曾说过:“远亲不如近邻”。中国坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴,坚持睦邻、富邻,秉持亲诚惠容的观念,努力使自身发展成果惠及周边国家。President Xi said, A far-off relative is not as helpful as a near neighbor”. China committed to the view of sincerity and inclusiveness, and strives to deliver its own development benefits to neighboring countries.These idioms, which are rich in cultural connotations, pose a great challenge to interpretation works. However, there is no universal method to follow when interpreting idioms, and idioms contain many cultural factors, so interpreters must have cross-cultural awareness when interpreting idioms. It is not only necessary to accurately interpret the connotation that Chinese leaders want to express in idioms, but also necessary to let foreign audiences understand meanings of idioms.As we all know, words with Chinese characteristics refer to words with rich cultural connotations that are unique to China. Under the guidance of interpretive theory of translation,there are three steps to follow when interpreting the speeches, the first step is to take the initiative to receive new information and filter out the miscellaneous and invalid information, then to transcode language, and finally to complete the whole sentence interpretation by meaning supplement. Therefore, it will bring some difficulties to interpreters when interpreting sentences with Chinese characteristics. For example,(3)中国经济总量大,外汇储备充裕,但是发展潜力不足,仍需统筹实施新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化。China is home to big economy and excessive foreign exchange reserves, but it still lack of momentum of development. China still need to holistically promote the new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization.The new four modernizations are unique to China, which represent different processes of Chinas development. Only by fully understanding the specific meaning of the new four modernizations can it be properly interpreted. For example, “信息化”refers to the rapid evolution of the IT industry. Target language readers will be confused if “信息化”is translated into “informationization”5. Interpretation Skills of Speeches under the Guidance of Interpretive Theory of Translation5.1 Dealing with Non-subject Sentences5.1.1 Using Imperative SentencesNon-subject sentences are usually composed of a predicate or a predicate phrase. Non-subject sentences are dominant in language communication. It is necessary to make a judgement whether the pragmatic meaning of Chinese sentence needs subject when dealing with a non-subject sentence.For example,(1) 发挥好人力人才资源优势是我们发展的极大潜力和后劲。Leverage our strength in labor supply and human resources will unleash the greatest potential and momentum for development.(2) 激发创新活力,这是中国发展的关键。Work jointly to trigger innovation, which holds the key to Chinese development.By discussing the above two examples, it is easy to find that imperative sentences are usually used at the beginning of a paragraph or sentence. In conference interpreting, the predicate is often selected as the new subject. The transformation of sentence pattern is also one of the approaches of interpretive theory of translation.5.1.2 Using Formal SubjectChinese is topic-prominent language, while English is subject-prominent language. Therefore, in order to convey a clearer meaning, interpreters usually need to add subject according to English habits in Chinese-English interpretation. (1) 这是中国打造法治化、国际化、便利化营商环境的重要举措。It is an important method for China to build a legal, international and convenien


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