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会计学1汽车专业英语原文汽车专业英语原文(yunwn)及翻译及翻译第一页,共61页。obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types ofengine: gasoline(alsocalledaspark-ignitionengine)anddiesel (alsocalledacompression-ignition engine). Both engines are called heat engines; the burning fuel generatesheat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotatea shaft connected to the power train.发动机作为动力设备,常见的类型是内燃机,其原理是通过发动机缸内的液体燃料燃烧而产生能量。发动机可分为两类:汽油机(点燃式)和柴油机(压燃式),都属于热力发动机。燃料燃烧产生热量使缸内气体气压上升,从而产生能量,驱动与动力传动系相连接的轴旋转。The way engine cylinders are arranged is called engine configuration. In-line engines have thecylinders in a line. This design creates a simply cast engine block. In vehicle applications, thenumber of cylinders is normally from 2 up to 6. Usually, the cylinders are vertical. As the numberof the cylinders increase, the length of the block and crankshaft can become a problem. One wayto avoid this is with a V configuration. This design makes the engines block and crankshaft shorterand more rigid.发动机的布置即发动机气缸的排列方式。 发动机缸体按直线排列的即直列式,这种布置使得发动机缸体结构简单(jindn)。汽车发动机一般为 26 缸,通常气缸是垂直放置的,但气缸数量的增加会导致缸体和曲轴的长度过大,解决问题的措施之一就是采用 V 型布置,这种布置方式可以使发动机缸体和曲轴长度尺寸更短,从而大大增加刚度。An engine located at the front can be mounted longitudinally and can drive either the front orthe rear wheels. Rear engine vehicles have the engine mounted behind the rear wheels. Theengine can be transverse or longitudinal and usually drives the rear wheels only.前置发动机可以纵向布置,能够驱动前轮或后轮。后置发动机布置在后轮后侧,发动机即可纵向布置又可横向布置,一般只能驱动后轮。1.3 chassis 底盘the chassis is an assembly of those systems that are the major operating parts of a vehicle.thechassis includes the power train,steering,suspension,and braking systems.底盘由汽车的主要操作系统组装而成。包括传动系、行驶系、转向系和制动系四部分。1)Powertrain system conveys the drive to the wheels.传动系-将驱动力传递到车轮。2)Steering system controls the direction of movement.转向系-控制汽车的行驶方向。3)Suspension and wheels absorbs the road shocks.悬挂系-吸收路面震动4)Brake slows down the vehicle.制动系-使汽车减速缓行。1.3.1 power train system 动力传动系统The power train transfers turning effort from the engine to the driving wheels.a power train can include a clutch manual transmission or a torque converter for automatic transmission, a drive shaft, final drive and differential gears and driving axles. Alternatively,a transaxle may be used. A transaxle is a self-contained unit with a transmission, final drive gears and differential located in one casing.传动系把发动机输出的扭矩传递给驱动轮。传动系包括离合器(对应机械变速器)或液力变矩器(对应液力自动变速器)、变速器、驱动轴、主减速器、差速器和驱动桥。另外有些传动系采用由变速器、主减速器和差速器组成的一体式的变速驱动桥。(或者采用一个独立的变速驱动桥,即变速器在同一个箱体内。)A vehicle with a manual transmission uses a clutch to engage and disengage the engine from thepower train. Engine torque is transmitted through the clutch to the transmission or transaxle.thetransmission contains sets of gears that increase or decrease the torque before it is transmitted第1页/共61页第二页,共61页。to the rest of the power train.the lower the gear ratio selected,the higher the torquetransmissioned.a vehicle starting from rest needs a lot of torque,but once it is moving,it canmaintain speed with only a relatively small amount of torque.a higher gear ratio can then beselected,and engine speed is reduced.对于采用机械变速器的汽车,其发动机扭矩由离合器传递给变速器或变速驱动桥,并通过离合器来控制发动机和传动系的啮合或分离。变速器包含了不同传动比的齿轮副,能够增加或减小扭矩。选择(xunz)的齿轮速比越小,传递的扭矩最大。汽车起步时需要较大的扭矩,一旦起动后,仅需要较小的扭矩就可维持速度,此时应该换用较高的档位,以降低发动机转速。a conventional vehicle with the engine at the front and driving wheels at the rear uses a driveshaft,called a propeller shaft,to transmit torque from transmission to the final drive.传统的汽车采用前置发动机、后轮驱动,因此(ync)需要传动轴把动力从变速器传递给主减速器。the final drive provides a final gear reduction to multiply the torque before applying to thedriving axles.on front engine rear wheel drive vehicles,the final drive changes the direction ofdrive by 90 degrees. inside the final drive,a differential gear set divides the torque to the axlesand allows for the difference in speed of each wheel When cornering.axles shafts transmit thetorque to the driving wheels.in a rear-wheel drive vehicle,the axles can be solid or contain jointsto allow for movement of suspension.for a front-wheel drive vehicle,the drive shaft has universaljoints to allow for suspension and steering movement.主减速器的作用就是在把动力传递给驱动轮之前,降低(jingd)转速并增加扭矩。对于前置后驱的汽车,主减速器还将驱动的旋转方向改变了 90 度。主减速器内的差速器齿轮副,把动力分给两个驱动轴,并允许两边车轮在转向时具有不同的转速。动力最终由驱动轴传递给车轮。后轮驱动汽车的驱动桥应能满足悬架的运动,可以是刚性的或包含运动副。为满足悬架和转向的要求,前轮驱动汽车驱动轴上需安装万向节。an automatic transmission or transaxle performs similar functions to a manual transmission ortransaxle except that gear selection is controlled either hydraulically or electronically.theautomatic transmission uses a torque converter,which acts as a hydraulic coupling to transfer thedrive.自动变速器或自动变速驱动桥的功能和机械式基本类似,区别在于档位的选择是液力或电力控制的。液力自动变速器采用液力变矩(耦合)器作为连接器以传递动力。1.3.2 steering system 转向系统The directional motion of vehicle is controlled by a steering system. A basic steering system has 3main parts: a steering box connected to the steering wheel, the linkage connecting the steeringbox to the wheel assembly at the front wheels and front suspension parts to let the wheelassemblies pivot. When the driver turns the steering wheel, a shaft from the steering columnturns the steering gear. The steering gear moves tie-rods that connect to the front wheels. Thetie-rods move the front wheels to turn the vehicle right or left.转向系控制汽车行驶方向,一般由三部分组成:与转向盘相连的转向器、连接车轮和转向器的传动结构、允许车轮转动的前悬架部件。当驾驶员转动方向盘时,转向柱内的轴带动转向器运动,然后通过转向传动机构来转动车轮,从而使得汽车向左或向右行驶。1.3.3 suspension system 悬架系统The purpose of the complete suspension system is to isolate the vehicle body from road shocksand vibrations, which will otherwise be transferred to the passengers and load. It must also keepthe tires in contact with the road regardless of road surface. A basic suspension system consistsof springs, axles, shock absorbers, arms, rods and ball joints.第2页/共61页第三页,共61页。整个悬架系统的作用是隔离来自路面的冲击和振动对车身的影响,防止传递给乘员和货物。另外不论路面如何,悬架系统都应该(ynggi)保持轮胎和路面接触。悬架系统的基本组成包括弹性元件、车桥、减震器、杆系(臂、杆)和球副组成的导向机构。the spring is the flexible component of the sussuspension.basic types are:leaf spring,coil springand torsion bars.modern passenger vehicles and can have coil springs at the front and leafsprings at the rear.heavy commercial vehicles usually use leaf springs or air suspension.弹簧是悬架的弹性元件,常见的弹簧类型有:钢板弹簧、螺旋弹簧和扭杆弹簧。现代(xindi)汽车大多采用小的螺旋弹簧,轻型商用车常采用的螺旋弹簧比一般乘用车的大得多,或者前悬架采用螺旋弹簧,后悬架采用钢板弹簧。重型商用车则通常采用钢板弹簧或空气弹簧。wheels must be strong enough to support the vehicle and withstand the forces caused by normaloperation.at the same time,they must be as light as possible to help keep unsprung weight to aminimum.车轮必须能支撑整车重量,并能承受正常工况下的载荷。同时(tngsh)车轮必须尽可能地轻,有助于最小化簧下质量。wheels can be made from pressed-steeling two sections,and also be made from cast aluminiumalloy.alloy wheels are popular because of their appearance and because they are lighter thansimilar steel wheels.aluminium is a better conductor of heat,so alloy wheels can dissipate heatfrom brakees and tires more effectively than steel ones.车轮可采用双面钢化板压制而成,也可采用铸造的铝合金材料。除了外观漂亮之外,铝合金比钢更轻,因此铝合金车轮应用较广。另外铝合金导热性更好,因此相比钢制车轮,制动器和车轮产生的热量更容易被铝合金车轮散发。the tire provides a cushion between the vehicle and the road to reduce the transmission of roadshocks.it also provides friction to allow the vehicle to perform its normal operations.modern tiresare manufactured from a range of materials.the rubber is mainly synthetic.two types of tireconstruction are common:cross-ply and radial.most passenger cars now use radial tires,andradials are replacing cross-ply tires on 4-wheel drives and heavy vehicles.轮胎在汽车和路面之间起缓冲作用,能减小路面冲击。同时轮胎也提供了车轮正常行驶所需的摩擦力。轮胎是由多种材料加工而成,橡胶多是人工合成的。最常见的轮胎类型是子午线轮胎和斜交轮胎。现在大部分乘用车都采用子午线轮胎,在四轮驱动和商用车上,子午线轮胎也正在取代斜交胎。tube tires require an inner tube to seal air inside the tire.tubeless tires are eliminating the innertube by making the complete wheel and tire assembly airtight.a special airtight valve assembly isneeded.this can be tight fit into the rim or can be held with a nut and sealing washers.有内胎的轮胎用内胎来密封内部气体。无内胎的轮胎则要求车轮和轮胎具有很好的密封性,这就需要专用的密封件,可以紧固在轮缘上,也可用螺钉和密封圈来固定。1.3.4 Braking system 制动系统Drum brakes have a drum attached to the wheel hub, and braking occurs by means of brakeshoes expanding against the inside of the drum. With disc brakes, a disc attached to the wheelhub is clenched between two brake pads. on light vehicles,both of these systems are hydraulicallyoperated.the brake pedal operates a master cylinder. hydraulic lines and houses connect themaster cylinder to brake cylinders at the wheels.most modern light vehicles have either discbrakes on the front wheels and drum brakes on the rear or disc brakes on all 4 wheels.disc brakesrequire greater forces to operate them.a brake booster assist the driver by increasing the forceapplied to the master cylinder when the brake is operated.第3页/共61页第四页,共61页。鼓式制动器的制动鼓和轮毂连接(linji),制动蹄张开压紧制动鼓内侧从而产生制动。在盘式制动器上,连着轮毂的制动盘被紧紧夹在两个制动块之间。轻型汽车上都采用液压制动系统,制动踏板控制制动主缸,通过液压管路与车轮上的制动轮缸相连。现在轻型汽车上的制动器,前轮采用盘式,后轮采用鼓式,或全部采用盘式。相比鼓式制动器,盘式制动器需要更大的作用力。在制动时采用增压器辅助驾驶员提高施加在主缸上的制动力。air operated braking systems are used on heavy pressed air operating on largediameter diaphragms provides the large forces to the brake assembly that are needed.an aircompressor pumps air to storage tanks.driver controlled valves then direct the compressed air todifferent wheel units to operate the friction brakes.on articulated vehicles,any delay in applyingthe trailer brake should be minimize.this is achieved by using a relay valve and a separatereservoir on the trailer.this arrangement also applies the brakes if the trailer disconnected fromthe prime mover.重型商用车多采用气压制动系统,压缩气体作用在直径较大的膜片上时能为制动总成提供较大的制动力。气压制动系统靠空气压缩机把气体吸入储气罐。驾驶员控制(kngzh)阀门开启,使压缩气体进入车轮制动气室进行制动。在铰接车辆的拖车上采用继动阀和单独的储气罐,以减小拖车制动系统的时间延迟,这种布置方式还可以在拖车失去动力时制动拖车。all vehicles must be fitted with at least 2 independent systems.they were once called theservice brake and the emergency brake.now they are usually referred to as the foot brake and thepark brake.most light vehicles use a foot brake that operates through a hydraulic system on allwheels and a hand operated brake that acts mechanically on the rear wheels only.one commonuse of the hand brake system is to hold the vehicle when it is parked.the system are designed tobe independent So that if one fails,the otheris still available.所有汽车必须安装至少两套独立的制动系统,即行车制动系统与紧急制动系统,一般被称之为脚制动和停车制动。大部分轻型汽车的脚制动通过液压系统作用在四个车轮上,而其手制动则是机械式的,且仅作用在后轮。手制动的一个普通用途就是停车时对汽车进行制动。设计两套独立的制动系统的目的(md)就是当一套失效时,另一套仍可工作。1.4.1 Electrical system 电器系统The electrical system supplies electricity for the starter, ignition, lights and heater. The electricitylevel is maintained by a charging circuit.电器系统为起动机、点火系、照明和加热设备提供电流,电流的大小由充电电路来维持。The charging system provides electrical energy for all of the electrical components on thevehicle.the main parts of the charging system include:the battery,the alternator,the voltageregulator which is usually integral to the alternator,a charging warning or indicator light andwiring that complete the circuits.the battery provides electrical components of the vehicle.it alsocharges the batter to replace the energy used to start the engine.the voltage regulator preventsovercharging.充电系统为汽车上所有的电器系统提供电能。充电系统主要组成部分有:蓄电池、交流发电机、稳压器(多集成在发电机中),充电指示灯和组成电路的电线。汽车起动时由蓄电池提供能量,一旦发动机开始工作,交流电机为电气设备供电,同时还对蓄电池进行充电,以补偿起动所消耗的电能。稳压器则防止过载。1.4.2 Starting 启动系统The staring system consists of the battery,cables,starter motor,flywheel ring gear and the ignitionswitch.during starting,two actions occur.the pinion of the starter motor engages with theflywheel ring gear and the starter motor then operates to crank the engine.the starter motor is第4页/共61页第五页,共61页。an electrical motormounted on the engine block and operated from the battery.起动系统包括电池、电缆、启动电机、飞轮(filn)齿圈和点火开工。起动需要两个动作,启动电机齿轮和飞轮(filn)齿圈啮合,从而带动发动机转动。起动电机安装在发动机壳体上,靠电池工作。1.4.3 Ignition 点火(din hu)系统A basic ignition system consists of the battery,low-tension cables,the ignition coil,distributor,coilhigh-tension cable,spark pluk cables and spark plugs.the ignition system provides high intensesparks to spark plugs to ignite the fuel charges in the combustion chambers.the sparks must besupplied at the right time and they must have sufficient energy over a range of conditions toignite the charges.the energy comes from the battery and alternator,and voltage is increased bythe ignition coil.the system has two circuits.the primary or low-tension circuit initiates thespark.the secondary or high-tension circuit produces the high voltage and distributes it to sparkplugs.点火系统包括电池、低压电缆、点火线圈、分电器、高压电缆、火花塞连线和火花塞。点火系统在火花塞处产生高压火花,点燃发动机燃烧室内的燃油混合物。点火系统必须在恰当的时刻提供火花,并且能量满足各种( zhn)工况的要求。电池和交流发电机为点火系统供电,点火线圈提高电压。点火系统由两级电路组成,初级电路(低压电路)初始化火花,次级电路(高压电路)产生高压电,并分到各个火花塞。2.1 principle of operation 工作原理2.1.1 energy and power 能源和动力Engine is used to produce power. The chemical energy in fuel is converted to heat by theburning of the fuel at a controlled rate. This process is called combustion. If engine combustionoccurs with the power chamber. ,the engine is called internal combustion engine. If combustiontakes place outside the cylinder, the engine is called an external combustion engine.能源用于产生动力。燃料以控制的速率燃烧,燃料中的化学能转换为热能。这个过程叫做燃烧。如果发动机燃烧发生在动力室内,这种发动机叫做内燃机。如果燃烧发生在气缸外,这样的发动机叫做外燃发动机。Engine used in automobiles are internal combustion heat engines. Heat energy released in thecombustion chamber raises the temperature of the combustion gases within the chamber. Theincrease in gas temperature causes the pressure of the gases to increase. The pressure developedwithin the combustion chamber is applied to the head of a piston to produce a usablemechanical force, which is then converted into useful mechanical power.汽车使用的发动机是内燃发动机。在燃烧室内释放的热能提高了室内燃烧气体的温度。气体温度的增肌使气体的压力增加。在燃烧室内产生的压力作用于活塞的顶部,产生机械力,这个力转换成有用的机械动力。2.1.2 Engine TermsLinking the piston by a connecting rod to a crankshaft causes the gas to rotate the shaft through half a turn. The power stroke“uses up”the gas , so means must be provided to expel the burnt gas and recharge the cylinder with a fresh petrol-air mixture :this control of gas movement is the duty of the valves;an inlet valve allows the new mixture to enter at the right time and an exhaustvalve lets out the burnt gas afterthe gas has done its job. Engine terms are:活塞通过连杆和曲轴连接,使得气体带动曲轴旋转半圈。作功冲程耗尽了所以的气体,这样就必须采取相应的措施排出废气以及向气缸内充入新鲜的可燃混合气:气体的运动由气门来控制。进气阀允许新的混合气体在适当的时间进入,排气阀在作功完成后,可以放出燃烧后的气体。引擎术语:第5页/共61页第六页,共61页。TDC(Top Dead Center):the position of the crank and piston when the piston is farther away from the crankshaft.上止点:活塞处于离曲轴最远处(yun ch)时,曲柄和活塞所处的位置。BDC(Bottom Dead Center):the position of the crank and piston when the piston is nearest to thecrankshaft.下止点:活塞处于离曲轴(qzhu)最近处时,曲柄和活塞所处的位置。Stroke : the distance between BDC and TDC; stroke is controlled by the crankshaft. 行程(xngchng):上止点和下止点间的距离;行程(xngchng)由曲轴控制。Bore : the internal diameterof the cylinder.缸径:气缸的内径Swept volume : the volume between TDC and BDC. 有效容积:上止点和下止点间的容积Engine capacity : this is the swept volume of all the cylinders.e.g. a four-cylinder enginehaving a capacity of two liters(2000cm3) has a cylinder swept volume of 500cm3.发动机排量:所有气缸的有效容积之和.例如一四缸发动机有能力两升(2000cm3)有一个气缸排量 500cm3。Clearance volume: the volume of the space above the piston when it is at TDC.燃烧室容积:活塞处于上止点时,活塞上方的体积Compression ratio = (swept vol + clearance vol)(clearance vol)压缩比:(有效容积+燃烧室容积)/燃烧室容积Two-stroke : a power stroke every revolution of the crank.两冲程: 曲柄旋转一圈作功一次。Four-stroke: a powerstroke every other revolution of the crank.四冲程:曲柄旋转两圈作功一次。2.1.3 The Four-strokeSpark-ignition Engine CycleThe spark-ignition engine is an internal-combustion engine with externally supplied in ignition ,which converts the energy contained in the fuel to kinetic energy.The cycle of operations is spread over four piston strokes. To complete the full cycle it takes tworevolutions of the crankshaft.火花点火式发动机是由外部提供点火的内燃机,从而将含在燃料内的能量转化成动能。发动机的一个工作循环分布在活塞的四个行程中,一个完整的工作循环曲轴需要转动两圈。The downward-moving piston increases the volume in the cylinder and draws in fresh air-fuelmixture through the open intakevalve.向下运动的活塞使气缸里的体积增大,并且将新的空气燃料混合物通过节气门吸进气缸。The upward-moving piston reduces the volume in the cylinder and compresses the air-fuelmixture.Shortly before TDC is reached ,the spark plug ignites the compressed air-fuel mixture andthus initiates the combustion process. A higher compression ratio means better utilization of thefuel. The extent of compression is restricted by the knock limit.向上运动的活塞使气缸里的体积减小,从而压缩空气燃料混合物。在活塞即将到达上止点的瞬间,火花塞点燃压缩的空气燃油混合气,从而燃烧过程开始了。压缩比越高,燃料利用率越高,但是压缩的程度受到爆震极限的限制。After the ignition spark at the spark plug has ignited the compressed air-fuel mixture,thetemperature increases as the result of combustion of the mixture.The pressure in the cylinderincreases and forces the piston downwards. The piston transfers power to the crankshaft via theconnectingrod.当火花塞喷出的火花点燃压缩的空气燃料混合物后,空气燃料混合物开始然后,随之气缸内的温度开始升高。气缸里的压力也随之增加,使得活塞向下运动。这样活塞就把动力通过连杆传递给曲轴。第6页/共61页第七页,共61页。The upward-moving piston expels the combusted gases (exhaust gas) through the open exhaustvalve. After this 4th stroke,the cycle is repeated.向上运动的活塞(husi)使燃烧后的气体(废气)通过排气门排出气缸。在这第四个行程后,整个工作工程将重复进行。2.1.4 Engine Overall Mechanics 发动机的总体(zngt)构造The engine has hundreds of other parts . The major parts of engine are engine block , engineheads, pistons, connecting rods, crankshaft and valves. The other parts are joined to makesystems. These systems are the fuel system, intake system, ignition system, cooling system,lubrication system and exhaust system. Each of these systems has a definite function. Thesesystems will be discussed in detail later。发动机有上百个其它部件。发动机的主要部件是发动机缸体、发动机头、活塞、连杆、曲轴和阀门。其他部分也加入到系统中。这些的系统是燃油系统、进气系统、点火系统、冷却系统、润滑系统和排气系统。这些系统中的每一个都有一个明确的功能。这些系统以后(yhu)将进行详细论述。2.2 Engine Block and Cylinder Head2.2.1 Engine BlockThe engine block is the basic frame of the engine. All other engine parts either fit inside it or fasten to it. It holds the cylinders, water jackets, and oil galleries. The engine block also holds the crankshaft, which fastens to the bottom of the block. The camshaft also fits inside the block, except on overhead-cam engines (OHC). In most cars, this block is made of gray iron, or an alloy (mixture)of gray iron and other metals, such as nickel or chromium. Engine blocks are castings.气缸体是发动机的基本框架。发动机的其他零件都安装在它里面或者固定在它上。缸体里有气缸,水套和油道。曲轴也固定在气缸体底部。除了顶置凸轮(OHC)发动机以外,凸轮轴都安装在气缸体里面。在大多数汽车里,气缸体由灰铸铁或者一种灰铸铁和其他金属的合金(混合物)做成,例如镍或铬。气缸体是铸件。Some engine blocks, especially those in smaller cars, are made of cast aluminum. This metal is much lighter than iron. However, iron wears better than aluminum. Therefore, the cylinders in mostaluminum engines are lined with iron or steel sleeves. These sleeves are called cylinder sleeves. Some engine blocks are made entirely of aluminum.有些气缸体,特别是在小汽车里的那些,都是由铝做成的。这种金属比铸铁轻得多。但是,铸铁的耐磨性比铝好。因此,在大多数铝制发动机的气缸内镶有铸铁或者钢的轴套。这些轴套叫做气缸套。而有些气缸体完全由铝做成。2.2.2 cylinder sleevesCylinder sleeves are used in engine blocks to provide a hard wearing material for pistons andpiston rings. The block can be made of one kind of iron that is light and easy to cast while thesleeves uses another that is better able to stand up wear and tear. There are two main types ofsleeves: dry and wet.The dry sleeve can be cast in or pressed into a new block or used torecondition badly worn or damaged cylinders that cannot easily be rebored. Its a pressed fit in itsbore in the cylinder blocks.Its wall is about two millimeters thick.Its outer surface is in contactwith the block for its full length.Its top finishes flush with the top of the block and can hardly beseen.Once in place,dry sleeves become a permanent part of the cylinder block.With a wetsleeve,the outer surface is part of the water jacket around the cylinder.Its called wet because ithas coolant against its outer surface.This helps speed up heat transfer between the sleeve andcoolant.The sleeve is sealed at the top to prevent coolant leaks.第7页/共61页第八页,共61页。缸体中的气缸套为活塞和活塞环提供了一种耐磨的材料。缸体可以采用某种重量轻且易铸造的铁来制造,而缸套使用的是另一种抗磨损和抗拉缸能力较好的材料制成。主要有两种类型的气缸套:干缸套和湿缸套。干式汽缸套可以被铸造在或压在一个新的机体中,或者用于对磨损的很厉害或受创的很严重的汽缸进行修补翻新。因为破损的汽缸很难在被重新钻孔。在汽缸体中被按入适合的口径。汽缸墙壁大约两毫米厚。它的外表面全长都和机体联系到一起,它的顶部被刷平几乎不能被看到。一旦准备就绪,干式汽缸套将永远成为汽缸的一部分(b fen)。一个湿式汽缸套,外表面是汽缸围绕在汽缸面上的水套的一部分(b fen)。它之所以叫湿式汽缸套是因为紧挨着它的外表皮有冷冻剂。这有助于它在缸套和冷冻剂之间快速的传热。缸套在顶部被封


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