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1 新编商务英语阅读教程 第二版 练习参考答案 Unit One I 1 资产 C 2 边际变动 E 3 市场势力 I 4 劳动生产力 率 J 5 经济学 A 6 市场失灵 G 7 市场经济 F 8 机会成本 D 9 通货膨胀 K 10 外部性 H 11 效率 B 12 菲利普斯曲线 L II Passage One 经济学的研究主要分为两部分 宏观经济学与微观经济学 宏观经济学着 眼于经济全局 一幅宏观的画面 在宏观经济学中 我们研究国家的政策目 标 例如充分就业 抑制通货膨胀 经济增长等 而不考虑个人或者单个团体 的利益和行为 对宏观经济学的关注是为了从总体上认识并改善经济的运行 微观经济学则关注宏观画面中的细节 在微观经济学中 我们着眼于实际 构成宏观经济的个人 厂商和政府机构 我们感兴趣的是这些独立经济单位的 行为 他们的目标何在 以有限资源实现目标的途径是什么 如何对各种激励 和机会做出反应 宏观经济学主要关注 例如 总消费性支出对总产出 就业及物价的影响 很少关注消费性支出及其决定因素的实际内涵 相反 微观经济学关注的是个 体消费者具体的支出决策及其影响因素 爱好 物价水平 收入状况 宏 微观经济学的区别还反映在关于企业投资的讨论中 宏观经济学中 我们需要了解决定企业总投资率的因素以及这些投资对一国的总产出 就业及 物价水平产生影响的路径 而微观经济学中 我们关注的是各家企业关于生产 率 生产要素的抉择以及具体物品的定价决策 了解宏 微观经济学的区别并非难事 在现实社会 宏观经济的表现有赖 于微观行为 而微观行为又受宏观经济表现的影响 因此 人们只有了解了所 有经济活动的参与者的行为方式及其成因 才能充分了解整个经济的运作方式 但是 就如你会开车而不懂发动机的构造原理那样 你能观察到经济运行方式 但并不能完全解开其中奥秘 在宏观经济学中我们注意到经济这部汽车在踩油 2 门时加速 踩刹车时减速 这就是我们在大多数情形下所需了解的一切 然而 汽车总有出故障的时候 如出了故障 我们必须更多地了解踏板的运行原理 这就引导我们进行微观的研究 各个零件是如何发挥作用的 哪些零件能够被 修理亦或应该得到修缮 Passage Two 在寻找消费者行为的解释时 我们不得不承认经济学中得不到所有的答案 但它确实提供了一个有别于其它研究领域的独特视角 虽然精神病学家和社会学家为各种不同的消费模式提供了诸多理由 但他 们的解释都显得不够充分 充其量 社会精神病学理论告诉我们为什么青少年 男人 女人渴望某种特定的商品或服务 他们并未解释该实际购买哪种商品 渴望只是消费过程中的第一步 为了获得商品和服务 一个人必须愿意并且能 够为他想要的东西付钱 生产者不会因为你想满足自己的渴望 如弗洛伊德所 说 而把他们的产品给你 他们希望你用钱来交换他们的产品 因此 价格和 收入与更基本的渴望和偏好一样都与消费决策相关 当然 在解释消费者行为时 经济学家把重点放在商品和服务的需求上 说某人需要一件特定的商品意味着他有能力并且愿意按某种价格购买该商品 在市场上 金钱至上 支付意愿和能力是关键 决定一人购买特定商品的意愿 和能力的因素有哪些 经济学家发现四大影响消费者需求的因素 偏好 收入 预期以及其它商品的价格 请再次注意 渴望 偏好 只是决定需求的其中一 个因素 其它决定因素 收入 预期 其它商品 也会影响到一个人是否愿意 并且能够按特定价格购买某件商品 III Passage one The market for a good consists of the actual and potential buyers and sellers of that good For any given price the demand curve shows the quantity that demanders would be willing to buy and the supply curve shows the quantity that suppliers of the good would be willing to sell Suppliers are willing to sell more at higher prices supply curves slope upward and demanders are willing to buy less at higher prices demand curves slope downward Market equilibrium the situation in which all buyers and sellers are satisfied with their respective quantities at the market price occurs at the intersection of the supply and demand curves The corresponding price and quantity are called the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity Unless prevented by regulation prices and quantities are driven toward their equilibrium values by the actions of buyers and sellers If the price is initially too high frustrated sellers will cut their price in order to sell more If the price is initially too low so that there is excess demand competition among buyers 3 drives the price upward This process continues until equilibrium is reached Passage two Some of the broad issues that macroeconomists study are sources of economic growth and improved living stands trends in average labor productivity or output per employed worker short term fluctuations in the pace of economic growth recessions and expansions causes and cures of unemployment and inflation economic independence among nations To help explain differences in economic performance among countries or in economic performance in the same country at different times macroeconomists study the implementation and effects of macroeconomic policies We defined macroeconomic policies as government policies that affect the performance of the economy as a whole There are three major types of macroeconomic policy monetary policy fiscal policy and structural policy The term monetary policy refers to the determination of the nation s money supply Fiscal policy refers to decisions that determine the government s budget and the term structural policy includes government policies aimed at changing the underlying structure or institutions of the nation s economy IV Passage One driven accounts weaker as over linked dependent firm slow share contribution impact relying growth domestic Passage two charges perfectly greater inequality level reason competitive price trends structures relatively that in allocating created V 1 C 2 F 3 A 4 D 5 B 6 E Unit Two I 1 最惠国待遇 J 2 关税与贸易总协定 I 3 服务贸易总协定 K 4 与贸易相关的知识产权 H 5 自由贸易区 C 4 6 国民待遇 B 7 贸易壁垒 L 8 多哈发展议程 D 9 倾销 E 10 政府采购 A 11 乌拉圭回合 G 12 过度型经济 体 F II Passage One 关贸总协定的主要条款 序言 缔约各国政府认为在处理它们的贸易和经济事业的关系方面 应以提高生 活水平 保证充分就业 保证实际收入和有效需求的巨大持续增长 扩大世界 资源的充分利用以及发展商品的生产与交换为目的 期望达成互惠互利协议 导致大幅度地削减关税和其他贸易壁垒 取消国 际贸易中的歧视待遇 以对上述目的作出贡献 经各国代表谈判达成如下协议 第一条 一般最惠国待遇 1 在 关税方面 在输出和输入的规章手续方面 一缔约国对来自或运往 其他国家的产品所给予的利益 优待 特权或豁免 应当立即无条件地给予来 自或运往所有其他缔约国的相同产品 第三条 国内税与国内规章的国民待遇 1 各缔约国认为 国内税和其他国内费用 影响产品的国内销售 的法令 条例和规定在对进口产品或国产品实施时 不应用来对国内生产提供保护 第六条 反倾销税和反贴补税 1 各缔约国认为 用倾销的手段将一国产品以低于正常价值的办法挤入另一国 贸易内 如因此对某一缔约国领土内已建立的某项工业造成重大的损害或产生 重大威胁 或者对某一国内工业的新建产生严重阻碍 这种倾销应该受到谴 责 本条所称一产品以低于它的正常价值挤入进口国的贸易内 系指从一国 向另一国出口的产品的价格 a 低于相同产品在出口国用于国内消费时在正常情况下的可比价格 或 b 如果没有这种国内价格 低于 相同产品在正常贸易情况下向第三国出口的最高可比价格 或 产品在原产国的生产成本加合理的推销费用和利润 第十一条 数量限制的一般取消 1 任何缔约国除征收税捐或其他费用以外 不得设立或维持配额 进出口许可 证或其他措施以限制或禁止其他缔约国领土的产品的输入 或向其他缔约国领 5 土输出或销售出口产品 第十六条 贴补 1 任何缔约国如果给予或维持任何贴补 包括任何形式的收入支持或价格支持 在内 以直接或间接增加从它的领土输出某种产品或减少向它的领土输入某种 产品 它应将这项贴补的性质和范围 这项贴补对输出入的产品数量预计可能 产生的影响以及使得这项贴补成为必要的各种情况 书面通知缔约国全体 如 这项贴补经判定对另一缔约国的利益造成严重损害或产生严重威胁 给予贴补 的缔约国 应在接到要求后与有关的其他缔约国或缔约国全体讨论限制这项贴 补的可能性 第十七条 为保障国际收支而实施的限制 1 虽有本协定第十一条第一款的规定 任何缔约国为了保障其对外金融地位和 国际收支 可以限制准许进口的商品数量或价值 第十九条 对某些产品的进口的紧急措施 1 a 如因意外情况的发展或因一缔约国承担本协定义务 包括关税减让在 内 而产生的影响 使某一产品输入到这一缔约国领土的数量大为增加 对这 一领土内相同产品或与它直接竞争产品的国内生产者造成严重损害或产生严重 的威胁时 这一缔约国在防止或纠正这种损害所必需的程度和时间内 可以对 上述产品全部或部分地暂停实施其所承担的义务 或者撤销或修改减让 Passage Two 虽然每次 贸易政策 审议强调的是各成员国的具体问题和措施 但在 2007 年的审议中出现了一些共性的议题 包括 政策制定及实施的透明度问题 经济环境及贸易自由化问题 区域性贸易协定及其与多边贸易体制的关系 关税问题 包括 关税上限 关税升级 关税优惠 关税的合理调整及适 用税率和约束税率的差额 清关程序 进出口限制措施及许可证审批程序 应急措施的启用 如反倾销税及反补贴税 技术性及卫生措施和市场准入问题 实施的标准及遵循国际规范的情况 知识产权的立法与执法情况 政府采购政策及措施 国有化及私有化计划 与贸易相关的竞争及投资政策 激励措施 如补贴和税收减免 各行业的贸易政策问题 尤其是农业与服务业的开放问题 6 服务贸易总协定 的承诺情况 特殊差别待遇 包括市场准入及执行情况 尤其在海关估价 与贸易相关 的知识产权 及 与贸易相关的投资措施 方面 实施世贸组织协定的技术支持 贸易援助的经验及综合框架 III Passage one The mercantilists believed that a nation could gain in international trade only at the expense of other nations As a result they advocated restrictions on imports incentives for exports and strict government regulation of all economic activities According to Adam Smith trade is based on absolute advantage and benefits both nations That is when each nation specializes in the production of the commodity of its absolute advantage and exchange part of its output for the commodity of its absolute disadvantage both nations end up consuming more of both commodities Absolute advantage however explains only a small portion of international trade today David Ricardo introduced the law of comparative advantage This postulates that even if one nation is less efficient than the other nation in the production of both commodities there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade The less efficient nation should specialize in the production and export of the commodity in which its absolute disadvantage is less Gottfried Haberler came to the rescue by explaining the law of comparative advantage in terms of the opportunity cost theory This states that the cost of a commodity is the amount of a second commodity that must be given up to release just enough resources produce one additional unit of the first commodity Passage two The Uruguay Round of trade negotiations was completed in December 1993 It called for the reduction of average tariffs on industrial goods from 4 7 percent to 3 percent for quotas to be replaced by tariffs and for antidumping and safeguards to be tightened The agreement also called for reduction in agricultural export subsidies and industrial subsidies and for protection of intellectual property During 1996 and 1997 agreements were reached to open up trade in telecommunications financial services and information technology In July 2000 EU Mexico free trade agreement became effective in November 2001 the Doha Round was initiated in December 2001 China became the 144th member of WTO and in August 2002 Congress granted the president trade negotiating authority or fast track The attempt to launch a new Millennium Round failed when nations were unable to reach agreement 7 on the agenda at the trade conference in November 2001 Nevertheless protectionism remains high especially in agriculture and textile which are of great importance to developing countries and antidumping and safeguards are abused In addition the trade and restructuring problems of former communist countries have not been adequately addressed the world is breaking down into a few major trading blocs and a serious antiglobalization movement has come into existence IV Passage one growth partly post agreement tariffs each exchange reductions completed extending liberalization goods quota adhere to intellectual created regular disputes entry called increasingly Passage two push come over announced trading arisen interdependence strategic open trend globalization environmental interconnect most increasingly global V 1 C 2 A 3 F 4 E 5 D 6 B Unit Three I 1 通货膨胀 C 2 中央银行 E 3 经常账户 O 4 汇率 H 5 贸易收支 K 6 贸易赤字 N 7 财政政策 M 8 直接投资 L 9 现金流量表 B 10 复式记账法 D 11 证券投资 G 12 国际货币基金组织 I 13 浮动汇率 A 14 J 曲线效应 J 8 15 供应链管理 F Passage one 美联储的货币政策和行为注重所谓的货币总量 货币总量的作用是度量任 何时候可供给经济社会的货币总额 最基础的货币总量是基础货币 也称为高能货币 基础货币被定义为流通 中的现金 硬币和公众持有的联邦储备发行的钞票 加上银行体系中所有的准 备金 值得注意的是 准备金构成基础货币的一部分 而准备金受美联储控制 因此 基础货币是美联储运用各种货币工具最能影响的一种货币总量 具有交换媒介职能的工具 货币和活期存款 也包含在货币总量中 有时 也称为狭义货币量 以 M1 表示 因此 M1 度量的是经济社会中交换媒介 货 币和活期存款 的总量 M2 是更广义的货币量 包括所有具有价值储藏功能 用以替代货币的工 具 因此 M2 定义为 M1 加上银行及储蓄机构定期和活期存款 投资于零售 货币市场共同基金的美元及其他账户 如隔夜回购协议 一些分析家又发展了 其他两种货币量 M3 和 L 针对流动资产 这些货币量等于 M2 加上某些其他金融资产 包括长期定期存款 商业票据 银行承兑票据和某些国库券 Passage two 通过对国际经济的分析可将贸易平衡的调整过程分为三个阶段 1 外汇合 约期 2 传递期 3 数量调整期 这三个过程及其产生的整个贸易平衡的调 整路径呈现倒 J 形 这一调整路径称为 J 曲线调整路径 在第一阶段 即外汇合约期 没有预期的本币的突然贬值其影响并不确定 因为所有出口和进口合约都已生效 无论是盈利还是亏损 签署这些合约的公 司都必须履行合约义务 贸易平衡调整路径的第二阶段称为传递期 当汇率变动时 进口商和出口 商最终必定将汇率变动转嫁到其产品价格上 例如 在美元大幅贬值后 向美 国市场销售产品的外国生产商必须弥补其国内生产成本 这一需求使该外国公 司必须报更高的美元价格以获取足够多的本币 该外国公司必须在美国市场提 价 美国的进口价格大幅提高 所有的汇率变动最终都转嫁到价格上 相似的 因为美元便宜了 美国的出口价与国外竞争对手比廉价得多 第三个也是最后一个阶段 数量调整期 完成了本币贬值后的贸易平衡调 整 随着传递期之后进口和出口价格发生变化 美国国内市场和出口市场的消 费者将根据新的价格调整需求 进口相对更贵 所以需求量下降 出口相对更 便宜 所以需求量增加 贸易平衡 出口消费少于进口消费 得到改善 遗憾的是 这三个过程不会一夜间完成 许多国家 像美国 已经历了汇 9 率的大幅变动 也看到了这一调整过程在较长的时期内发生 Passage one A financial market is a market where financial assets are exchanged i e traded Although the existence of a financial market is not a necessary condition for the creation and exchange of a financial asset in most economies financial assets are created and subsequently traded in some type of financial market The market in which a financial asset trades for immediate delivery is called the spot market or cash market Financial markets provide the following economic functions First the interactions of buyers and sellers in a financial market determine the price of the traded asset Or equivalently they determine the required return on a financial asset As the inducement for firms to acquire funds depends on the required return that investors demand it is this feature of financial markets that signals how the funds in the economy should be allocated among financial assets This is called the price discovery process Second financial markets provide a mechanism for an investor to sell a financial asset Because of this feature it is said that a financial market offers liquidity an attractive feature when circumstances either force or motivate an investor to sell If there were not liquidity the owner would be forced to hold a debt instrument until it matures and an equity instrument until the company is either voluntarily or involuntarily liquidated While all financial markets provide some form of liquidity the degree of liquidity is one of the factors that characterize different markets The third economic function of a financial market is that it reduces the cost of transacting There are two costs associated with transacting search costs and information costs Passage two The foreign exchange market provides the physical and institutional structure through which the money of one country is exchanged for that of another country the rate of exchange between currencies is determined and foreign exchange transactions are physically completed Foreign exchange means the money of a foreign country that is foreign currency bank balances banknotes checks and drafts A foreign exchange transaction is an agreement between a buyer and seller that a fixed amount of one currency will be delivered for some other currency at a specified rate 10 The foreign exchange market is the mechanism by which participants transfer purchasing power between countries obtain or provide credit for international trade transactions and minimize exposure to the risks of exchange rate changes The foreign exchange market consists of two tiers the interbank or wholesale market and the client or retail market Individual transactions in the interbank market are usually for large sums that are multiples of a million U S dollars or the equivalent value in other currencies By contrast contracts between a bank and its clients are usually for specific amounts Banks and a few nonblank foreign exchange dealers operate in both the interbank and client markets They profit from buying foreign exchange at a bid price and reselling it at a slightly higher ask also called offer price Competition among dealers worldwide narrows the spread between bid and ask and so contributes to making the foreign exchange market efficient in the same sense as in securities markets Importers and exporters international portfolio investors MNEs tourists and others use the foreign exchange market to facilitate execution of commercial or investment transactions Their use of the foreign exchange market is necessary but nevertheless incidental to their underlying commercial or investment purpose Some of these participants use the market to hedge foreign exchange risk Passage one thoughtful annual recovered relatively outgrowing well inevitably process charge discussion topics deposits flight liberalization between extremely deal with stimulus expectation relied Passage two support tightly provide confidence currency improve clients further decade set up makes sense keen restore engaged accounting for 1 C 2 A 3 D 4 E 5 B 11 Unit Four I 1 战略规划 B 2 战略家 A 3 顾客忠诚度 E 4 战略制定 I 5 竞争优势 G 6 广告效果 L 7 核心竞争力 F 8 员工士气 H 9 公司使命 J 10 合资企业 C 11 战略管理 K 12 战略评估 D II Passage One 战略家组织企业收集 分析和整理信息 他们跟踪产业和竞争态势 建立 预测模型并进行场景分析 评价公司和下属部门的绩效 评估正在出现的市场 机会 识别经营威胁 提出创造性的行动计划 通常 在企业管理高层可能设 置战略计划人员 他们经常提供支持服务工作或独立发挥作用 为企业决策提 供颇有价值的依据 首席执行官是显而易见的最挑剔的管理者 所有对某一单 位或部门负责的经理人员 无论是对盈亏结果负责 还是直接对某项业务的经 营活动负责 都可以统称为战略管理者 或战略家 企业千差万别 战略家也因此各不相同 我们必须从战略制定 实施和评 价三个不同阶段考察战略家之间的不同 战略家不选择某些类型的战略常常是 因为他所坚持的经营哲学与众不同 战略家的差异主要表现在如下方面 态度 价值观 伦理道德 承担风险的意愿 社会责任感 对盈利的关注 对短期目 标和长期目标的偏爱 管理风格 Passage Two 在战略实施中非常重要的管理问题包括 确定年度目标 出台政策 配置 资源 调整已有组织结构 重组或流程再造 修正薪酬与激励计划 将变革的 阻力减小到最低程度 将管理人员与战略相匹配 开发战略支持性文化 调整 生产与作业过程 开发有效的人力资源功能系统 如果需要 还有规模小型化 等 当战略实施促使企业沿着一个全新重要方向前进时 管理的变革将变得非 常重要 企业全体人员都应尽早地 直接地参与战略实施决策 他们在战略实施中 12 的作用以对战略制定活动的参与为基础 战略家切实就战略实施承担起个人职 责 对管理人员和员工来说 是必要而有力的激励 很多时候 战略家因过于 忙乱而不能积极支持战略实施 他们对战略实施关心不够 直接影响着企业的 成功 企业制定目标与战略的依据 应当得到企业全体员工的充分理解 并在 企业内部充分交流 企业的所有成员 都应当了解主要竞争对手的经营结果 产品 计划 行动和业绩状况 企业应当明确面临的主要外部机会与威胁 应 当对管理人员和员工提出的问题做出回答 自上而下的信息传递 常常是得到 内部成员自下而上支持的必要条件 企业需要在各个方面高度关注竞争对手 以便收集并在企业内部广泛传播 竞争情报 企业中的每一位员工 都应将自己的努力与行业领先企业的相应水 平对比 从而将来自竞争对手的挑战分解到每个人身上 对企业战略家来说 这是一项极大的挑战 企业应该对管理者和雇员进行培训 确保他们拥有并保 持成为世界领先水平的工作者所必需的技能 III Passage One Objectives strategies and policies have little chance of succeeding if employees and managers are not motivated to implement strategies once they are formulated The motivating function of management includes at least four major components leadership group dynamics communication and organizational change When managers and employees of a firm strive to achieve high levels of productivity this indicates that the firm s strategists are good leaders Good leaders establish rapport with subordinates empathize with their needs and concerns set a good example and are trustworthy and fair Leadership includes developing a vision of the firm s future and inspiring people to work hard to achieve that vision Communication perhaps the most important word in management is a major component in motivation An organization s system of communication determines whether strategies can be implemented successfully Good two way communication is vital for gaining support for departmental and divisional objectives and policies Top down communication can encourage bottom up communication The strategic management process becomes a lot easier when subordinates are encouraged to discuss their concerns reveal their problems provide recommendations and give suggestions A primary reason for instituting strategic management is to build and support effective communication networks throughout the firm Passage Two Strategy evaluation is necessary for all sizes and kinds of organization 13 Strategy evaluation should initiate managerial questioning of expectations and assumptions should trigger a review of objectives and values and should stimulate creativity in generating alternative and formulating criteria of evaluation Strategy evaluation activities should be performed on a continuing basis rather than at the end of specified periods of time or just after problems occur Managers and employees of the firm should be continually aware of progress being made towards achieving the firm s objectives As a critical success factors change organization members should be involved in determining appropriate corrective action The difficulty in the process of strategy evaluation is as following 1 Increase in environment s complexity 2 Difficulty predicting future with accuracy 3 Increasing number of variables 4 Rate of obsolescence of plans 5 Domestic and global events 6 Decreasing time span for planning certainty IV Passage One direction fulfill However that desires too which one both possible therefore from latter Passage Two capital developing favor mission globalization against generation financial possible economics senior resign V 1C 2A 3D 4E 5B 6F Unit Five I 1 营销组合 C 2 目标市场 F 3 营销策略 G 4 市场细分 A 5 一般市场 E 6 产品市场 H 7 市场渗透 B 14 8 多目标市场策略 D II Passage One 由于服务通常是同时生产和消费的 所以顾客常常出现在企业的工厂内 与企业员工直接接触 并且实际上成为服务生产过程的一部分 同时 因为服 务是无形的 顾客常常总是在寻找有形的提示以帮助自己了解服务体验的本质 比如 在旅馆业 酒店的设计 布置以及员工的外貌和态度会影响到顾客的感 知和体验 承认这些额外变量的重要性使得服务营销人员采纳服务营销组合这个延伸 的概念 除了传统的 4P s 服务营销组合还纳入了人员 有形展示和过程 人员 参与服务提供并因此而影响购买者感觉的全体人员 即企业员工 顾 客以及处于服务环境中的其他顾客 有形展示 服务提供的环境 企业与顾客相互接触的场所 以及任何便于服 务履行和沟通的有形要素 过程 服务提供的实际程序 机制和作业流 即服务的提供和运作系统 Passage Two 公司的现有产品面临着有限的生命周期 因此必须以新产品来替代 但是 新产品也可能失败 因为创新的风险和回报一样大 新产品成功的关键在于整 个企业的共同努力 缜密的计划以及系统化的新产品开发 新产品开发包括八 个阶段 始于构思产生 然后是构思筛选 公司根据自己的标准将剔出某些创 意 构思筛选后形成产品概念 从消费者的角度勾画详细的产品概念 下一步 将进行概念测试 让一些目标群体测试产品概念 以确定产品的吸引力 通过 的产品概念将进入营销策略制定阶段 从产品概念的角度制定营销策略 在商 业分析阶段 将分析产品的销售 成本 利润以确定是否符合公司的目标 通 过了以上阶段 产品概念将进行具体的产品开发 然后市场测试 最后推广到 实处 每种产品都有一个生命周期 以一组不断变化的问题和机遇为标志 典型 的产品销售曲线为 S 型 由五个阶段组成 产品生命周期从产品开发期开始 企业寻找并开发一种新产品构思 产品引入期以缓慢增长和较低利润为标志 在该阶段 产品进入销售渠道并到达市场 如果成功的话 该产品就进入成长 期 以快速增长的销售和不断增长的利润为标志 接着便是成熟期 销售增长 缓慢 利润保持稳定 最后 产品进入销售和利润都缩减的衰退期 在该阶段 公司的主要任务是确认处于衰退期的产品 并决定是维持还是放弃该产品 III Passage One 15 Today s successful companies whether large or small for profit or non profit domestic or global share a strong customer focus and a heavy commitment to marketing Many people think of marketing as only selling or advertising But marketing combines many activities marketing research product development distribution pricing advertising personal selling and others designed to sense serve and satisfy consumer needs while meeting the organization s goals Marketing seeks to attract new customers by promising superior value and to keep current customers by delivering satisfaction Marketing operates within a dynamic global environment Rapid changes can quickly make yesterday s winning strategies obsolete Marketers face many challenges and opportunities To be successful companies will have to be strongly market focused Marketing is a social and managerial process whereby individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others The core concepts of marketing are needs wants and demands products and services value satisfaction and

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