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高一第二学期期中英语试题2011.4一、 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1London is know the capital of the uk while Paris is famous the Eiffel TowerAfor ;as Bas;as Cas;for Dfor;for2This kind of custom began and lasted for hunderds of years.Ain the 1300 Bin 1300s Cin the 1300s Din 1300s3He spend time in studying English as others in our class.Atwice as much Btwice much as Ctwice many as Dtwice as many4.The hurricane left , about 80 deaths and more than 10,00 injuriesAcausing Bto cause Ccaused Dcause5.-Whats the matter with Jim?-His bike hit a rock and ,Which made him badly hurt.Aturned down Bturned over Cturmed away Dtumed up 6.The reason he didnt come to the meeting was he had drunk too much.Awhat;that Bthat ;why Cwhy ;that Dwhy ;because7.Neither of them to attend the meeting that is clue tomorrow.Aare Bis Chave Dbe8 his carelessness , he didnt pass the exam.AAs a result Bas a result of CBecause Dsince9.He felt his duty to take good care of them.Athis Bone Chim Dit 10.Do you still remember the farm we visited three months ago?Awhere Bwhen Cwhat Dthat11.Our school in the north of the city.Asituate Bsituating Csituation Dis situated12.They all went to see the film I didntAand Bbut Chowever Dthough13.Its you , Tom! I never dreamed you hereAto meet Bmeeting Cof meeting Dmeet14.As soon as we got to the airport ,we found that the plane Ahad already taken off Balready took off Cwas already taking off Dwas already taken off15.The boy didnt his fathers advice , and as a result , he missed a good chance again.A draw Badk Cfollow Dcatch二、完形填空(每小题2分,共30分)A doctor was once teaching a class of medical students at a famous hospital in Einburgh .An ingured man was 16 in , and the doctor turned to 17 of the students and asked him, “Whats wrong with this man?”“I dont know ,sir .”the student answered .“ 18 I examine him and 19 out ?” “The re is no 20 to examine him .”said the doctor“You should know without asking questions .he has 21 right knee .Dont you notice the 22 the walked ?”He hurt it by burning it in fire . you see his burnt away at the 23 .Todya is Monday morning .Yesterday was 24 but on Saturday the roads were and muddy . The mans trousers muddy 25 The man fell down on Saturday night .The doctor then turned to the man and said“You 26 your wages on Saturday and went to a 27 house and drand too much You 28 wet and muddy on the way home .You tried to dry your clothes 29 the fire when you got home you tried to dry your cloths 29 the fire when you got home .Because you had drunk too much ,you 30 on the firce and burnt your knee ,Is that right”“Yes ,sir .”said the man.16.Abrought Bput Ccalled Dfetched17.ASome Bany Cone Dthe one18.AWill BMust CShall DShould19.Alook Bsee Cturn Dfind20.Atime Bneed Chit Dhurt21.Aexamined Bwounded Chit Dhurt22.Aleg Bdirection Cdistance Dway23.Aend Bknee Cfoot Dfront24.Araing Braining Ccold Dfine25.AA all right Ball over Cvery much Dthrough26.Ahad Bpaid Caccepted Dspent27.Alonely Bnearby Cbear Dpublic28.Aremained Bturned Cgot Dappeared29.Aby Bin Con Dnearby30.Adropped Bfell Crose Draised三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)AIn October 1949 the united Nations brought a number of officials food to Geneva to discuss the problem of eating habits and food supplies of peoples throughout the world.one problen that interested them particulary was a form of illness , about which little was known among the children in africa and Latin America.Two doctors were chosen to make the study. They flew to Africa , south of Sahara and during the next to months they visited ten countries .They found that serious problens of poor eating existed in all parts of Africa.The sick children are usually from one to four years old .As the illness progresses, the childrens stomachs become filled with liquid. The hair changes color and starts to fall out .The patient loses all interest in his wants to lie down all the time.The doctors pointed out that many African children callght this kind of ilness because they ate too little milk or meat. It was necessary that the children of Africa should be helped to eat better .The doctors suggested that the production of food rich in protein(蛋白质)be increased .The United Nations should send large quantities of potted milk to hospitals and children health centres.31.This illness is caused by Aliving on food without protein Bpoor living conditionCa kind of insect Dhaving no food32.The study of this illness by the two doctors was done is AAfrica BThe Sahara CLatin America DGeneva33.A main sign of the illness is that children who have it Ahave fat stomachs Bgrow more hairCdont want to move Dare always hungry34.The study shows that the children who suffer from this kind of illness are usually AteengersBunder one year oldCthe children in Africa and AmericaDfrom one to four years old35.The patients can be cured by being given Amore meat and milk Bthe proper medicineCmore sleep and less meat Dclean waterBIt is difficult for parents of nearig every family to teach their children to be responsible(有责任的)for housework , but with one of the following suggestions ,you really can get your children to help at home.If you give your children the impression that they can never do anything quite ,then they will regard themselves as unfit or unable persons.Unlss children believe they cansucceed , the will never becom totally(完全地)inde pendent (独立)My daughter Carlars fifth-grade teacher made every child in her class feel special. When students received less than a perfect test scord , she would point what they had mastered and declared firmly they could learn what they had missed.You can use the same technique(技巧)when you evaluate(评价)your childs work at home .Dont always scold and give lots of praise instead .Talk about what the has done right , not about what he hasns Sunday trip or a ball game with Dad.Learning is a process(过程)of trying and failing and trying and succeeding .If you teach your children not to fear a mistake of failure, they will learn faster and achieve success at last.36.The whole passage deals with Asocial education Bschooleducation Cfamily education Dpre-school education37.The author thinks that Athere is no way to get children to help at hmeBthe more encouragement and praise you giveCit is very difficult to make children responsible for houseworkDchildren can be forced to help with housework38.The article gives us a good suggestion about how to evaluate your childs work at home .That is to Apraise his success Bpromise him a tripCgive him a punishment Dpromise him a ball game39.The author advises readers to Alearn from himselt, for he has a good way of teachingBtake pride in carlas fifth-grade teacherCdo as what Carlas teacher did in educating childrenDfollow Carlas example because she never fails in the test40.Having read the last paragraph, we can conclude that Apride goes before a fall Bpractice makes perfectCno pains no gains Dfailure is the mother of success四、阅读表达(每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面广告,并根据文章后的题目要求回答问题Win the Holiday of a Lifetime!If you are a student or under 20,you can take part in the Destination Europe tuavel competition and“win the holiday of a lifetime.”You will spend two months touring Europe and visiting the countries of your choice .Whats more , you can go with your best friend ! All you have to do is to answer our European culture quize and write about a place in Europe youd particularly(尤其)like to visit and why .The first three contestant with correct answers will win a two month holiday around Europe for two.Send your answers to :Detination Europe Travel Company ,57th street , New york city.41.who can take part in the competition?42.What can they win?43.How long will they spend touring(旅游)Europe?44.Who can they go with?45.What do they have to do ?完成句子(每小题1分,共10分)46.Gaudiz (从事于)the project from 1882 until his death in 1926.47.Their work has influenced other writers (自从那时起)48.Tornadoes can (卷起,掀起)cars,trains and even houses and put them down is the next street.49. (到时候为止)it ended , more than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had been injured.50.Ancient China was a place where states often (和处于战争状态)with each other51.Mencius was a thinker whose teachings very (与相似)that of confucius 52.Now his dream (已经变成现实)53.In France (另一方面),the head of state is a president 54.His fater died when he was young , and the (被养大)by his mother55.The dam will genrate electricity (等同于)about 40 million tons of coal without causing so air pollution.书面表达(共15分)假如你是一名中学生,前几天你回到你的小学母校看望你的老师,你发现学校发生了很大变化,请你写一篇100词左右的短文,描述一下这些变化要求如下:1、 老教学楼右边盖起一幢新教学楼2、 校园前面建了一个新操场,原旧操场处盖起了图书馆3、 校内及周围种了许多树,非常漂亮。题示词: 1.小学 primary school2. 教学楼 teaching building3.发生 take place


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