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课题:Module 1 Unit 1 She Was a Driver Before教学目标1.Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words2. Consoliating simple past tense and talk about jobs, pay attention to the usage of before and now教学重难点let students grasp the 4-skill words: drove flute player .Help students grasp the key sentences:She was a driver before. What music did he play? He played Chinese music. Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly.some cards tape recorder stickers ect.课前准备教科书,多媒体教学课时教学过程备注Teachers ActivityI.Warming up and Revision1、 Greeting2、 Organize pupils to say the chant in book 93、Sing a songII.Leading-in1、Show the pictures of the dialogue2、Say something about the picture in Chinese.3、Now you are going to listen to a dialogue about jobs. Lets go and see it. Ok now lets learn the dialogue.III.Listening & Reading Activities1、Play the tape.2、Play the tape.3、Put the new words on the blackboard, drill the words.4、 Play the tape.5、 Give them some questions:What was Linglings grandma before? What did she drive? Whos the man in the picture? What was he before? What music did he play?6、Practise the difficulty sentences .IV.Further Development1、 Give them 2 minutes to practice the dialogue in groups.2、Check the students.3、Ask them look at Exercise 3 ,thenwork with a partner.4、Check the students.5、Have a test.V.Homework1、Read and act the dialogue after class.2、Copy the new words four times.Students Activity1、 Greeting.2、 Say the chant and do the actions.3、Clap hands and sing the song.1、The students look and listen.2、 The students look and understand.3、The students read the title loudly and clearly.1、 Listen and point.2、 Listen and underline the new words.3、 Learn the new words in different ways.4、 The students listen and repeat.5、 Answer the questions.6、The students say the key words and sentences in different ways.1、 The students practise in groups.2、 Act it out.(The best group will get a prize.)3、 The students make up a dialogue using before and now according to the picture.4、 The students say the sentences as quickly as possible.5、Finish the Activity book教材反思:题:Module 1 Unit 2 He Worked in an Office教学目标1. simple past tenseReview: is-was ,are-were, do-didTeach: work-worked, office, parent, hospital, shop, factory) 2. Sentences:Where did you your grandpa work?He worked in an office.Where did you your grandma work?She worked in a factory.教学重难点1.冠词aan 的应用如:【an office 、a factory】2.涉及过去时句型的特殊疑问句的问答应用:(1)Where did you your grandpa work? (2)He worked in an office. (3)Where did you your grandma work? (4)She worked in a factory.3.涉及一般现在时第三人称单数的应用:(1)My mother works in a shop. (2)My father works in a hospital.课前准备教科书,多媒体教学课时教学过程Teachers ActivityI.Warming up and Revision1、 Greeting2、 Organize pupils to say the chant in book 93、Sing a songII.Leading-in1、Show the pictures of the dialogue2、Say something about the picture in Chinese.3、Now you are going to listen to a dialogue about jobs. Lets go and see it. Ok now lets learn the dialogue.备注III.Listening & Reading Activities1、Play the tape.2、Play the tape.3、Put the new words on the blackboard, drill the words.4、 Play the tape.5、 Give them some questions:What was Linglings grandma before? What did she drive? Whos the man in the picture? What was he before? What music did he play?6、Practise the difficulty sentences .IV.Further Development1、 Give them 2 minutes to practice the dialogue in groups.2、Check the students.3、Ask them look at Exercise 3 ,thenwork with a partner.4、Check the students.5、Have a test.V.Homework1、Read and act the dialogue after class.2、Copy the new words four times.Students Activity1、 Greeting.2、 Say the chant and do the actions.3、Clap hands and sing the song.1、The students look and listen.2、 The students look and understand.3、The students read the title loudly and clearly.1、 Listen and point.2、 Listen and underline the new words.3、 Learn the new words in different ways.4、 The students listen and repeat.5、 Answer the questions.6、The students say the key words and sentences in different ways.1、 The students practise in groups.2、 Act it out.(The best group will get a prize.)3、 The students make up a dialogue using before and now according to the picture.4、 The students say the sentences as quickly as possible.5、Finish the Activity book教材反思:题:Module 2 Unit 1 What Did She Have for Lunch教学目标100%的学生能够全面参与本课时主要单词:email、sausage、 sandwich、 delicious、traditional的学习,且90%的学生能够运用自如。2.100%的学生能听懂会说句型:What did she /he have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?She/He had eggs and sausages/sandwiches/fish and chips. 100%的学生能够理解该结构的意义,100%的学生能够运用该句式进行简单的交流,85%的学生可以运用自如。教学重难点1.对一日三餐单词的掌握和运用。2.了解英语国家饮食习惯。3.询问别人和谈论自己的一日三餐的饮食课前准备教科书,多媒体,图片、单词卡片教学课时Step1 Warming up1Greeting:Hello,everyone.Chant:Noodles and rice are very very nice.2. Brain storm between the teacher and the students:1)Do you like applesricemeat? etc.Does shehe like?2)What do you like to eat? What does your mother like to eat?3)Whats your favourite food? Why?(通过回答why,能够有效地与学生进行深层次的思维对话,学生会说出because its nice.这样的回答,教师会顺势引导出单词:delicious,并进行强化训练。(通过头脑风暴,唤起学生的英语记忆储存,在输出的过程中做好了知识铺垫作用)4)Look and say(教师出示课件,展现食物图片)Are they Chinese food or Enlish food?通过图片,引出traditional Chinese food。强化学习traditional.(通过拍手,将traditional的重音表示出来,帮助孩子更好的掌握单词)Step 2 New presentation:1. Lead-in导入:T: We know something about Chinese food. Do you want to know sth.about English food? Today well learn Module 3 Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages.(teacher writes the topic on the blackboard,and the students follow to read.)Daming has got an email from Lingling. Whats it about?(通过课件引出email单词,让学生了解意思,掌握读音)Watch the CD-ROM, find out the answer.3. Questions show before the second listening.1)What did Lingling have for breakfast?2)What did she have for lunch?3)What did she have for dinner?4.Students listen and learn the text.5.Try to answer the questions. (在三个问题的回答上,教师设计了由易到难的梯次。第一个问题,教师利用课件给出了两个图片让学生进行选择,A.eggs and sausages B. hamgburges.学生能较为顺利的找到正确答案,提高学生学习的自信心。第二个和第三个问题,采用小组合作的方式,划出正确答案,试着来回答。教师在屏幕上给出语言支撑:She had .)6.根据学生的回答,完整呈现Lingling一日三餐的安排:She had eggs and sausagesShe had sandwiches.She had fish and chips.(食物单词后紧跟着图片显示,更能直观的让学生明白单词含意)7.Learn to say the new words: eggs sausages sandwiches fish and chips in many ways.8.Listen and repeat the third time, get to know something about English food.(Fish and chips is traditiona English dinner.)9. Try to read in groups.Step3 Extension :1. Exercise 1:We know Linglings meals in England. Can you fill in the blanks according to the text.Daming has got an from Lingling. Its about .Lingling had an Enlish breakfast,she had and . She had for lunch. She had for dinner.Its a English dinner. Lingling likes English food very much,she says its very .2. Chant:Breakfast breakfastWhat did she have?Eggs sausagesShe had eggs and sausages.3. Play a guessing game:What did shehe have for breakfastlunchdinner?(课件显示食物图片,人物图片)The teacher asks and the students try to guess with the sentences: HeShe had4. Teacher talks about the meals about herself:Yesterday, I had an egg and soybean milk for breakfast.I had rice and vegetables for lunch. I had noodles for dinner. What about you?(First practise between the teacher and the students, then pracitse in pairs with the sentence: What did you have for breakfastlunchdinner?5. Do a survey:What did your good friends have for breakfastlunchdinner?6. Report: HeShe hadfor breakfastlunchdinner.Step 4 Summary1. What have you learnt today?(new wordphrasessentences)2.Talk about the diffences between the Chinese food and the English food. What are more healthier? We should have a healthy diet every day. And we should do more exercises. Its good for us.Step 5 Homework1.Listen and read the text fluently.2.Talk about your meals with your good friend.3.Reply an email to Lingling,tell her what you had for breakfastlunchdinner yesterday.备注教材反思: 题:Module 2 Unit 2 Lunch is Usually at Half Past Twelve教学目标Describing eating habits.Language point: What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?She hadVocabulary: egg, email, sandwich, traditional, delicious, hamburger, ate (eat), gave (give), drank (drink), tonight教学重难点课前准备教科书,多媒体教学课时教学过程备注Step1. Warming up1. Sing the song: I worked in an office.2. Ask and answer: What do you usually have for lunch?Step 2. Go over1Put this table on the board.Name:Name:When do you usually have breakfast?2. Put st. in groups of four. Have them ask one another the question in the table.Step 3. Learning the text.1. Drawing sts attention:T: You may know sth. about our Chinese food and meals. Do you know sth. about English food and meals? What do often eat? When do they have three meals? Now lets listen and see together. -play the cassette.2. Play again.3. Ask and answer: (1) What time do English people have breakfast?(2)What is the lunch time?(3)What time do they have dinner?(4)Which day is special for them?(5)What do they usually eat on Fridays?Step 4. Learning the song.1. Show pictures.2. Play the cassette.Divide the class into six groups. Name of each group as: eggs and chips; sausages; fish; chicken; sandwiches; vegetables.布置作业: (1) Write a short passage about Chinese three meals. (at least 40 words.)(2)Recite the text of Unit2.板书设计: Module 2 Unit2In England: Sunday-specialhave breakfast-7:00 chickenlunch -12:30lunch-together potatoesdinner-6:00 vegetablesFridays-fish教材反思: 题:Module 3 Unit 1 Have You Got the Harry Potter Videos教学目标Using Ability task: Students learn how to borrow things the library.ABasic Demands:Vocabulary: borrow, return Review:Video, shelf, library card, favorite Sentences: Have you got the Harry Potter videos?Yes, we have.No, we havent.Please return the books in two weeks.B RevisionSorry, we havent got the videos. But we have got the books.教学重难点The pronunciation of “return”, and the using way of “Have you got books/videos?Tape recorder, photos, word cards, and ppt.课前准备教科书,多媒体教学课时教学过程备注Step 1 warming-up 1. Greeting.2. Boys and girls watch a short part of “Harry Potter” videos.Step 2 Presentation1. Lead inT: Do you like Harry Potter films?I have got the Harry Potter videos? Have you got the Harry Potter videos? You can answer “Yes, I have/No, I havent”2. Practice “Have you got” and “Yes/No” answers.T: Have you got “Mickey mouse” videos?S1: Yes, I have.T: Wow, great! Can I borrow your videos?Thank you! I will return it next week.(Lead out new words “borrow” and “return”.)Do lots of practicing.Step 3 Game1 (Magic box)T: I have a box, in this box, there are lots of things, you can guesswith the sentences on the blackboard “Miss Ma, Have you got.?”If you guess right, you will get this thing.Step 4 Chant Have you got a pen pen pen?No, I havent got a pen pen pen.Have you got a book book book?Yes, Ive got a book book book.Can I borrow your book book book?Yes, you can borrow my book book book.Please return my book in two weeks.Step5 Game2 ( Find the partner)Teacher give each student a paper with a book or a videos name on it, in a group, there will be four students have the same paper, student try to find their partner with asking “ Have you gotbooks name”, the fastest students that find their partner will be winner.Step 6 Learn the text.(1) Listen to the cassette and point.(2) Listen and repeat then T will ask some questions.Q1: Where are Amy and Lingling?Q2: Have the library got “Harry Potter” videos?Q3: Where are the books?Q4: When should they return the books?(3) Explain some words and important sentences for Ss.Step 7 Homework(1) Listen and read the text 3 times.(2)Write the new words. (5words)第二课时教学目标:Extend the using of main sentences “Have you got”Teaching content:(1) Students make a role play with the main points.(2) Help Ss try to recite the text.(3) Do the exercise on the Activity Book.教学过程:Step 1 Warming up:(1) Free talk to review the main sentences.T: Have you got ?S1: Yes, I have/ No, I havent.(2) Game (Happy face and sad face)S1: Face to the blackboard.S2: show faces.All the others ask: Have you got?S1: Yes, I have. / No, I havent.Step 2 Role PlayT: I want a student to do dialogue with me.Lets act out the dialogue on the blackboard.Shop assistant: Hello, welcome to our shop, can I help you?Customer: Yes, Have you got “Snow white” videos?S A: Yes, we have. They are on shelf B.C: Thank you.C: Here is my library card.S A: Please return the books in 3 weeks.C: Thank you.Step 3 do exercise on Activity Book about Module3 unit1Step 4 Home work(1) Try to remember the new words, prepare to have a dictation.(2)Translate the English sentence into the Chinese.教材反思: 题:教学目标1. simple past tenseReview: is-was ,are-were, do-didTeach: work-worked, office, parent, hospital, shop, factory) 2. Sentences:Where did you your grandpa work?He worked in an office.Where did you your grandma work?She worked in a factory.教学重难点1.冠词aan 的应用如:【an office 、a factory】2.涉及过去时句型的特殊疑问句的问答应用:(1)Where did you your grandpa work? (2)He worked in an office. (3)Where did you your grandma work? (4)She worked in a factory.3.涉及一般现在时第三人称单数的应用:(1)My mother works in a shop. (2)My father works in a hospital.课前准备教科书,多媒体教学课时教学过程备注Teachers ActivityI.Warming up and Revision1、 Greeting2、 Organize pupils to say the chant in book 93、Sing a songII.Leading-in1、Show the pictures of the dialogue2、Say something about the picture in Chinese.3、Now you are going to listen to a dialogue about jobs. Lets go and see it. Ok now lets learn the dialogue.III.Listening & Reading Activities1、Play the tape.2、Play the tape.3、Put the new words on the blackboard, drill the words.4、 Play the tape.5、 Give them some questions:What was Linglings grandma before? What did she drive? Whos the man in the picture? What was he before? What music did he play?6、Practise the difficulty sentences .IV.Further Development1、 Give them 2 minutes to practice the dialogue in groups.2、Check the students.3、Ask them look at Exercise 3 ,thenwork with a partner.4、Check the students.5、Have a test.V.Homework1、Read and act the dialogue after class.2、Copy the new words four times.Students Activity1、 Greeting.2、 Say the chant and do the actions.3、Clap hands and sing the song.1、The students look and listen.2、 The students look and understand.3、The students read the title loudly and clearly.1、 Listen and point.2、 Listen and underline the new words.3、 Learn the new words in different ways.4、 The students listen and repeat.5、 Answer the questions.6、The students say the key words and sentences in different ways.1、 The students practise in groups.2、 Act it out.(The best group will get a prize.)3、 The students make up a dialogue using before and now according to the picture.4、 The students say the sentences as quickly as possible.5、Finish the Activity book教材反思: 题:Module 1 Unit 2 He Worked in an Office教学目标1. simple past tenseReview: is-was ,are-were, do-didTeach: work-worked, office, parent, hospital, shop, factory) 2. Sentences:Where did you your grandpa work?He worked in an office.Where did you your grandma work?She worked in a factory.教学重难点1.冠词aan 的应用如:【an office 、a factory】2.涉及过去时句型的特殊疑问句的问答应用:(1)Where did you your grandpa work? (2)He worked in an office. (3)Where did you your grandma work? (4)She worked in a factory.3.涉及一般现在时第三人称单数的应用:(1)My mother works in a shop. (2)My father works in a hospital.课前准备教科书,多媒体教学课时教学过程备注Teachers ActivityI.Warming up and Revision1、 Greeting2、 Organize pupils to say the chant in book 93、Sing a songII.Leading-in1、Show the pictures of the dialogue2、Say something about the picture in Chinese.3、Now you are going to listen to a dialogue about jobs. Lets go and see it. Ok now lets learn the dialogue.III.Listening & Reading Activities1、Play the tape.2、Play the tape.3、Put the new words on the blackboard, drill the words.4、 Play the tape.5、 Give them some questions:What was Linglings grandma before? What did she drive? Whos the man in the picture? What was he before? What music did he play?6、Practise the difficulty sentences .IV.Further Development1、 Give them 2 minutes to practice the dialogue in groups.2、Check the students.3、Ask them look at Exercise 3 ,thenwork with a partner.4、Check the students.5、Have a test.V.Homework1、Read and act the dialogue after class.2、Copy the new words four times.Students Activity1、 Greeting.2、 Say the chant and do the actions.3、Clap hands and sing the song.1、The students look and listen.2、 The students look and understand.3、The students read the title loudly and clearly.1、 Listen and point.2、 Listen and underline the new words.3、 Learn the new words in different ways.4、 The students listen and repeat.5、 Answer the questions.6、The students say the key words and sentences in different ways.1、 The students practise in groups.2、 Act it out.(The best group will get a prize.)3、 The students make up a dialogue using before and now according to the picture.4、 The students say the sentences as quickly as possible.5、Finish the Activity book教材反思: 题:Module 1 Unit 2 He Worked in an Office教学目标1. simple past tenseReview: is-was ,are-were, do-didTeach: work-worked, office, parent, hospital, shop, factory) 2. Sentences:Where did you your grandpa work?He worked in an office.Where did you your grandma work?She worked in a factory.教学重难点1.冠词aan 的应用如:【an office 、a factory】2.涉及过去时句型的特殊疑问句的问答应用:(1)Where did you your grandpa work? (2)He worked in an office. (3)Where did you your grandma work? (4)She worked in a factory.3.涉及一般现在时第三人称单数的应用:(1)My mother works in a shop. (2)My father works in a hospital.课前准备教科书,多媒体教学课时教学过程备注Teachers ActivityI.Warming up and Revision1、 Greeting2、 Organize pupils to say the chant in book 93、Sing a songII.Leading-in1、Show the pictures of the dialogue2、Say something about the picture in Chinese.3、Now you are going to listen to a dialogue about jobs. Lets go and see it. Ok now lets learn the dialogue.III.Listening & Reading Activities1、Play the tape.2、Play the tape.3、Put the new words on the blackboard, drill the words.4、 Play the tape.5、 Give them some questions:What was Linglings grandma before? What did she drive? Whos the man in the picture? What was he before? What music did he play?6、Practise the difficulty sentences .IV.Further Development1、 Give them 2 minutes to practice the dialogue in groups.2、Check the students.3、Ask them look at Exercise 3 ,thenwork with a partner.4、Check the students.5、Have a test.V.Homework1、Read and act the dialogue after class.2、Copy the new words four times.Students Activity1、 Greeting.2、 Say the chant and do the actions.3、Clap hands and sing the song.1、The students look and listen.2、 The students look and understand.3、The students read the title loudly and clearly.1、

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