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英语综合教程 1 课后习题答案 第一单元 Text A Exercise 1 1 No There are many new things in cloolege life such as b eing on my own having Friday off and talking with friendl y people I ll have to adjust to these 2 The first thing that came into my mind was that could m ake any decisionon my own 3 Yes All people including both my teachers and classmat es are nice and friendly to me Exercise 2 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 B 5 A Exercise 3 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F Exercise 4 1 Being on my own 2 Friendly people 3 Having Friday of f Exercise 5 1 8 dfgebahc Exercise 6 1 open an count 开立账户 close an account with a bank 和银行结账 a checking account 活期存款账户 a savings account 储蓄存款账户 2 adjust to a new life 适应新的生活 adjust to life in a big city 适应大城市的生活 adjust a watch 校准手表 adjust an error 调整误差 3 be located in a business center 坐落在商业中心 located in the city center 坐落在城市中心 located the shop 找到那商店的位置 locate a place on the map 在地图上找到某位置 4 be confused about the new ways 对新方法感到困惑 a confused student 迷惑不解的学生 confuse black with white 混淆黑白 confuse the accounts 弄乱账目 Exercise 7 1 handle 2 account 3 clue 4 aspects 5 savings 6 check 7 co pe 8 adjusted 9 located 10 confused Exercise 8 1 in a row 2 slept in 3 think about 4 cope with 5 added t o 6 had off 7 on her own 8 adjust to 9 Now that 10 find out Exercise 9 1 It is expect that the chairman will speak today The chairman is expected to speak today 2 It is thought that she is the best singer that France ha s ever produced She is thought to be the best singer that France has ev er produced 3 It is said that the two men were hiding in the woods The two men are said tobe hiding in the woods 4 It is reported that a strange flying object was seen ove r New Jersey last night A strange flying object is reported to be seen over New Jersey last night 5 It is felt that very little was done to settle the matte r Very little is felt to be done to settle the matter 6 It is konown that you were in town when this happened You are known to have been in town when this happened Exercise10 1 working 2 to be talking 3 not turning on 4 taking t o get 5 going 6 laughing 7 going 8 swimming 9 liv ing 10 carrying Text B Exercise1 1 My purpose of going to college is to improve myself and gain more knowledge so that I can work and serve my country better in the future 2 Yes Some middle aged people go to college to receive fu rther education others want to fulfill their dreams Exercise2 1 8 FFTTFTFT Exercise3 1 opportunity 2 secret 3 achieved 4 shared 5 introduce 6 challenge 7 ability 8 education 9 experience 10 re tire Exercise4 1 stay young 2 grew up 3 was afraid of 4 turn around 5 At the end of 6 are intersted 7 dreaming of 8 looked around 9 smiled at 10 take on Exercise5 1 It was Dr Smith who decided to operate on the patient th e next day 2 It is beacuse you have lost all this papers that he is a ngry 3 It was a new dress that she bought to go to the party 4 It was five years ago that I first met them 5 She was by mistake that she gave him the wrong telephone number 6 It is you who are wrong

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