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Review 1口语表达背诵篇一、必备句子1. Excuse me!2. Is this your handbag?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.3. How are you today?Im fine, Thank you.4. How do you do? 初次见面,正式打招呼。5. Nice to meet you.6. Whats your job?I am an English teacher.7. What colour is your dress?My dress is blue.8. Are you French?Yes, I am. / No, Im not.9. What nationality are you?I am French.10. Which one? 哪一个? / which ones? 哪些?The red one. The red ones.11. Where is it? 它在哪里(提问位置、方位) / Where are they?Its an the desk. Theyre in the kitchen. 他们在厨房。12. Whats the weather like today?Its fine.13. Whats he / she / it doing? 他 / 她 / 它在做什么?14. What are they doing?They are doing their homework.15. What are you going to do?Im going to sleep.二、名词归类星期Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayCOLOURred blue white black orange purple pink yellow greenNUMBERone two three four five six seven eight nine teneleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteenten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninetyone hundred tow hundred three hundred nine hundred (hundred后面都不加复数)语法点点通一、冠词和名词1. 定冠词,不定冠词定冠词:the指代独一无二的事物或者是前文中提到的某一个确定的事物。(形容词最高级有会使用到the)。e.g. the moon / the sun / the earthe.g. Ah, Your dress is pretty!Thank you, I like the dress, too.2. 不定冠词:a / an名词若是以元音音素开头,用ane.g. an apple / an hour(字母h不发音,元音音素开头)e.g. a boy / a girl / a teacher / a student二、名词的单数复数(复数形式发音)1. s / es一般情况下:加s名词以s结尾的,变成复数加es发音规则如果名词词尾的发音是一个清辅音(st),s发s的音。e.g. booksbks suitssuts如果名词词尾的发音是一个浊辅音(zd),或者名词词尾是一个元音,s发z的音。e.g. tiestaiz dogsdgz如果名词词尾的发音是sztd,s发iz的音。e.g. dressesdresiz blousesblaziz2. 如果名词是以f / fe结尾,变成复数时,一般要把-f或者-fe变成-v,再加es。3. 不规则:man men woman women三、所有格e.g. Toms schoolbag Jeans dresss加在名字后面,表示后面的事物属于前面一个人,它的作用和形容词性物主代词是一样的。Toms schoolbag = his schoolbag四、代词同汉语中代词的概念:我,你,她,他,它1. 不同:人称代词主、宾格I love you. You love me.处在宾语位置的人称代词,一定要用宾格。2. 人称代词复数3. 形容词性物主代词4. 不定代词one 指代前面提到的一个事物A:Give me a book, please.B:Which book? This one?五、时态现在进行时:表示说话时,正在进行的动作。be + 动词现在分词。e.g. I am listening to the music. 我正在听音乐。be动词需要和前面主语保持一致,相应作出选择。What提问:What are you doing? 你正在做什么?可以用来表示将来的be going to do e.g. What are you going to do?Im going to sleep.句型总结归纳关键句型:主谓宾&主系表主谓宾:I love you. 我爱你。主语:I谓语:love 通常由动词来表示宾语:you 动作的承受对象主系表Sophie is French.主语:Sophie系动词:通常由be动词担任表语:描述主语情况,状态疑问句型:一般疑问句&特殊疑问句一般疑问句目前:以be动词来提问e.g. Is he a student?特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词(五个W,一个H)what:提问什么 What is yourwhen:提问时间 When is your birthday?where:提问地点 Where is your father?why:提问原因 Why are you crying?who:提问任务 Who is your best friends?How:提问如何,方式 How are you? / How is everything going?(一切都还好吗) 1. There be句型:某地有 / 存在 就近原则be动词形式:由后面的名词决定There is :单数可数名词 / 不可数名词e.g. There is an apple on the table.There is some milk in the bottle. milk不可数名词There are :复数可数名词e.g. There are three apples on the table.就近(一致)原则2. Here Here you are. “给你”“你要的东西在这里”(则重点在对方人上)Here it is. / Here they are. 单数 / 复数(侧重点在东西上)3. be going to:表示计划、安排打算将来做某事。4. 双宾语句型e.g. Give me this book.this book:直接宾语 me:间接宾语 Give this book to me.to:动作的方向。祈使句:表示直接的命令,建议,告诫,邀请等。一般省略主语,动词采用原形。5. 情态动词must:表示“不得不,应该”辨析对对碰excuse me & sorryexcuse me:引起注意,打扰一下,在问路,插话,走开,或表示异议时可用。Sorry:做了某事,感到抱歉This is & Here is :这是 This is :强调后面的事物Here is :强调地点,位置e.g. This is a book. 这是一本书。不是其他的什么东西Here is a book.这里(放的)是一本书。不是别处,是这里How are you? & How do you do?How are you?:熟人(朋友,同学,同事)见面How do you do?:第一次见面(正式)Whats your job? & What do you do?e.g. What do you do? 你是干什么的?Im a teacher.Review 2口语表达1. Whats in it?A piece of cheese. / A pound of sugar. 量词的概念2. Can you make the tea? 你会沏茶吗?Yes, of course.3. Wheres the tea? 提问位置Its over there, behind the teapot. over there:那,在那4. Hurry up! 催促别人赶紧,刚快。5. Can you come here a minute please? Yes, Sir? 6. Can she type this letter for me? 她能为我打这封信吗?Ask he please. 请问问她Yes, sir. 可以,先生。/好的,先生。7. 表达是否喜欢:Do you like coffee?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.8. 表达是否想要:Do you want any sugar?Yes, please. / No, thank you.9. 选择疑问句:Do you want beef or lamb?Beef, please. / Lamb, please.10. To tell you the truth, I dont like chicken either!to tell you the truth = to be honest = to be frankeither: a; i- (否定)也11. 问来自哪里Where do you come from? 你来自哪里?I come from Greece. 我来自希腊Where are you from?I am from Greece.12. 问气候,天气:Whats the climate like in your country?Its very pleasant.Whats the weather like in spring?Its often windy in March./ Its always warm in April and May, but it rains sometime.13. Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?延伸:水果fruit / 科目subject / 体育运动sportI like spring and summer. 我喜欢春天和夏天。The days are long and the nights are short. The sun rise early and sets late.14. Is that all? 就这些吗?Thats all, thank you. 就这些,谢谢。15. Whats the matter with him? 他怎么了?He feels ill. 他生病了。16. Can you remember the doctors telephone number? 你还记得医生的电话号码吗?/ Whats the doctors telephone number? 医生的电话号码是什么?Its 09754. 17. 感冒:He has a cold. / He catches a cold.发烧:He has a fever. / He has a temperature.卧床休息:He is in bed18. 打算干什么:be going to doWhat are you going to do this evening, Jill?Im going to meet some friends, Dad.19. 表示要求,命令You mustnt come home late, You must be home at half past ten.I cant get home so early, Dad.Can I have the key to the front door, please?No, you cant.the key to the front door前门的钥匙20. 问一个人怎么样? Whats Ron Marston like, Pauline? Hes awful.21. 预约Do you have an appointment?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.22. Can you wait till this afternoon? 情态动词的否定疑问句,表示请求。I can wait, but my toothache cant. 分类词汇1. 四季:spring春天、summer夏天、autumn / fall秋天、winter冬天2. 月份:January, February, March, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December3. 星期:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday4. 天气:pleasant, sunny, rainy下雨的, snowy下雪的, windy, warm, hot, cold5. 身体部位 / 面部器官:head, neck, arm, hand, leg, foot, face, eye, eyebrow, nose, mouth, tongue, ear6. 病痛:headache, earache, toothache, stomachache, backache7. 食物肉类 / 蔬菜:pork猪肉, beef, fish, lamb, chicken, mince, steak, tomato, potato, cabbage, lettuce, pea, bean语法点点通1. 量词(L21)a piece of:一片 e.g. a piece of cheese 一片奶酪a loaf of:一条 loaf:指条状物 e.g. a loaf of bread 一条面包a bar of:一块 e.g. a bar of soup 一块肥皂 a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力a bottle of:一瓶 e.g. a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶a pound of:一磅 e.g. a pound of sugar 一磅糖A tin of:一罐 e.g. a tin of tobacco 一盒烟丝 / 烟草2. 方位词1) in:在 李米娜e.g. in the kitchen 在厨房里in the room 在房间里in the middle of 在 中间2) out:出来e.g. Some children are coming out of the building.Some of them are going into the park.come out of:从 出来 go into:进去 in & into:总的来说,差别不大。into更强调“进去”这样一个过程和动作。e.g. She is in the hospital. 她在医院里面。She gets into the hospital. 她走进医院 / 她进入医院。3) on:在 的表面上e.g. on the wall 在墙上 on the floor 在地板上方位e.g. on the left 在左边 on the right 在右边靠近,临近e.g. The village is on the river. 这个村庄靠近河流。4) over:在 上面on & over on:表面有接触 over:悬空的在上方,并不接触。e.g. There is a book on the floor. 地板上有一本书The aeroplane is flying over the river. 飞机正从河上飞过。5) under:在 下面e.g. under the tree 在树下面 under the table 在桌子下面6) in front of:在 的前面e.g. Im going to put it here, in front of the window. 我准备把它放在这儿,放在窗前。知识补充:a. 我们的教室前面有一颗树。 教室外部的前面,有一颗树。There is a tree in the front of the classroom. b. 我们的教室前面有一块黑板。 教室内部的前面,有一块黑板。There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.两个表示位置的短语:in front of & in the front ofin front of:表示在整个范围之外的前面。in the front of:表示在范围内的前面。e.g. 我们的公交车前面有一个小轿车。There is a car in front of our bus.我们的公交车前面有一位年轻的司机。There is a young driver in the front of our bus.7) behind:在 后面e.g. Wheres the tea?Its over there, behind the teapot.He is behind the plan. 他是主策划,主谋(抽象含义)8) across:横过,横穿e.g. Its running across the grass.an expedition across Africa. 一次穿越非洲的探险9) near:离 近e.g. The armchairs are near the table.The stereo is near the door10) between:在 中间e.g. Our village is in a valley. It is between two hills.11) along:沿着 e.g. My wife and I are walking along the banks of the river. 我和我妻子沿着河岸一直走。Walk along this street and turn left at the second corner.沿着这条街一直走,在第二个拐弯处左转。3. 代词e.g. some, one, ones 目的:避免重复some:指代名词e.g. Sam: Where are the cups?Penny: There are some in the cupboard. Some some cups一些杯子One, ones:不定代词L11 e.g. Man: Give me a book please, Jane.Woman: Which book? This one?Man: No, not that one. The red one. one a bookL12 e.g. Man: Give me some glasses please, Jane.Women: Which glasses? These glasses?Man: No, not those, The ones on the shelf. ones glasses4. 及物动词,不及物动词及物:后面跟东西 名词或者名词性短语作宾语e.g. I like coffee. I want a cup of coffee.不及物:后面不直接跟宾语,也可以完整地表达意思。e.g. I run. Birds fly.通过句型,短语结构判断是否及物。5. 频率副词often:经常 always:经常,总是 sometimes:有时偶尔 数字+times:表示次数e.g. He telephoned me four times yesterday and three times the day before yesterday.6. 时间的表达 季节,时间,天气:用人称代词it作主语1) 整点:数字 + oclocke.g. It is six oclock. 现在是六点钟。It is six oclock a.m. 现在是早上6点。It is six oclock p.m. 现在是下午6点。sharp:整点 e.g. Its six oclock sharp. 现在是六点钟整2) 一刻,几刻,半 quarter:刻 half:半e.g. It is a quarter to four. 现在是3点45。或差一刻到4点。It is quarter pass eight. 现在是8点15。8点过一刻。It is three quarter pass ten. 现在是10点45。e.g. It is half pass eight. 现在是8点30。3) 直接读出数字e.g. 8:30 It is half pass eight. / It is eight thirty.1:22 It is one twenty-two7. 反身代词 oneself myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselvese.g. enjoy oneself 玩得开心 Enjoy yourselves! 祝你们玩得开心8. have = have got:拥有e.g. I have two interesting story books.I have got two interesting story books.have的另一种用法:“从事,进行”L41 e.g. have a bath:洗澡 have a cigarette:吸烟 have a glass of whisky:喝一杯威士忌 have lunch:吃午饭 have dinner:吃晚饭9. 所有格表示地点在英语中,表示某一种商店,可以省略shop。e.g. at the butchers:在肉铺 at the greengrocers:在蔬菜水果店 at the hairdressers:在理发店 at the stationers:在文具店 at the doctors:在诊所 at the mothers:在我妈妈的房子10. 数量1) 序数词: 第一:first 第二:second 第三:third 第四:fourth 第十一:eleventh 第十二:twelfth 第十三:thirteenth 第二十:twentieth twenti 第二十一:twenty first 通过最后个位数的序数词变化来体现2) 形容物体的量:many, much, a lot of修饰名词many:加可数名词的复数e.g. Teddy has many books. Teddy有很多本书。 book:可数名词much:加不可数名词e.g. I dont have much money. 我没有多少钱。 money:不可数名词a lot of:既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词e.g. a lot of books. a lot of money.注意:在使用短语修饰不可数名词的时候,要首先判断名词是可数名词countable noun,还是不可数名词uncountable noun。11. 方式状语e.g. go to school by bus / by car / by bike / by ship / by plane / on foot.12. 情态动词can:表示“能力” e.g. I can swim.情态动词的否定形式:情态动词 + not构成e.g. I cannot swim. = I cant swim.疑问句:把情态动词放在句首,后面跟句子的主语和主要的谓语动词。e.g. Can you swim?特殊用法:情态动词的否定疑问句,表示请求。e.g. Cant you wait till this afternoon? 你就不能等到下午吗?13. 时态:一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时1) 一般现在时e.g. I am a boy. He goes to work.在一般现在时里,当主语是单数第三人称(he, she, it)的时候,谓语动词变成单三形式。2) 现在进行时:表示说话的时候,正在进行的动作或者事件。e.g. Shes sitting under the tree. Hes climbing the tree.结构:be的现在时(am, is, are) + 现在分词现在分词:a. 对于大多数名词来说,在动词后面直接加ing形式就可以构成现在分词。e.g. doing / climbingb. 以字母e结尾的单词:去e + ing e.g. make makingc. 如果动词只有一个元音字母,后面跟了一个辅音字母,则需要双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing。 e.g. running / sitting3) 一般过去时:过去发生的,现在已经结束的动作。结构:a. 当动词时be动词时:第一,第三人称单数:was;其他的情况:weree.g. I was a student. 我曾是一名学生。We were good friends. 我们曾经是好朋友。 b. be动词以外的动词 规则动词,在动词后加ed e.g. answer answered 以字母e结尾的动词,直接加d e.g. telephone telephone arrive arrived 不规则动词 e.g. do did say saidReview 3重点口语表达1. Were having lunch. Do you want to have lunch with us? No, thank you, Tom. Ive already had lunch. I had lunch at half past twelve.2. Excuse the mess, Sam. 屋子很乱,请原谅。3. Arent you lucky! 你们真幸运!(强调语气)4. Whats on? (上映)“Paris in the spring.”5. Have your mechanics finished yet?No, theyre still working on it. Lets go into the garage and have a look at it.have a look at it:看看6. I believe that this house is for sale.for sale:准备出售 for rent:准备出租7. How long have you lived here?Ive lived here for twenty years.Twenty years! Thats a long time.Yes, Ive been here since 1976.现在完成时:since + 加时间点 自从 8. How much does this house cost?68,500.Thats a lot of money!Its worth every penny of it.how much:提问价格worth every penny of it:每一个便士花得很值得9. When will the new people move into this house?I think that theyll move in the day after tomorrow.一般将来时:the day after tomorrow 明天的后面那天,即后天10. Will you see Ian today, Jenny?Yes, I will.Please give him my regards.请代我问候他。 / 请代我向他问好。11. Nigel is our new next-door neighbor.Hes a pilot.He will fly to New York next month.The month after next hell fly to Tokyo.next-door:作为adj. 来理解,作定语。next month:下个月 the month after next:下下个月the week after next the year after next12. At the moment, hes in Madrid.at the moment:现在,now, right now13. What time will the next train leave?At nineteen minutes past eight.Weve got plenty of time.What time = when 提问时间(将来) have got = haveplenty of:很多,修饰可数&不可数,适用范围同a lot of / lots ofplenty of + 名词 作主语,谓语动词的单复数形式看后面的名词e.g. There is plenty of room in this bag. 这个包里面还有空间。There are plenty of men out of work. 有很多人还没有工作。14. We had better go back to the station now, Ken.had better do sth.:最好做某事 + 动词原形15. We want to catch the eight nineteen to London.Youve just missed it.16. Whens the next train?In five hours time!e.g. He will arrive in four weeks. 四周以后,他将会到达。after + 时间点 within:表示在 一段时间之内e.g. He grew rich within a short time. 他在短时间内就变得富有了。e.g. I will meet you in week. 我一周之后将来见你,和你见面。 I will meet you within week. 我们将在一周之内见面。17. Can you describe it, sir?Theres a label on the handle with my name and address on it.lost and found:失物招领18. Is this case yours?No, thats not mine.19. This case doesnt belong to me!Youve given me the wrong case!belong to:主语是物体,后面跟着的是人20. Have you hurt yourself?Yes, I have.Hurt oneself:伤到某人自己 say sth. to myself:自言自语21. The doctor says that he will come at once. at once:马上(将来时态)22. I have just arrived in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel. 直接引语23. He says hes just arrived in Scotland. He says hes staying at a Youth Hostel. 间接引语24. He doesnt say very much, does he? 反义疑问句(前后时态需保持一致)25. The English and Maths papers werent easy enough for me.I hope I havent faild.e.g I failed the English exam. 英语考试没有及格。26. They were too difficult for me.sth. is easy enough for sb. (to do)sth. Is too difficult for sb. (to do)27. Im sure Ive got a low mark.Oh, cheer up! Perhaps we didnt do too badly.Im sure :+ 从句。 我肯定 Im certain :我肯定可能:perhaps / maybe / possible28. Shall I make some coffee, Jane?Thats a good idea, Charlotte.29. Id like a cigarette , too. May I have one?Of course.Id like :我想要 + 名词e.g. Id like a vegetable salad. 我想要一盘素菜沙拉。30. How much does it cost.It costs five hundred pounds.cost:主语是物体。它 值 价钱Spend:花了多少钱,主语是人e.g. spend 5 dollars on thisI spent 2 dollars on this hamburger.This hamburger cost me 2 dollars.语法知识梳理一、时态1. 现在完成时(present perfect)关于时态:什么时候出现,用在什么情况下?结构是什么?需要注意的点有哪些?现在完成时主要用于以下两种情况:表示过去不确定的时间里面发生的,并且于现在有着某种联系的动作。表示从过去就开始,一直持续到现在的动作。L42Tom: Hi, Sam. Were having lunch. Do you want to have lunch with us?Sam: No, thank you, Tom. Ive already had lunch. 现在完成时 I had lunch at half past twelve.现在完成时结构:主语 + have + 过去分词过去分词:规则动词:和过去式一样不规则动词:没有规则可循have been to + 地点:表示去过某地e.g. We have been to Beijing. 我们去过北京。 She has been to Beijing. 她去过北京。Have been to :去过某地Have gone to :去某个地方,还没回来e.g. Tom has been to Tiananmen Square. 汤姆去过天安门广场。 Tom has gone to Tiananmen Square. 汤姆去天安门了,现在还没有回来。2. 一般将来时表示在将来的某一个时刻将要发生的动作,或者是将有的状态。在句子中和表示将来的时间状语连用。结构:第一人称:I + shall; 第二第三人称,用willbe going to:一般将来时e.g. He is going to buy a pair of shoes. 他准备去买一双鞋子。二、词汇1. 名词性物主代词形容词性物主代词单数:my(我的),your(你的),his / her / its(他 / 她 / 它的)复数:our(我们的), your(你们的),their(他们的)e.g. Its my pen. 这是我的钢笔。 Its his schoolbag. 这是他的书包。 Its our classroom. 这是我们的教室。名词性物主代词单数:mine(我的),yours(你的),his / hers / its(他 / 她 / 它的)复数:ours(我们的),yours(你们的),theirs(他们的)e.g. This pen is mine.This schoolbag is his.2. 形容词的比较级,最高级。Olympic motto: faster, higher, stronger用法:大多数情况:在后面加上-er;本身以e结尾,直接加r。 e.g. small smaller 有些以y结尾的双音节形容词,如果y前面是一个复印字母,变比较级,y变i,再加er。 e.g. pretty prettier句子中提到了对比的双方,要在比较级后面加上thane.g. It is smaller than the blue one. 这个比那个蓝色的小。最高级:一个东西和多个东西比较,或者一个人和多个人比较。构成:在形容词原级后面加上-est,在最高级形容词之前加定冠词thee.g. He is the tallest in our class. 他是我们班最高的人。This is the largest dress in the shop. 这是商店里面最大的一件了。I have ever seen:我所见过的 e.g. Youre the tallest man I have ever seen. 你是我见过的最高的男人。few, little的比较级和最高级更多最多更少最少可数名词morethe mostfewerthe fewest不可数名词morethe mostless the least三、句式1. 直接引语,间接引语e.g. “I have just arrived in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth hostel.” He says hes just arrived in Scotland. He says hes staying at a Youth Hostel.间接引语:He says (that) 注意人称、句子时态、时间状语2. 不定式want sb. to do sth. / tell sb. to do sth. 否定:dont want sb. to do sth.tell sb. not to do sth.感官动词和使役动词后不定式省略toe.g. Here, let me help you. 来让我来帮你吧!感官动词:see看,watch看,notice注意到,observe观察到,look at看到,hear听到,listen to听,feel感觉使役动词:let, have, make 让某人做某事,使得某人做某事。Review 4一、重点口语表达1. Havent you got any small change? 你难道没有零钱吗?(反问语气)Ive got no small change, Im afraid. 恐怕我没有零钱。(委婉,客气)2. Have you got any small change, sir? 先生,您有零钱吗?Im sorry. Ive got none. 对比起,我没有。(none:pron. 什么也没有)I havent got any either. 我也没有。(either:表示否定情况下的“也”)3. Can you change this ten pound note, madam? 夫人,您能把这10英镑的钞票换开吗?Im afraid I cant. 恐怕不能。Neither can I. 我也不能。(倒装句)4. Ive got some small change. 我有零钱。So have I. 我也有。5. Isnt there anyone at home? 难道家里面一个人都没有吗?6. Look through the window. 穿过窗户看。(祈使句)7. Can you see anything? 您能看到什么?Nothing at all. 什么也看不见。at all:用来强调前面的,否定意味。8. Come and have something to drink. 过来喝点东西。(and表示动作的连续性)9. Shes only joking. 她在开玩笑。表达某人开玩笑,说着玩儿的:Sb.s joking. / Sb.s only joking.10. When my husband was going into the dining room this morning, he dropped some coins on the floor. 今天早晨我丈夫走进饭厅时,把一些硬币掉在地上了。重要结构:When A was doing sth., B did sth. A在做某事的时候,B发什么了什么。11. Tommys been to the toilet three times this morning, but I havent had any change yet! 今天上午汤米去了3次厕所了,但我还没看到硬币!(双关的语言现象:change:n. 零钱;情况的变化。)12. While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen. 当我的朋友乔治在床上看书时,两个小偷爬进了他的厨房。当A正在做某事,B 持续性动词v.s.瞬间性动词的概念13. The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as the could. 小偷扔下手手电筒,飞快地逃走了。as as :可搭配形容词,也可配合副词。14. Its not you, is it? 这难道是你吗,是你?Thats right. 是的,是我。反义疑问句的表达,需要注意。15. 跟“胡子”有关的两个表达grow a beard:留胡须,蓄胡须shave the beard off:刮胡须16. must / have to区别must:主观的“必须”,发自说话人的内心,自己身心觉得应该做某事e.g. I must go home now. 我觉得现在应该回家了。have to:客观的“必须”,被外界现实情况所压迫、所逼迫

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