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structures (p. 4), Using structures (p. 43); Reading and listening, Speaking (pp. 5-6);Discovering useful words and expressions (p. 3), Using words and expressions (p. 42); Listening, Talking (p. 41); Reading and writing (p. 7).2、教学重点:(1).Have students learn some useful words and expressions and let them learn effective ways to remember the vocabulary.(2).Get students learn about the history of the Amber Room and famous cultural relics in China and abroad to stimulate their senses of cultural relics. (3). Enable students to learn to tell the difference between facts and opinions to train their thinking and analyzing ability. (4). Let students learn to give opinions and ask for opinions in English. (5).Let students learn the new grammar item: the restrictive attributive clause and non-restrictive attributive clause. (6).Develop students listening, speaking, reading and writing ability.3、教学难点:(1). Train students thinking and analyzing ability by making them learn to tell from facts and opinions.(2).How to talk about cultural relics.(3).Develop students integrated skills.三、 单元教学安排 共6课时,每课时45分钟第一课时:阅读课 Warming up; Pre-reading; Reading; Comprehending (pp. 1-2)第二课时: 语法课 Discovering useful structures (p. 4); Using structures (p. 43)第三课时:阅读与听说课 Reading and listening; Speaking (pp. 5-6) 第四课时: 词汇课 Discovering useful words and expressions (p. 3); Using words and expressions (p. 42)第五课时: 听说课 Listening; Talking (p. 41)第六课时: 读写课 Reading and writing (p. 7)四、 单元目标1. vocabulary: race, valuable. survive,vast,dynasty,amaze,design,fancy, style, decorate, jewel, artist, apart, painting, castle, explode, entrance, sailor, sink, informal ,take apart, think highly of, at war, less than, in return2. Topics: cultural relics protection; famous cultural relics in China and abroad3. Grammar: the attributive clause1) Restrictive attributive clause2) Non- restrictive attributive clause五、单元教学设计 Period One: Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading and Comprehending设计人:唐 健 (五华水寨中学 )课型:阅读课 45分钟一、教学要求:1. Target language Cultural, survive, remain, state, rare, dynasty, vase, belong to2. Learning ability goalsHelp the students learn how to talk about cultural relics and have the sense of protecting cultural relics. 二、Teaching important pointsTalk about cultural relics and what should be done with them.三、Teaching difficult points:How to talk about cultural relics.四、Teaching methods:Group discussion and presentation.(cooperative learning) 五、教学过程:步骤目的教师活动学生活动条件/手段1. Leading-in (2mins) Stimulatestudents interest and pave the way for the following activities.Ask the Ss to try their best to think of the cultural relics that they know. 教者可以这样提问: Which one would you like to visit most? Why? Do you know these famous places? (show some pictures of the cultural relics in the world) If you know, what do you know about them? Present their ideas. (The topic of this unit is cultural relics. Ss should define a cultural relics.)Orally2Warming up(5mins)通过呈现图和小组竞赛引起学生对本单元话题的兴趣,使学生了解文化遗产的概念,为过渡到下一步学习做好铺垫。1 请学生看学生用书p. 1或者PPT中的图片,两人一组讨论三个问题。教师请几组学生回答问题,然后综合大家的看法总结出文化遗产的定义。1 Do you know what cultural relics are? 2Are all the old things are cultural relics?请学生说出一些中外文化遗产的名称,教师写在黑板上。可以采取小组竞赛的形式,比一比看哪组说得多、说得正确。 Cooperative learning:Show some pictures on ppt.3. Pre-reading (5mins) 通过观察实物、回答问题,使学生把琥珀和文化遗产联系起来,从而引入阅读主题,并让学生预测阅读课文内容;通过让学生根据要求找出相应词汇教给学生用归类法学习词汇,同时为之后的阅读扫清词汇障碍。1.请学生先欣赏教师准备的几件琥珀饰品或者看学生用书p. 1的琥珀饰品图片,然后请学生回答问题,并根据课文标题和图片预测课文内容。2.What do you think of the cultural relics? Suppose one of them got lost, how would you feel and what will you do with it? 2.词汇准备:请学生把书翻到p.89本单元词汇表,根据要求独立地找出相应的词汇。找三个学生分别说出答案,其他学生和教师补充或更正。发表意见。 (by describing the pictures)PPT和实物展示 4. While-Reading (8mins) 通过略读课文检测读前预测是否正确,并对课文内容有大体的了解;练习二的五个问题分别概括了每段的段意,考虑到高一学生概括能力较弱,采取给出各段段意让他们分别找出与其匹配的段落的方式降低了难度;通过回答五个问题使学生了解课文的细节内容,明确概括段意的依据;通过填表让学生学会根据时间、人物等关键词快速确定主要信息。1请学生略读课文,核查自己预测的内容是否正确。2.请学生在再次阅读课文前先看一下学生用书p.2练习二中的五个问题,然后在限定时间内快速浏览阅读课文的每一段,完成练习二的阅读任务,确定每段的段意。最后两人一组回答五个问题。教师请几个学生分别说出答案,其他学生和教师补充。1How did the Amber Room become one of the wonders of the world? 2How was a new Amber Room built? 3.How did the Amber Room get lost? 4.How was the Amber Room made?5.Why did the King of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia as a gift? 6.Why is it called the Amber Room?7.What happened to the Amber Room?Fast reading( Go through a passage)textbook5.Careful reading(10mins) 通过听课文录音并朗读帮助学生掌握正确的语音、语调;让学生学会根据时间、人物等关键词快速确定主要信息;通过仔细阅读和分析课文重点内容培养学生的分析能力,同时也使他们进一步理解琥珀屋作为文化遗产的理由。 请学生听课文录音然后再读一遍课文。根据时间顺序在限定时间内找出琥珀屋的历代主人及当时发生的和琥珀屋相关的事件.请学生两人一组,仔细阅读第一段和第三段,归纳琥珀屋能够成为世界奇观的原因。Design some exercises about T or F. 1. It took some best artists about ten years to make the old Amber Room.2. The Amber Room served as a reception hall for the guests of Frederick I.3. The Amber Room was taken apart, put inside some wooden boxes and taken away by the Nazis.4. The new Amber Room was built at the winter palace.Listen to the tape. Present their ideas. 2 Decide whether the statements on the screen are T or F. Multi-media.Textbook.ppt66post-reading(8 mins) 通过复述检查学生对文章大意的了解程度,并检测学生归纳总结和口语表达能力。. Deepen Ss understanding of the topic and Provide Ss with the opportunity to use English comprehensively. 请学生两人一组根据PPT中的提示复述课文,然后教师选两个学生当堂复述Summary of the text1. The Amber Room: the best and biggest work of art ever made.-2. In 1716, the Amber Room was given to the Czar as a gift,-3. In 1770: the Amber Room was redecorated by Catherine II.-4. In 1941: The Amber Room was stolen by the Nazi German army.-5. The old missing Amber Room is being searched for; a new one has been built.Work in groups answer the questions. Sum up what Ss have learnt in this lesson and what attitude they should bear towards the cultural work77.DiscussionConclusion (5mins) 通过讨论培养学生勤于思考的习惯,锻炼口语表达的能力;同时也增强学生保护文化遗产的意识。consolidate what Ss have learnt in this lesson. 请学生四人一组讨论问题,每小组确定一个组长、一个记录员和一个发言人。组长组织并参与讨论,记录员记录大家的看法,发言人代表小组陈述大家的看法;讨论后教师请持不同观点的小组分别阐述理由,其他持相同观点的小组补充。观点没有对错之分,但要言之有理,有充分的论据支持自己的观点。Discuss the following questions in groups of four.1How should we treat cultural relics?2Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the Amber Room? Give your reasons.(1) Make up their own dialogues in group (2) Act out dialoguesShow on PPT 8. homework(2mins) 通过让学生自己找课文中的难句和复习所学词汇培养其自主学习的能力。1. Get Ss to reflect on how they behave in this lesson. 2. Give assignment.(review the words you have learned)Remember all of the tasks after class.Show on the ppt.第二课时:语法课教学设计Discovering useful structures (p. 4); Using structures (p. 43)设计人:唐 健 (五华水寨中学 )课型:语法课教学时间:45分钟本节与上节相关性分析:l 上节课已经学了Warming up; Pre-reading; Reading; Comprehending,学生通过找读(scanning)关键词、略读(skimming) 和精读 (careful reading),了解有关琥珀屋的故事。学生能够了解文化遗产的基本概念、本质特点以及基本类型。用自己的话复述琥珀屋的故事。运用本课时学习的内容和自己已有的知识讨论相关话题。这节课让学生学会用归类法学习词汇和定语从句。一、教学目标在本节课结束时,学生能够 l 归纳限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别和用法。l 正确使用限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。二、教学过程步骤目的教师活动学生活动条件/手段1热身(5mins)检查学生朗读的语音、语调是否标准,便于及时发现问题,及时纠正;采取请学生找出难句,互相帮助解决问题,教师辅佐的做法旨在培养学生自主学习的习惯。1检查作业:请五名学生分段朗读课文,纠正其语音、语调。2 .请学生说出课文中自己不理解的句子,教师把句子写在黑板上。先请其他学生帮助解释句子,之后教师补充或讲解。3. 若学生没有提到下列句子,教师可以将其写在黑板或呈现在PPT上,标出定语从句,提问学生,看他们是否了解这一语法形式,从而引出定语从句。1朗读课文2 说出不理解的句子。3 准备回答问题multimedia2. 复习(5mins)通过练习让学生复习已学过的限定性定语从句的构成形式和基本用法,为过渡到本单元的语法学习作好准备。1要求学生在限定时间内独立完成以下练习。1)This is the reason _ _ he left his hometown.2). Ill never forget the day _ _ we stayed together3).This is the girl _ _I learned the news.4). This is the girl _ is taken good care _ in the hospital. 5).Ill show you a store_ _ you may buy all that you need. 2教师任选几个学生分别说出自己的答案,如有错误,再请其他学生纠正并说明原因。如果某题出现问题较多,则由教师统一讲解。然后回顾一下限制性定语从句的基本用法。完成练习2. 说出答案multimedia3.比较(10mins)通过小组观察和讨论锻炼学生共同探讨、自主学习的能力;通过教师的帮助,使学生进一步明确限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句在形式和用法上的区别(1). 请学生四人一组仔细观察下面两组句子并找出每组句子间的区别。 1)This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it. The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey.2) In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted.However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I, to whom the Amber Room belonged, decided not to keep it.区分限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的不同。使用时用限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句需要根据上下文确定;Textbook and ppt1. 教师请学生说出讨论的结果,然后对学生的总结进行整理,归纳出限定性定语从句和非限定性定义从句的区别及所用的关系词。在非限制定语从句中,需注意以下几点: that 不能用来引导非限制性定语从句 why 不能用来引导非限制性定语从句,应用for which 在非限制性的定语从句中,指人的关系代词作宾语时,只能用whom,不能用who替换,也不能省略在非限制性定语从句中,关系代词有时代替修饰的不是前面的名词或代词,而是前面的整一句话。这种关系代词只有两个: which, asa. which 只能放在句末, 而as 从句则还可以放在句首或句中。b. 从意义上讲,which 意为“这一点, 而as 却可表示” 正如那样“, 有些as从句已成了固定句型。take notesTextbook 4.查找、判断和总结(12mins)请学生在阅读课文中找出定语从句旨在使他们进一步熟悉限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句的意义、形式和用法。同时也能加深学生对课文的理解;引导学生总结关系代词作宾语时的规律旨在培养他们善于发现并总结规律的良好学习习惯。1. 请学生重新阅读学生用书pp.1-2的课文,通过查找关系代词和关系副词,快速找到并划出文章中所有含有定语从句的句子及其所修饰的词或句子。阅读课文,找出所有含有定语从句的句子及其所修饰的词或句子。区分这些句子Textbook ppt2请学生观察PPT中的两个句子,由教师引导学生得出结论:关系代词做宾语时在限制性定语从句中可以省略,在非限制性定语从句中不能省略。1)He gave me a pen he bought yesterday.2)He gave me a pen,which he bought yesterday.请学生两人一组讨论判断哪些句子是限制性定语从句,哪些是非限制性定语从句,并说明原因、体会其用法。然后教师请几组学生说出讨论的结果。1.It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the countrys best artists about ten years to make.2. However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I, to whom the Amber Room belonged, decided not to keep it.3. Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg, where she spent her summers.4. In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted.This was a time when the two countries were at war.5 There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for , which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.6. In 2003 it was ready for the people of St Petersburg when they celebrated the 300th birthday of their city.5.练习(12mins)通过不同的练习使学生熟悉限制性定请学生在限定的时间内独立完成以下选择填空,然后由教师选几名学生逐一回答,如有错误,请其他学生更正。如多数学生都答错,教师要进行讲解。1)Alice received an invitation from her boss, _came as a surprise. A it B. that C.which D. he 2)_ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.A. It B. As C. That D. WhatFinish Exercises ppthandout 语从句和非限制性定语从句的形式和用法。通过趣味小游戏让学生在真实语境中运用定语从句,同时也可以增进同学之间的相互了解。1 请学生在限定的时间内独立将以下每组中的两个句子组成一个限制性定语从句或者非限制性定语从句,注意主句和从句的选择。完成后再两人一组进行讨论,之后请一两个小组代表说出答案,其他学生可以说出不同看法。如果某题学生答错的人数太多,则由教师讲解。Eg,A man is standing there.The man is my brother.= 主从复合句:The man who is standing there is my brother.合成句子Ppt.handout 6. Homework (1min)巩固课堂所学,并延伸到课外。通过完成作业对本堂课学习的限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句进行检测。第三课时: Reading and listening;Speaking(pp5-6)设计人:廖菊秀(梅州市五华县水寨中学)课型:阅读与听说课时间:45分钟本节与上节相关性分析 This is the third period of this unit. Last period was placed on dealing with the Grammar: the restrictive attributive clause and non-restrictive clause, the students are asked to know the structure of them and learn the usages of them. In this period, the teachingemphasis will be put on developing students reading ability by reading extensively and speaking ability by using the expressions of asking for and giving opinions and listening ability by listening some materials to pave way for the writing.一、Teaching aims1:Knowledge aims:1)find the definitions of fact,opinion and evidence by seeking and reading.2)understand the three concepts of fact opinion and evidence,telling the materials they listened or read are facts or opinions.3)understand what they listened and use their own words to conclude its general idea of the story,using key words,similar meaning of the words to look for some detailed information quickly.4)learn to use expressions of asking for or giving opinions in debating.2:Ability aims1) Develop students reading skills by extensive reading and enable them to learn how to use different reading skills to read different reading material2) Train students speaking and listening ability and enable them to tell the difference between facts and opinions and talk about something which interests them3:Emotional aim Develop studentssense of group cooperation and teamwork.二、Teaching Important Points1)Develop studentsreading skills by extensive reading2)Train students speaking and listening ability and enable them to tell the difference between facts and opinions and talk about something which interests them三 Teaching Difficult Points1) Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming and scanning2) Get students to learn how to tell facts from opinions四 Teaching methods1) Task-based teaching and learning2) Cooperative learning3) Discussion四、教学过程:步骤目的教师活动学生活动条件/手段Step1Lead-in. warming up by questions(5mins)Stimulate students interest and pave the way for the following activities.We always say,“We must respect facts and can not wholly depend on ones opinions”so “What must a judge do in a trial?” “What is a fact?” “What is an opinion?”Ask students to discuss the three questions and then ask three students to present their opinions. Discuss with his or her partner and then three students present their opinions. orally Step 2 Reading(13mins) Step3Listening(16mins) 1)find the information they need by seeking and reading key words2)Telling facts from opinions by doing some relative exercises and paving way for the activities of listening and speaking make students understand the general idea and some detailed information of listening materials by answering questionsand filling the blank,paving way for the next speakingPave way for the next speaking activity1 Ask the students to read the passage on p5,using key words and questions to find the answers to the three questions,and then ask three students to answer these questions.Q1:What is a fact?Q2:What is an opinion?Q3:What is an evidence?2 Ask the students to tell the following statements facts or opinions according to above concepts and then ask some students to speak out their answers and give the reasons。1)A VW passat can go faster than 100 Kms an hour.2)I think it is a best car for a family.3)I think driving a car is wrong because it causes damage to the environment.)do not like public transport because it is so crowded.5)I know that driving a car spoil the air in Beijing.6)It will be very hot when the Olympic Game are being held.Check the answers:facts(1,5,6) opinions(2,3,4)Now tell the students a general guide for deciding if a statement is a fact or an opinion is this:A fact can be checked;an opinion cannot.3Ask the students to read part2 on page5,a short passage about what happened to the Amber Room and tell what the old miner said is facts or opinions and give reason.Can you imagine the fate of the Amber Room?What is it?Now you are going to hear another two people talk about what happened to the Amber Room。As you listen,pretend you are a judge.11)Ask the students to go through the following questions and their choices and then choose the best answer,play the tape of part A for them to listen to get some detailed information.(1) What were put onto Hans ship?A:Some vasesB:Some heavy boxesC:Some suitcases(2) What were in those big wooden boxes in Hans opinions?A:ClothesB:StoneC:Treasure(3) Where were the Amber Room lost?A:At seaB:In the forestC:In the palaceNow check answers (B,C,A)2)Ask the students to go through the form of Part A on page6 and then play the tape for them again to fill the blank3) play the tape for them once more and then check the answers21) Ask the students to go through the following questions and their choices,pay attention the key words or phrases and then play the tape of Part B for them(1) How was the Amber Room lost ?A:In a floodB:In a fightC;In a fire2)What came to the castle one night?A:Many trucksB:Some planesC:A bus(3) Who took the boxes into the castle?A:Some workersB: Some policemenC;German soldiers(4) Where could the melted pieces have come from?A;A beautiful mirrorB:The Amber RoomC:Some machinesNow check answers(C,A,C,B)2) Ask the students to go through the form of Part B on Page6,and then play the tape for themand then fill in the blank.3)play the tape once more ,and ask some students speak out their answers,and then check the answers3 Show students the listening test and let them read and pay attention to the facts and opinions of two stories.Read the passage and find the answers and then three students answer the questions.Work in pairs ,discuss,several students answer themand give reasons,others can add something or helpto correct itcheck the answers with teachertake noteRead ,discuss,present and give reasonsListen ,think and choose the best answer,three students speak out their answersCheck the answers with teacherListen to the tape,think and fill the blankListen once more and check theanswers .Listen,think and choose the best answercheck answers go through,listen,think and fill the blankListen again,exchange their information and then check the answers read and take notes. TextbookpptTapepptStep 4 speaking (10mins) train the students ability of telling facts from opinions in the real activities,enable students to use proper words to express own opinions or ask for others opinions1)work in groups of four,discuss who gave the best evidence,Hans or Anna?Why?During discussing,try to use the expressions of asking for or giving opinions on Page 62)now write down a short list of reasons3)Ask two students to give a short report about their list to the class.discuss with their partnersexchange information each other and then write down the reasonsTwo students give a short report,others listenorally Step 5Homework(1min)Enable students to learn to provide facts to support their opinions by writing a short passage. 1) write your group discussion result in your exercise book and try to provide facts to support your opinions2) Review the words in this unit ,look up the key words in the dictionary,paying attention to their usage.Finish the homework on time第四课时: 词汇课设计人:廖菊秀(梅州市五华县水寨中学)教学内容:Discussing useful words and expressions on Page 3;Using words and expressions on Page 42课 型: 词汇课时 间 : 45分钟本节与上节相关性分析:This is the fourth teaching period of this unit,it is vocabulary,the students have learnt general knowledge through former learning。The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important new words,expressions and sentence pattern in this unit,we ought to pay more attention to them and design special exercises to consolidate them一 Teaching Aims1 Knowledge aims:1):Enable students to grasp the usages of


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