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沪教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期末英语质量测查试卷(不含听力材料)D卷一、 选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。 (共1题;共6分)1. (6分) 根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片。 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. _二、 听句子,选择恰当的答语。 (共5题;共10分)2. (2分) Whats Jacks telephone number? A . 7639483.B . 7639438.C . 7639843.3. (2分) 听句子,选择最佳应答语A . I put it in the kitchenB . Its a gift from my friendC . Because I dont have time now4. (2分) 听句子,选出与其意思相符的图片 A . B . C . 5. (2分) 选择最佳应答语( )A . Yes,pleaseB . Sure,no problemC . Well done6. (2分) 选出你所听到的句子( )A . Dont talk about him any more.B . Dont make jokes about him any more.C . Dont say anything about him any more.三、 听对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。 (共5题;共10分)7. (2分) Where is Bill now? A . In the parkB . At schoolC . At home8. (2分) Choose the best answer to the question you hear. A . At 6:45 a.m.B . At 7:45 a.m.C . At 8:15 a.m.D . At 7:15 a.m.9. (2分) (2018七上湖州期中) How many basketballs does Bobs father have? A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.10. (2分) Choose the best answer to the question you hear. A . Football.B . Basketball.C . Tennis.D . Hockey.11. (2分) What does Mr. Green look like? A . He is short and thinB . He is tall and thinC . He is short and heavy四、 听短文,选择正确答案。 (共1题;共10分)12. (10分) (2018湖州模拟) 听独白,回答问题 (1) Where does Lily work? A . In a restaurant.B . In an underground station.C . In a clothes shop.(2) How much does she get a month? A . 1, 080 dollars.B . 1, 800 dollars.C . 2, 800 dollars.(3) What does she do in the restaurant? A . She cooks dishes.B . She washes dishes and serves customers.C . She cleans the tables.(4) How long has she worked there? A . For eighteen years.B . For eighteen months.C . For eight months.(5) Does she like working in the restaurant? A . I dont know.B . Yes, she does.C . No, she doesnt.五、 听短文,填信息 (共1题;共12分)13. (12分) (2019八上宝山期末) 判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容 (1) Sports can make people healthy but not happy. (2) Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. (3) People in countries near the sea or rivers like swimming. (4) Jumping is a new kind of sport. It is not a hundred years old. (5) People from different countries may become friends after a game. (6) Basketball is rather old. 六、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)14. (2分) (2017八上凯里期中) The road goes _ the forest(森林). A . inB . acrossC . through15. (2分) (2019宁德模拟) I hear Ningde Branch of SAIC (上汽宁德分公司) needs a great number of workers. Yes, it will provide more for people in Ningde to work.A . chancesB . suggestionsC . experiences16. (2分) (2018重庆) Must I go out to have dinner with you, Mum? No, you _, my dear. Youre free to make your own decision.A . shouldntB . mustntC . needntD . cant17. (2分) Is that ruler?No, is on the table.A . your; myB . yours; myC . your; mineD . yours; mine18. (2分) Can you tell me some countries a long history? Of course. There are a lot of countries, China, India and so on.A . have; for exampleB . has; such asC . with; for exampleD . with; such as19. (2分) Please keep us _ before we get home. A . safeB . safelyC . safetyD . being safe20. (2分) (2016七上深圳月考) If Anna is good at swimming, she _ in it. A . do wellB . does wellC . will join21. (2分) (2017东莞模拟) Why did you buy so many school bags? They _ to the students in the poor areas.A . gaveB . will giveC . will be givenD . are given22. (2分) The house looks really beautifulThank youMy father it last yearA . will buildB . is buildingC . builtD . builds23. (2分) Dave wishes a sports star some dayA . beB . doC . to beD . to do七、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分) 根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项是多余的。 A: Hey, Dale! _B: Yes, I do. Our school is very nice. I like it very much! A: Thats good! _.B: They are great! They are friendly(友好的) to me. A: _.B: Mr Green. His Chinese is very good. I like his classes. A: Really? _B: Yes, he is. I like him best. A: I see. _B: We usually have Chinese on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. A. Do you like your new school? B. Who is your Chinese teacher? C. When is your birthday? D. Is he your favorite teacher? E. And how about your new classmates? F. When do you usually have Chinese? G. How old are you?八、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)25. (15分) (2018金华) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项One morning, when I was leaving for my business, a middle-aged man came up and asked me for help. He said he had no 1to get food for his large family.You look 2. Why dont you work? I asked. Simply because I cannot get work,sir.If I give you work, what you want? 3I can get bread for my family, sir. he answered.I decided to find out if he 4meant what he said. OK. Ill give you one pound an hour, if you will 5a brick(砖)under your arm and walk around the square for five hours without stopping. Thank you, sir. I will. I found a brick and started him on his walk before I went to my 6. I never thought he would he had 7.When I came back five hours later, I saw him 8walking, with the brick under his arm.I stopped him and gave him 9pounds. He thanked me and told me that some people had 10to help him when they knew why he was doing all this. He would go and ask 11for work. Before leaving, he asked if I would give him the 12.I did.Several years later, a well-dressed man greeted me on a train. Seeing I was not sure who he was, he 13that he was the brick man and had his own business now. You know, I still keep that brick and always value it as the most 14thing I have as it has brought me luck and success.15, it was not the brick that made the man successful, but his faithfulness(坚定) in doing even a very little thing.(1)A . courage B . money C . plan D . time (2)A . funny B . sick C . serious D . strong (3)A . As long as B . As soon as C . Even if D . Ever since (4)A . certainly B . simple C . really D . usually (5)A . break B . carry C . fix D . hide (6)A . business B . lesson C . programme D . research (7)A . planned B . prepared C . promised D . suggested (8)A . also B . already C . even D . still (9)A . four B . five C . six D . seven (10)A . continued B . forgotten C . offered D . refused (11)A . him B . them C . me D . her (12)A . brick B . chance C . job D . bread (13)A . explained B . imagined C . realised D . supposed (14)A . beautiful B . expensive C . important D . interesting (15)A . As a result B . At last C . In a word D . In fact 九、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)26. (10分) Although I didnt have any interest in being a school bus driver, I became one. Many years later, I was still working on the school bus. There are so many good reasons. Firstly, the talk brought me different kinds of information. I also got to hear all the family secrets of the newcomers. I have a toy bear who was a great comforter(安慰者) for the little ones. The kids got to look after him on the trip to school and he waited patiently for them to get on for the trip home.Our bus would often pass a place where we could see some alpacas (羊驼) in front of a farm house. Little Michael would cry excitedly from the seat, “Look, Miss! Look at the camels!” He used to put his head out of the bus window. When I warned him that a little insect would come into his nose if he wasnt careful, he smartly gave up the habit.I remember a little girl got on the bus one morning 5 years ago and sobbed(抽泣) all the way to school. We arrived at the school gate. As she waited to get down the bus, she threw her arms around my neck and cried that her grandfather had died the night before.A school bus driver needs to keep one eye on the road and the other on the mirror to watch what the little ones are doing down the back.Now, its important to think how many lives Ive been responsible(负责的) for, and how many kilometers Ive driven in order to get my passengers home safely during the 20 years. Ive enjoyed it, but its time to rest and park my school bus.(1) When did the writer begin to be a school bus driver?A . 5 years ago.B . 10 years ago.C . 20 years ago.D . 30 years ago.(2) What does the underlined word “them” in the first paragraph refer to (所指)?A . toy bearsB . kidsC . school busesD . secrets(3) Which of the following is TRUEA . Children didnt like the driver.B . The driver likes the job all the timeC . The little girl was excited at seeing the camelsD . Children sometimes talked about their family secrets on the bus.(4) The writer didnt give up her job because.A . driving was her hobbyB . children made her valuableC . drivers were paid wellD . children loved her toy bear(5) What may the writers future plan be?A . She decides to stop the jobB . She tries to go on driving.C . She wants to have a holiday.D . She hopes to help more kids.27. (10分) (2015九上禹城开学考) 阅读理解。Last weekend, our family went to have Christmas dinner in a restaurant.We were the only family with a baby in the restaurant.Suddenly, my baby Erik became excited when we were enjoying our meal.I looked around and saw an old man with old clothes and dirty old shoes.His hair was unwashed.He was smiling at my Erik.“He might hurt my Erik,” I thought.Everyone in the restaurant looked at us and the old man.Then we decided to leave.The old man sat between the door and us.As I walked closer to the man, I turned my back.Suddenly, Erik leaned(倾斜) over my arms, reaching with both arms in a babys pick-me-up position(姿势).Before I could stop him, Erik had escaped(逃跑) from my arms to the mans.Soon the very old smelly man and my young baby developed a kind of friendship.Erik put his little hand on the mans face, and I saw the old man closed his eyes and tears running down his face.His aged hands held my baby so gently(温柔地).A moment later, the old man opened his eyes, passed me my baby and said, “Thank you, Madam.Youve given me the best Christmas gift.”I cried, with my face burning hot.A child saw a soul(灵魂), but a mother saw only a kind of clothes.(1) At first, the writer thought the old man was _ . A . terribleB . friendlyC . impossibleD . wise(2) The family decided to leave the restaurant because they _. A . had finished the meal alreadyB . had some important things to doC . thought the food there was badD . worried about their babys safety(3) We can learn from the passage that Erik _. A . showed kindness to the old manB . had seen the old man beforeC . was popular in the restaurantD . was hurt by the old man(4) Why did the old man thank the writer? A . Because the writer bought food for himB . Because the writer said Merry Christmas to himC . Because staying with the baby made him feel happyD . Because the writer asked him to play with her baby(5) What is the best title of the passage? A . A special restaurantB . A lovely babyC . Soul and clothesD . Parents influence on babies28. (10分) Many of us have had this annoying(令人烦恼的) experience: You are waiting at a bus station when someone nearby begins to smoke. You move away, but there isnt much you can do about it.In Beijing, a new law is set to fight against smoking. It is regarded as Chinas toughest ever tobacco control rule(最严厉的控烟条例). Smoking is not allowed in all indoor or public places. If people break the rules, they will have to pay up to 200 yuan.Smoking in schools is specially mentioned in this law. Teachers can not smoke in front of students in schools. Schools should also help students give up smoking and teach them about the danger of smoking.To get everybody to take part in the activity, Beijing has set up a report hotline and WeChat account(微信号). The public is invited to vote on no-smoking signs on WeChat The most popular sign is a picture of a gir1. It has got more than 1 million votes unti1 now.China is not the only country fighting smoking. In March 2004 Ireland became the first country to introduce a law on smoking in workplaces and public places. Many countries, including England and the US, then followed.(1) When someone begins to smoke, there is little you can do except . A . staying thereB . moving awayC . Smoking togetherD . getting mad(2) In order to make people give up smoking, a new is passed in Beijing.A . lawB . planC . signD . sign(3) If people break the new rule in Beijing, they wil1 have to pay up to A . ¥100B . ¥200C . ¥300D . ¥400(4) The underlined(画线的) word vote in the passage meansA . 计票B . 监票C . 唱票D . 投票(5) According to the last paragraph(段落), we can infer(推断) that A . Ireland was the last to introduce a law on smokingB . China is the only country against smokingC . many countries fight smoking in public placesD . England and the US didnt say no to smoke十、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)29. (1分) I only know one of the_(小路)to the station十一、 词型转换 (共1题;共1分)30. (1分) I shouted to the girl. I wanted to stop her from _(run) after the ball, but she didnt hear me. 十二、 综合填空 (共1题;共6分)31. (6分) (2018九上湖州月考) 用方框中所给的词完成下列句子,使句子通顺、正确。每词限用一次。 A. warn B. aloud C. convenient D. connect E. east F. beside(1) I practice my spoken English by reading _ every day. (2) Alice lives just next to the market, and its very _ for her to go shopping. (3) The sun rises in the _ every morning. (4) Where is the post office? Well, its on your right, _ the library.(5) Good learners often _ what they need to learn with something interesting. (6) Parents _ Scrooge to change his ways if he doesnt want to end up with nothing. 十三、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分) 以“My best friend”为题,根据下列要点提示写一篇作文:1.Daniel, 13岁,阳光中学七年级一班。2.戴着眼镜,个子不高。3.经常做运动,很少吃汉堡和喝可乐。4.对画画很感兴趣。没有很多时间玩电脑游戏。5.他家附近有一个购物中心,他经常周末在那里购物。6.今天他穿了一件白色的T-恤和一条蓝色的牛仔裤,看起来很干练。注意:1.词数100词左右。2.短文须包括所有要点内容,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯通顺。第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、 选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。 (共1题;共6分)1、答案:略二、 听句子,选择恰当的答语。 (共5题;共10分)2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略三、 听对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。 (共5题;共10分)7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略四、 听短文,选择正确答案。 (共1题;共10分)12、答案:略五、 听短文,填信息 (共1题;共12分)13、答案:略六、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略七、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)24、答案:略八、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)25、答案:略九、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略十、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)29、答案:略十一、 词型转换 (共1题;共1分)30、答案:略十二、 综合填空 (共1题;共6分)31、答案:略十三、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)32、答案:略


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