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听力教学1. Teaching aims1) Knowledge aimStudents will be able to master the new words ,phrases and sentences, such as mystery, be known for, fiction, extraordinary, etc.2) Ability aimStudents can train their listening skills by listening to the key words ,phrases and sentences ,and master the usage of them.3) Emotional aimStudents can know Issac Asimov and be interested in science.2. Important and difficult points1) Important pointStudents will be guided to master the new words, phrases and sentence,such as mystery, be known for, fiction, extraordinary, etc.2) Difficult pointStudents will enhance their listening skills as well as the ability to properly and freely use the new words and sentences to talk with others.3. Teaching and learning methodsSituational teaching method;communicative teaching method; task-based teaching method;group work method;cooperation study method; independent study method.4. Teaching proceduresStep 1: Lead inI will lead in the new class by asking students questions.Step 2: Pre-listening1) Showing pictures. Some new English words and phrases will be shown with the pictures here. I will let students guess the meaning.2) Showing video. I will present an English video to introduce Issac Asimov to help students have a better understanding of him. And I will emphasize the important points for students.Step 3: While-listening1) Pair work. Students will be asked to listen to me read the paragraph for the first time ,and discuss what is the main idea of the text with their partners. They will be asked to share their answers.2) Individual work. Students will be asked to listen to the tape and answer the questions on the blackboard. Some will be asked to write their answers on the blackboard.Step 4: SpeakingStory-retelling. Students will be asked to retelling the paragraph in front of the class.Step 5: Summary and homeworkStudents will summarize what they have learned in this class and I will supplement the missing parts.Homework: 1) Review the new words,phrases and sentences.2) Search more things about Issac Asimov on the Internet.5. Blackboard designListening teachingMain idea: An introduction of a famous American science fiction writer Issac Asimovs work.Discussion: 1)Who is Issac Asimov?2)What is Asimov best known for?3)How many books did he write?Homework: 4

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