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Book-I(大学英语全新版)Unit 1Part ACommunicative Function1. How are you?/ Id like you to meet my classmate. 2. Im./ May I introduce.to you?/ Pleased to meet you. 3. Come and meet my family./ .this is Tom./ Its good to know you./ .this is my sister. Part BText Exercise 1: 1. B 2. D Exercise 2:1. Yang Weiping:China/ Chemistry/ Likes listening to English programs on radio and TV; enjoys English pop songs/ Started learning English several years ago/ Favorite activity: listening; Difficulty: speaking 2. Virginia:Singapore/ Library science/ To get a good job, one has be to fluent in English./ Started learning English in high school./ Favorite activity: reading; Difficulty: writing Talking about Studying EnglishAt a gathering of students from China and some other countries, Yang Weiping and Virginia Wang, both first-year college students, are talking about their learning of English. Hello, my name is Yang Weiping. Im a freshman at Peking University and Im majoring in chemistry.At college we have to study a foreign language. I choose English because I like listening to English programs on the radio and TV. I also like British and American pop songs. Some day I hope to visit Britain and the United States.I started learning English several years ago and Im getting better at it. My favorite activity is listening, especially listening to songs and stories. My big problem is, however, speaking. I feel nervous whenever I speak. And I never seem to know what to say when people talk to me. But Ive decided to overcome my shyness and learn to speak English by speaking as much as I can. Hi, my name is Virginia Wang. Im a library science major at the National University of Singapore. In our country, English is important. It is one of the official languages and you have to be fluent to English to get a good job.Ive been studying English since high school. Im good at reading because I like learning about new things and new ideas. There are so many books and articles written in English. Our textbooks at the university are in English, too. I know writing is also very important, but I find it rally difficult. When I graduate from the university I would like a job in the city library where I can read all kinds of new books.Part C Exercise:How to Improve Listening Comprehension Among the four skills of listening , speaking, reading and writing, I find listening most difficult, because I worry about the words I dont know. Now I am trying to focus on the general idea, not worrying about he new words. This makes me feel good, because I know I have understood something. Then, I listen again carefully and if I have any problems I play the difficult part again. In this way I come to understand better both the main idea and the details of the listening text.Unit 2Part ACommunicative Function1. closing 2. opening 3. closing 4. opening 5. opening 6. opening Listening Strategy1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. a 9. b 10. bPart BText Exercise 1:1. 1) b 2) c 3) a2. d Exercise 2:1. a. age b. money c. peoples appearance 2. a. .say that again? I did not catch it./ b. .speak more slowly, please? 3. a.I really need to be going./ .nice talking to you. How to Improve Your Conversation SkillsTo speak to people in a foreign language requires courage and a willingness to make errors. Some people are so afraid of making mistakes that they never open their mouths. And thats the biggest mistake of all. Now if you have courage and are ready to make a few errors, what do you say?First of all, you have to open the conversation. Finding an appropriate topic is half the battle. Some topics, such as the weather and news, work well. But others, such as age, money or peoples appearance do not. The following are some good ways to open a conversation. Weather It sure is cold today, isnt it?News Did you hear about that terrible forest fire?A conversation in a foreign language doesnt always go smoothly. Sometimes your partner talks too fast and you find it difficult to follow. Not to worry, though. You can always ask your partner to repeat what he has said or to speak more slowly. For example, “Excuse me, but could you say that again? I didnt catch it.” Or “Could you speak more slowly, please?”At the end of a conversation you need to find a way to close it in a polite way. “Well, I really need to be going,” or “It was nice talking to you” are frequently used by people to end a conversation.Part CSmile When You Read ThisHow good is your memory? Answer these four questions: What did you have for breakfast yesterday? What clothes did you wear last Friday? Who did you talk to yesterday? Where did you go last Saturday? If you can answer all four questions, you memory is very good.Memory is important for leaning language skills. Education specialists in England want to help people improve their reading abilities. They want students to remember the books and articles they read. The specialists found something to help: facial expressions. They gave ten students a happy article to read. Five of the students read the happy article while smiling. Five students read the happy article while frowning. Then they answered comprehension questions the smiling students remembered more of the happy article than the frowning students.Then the specialists gave ten students another article to read. It was an angry letter to the editor of a newspaper. Five students read the angry article while smiling, and five students read the angry article whiling frowning. Which group remembered better? Youre right. The frowning students.The specialist dont know why facial expressions help memory. They are continuing to study the relationship between the mind and the body. Until they find the answer, keep smiling (or frowning?)!Unit 3 Part ACommunicative Function Maggie likes swimming but she does not care for skiing. She loves flying on planes and traveling by train but she hates getting on buses because they are too crowded and dirty. she is not interested in playing the piano and she prefers reading to playing computer games. She loves going to Chinese restaurants and her favorite food is spicy Sichuan bean curd. After work she is keen on listening to music. She prefers light music to rock, because light music makes feel relaxed. She enjoys watching TV in the evening. She thinks a lot of news programs but sitcoms are the last kind of thing for her to watch.Listening Strategy1. 92381 2. 26083. 1540 4. 755. 156 6. 9007. 84200 8. 17359. 9:40 10. 5:45Part BText Exercise 1: 1.c 2.d Exercise 2:1. accommodation2. private3. halls of residence4. 37.86 (single) 5. 52.78 (double) 6. Limited7. Before the end of the month/ as soon as possible8. Private9. Students union10. managerAccommodation for College StudentsR: Good morning. Can I help you?S: Yes, please. Im a new student and Id like to have some information about theemthe accommodation for students.R: Right. The university provides two types of accommodation, halls of residence and self-catering accommodation.S: How much does it cost for the self-catering accommodation?R: For a single room, thirty-seven pounds eighty-six per week, thats about five forty-one a day. For a double room, its fifty-two seventy-eight per week. This will apply throughout this academic year. S: Id like to stay in the self-catering accommodation. How far is that from the residence to the university?R: It all depends. The residences at 36 Elms Road and 110 Palm Road are about one and a half miles from the university main site and the Freemans Common House at William Road are half a mile. S: When do I need to apply?R: Are you an undergraduate or a postgraduate?S: Undergraduate.R: Then you should apply for it as soon as possible, since places in university-owned accommodation are limited and if you dont apply before the end of the month, you are not likely to get a place. S: Could you possibly tell me what to do, if no vacancy is available?R: Yes, you may consider private accommodation. The university runs an Accommodation Information Office and its staff will help you. S: Where is the office?R: In the Students Union Building.S: Whom can I contact?R: Mr. Underwood. David Underwood, the manager of the accommodation information office.S: Thank you very much.R: You are welcome.Part C Exercise:1. A busy life 2. Between 6 and 15 hours 3. Reading. remain current 4. revise and update What College Professors DoCollege professors are often believed to lead easy lives of quiet thinking while teaching one or two classes every week. But college professors do much more than go to class. The average professor spends between six and fifteen hours in the classroom weekly. And that same college professor works from sixty to eighty hours a week. Because they must remain current in their fields, professors spend part of that time reading, reading, reading. That leads to additional hours during which they revise and update their class lecture notes. It takes far longer to prepare notes than to deliver them in class. Professors may spend time conducting experiments, working on college projects, or advising students. They may be writing books, articles, or papers for delivery at conventions. When not in the classroom or in the office, professors are still working, behind closed doors in committee sessions or at home grading papers and preparing for tomorrows classes. To accept this sort of schedule willingly, they must feel strongly about the importance of the college experience.Unit 4 Part ACommunicative Function1. Yeah/ By the way/ Who?/ Dont you think so?/ Yes./ Quite well. 2. Like what?/ Yeah/ Hmmm, let me think./ Well./ Come to think of it. Listening Strategy1. Once a week2. Twice a week3. Every day4. Every other day5. Four times a week6. every weekendPart BText Exercise 1: 1. c 2.a 3. d Exercise 2:1. At Carols house on Saturday 2. Hes uncertain whether he can have a good time at the party or not. 3. He is not good at small talk. 4. one should talk about something other people are interested in. 5. by getting them to talk about themselves. Small Talk Is EasyA: Mike, guess what?B: What?A: Carol just invited me to a party at her house on Saturday. B: Carol? You mean the pretty girl in your economics class?A: Yeah.B: Great! Im sure youll have a super time.A: Im not so sure.B: What do you mean, John? I though you really liked Carol.A: I do. But I dont know her friends very well. B: So get to know them.A: But Im no good at small talk.B: Small talk is easy. You can learn.A: By Friday?B: sure, Ill coach you. You just have to remember a few simple sentences.A: I dont know. I have trouble remembering things. Especially when I meet people. I get nervous. B: Dont worry, John. You can do it. You just need a few tips.A: But what if I say something stupid?B: Hey, youre not giving a speech. Youre just having a conversation. So just talk about something you know they are interested in. A: Thats the problem. I dont know what Carols friends are interested in. B: Let them tell you. If you let people talk about themselves, theyll think youre interesting.A: You mean something like, “So, tell me what youre interested in.”B: Well, you dont have to be that direct. For example, you can talk about the weather. A: You cant be serious. The weathers boring. B: Its a good excuse to find out what they like to do. On a rainy day, you say, “What do you do in such terrible weather?”A: What if they just stayed home and read a book?B: Then ask them about the book. You can ask if it was good. Ask if they liked it and why. Then talk about a book you really liked. A: So thats what small talk is about, is it? Well, Ill give it a try. Thanks for the tips, Mike. B: Youre welcome. Have a good time at the party. Note: Small talk means light conversations on unimportant or non-serious subjects such as the weather or TV programs you saw last night, or little compliments on what people are wearing. In a social gathering where a lot of guests are strangers to one another, small talk can be very useful to make them feel at ease.Part C Exercise: 1. F 2.T 3. F4.T 5.FAre you Calling about the Party?Laura: Hello. This is Laura Davis speaking.Simon: Oh, hello, Laura. This is Simon here. Simon Williams.Laura: Oh, Simon. How nice to hear you. Are you calling about the party? You did get the invitation, didnt you?Simon: Yes, thanks, I did. Thats just it. Im afraid. You see, Im already tied up that evening. Laura: Oh, really? That is a pity.Simon: Yes. Im afraid its been planned for ages. You see, some friends of mine are coming to see me. I havent seen them for a long time, and you know wellI managed to get some tickets for the opera, and I promised to take them out to dinner afterwards. I cant get out of it, unfortunately. I wish I could. Laura: Oh, what a shame! We are looking forward to seeing you. Still, if you can drop in later with your friends, wed love to see you. Simon: Thanks. Well, Ill certainly try, but I dont think theres much chance. Actually Ive sent you an e-mail to say I cant come.Laura: Oh, have you? Thats very kind, thanks. Well, keep in touch, Simon.Simon: I will. Regards to James. And I hope the party goes well. Bye!Laura: Thanks. Bye.Note: for ages: for a long timeUnit 5 Part ACommunicative Function1. Call Back David Johnson this afternoon 2. Call Bill Green at 415-289-1074 this evening. Its important. 3. Meet Judy outside the Art Museum at ten tomorrow morning. 4. Dont forget to go to Toms party this evening. Listening Strategy1. 6247-2255 2. 5404-9982 3. 612-930-9608 Part BText Exercise 1:1. b 2. a Exercise 2:Telephone Message:For: Mr. Johnson of ABC ImportsCaller: Richard Alexander from Star ElectronicsMobile Phone Number: 909-555-2308Office number: 714-555-2000Message: Call Richard Alexander at office number before 6pm.A Business CallA: Good afternoon. ABC Imports. May I help you?B: Yes, may I speak to Mr. James Johnson, please?A: Im afraid Mr. Johnson isnt available right now. Would you like to leave a message?B: This is Richard Alexander with Star Electronics. Its very important that he returns my call this afternoon.A: Does he have your office number and your mobile phone number?B: I thinks so, but let me give them to you again.A: Okay.B: My office number is 714-555-2000; my cell phone number is 909-555-2308. He can reach me at my office number before 6 p.m. or anytime today on my mobile.A: Very well, Ill give him your message as soon as he returns to the office.Part C Exercise:1. Brian Tong 2. Good luck Company 3. Computer sales representative 4. a degree in Computer science 5. a computer programmer in a trading company for thee years. 6. 38839673 Good Luck CompanySecretary: Good Luck Company.Applicant: Im calling in connection with your post of computer sales representative. Your advertisement said that I should ring up first for an interview.Secretary: Thats right. What are your qualifications?Applicant: I have a degree in Computer Science.Secretary: Do you have any relevant working experience?Applicant: Yes, I have been a computer programmer in a trading company for three years.Secretary: Can I have your name, please?Applicant: Brian Tong.Secretary: Okay, Ive written down your information and Ill pass this on to our personnel department for further consideration before we decide whether there will be an interview with you.Applicant: When would you let me know the result?Secretary: In about 2 weeks time, I think. How can I contact you, Mr Tong?Applicant: You can call me at my office at 38839673 during office hours.Secretary: 3-8-8-3-9-6-7-3. Okay, Ill let you know the result when I hear from the personnel department.Unit 6 Part ACommunicative Function1. He wants to know where he can buy a painting 2. He found out how much the dress cost as well as where hi could buy it. 3. She suggests that them man buy a tie for his cousin. Listening Strategy1. 20.50 2. 50.95 3. 175.40 4. 50.80 5. 594 Part BText Exercise 1: 1. In a department store 2. there are four people speaking in the conversation. they are the receptionist, the salesperson, Ann and Mark 3. to buy a dress for Ann Exercise 2:1. a 2. d 3. b 4. d 5. cWhere Can We Find Womens Wear?Mark: Excuse me, where can we find womens wear?Receptionist: On the second floor. You can take the escalator on your right.Mark: Thank you. Salesperson: Good morning. Can I help you?Ann: No, thanks. Were just looking.Mark: How about this red dress, Ann? Its very fashionable.Ann: I dont know. Im not crazy about red. I think its a bit too bright for me. Salesperson: How about this white dress? Its a new arrival for the season. Ann: Is it? it looks pretty. But is it very expensive?Mark: Let me see the price tag. It says $299Ann: Thats too expensive for me. Id like something below $200.Salesperson: What about this blue dress? Its on sale. Its 10% off, so its only $126/Ann: Umm. I like the color. Do you think itll look good on me, Mark?Mark: I think so. Why dont you try it on?Salesperson: What size do you take?Ann: Medium.Salesperson: Heres a medium in blue. The fitting room is right behind you. Ann: (wearing the dress) What do you think of it, Mark?Mark: Its very nice. I think blue suits you. And it fits perfectly.Ann: Great. I think Ill take it. Mark: Thats a good deal.Salesperson: Will that be cash or charge?Ann: Cash, please.Part C Exercise: 1. .some defective goods 2. .was absent/.had mistaken his shop for a second had goods store./ .was careless 3. .the mistake/.exchange the ladies purchases/.half the price. Defective GoodsThe other day, Mrs. White bought some bed linen at a small store near her home. The store had a good reputation, and Mrs. White had often shopped there before. But when she got home and examined the sheets, Mrs. White was shocked. One of them had a big hole in the middle, and another was badly stained. And two others were frayed at the edges.As you can imagine, Mrs. White was very angry and she went back immediately to complain. When she arrived, the store was closed and the two other angry ladies were waiting outside. One of them told Mrs. White that she had bought some towels that morning, and the other lady said that she had purchased a linen tablecloth. In both cases the goods were defective. A little later some other women joined them, and they all told the same story. Finally the storekeeper appeared and let them in. The poor man looked very worried. He became very nervous when the ladies threatened to call the police, but he denied trying to cheat them. Then he explained what had happened. In his absence, the driver of a delivery truck had mistaken his shop for a secondhand goods store and had delivered a load of used material from a nearby hotel. The sales clerk had not bothered to check the delivery and had started selling the defective goods right away. The storekeeper apologized for the mistake and promised to exchange the ladies purchases and to refund half the price. Needless to say he fired the careless assistant.Unit 7 Part ACommunicative Function1.O, 2.O 3.F


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