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冀教版七年级下学期英语开学考试试卷D卷一、 单项选择 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)Can you see baby playing on the grass?Its my little sisterWow,what a lovely baby!A . aB . anC . theD . 2. (2分)Wow! You got so many clothes.But _ of them are in fashion now.A . allB . bothC . noneD . neither3. (2分)_ is the weather _ in Beijing?A . How,B . How, likeC . What, likeD . A and C4. (2分)Wheres Tom? His mother _ him now.A . is looking forB . will look forC . has looked forD . looks for5. (2分)Do they play basketball every day? . But they play football.A . Yes,they doB . No,they dontC . Yes,they areD . No,they arent二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)6. (10分)请先阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意然后在每小题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Today some people call Amsterdam the City of Bicycles because it is a city which is flat and convenient(方便)for bicycles.In the 1960s, a group of cycling fans1an idea . They believed that it would be better for everybody if only bicycles were allowed in the city centre. They were2that this would help to save energy, reduce pollution and provide free public transport. The group painted hundreds of bicycles3and placed them in public places around Amsterdam for people to use.4was allowed to take them and use them for short journeys, whether he was a local or a foreigner, Wherever someone finished a journey, they would5the bike there for someone else to use. The problem was that it didnt work-thieves took all the bicycles6 weeks!7,more than thirty years later, the white bike is back in town-this time with a computer chip(芯片)to8 its every move! To take a bicycle, you have to put a special card inside. The new White bike is not white any more but is an unusual9with bright colours. The bikes are parked at special parking places and people who want to use them have to take them to another place that has enough room.There is already less traffic in central Amsterdam, 10 both locals and tourists have been using the white bikes. Thanks to the good ideas of lots of people, like the cycling fans in the 1960s, many people around the world have been enjoying city centre streets without cars for many years.(1)A . stole B . had C . affected D . dropped (2)A . thoughtful B . helpful C . hopeful D . thankful (3)A . black B . brown C . blue D . white (4)A . Anyone B . Everyone C . No one D . Someone (5)A . take B . leave C . carry D . send (6)A . with B . for C . without D . within (7)A . However B . Instead C . Therefore D . Though (8)A . make B . mark C . record D . describe (9)A . design B . idea C . size D . experiment (10)A . so B . because C . but D . while 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)7. (10分)阅读理解My house is made of wood, glass and stone. It is also made of software.If you come to visit, youll probably be surprised when you come in. Someone will give you an electronic PIN to wear. This PIN tells the house who and where you are. The house uses this information to give you what you need. When its dark outside, the PIN turns on the lights nearest you, and then turns them off as you walk away from them. Music moves with you too. If the house knows your favorite music, it plays it. The music seems to be everywhere, but in fact other people in the house hear different music or no music. If you get a telephone call, only the nearest telephone rings.Of course, you are also able to tell the house if you want something. There is a home control console (控制台), a small machine that turns things on and off around you.The PIN and the console are new ideas, but they are in fact like many things we have today. If you want to go to a movie, you need a ticket. If I give you my car keys, you can use my car. The car works for you because you have the keys. My house works for you because you wear the PIN or hold the console.I believe that several years from now on, most new homes will have the systems that Ive put in my house. The systems will probably be even bigger and better than the ones Ive put in today.I like to try new ideas. I know that some of my ideas will work better than others. But I hope that one day I will stop thinking of these systems as new, and ask myself instead, “How did I live without them?”(1)The writers house is NOT made of _. A . bricksB . woodC . glassD . software(2)What does the passage mainly discuss? A . How to develop a new system.B . The function of the PIN.C . A home for the future.D . Easy life in the future.(3)What is the writers purpose of writing the fourth paragraph? A . To let readers know why his ideas are new.B . To explain what the functions of the PIN and the console are.C . To explain the importance of the PIN and the console.D . To let readers know how special his house is.(4)The writers new house is different from ordinary ones mainly because _. A . it has your favourite music following youB . you can make a telephone call anywhereC . the writer is able to change his new idea into practiceD . it has been controlled by computers(5)What is the writer most likely to be according to the passage? A . An IT expert.B . A famous engineer.C . A game player.D . An experienced teacher.8. (10分)阅读理解CJune lived in a small southern village (村庄). It was very hot there. She had a friend named Dec. Dec lived in a cold northern village. They often wrote to each other. June liked reading Decs letters very much. He often talked about snow. She wished she could see it herself.One day, June wrote a letter to Dec and asked him to send her snowflakes(雪花). A few days later, she got a box from Dec. Dec said that he sent her many snowflakes in the box. June was excited. But after she opened the box, she found no snowflakes, only water. June cried. She cried for a long time until she slept.Then she had a dream. She dreamt that a snowflake talked with her. The snowflake told her that she only needed to make a wish to see snow. She then wished as hard as she could for snow. The next morning, June got up. She remembered her dream and her wish. She then ran out. The earth was covered with white snow. It snowed!This was the best gift for June! She really liked it.(1)It was always _ in Junes village. A . warmB . coldC . humidD . hot(2)What did Dec often write about in his letters? A . His family.B . Snow.C . His friends.D . Gifts.(3)Why did June cry? A . The snowflake turned into water.B . She did not get Decs letter.C . She could not open the box.D . Dec did not send what she wanted.(4)What was Junes wish? A . To see Dec.B . To get more gifts.C . To make more friends.D . To see snow.(5)What do the underlined words be covered with mean in Chinese? A . 被改变B . 被污染C . 被移动D . 被覆盖9. (10分)阅读理解Computers are very popular with students now. Its very easy for them to surf the Internet(网上冲浪)Most of them go to the Internet bar and spend more than two hours there. They can do their homework,get some information for their study,download music,and send emails on the computer. But some of them spend too much time playing computer games,and it is bad for their study.(1)Which of the following is popular with students today? A . The television.B . The radio.C . The recorder.D . The computer.(2)Where do most students surf the Internet? A . At home.B . At school.C . At the Internet bar.D . In the library.(3)How many hours do most of the students spend on the computers? A . Two hours.B . More than two hours.C . One hour.D . Less than two hours.(4)What can the students do on the computer? A . They can download music.B . They can send emails.C . They can do their homework.D . All of the above(5)Spending too much time _ on the computer is bad for their study. A . playing gamesB . getting information for the students studyC . doing their homeworkD . practising English四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,有两个多余选项。A: Hey, Jenny. The girl in the red hat is very nice. Is she your sister?B: No, she isnt. Shes my cousin.A: Whats her name?B: _A: How old is she?B: _A: When is her birthday?B: _A: Oh, my birthday is also June first. What does she usually do on her birthday.B: _A: What does she like? Do you know?B: _A: Oh, I like tennis, too. I want to make friends with her.A. Shes eleven years old. B. Yes, she likes tennis and soccer.C. She usually has a birthday party at Green Hotel.D. Her father is a math teacher.E. She is at Green Midge School. F. Her name is Sally.G. Her birthday is Tune first.五、 词汇运用 (共1题;共16分)11. (16分)单词拼写根据首字母或汉语提示,写出下列句子中单词的正确形式。(1)Ms. Yang is (耐心的) with us. We all like her.(2)The colorful (气球) rose high into the air.(3)Do you like the p written by Li Bai?(4)Parents should give teenagers chances to make their own d_.六、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)12. (5分)C)根据句子意思,从下面方框中选择适当的词或词组填空。 talk to cheer you up offer achieve a balance feel bad aboutA: Can you tell me about your job, please?B: Yes, of course. Im a youth worker. What I do is to help some students who write to me solve their problems. I always _them my suggestions.A: What problems do most students have?B: They just need to learn how to _between study and play.A: I agree. One major cause of stress is homework. I often get lots of homework to do and I really _ that. Sometimes we cant find anyone to _.B: First, you can talk to your parents, teachers and close friends. Maybe they can _. Second, you can get help from the youth workers at your own school.A: Thanks for your advice.B: Youre welcome.七、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)13. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Emma has so many _(rule) in her family. She cant be too _(noise). She cant go out _school nights. On weekends, she has to do the _(dish) after dinner. Then she can _(listen) music for half an hours. She likes _(read). She usually reads at night. She has to be in bed _ten oclock because she has to get up _(early) the next morning. She joins a music club. She has to _(learn) to play the guitar every day. She thinks her parents are too strict with _(she). 八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)14. (5分)下面文章中有5处需添加小标题。请从A、B、C、D、E和F中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. What if you win.B. Life wont be the same without you.C. Life isnt no crystal stair.D. There is a rainbow after every storm.E. Focus on the future.F. To give up is to live a meaningless lifeThe life has been full of challenges and difficulties. Life is not about the smartest person or the strongest person, or even the richest person. However, Life is about having the mind in your heart “Never Give Up”, even when you feel that giving up is the only choice. The world is waiting on your gifts._You are important to this world and believe it or not, someone is waiting for you to enrich their lives. You are too important to the world to just give up._You may feel that life is challenging you from time to time and you cant take it anymore. You may want to give up right now. But here is a thought, what will happen if you overcome the difficulties?_When an Olympic runner is in a race, he or she is focusing on one thingthe finishing line. You have to focus on the big picturenot just where you are right now. Focus in where you want to be. Make an agreement with your mind and your mouth._One of my favorite poems is called “Crystal Stair ” written by Langston Hughes. In that poem, a mother tells her son that life is tough, you will meet rocks and hard places, but the end is victory to those who stand their ground and ride the course._Whatever you are facing, you can make it through. There is a rainbow on the other side of your situation. Stay strong, stay focused and never give up.九、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)15. (5分)五位同学遇到了学习或生活上的问题,请你为他们选出相对应的建议。ProblemSuggestions(建议)_Lily thinks that all the problems that may happen to her tomorrow, next week, next yearARevise for your test; make sure you will work harder._I feel lonely and it seems people around dont want me.BSit down, and write down the money you spend on different things, over a week. It will surprise you._Im afraid that I will not pass the exam.CSometimes, the fear(恐惧) of something is worse than the thing itself! Perhaps tomorrow, the problem may seem less!_Dick has the money problem. He cant buy what he wants.DMake a “To Do List”: “A” must be done today. “B” can be left until tomorrow. “C” can be left for some days. “D” is it really necessary?_Lisa worries about her work a lot.ETo be wanted and needed, is a big answer to loneliness.(孤独)16. (5分)2019年4月2日,我国四川省凉山发生特大森林火灾,30名消防员在救火的过程中丧生。4月15日,法国首都的巴黎圣母院发生大火,其塔尖倒塌,建筑损毁严重。学校的English Corner 听说后,意识到日常防火安全尤其重要,决定开展题为Tips for Fire Safety的英语征文活动。现请你写一篇英语征文给学校的English Corner, 在文中分析火灾的常见原因并给出怎样预防火灾发生的合理建议。 火的作用供暖;加热食物.用火的危险烧毁物品;危害生命.火灾的原因气候干燥; 闪电吸烟; 玩火; 用电不慎安全用火的建议离开时关掉所有的电器;用火时注意安全;注意事项:1)90词左右(文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数);表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; 2)文中不得出现真实姓名、校名等信息;3)文章必须包括表格中所提供的主要信息,并作适当发挥。Tips for Fire SafetyFire is widely used in our daily life.However, fire can be very dangerous to us as well.As we all know, too many fire accidents have taken place all over the world every year. There are many reasons for fire. To keep us away from danger, here are some tips.In a word,第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)6-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)10-1、五、 词汇运用 (共1题;共16分)11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、六、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)12-1、七、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)13-1、八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)14-1、九、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)15-1、16-1、

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