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鲁教版八年级下学期英语期中考试试卷A卷 一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Did you watch _ Womens 500-metre Fast Skating Final last night?Yes, it was really _ wonderful match.A . a, aB . the, aC . a, theD . the, the2. (2分)Mr. Li asks the students_ in the river, because its too dangerous. A . swimB . to swimC . not to swimD . to not swim3. (2分)Our English teacher is very niceWe friends since three years ago A . wereB . becameC . have beenD . have made4. (2分)What a fine day! _ go for a picnic? A . Why notB . How aboutC . How toD . Why dont5. (2分)People usually think tigers are scary. A . kindB . kinds ofC . a kind ofD . kind of6. (2分)The teacher spoke _ quietly _ no one heard him clearly.A . too, thatB . very; enoughC . so; thatD . too; to7. (2分)The movie seems _ boring. I dont want to watch it again. A . beB . beingC . to beD . to being8. (2分)Shes never spoken to a foreigner, _?Yes. She is active and can speak English freely.A . is sheB . has sheC . isnt sheD . hasnt she9. (2分)Great changes in our hometown since ten years ago.A . have happenB . have taken placeC . happened10. (2分)The young girl couldnt afford a new car. _, she bought a used one.A . BesidesB . OtherwiseC . SinceD . Instead11. (2分)It was time to go home, Martin_his rain coat and went outA . woreB . put onC . was inD . puts on12. (2分)- Have you watched the movie the Left Ear?- Yes, I _ it last night with my sister.A . have watchedB . watchedC . will watchD . was watching13. (2分)Nowadays,most people prefer to_ computer games rather than _ books. A . play;readingB . play;readC . playing; reading14. (2分)My grandmother for two years. I miss her so much. A . diedB . has diedC . has been deadD . has been died15. (2分)_?He has big eyes and a small nose.A . Why do you like his hairB . What does he look likeC . What does he doD . How is he二、 完型填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) John loved basketball. One day, as he was walking to a basketball game, he dreamed about playing basketball for the college team the next year. Suddenly a car hit him and he was thrown three meters 1.John woke up in a hospital room. When the doctor told him that both his legs were broken, he knew his college basketball 2was over. John did what the doctors told him, but it 3.When he left the hospital, John was sent to a rehab center(康复中心).A week 4he arrived there, he met Sunny Chen. Sunny used to be a coach(教练).His legs were badly hurt in a skating accident.Though he couldnt move his legs, Sunny became the coach of a basketball team called the Suns. It was an on-wheelchair basketball team, because 5 on the team played from a wheelchair. Sunny invited John to 6the game. John played badly, but for the 7 time since the accident, he stopped feeling sorry for himself.After becoming a part of the Suns, John improved quickly. Basketball was like medicine for him. John was much 8than before. When John became unhappy, Sunny was there to comfort him. The day before John 9the center, he had dinner with Sunny. He asked Sunny how he could be so happy even with his broken legs.Sunny 10and said, Its really quite easy. When you keep your face to the sun, the shadows will fall behind.(1)A . away B . from C . out D . in (2)A . game B . dream C . team D . coach (3)A . worked B . affected C . didnt work D . didnt affect (4)A . until B . when C . before D . later (5)A . somebody B . anybody C . everybody D . nobody (6)A . join B . show C . study D . watch (7)A . next B . last C . first D . early (8)A . worse B . better C . busier D . smarter (9)A . arrived B . got to C . went to D . left (10)A . smiled B . shouted C . cried D . turned 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共46分)17. (10分)阅读理解TimePhone numberNameLost(遗失)A baseball523-7466CindyA dictionary809-4545TomA set of keys760-5343AlanFound(找到)A watch410-9627JennyA schoolbag588-7463JaneA pencil box761-1331Bill(1)_ lost a baseball. A . CindyB . TomC . AlanD . Jane(2)If you find a dictionary, you can call_. A . 532-7466B . 809-4545C . 760-5343D . 588-7463(3)Alan lost_. A . a watchB . a dictionaryC . a set of keysD . a pencil box(4)_ found a watch. A . TomB . AlanC . JennyD . Bill(5)A boy lost a pencil box. He can call_ at_. A . Jenny; 761-1331B . Bill; 410-9627C . Jenny; 410-9627D . Bill; 761-133118. (6分)阅读理解It is two in the morning. The wind is getting stronger and there is a chance that it will rain. Though the weather is bad, Al Gehrke sits 110 floors above the ground, 442 meters above the earth. You may be wondering what he is doing so far off the ground. If you asked him, he would say, “I am just doing my job!”Al Gehrke has a very special job that not many people would want to have. He manages one of the tallest buildings in the world the Wills Tower in Chicago. His team washes and changes the windows. The Wills Tower has 16, 000 windows and each window weighs over 90 kilos. Gehrke and his team work from seven in the evening until four in the morning. They clean 18 windows each night. Each window takes almost 30 minutes. Al Gehrke is not afraid of high places and he is a good man for the job.Mary Ann also has an unusual job. Instead of hanging high above the earth washing windows, she works under the water. She trains dolphins for shows and also helps people to swim with the dolphins. She loves the dolphins. “We never tell a dolphin what to do. We ask them respectfully. They decide to do that for us because of the relationship we have,” she said.Besides washing windows high above the earth or swimming with big fish under the water, there are other unusual jobs that you have probably never thought of people having. Here is another strange example: karaoke singers! A karaoke singer is someone who sings the songs of famous singers. The singer is able to follow the words of the songs because they appear on a computer in front of them. In Cyprus, karaoke singers are very popular. They sing to the people on holiday. As the visitors travel around the island they can listen to the music of the karaoke singers.(1)By saying “I am just doing my job” in Paragraph 1, Al Gehrke is most likely to tell us . A . his job is difficult to doB . he is brave and strongC . he can make much moneyD . his job is nothing special(2)According to the third paragraph, Mary Ann . A . considers herself unusualB . teaches people how to swimC . has a great love for dolphinsD . works long hours every day(3)The writer is trying to introduce some unusual jobs by . A . holding some activitiesB . offering some examplesC . comparing several onesD . telling some funny stories19. (10分)阅读理解Tony Wheeler was born to travel. His father worked for an airline. For the first 16 years of his life,Wheeler and his family lived in many different countries.In the early 1970s,Tony met a young woman named Maureen. They soon married. Before getting jobs, Tony and Maureen wanted to travel. They took a year long trip from England, through Asia, to Australia. On the trip,they visited places like Iran(伊朗),India,and so on.When Tony and Maureen arrived in Australia, people asked many questions about their trip. To answer these questions, Wheeler wrote a book called Across Asia on the Cheap. The book told people about different countries weather, customs (风俗), and places to see. But unlike other travel books then,Tony Wheelers book also talked about places most tourists did not go. He also wrote about unusual things to see and do. The book was very popular.Tony and Maureen started a company called Lonely Planet. They continued travelling. They wrote books for each place they visited. Today,800 people work or Lonely Planet. The company has over 650 books. Tony Wheeler,the great traveller, still writes about travels to many places and will bring us more surprises.(1)Tony Wheeler and his wife ended the year-long trip in . A . EnglandB . IranC . IndiaD . Australia(2)Tony Wheeler wrote the book Across Asia on theCheat to . A . make money for his next tripB . tell people about his new companyC . draw peoples attention to his familyD . answer peoples questions about his trip(3)How was the book Across Asia on the Cheap different from other travel books then? A . It was longer and more popular.B . It was the first travel book in the world.C . It talked about places most tourists did not go.D . It talked about a countrys weather and customs.(4)Which of the following is TRUE about Tony Wheelers company? A . His father started it.B . It is an airline company.C . Hundreds of people work for it.D . It has no books about travelling.(5)The passage mainly talks about . A . a great traveller and his booksB . a tour of different countriesC . a great writer and his familyD . different kinds of companies20. (20分)阅读理解。BI think that a great friend is a great artist who can change my feeling about life greatly. When I talk about the person who influenced me most. I must think of my best friend quickly.When I was in my university, one of my classmates sat beside me. His name is Wang Tao. He is my unforgettable friend in my life. He is good at study and handsome. Everyone knows that he is a genius(天才) of my university.He is kind hearted and is always ready to help others. But he doesnt like others to praise him, because he think what he did is common. There is an old saying: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Wang Tao sets a good example in many parts in my life.I remembered that my mathematics was mediocre at that time, but he was excellent in solving mathematics questions. He often received high scores. Of course, I wished I could reach at his level. Since we talked all day long, he was patient and polite to answer my mathematics questions. Slowly, I made great progress in mathematics. I passed the examination finally.Then we became friends naturally. And now, I still remember his strong will to study.We know that we live in a society, so we need a lot of friends. There are two kinds of friends, good and bad, bad friend may make our life failed, while good ones make our life successful. To me, Wang Tao is a very good friend. I learned so many advantages from him, and I changed more and more excellently.We separated three months ago. Now I miss him very much, and I hoped that our friendship will continue to be just as strong after we graduate(毕业).(1)The writer believes that an excellent friend _. A . is a man who works on artB . can change his life slowlyC . can influence his idea about lifeD . must think of him quickly(2)The writer believes that an excellent friend _. A . is a man who works on artB . can change his life slowlyC . can influence his idea about lifeD . must think of him quickly(3)Which of the following about Wang Tao is NOT true according to the passage? A . He has a strong will.B . He is warm hearted.C . He is good at maths.D . He likes art very much.(4)Which of the following about Wang Tao is NOT true according to the passage? A . He has a strong will.B . He is warm hearted.C . He is good at maths.D . He likes art very much.(5)The underlined word “mediocre” most probably means “_”. A . badB . not very goodC . the bestD . very good(6)The underlined word “mediocre” most probably means “_”. A . badB . not very goodC . the bestD . very good(7)In the fifth paragraph, the writer mainly suggests that we should _. A . make good friends and learn from themB . have two kinds of friends, good and badC . make our best friends successfulD . make less bad friends(8)In the fifth paragraph, the writer mainly suggests that we should _. A . make good friends and learn from themB . have two kinds of friends, good and badC . make our best friends successfulD . make less bad friends(9)Whats the best title for the passage? A . My university lifeB . An unforgettable friendC . How to make friendsD . How to learn maths well(10)Whats the best title for the passage? A . My university lifeB . An unforgettable friendC . How to make friendsD . How to learn maths well四、 词汇应用。根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当 (共10题;共18分)21. (5分)根据中文或句意写单词。(1)Please_(交;递)in your paper before the end of this week.(2)The little girls sad story_(触动)our hearts.(3)The little girl will travel _to learn more about art. (在国外)(4)My dad has been to the USA on_(生意) many times.(5)When I got there, I saw him _(绑)his horse to a tree.22. (1分)Fast food always _ me a lot of money. (花) 23. (1分)Hanging out with friends is almost impossible for me because there are always g_ around me. 24. (1分)I dont know how she _(设法应付)her own life with four kids 15 years ago. 25. (5分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(1)The old man is d_. He cant hear anything.(2)My dog is m_. Can you help me find it?(3)All of them are _(注视)at the computer screen.(4)We dont know whether hes _(活着)or dead.(5)The road was so narrow that cars were unable to _(通过).26. (1分)Game shows can bring_(laugh)to lots of people 27. (1分)You should drive more slowly on_(rain) days. 28. (1分)It is _( possible )for a little boy to climb such a high mountain. 29. (1分) Hows the weather there? Its _(cloud).30. (1分)Dont bring your music _(play) to school. 五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共15分)31. (15分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 Li Yaotang is considered to be one of the most important and widely-read Chinese writers in the 20th century. He wrote under the pen name of Ba Jin. Ba Jin started writing his first work in the late 1920s. Li was born in Chengdu. He was born in a rich family of officials. As a child, Li was taught to read and write first by his mother. In 1920, Li entered Chengdu Foreign Language School to study English. Three years later, Li moved to Shanghai and then studied there. In 1927, he went to Paris with his friend for further study. After returning to Shanghai in 1928, Ba Jin continued writing and working on translation. His first novel came out in 1929. Then he wrote a lot of famous novels during ten years. Most of Ba Jins works could be easily understood by anyone with high school education, which made him one of the easiest modern Chinese writers. Ba Jin died of cancer in Shanghai at the age of 101. His death marked the end of a century for Chinese literature. He was one of the masters of language like Lao She.(1)Who taught Ba Jin to read and write when he was a child first? (不超过2个词) (2)What did Ba Jin do in Chengdu Foreign Language School? (不超过3个词) (3)Why was Ba Jin one of the easiest modern Chinese writers? (不超过15个词) 六、 缺词填空。 (共1题;共10分)32. (10分)根据首字母或汉语提示填写单词,并注意适当形式。每空限填一词。 (1)Its not _(安全的) to swim in the river. (2)There are lots of beautiful _(油画)in his house. (3)She _(承诺) to help me with my English. (4)Mikes plan has several _(优势). We all like it. (5)Mum, dont always _(比较) me with the others. (6)There are lots of _ (相机)in the lost and found office. (7)We are going to go _(观光) and do some shopping. (8)There are many old pictures in the _ (博物馆). (9)We are going to _(收集) litter in the park this Sunday. (10)My dream of becoming a teacher will come_(真实的) one day. 七、 书面表达。 (共2题;共6分)33. (1分)一星期前,我想同学借了一本书(borrowfrom)_34. (5分)假如你的朋友Tommy下周要来玩,请你向他介绍一下你的家乡。要点:1). 我的家乡在无锡北部的一个小镇上,离无锡市中心大概二十公里;2). 镇上有许多公园、商场和电影院,是个居住的好地方;3). 我住在中山公园东面的一套公寓里,找到我家很容易;4). 沿着人民路走,在第一个路口处右拐;大楼就在你的左边,我住在八楼;5). 要求:1).文章内容必须包括所有要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯;2). 对第5要点的省略号部分作23句话的合理发挥;3). 词数在80个左右。Dear Tommy,I want to tell you something about my hometown. Welcome to my home!Best wishes!第 23 页 共 23 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完型填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共46分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、20-6、20-7、20-8、20-9、20-10、四、 词汇应用。根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当 (共10题;共18分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共15分)31-1、31-2、31-3、六、 缺词填空。 (共1题;共10分)32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、32-5、32-6、32-7、32-8、32-9、32-10、七、 书面表达。 (共2题;共6分)33-1、34-1、

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