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高中教学案课题:First Aid 版本:人教版 第 5 册 第 5 单元第 1 课时 2012 年 6 月 6 日 星期 三 备课人:晋叶红教学目标1、知识与技能a 知识目标:掌握以下重点词汇短语temporary,injury,bleed,choke,organ,barrier,poison,complex,liquid,mild,stove,swell,scissors, unbearable,squeeze,bandage,vital,symptom,damp,sleeve,tight,apply,pour,ceremony, a number of, put ones hands on, make a difference 理解以下两个句子(注意句子的省略) A: You can get burned by hot liquids and you can get burned by steam.B: You can get burned by hot liquids and steam. A: First aid burns turn white when they are pressed. B: First aid burns turn white when pressed.b 能力目标: Improve the students reading ability - guessing words, searching for information.2、过程与方法 Read the text step by step to comprehend it.3、情感态度与价值观Enable the Ss to learn how to use what theyve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly and To improve the students awareness of safety.重点:a. Help to comprehend the text and grasp the main idea of the text.b. Grasp the usage of some words and expressions.c. How to help the Ss use what theyve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly.难点:a. Help students learn more about first aid knowledge.b. Help students really master the usage of words and expressions.教法:1 Skimming and scanning;2 Asking-and-answering activities;3. Discussing教具:多媒体课型:阅读新授课学 案教师活动(含学法指导)学生活动设计意图Step 1 预习检查 A 级 重要单词、词组聚焦1. 暂时的adj._ 2. 损伤;伤害 n. _3. 流血 vi. & vt. (原形、过去式及过去分词) _,_,_4. 窒息;噎住 vi. & vt. _ 5. 屏障;障碍(物)n. _6. 毒药;毒害 n./ vt. _ 7. 复杂的 adj. _8. 液体 n._ 9. 轻微的;温和的 adj. _10. 膨胀;隆起 vi.& vt. (原形、过去式及过去分词) _,_, _11. 难以忍受的 adj. _ 12. 至关重要的 adj. _ 13. 生病_ 14. 榨出;挤出 _ 15. 反复;多次 _ 16. 在适当的位置 _ Step2 lead-inLook at the picture and answer the questions.1. What has happened to the little girl?2. What kind of first aid would you perform in this situation?Step 3 新课探究I. Fast readingSkim the text and match main idea with each part. Part 1 A. Causes of burnsPart 2 B. The functions of skinPart 3 C. First aid treatmentPart 4 D. Characteristics of burnsPart 5 E. Types of burns II. Careful reading1. Read the passage carefully and get the answers to the questions.a. What are functions of skin? b. What are causes of burns?c. How many types of burns are there? _2. Read the text again and fill in the blanks.Types CharacteristicsFirst degree burns Affect the _ layer of the skin. Dry, red and mildly _. _ painful.Turn white when _. Types CharacteristicsSecond degree burns Affect both the _ and the _ layer of the skin._, red and swollen. . Extremely painful. _, watery surface. Third degree burns Affect _ _ layers of the skin.Swollen; tissue can be seen. _ or _ pain. _ and _ and charred. 3. Fill in the blanks with one word according to the text and the pictures.1. _ clothing using scissors if necessary.2. _ burns with cool water for 10 minutes. 3. _ cool, clean, wet cloths on burns. 4. _ the burned area gently. 5. _ the burned area with a dry, clean bandage. 6. _ the victim to the hospital if serious. Step 4 课文重组 A 级 Fill in the blanksFirst aid is the first kind of help given to someone when suddenly falls _ or get injured before a doctor can be foundIn this unit, we have learned the first aid for _.The skin is an _ part of our bodyIt keeps your body coolIt _ your body from losing waterYou can get burned by hot _,steam,fire radiation and so onThere are three _ of burns called first,second and third degreeWhen someone gets burned, we will carry _ first aid treatment by different degreesRemove clothing from the burned area _ it is stuck to the burnCover the burned with a dry clean _ that will not stick to the skinThen immediately took him to the _. Step 5 Act out1. If your friend got chocked when eating, what would you do to help her/him?2. The arm of your friend was injured, how to stop him/her from bleeding? Step 6当堂巩固: Choose the best answer:1. He was so fat that he could only just _ the door.A. squeeze into B. squeeze through C. get into D. enter through2. The performance was warmly applauded and cheered _ by the audience. Which of the following is wrong?A. over and over B. again and again C. over and over again D. over again3. As the young generation,we should never forget those who _ the success of the revolution.A. bled for B. bled to C. resulted from D. resulted in4. The building is severely _ by the explosion and it will be a long time before it can be repaired.A. struck B. hit C. damaged D. destroyed5.If you _first aid correctly,the man would be saved.A. gave B. do C. knew D. took6. How long has your grandma_.About three months.A. fallen ill B. been ill C. fall ill D. be ill7.There are a(n)_of plants in the old mans yard,such as trees,flowers and grass.A. group B. kind C. amount D. variety8. You are supposed to report it to your headmaster _, otherwise he will be angry.A. if it was necessary B. if necessary C.if necessarily D. if you are necessary课堂小结:课下作业:1. 复习课文并完成课后练习精编;2. 预习下个导学案并完成课前任务。3. Search as much information as you can about first aid.我们已经预习了本单元的生词和短语,下面我们通过以下简单的练习看哪组同学预习得最好。根据汉语意思以及词性写出英语。(提示学生注意词性,点评时要提示学生卷面书写) 通过检查看出有的同学掌握得很好,有的同学还不够,望以后再努力。今天我带领大家了解一些急救措施。请看大屏幕(展示多媒体图片:见课件后附)要想了解更多请阅读Unit 5 First aid Period 1 First Aid for Burns(板书课题) 现在同学们按阅读要求进行活动。(提示学生遇到生词不要查词典,学会猜测词义)教师组织学生细读课文,获取关于课文的详细信息。教师要观察学生阅读情况,适时指导帮助同学。(学生可能有不同答案,充分讨论后,教师再统一答案,多媒体展示。)同学们,我们已阅读并理解了课文,现在我们看掌握得怎样,请完成短文填空。(教师组织学生完成课文重组)提示学生可从chockingbleeding 等方面谈论。(借助多媒体图片提示学生,也可以开放谈论)同学们,请做下面的练习,看我们本节课掌握得怎样。认真思考,仔细判断。4分钟后,教师公布答案。(见课件)请同学们回顾本节课的收获,你还有哪些疑惑(教师补充、强调),小结本篇文章的内容。对于同学们在这堂课上的表现,对表现好的几组加以表扬,对于表现次些的组加以鼓励。学生分组派代表写出英语,看谁写得既快又好,其余同学写在学案上,互批互评价,小组竞争,课后上交学案。全体学生快读课文,看谁读得最快并给出最佳答案 (快读完成I)先让学生明确方框中所给出的信息,运用找读(跳读)法,找出相关答案,解决问题。(完成II)全体同学细读课文,完成Step 3.全体学生细读课文,尽量先独立完成,如有困难(B级),再分组讨论找出答案。全体学生独自完成课文重组,必要时可借助课本。 填完后让学生熟读或背诵。学生讨论,然后将讨论要点整理写下来就是一篇短文。(课上口头,课下落实到作业本上)。学生在运用语言的同时,也可以在发生紧急情况时帮助别人或自救。 通过对全文的学习,对语法以及重点单词、短语的掌握,限定时间让学生快速看题并作答。(先独立完成,再让学生核对答案,提出异议,讨论解决争论。)学生对本文的小结。回顾重要单词、词组,检查学生对基础知识的预习情况,为下一步的新课文阅读做好铺垫。 培养学生的快速阅读和迅速获取有效信息的能力。带着问题找读,能培养学生快速解决阅读问题的能力。根据上下文猜测词义是解决阅读问题的一项基本能力。培养学生综合阅读能力,通过细读,透过字面意思,理解深层含义,从而更好的理解全文。通过相关练习的设计,让学生加深对课文的理解,提高学生理解课文的能力。 巩固学生对课文的理解,落实字、词、句,将之转化为学生自己的东西。将知识转化为技能,培养语用能力。学以至用,让学生利用课上所学知识谈论相关内容,提高语言运用能力,情感教育寓于课堂活动之中。检测学习效果。考查内容:单选对学生的疑点进一步处理,以求当堂清。梳理知识、内容深化。板书设计: Unit 2 First Aid Period1 Reading Teaching aims: examples: Important and difficult points: Teaching steps:Step 1. .Step 6. 课后练习精编 见附页 后附课件教学后记:本堂课学习的这篇文章介绍了关于烫伤的分类及其急救方法。其间运用了快读、找读、细读、猜测词义、归纳总结、翻译、句子替换等多种教学方法,让学生交流探讨,发散思维。并通过检测巩固所学,基本达到了预期目的。通过本堂课的学习,可以帮助学生了解一些急救方法,在遇到紧急情况时能够正确处理。鉴于学生程度不一,有些同学需要在课下进一步复习巩固。KEY:Step 1 预习检查 A 级 重要单词、词组聚焦1. temporary 2. injury 3. bleed bled bled 4. choke 5. barrier 6. poison7. complex 8. liquid 9. mild 10. swell swelled swollen 11. unbearable 12. vital 13. fall ill 14. squeeze out 15. over and over again 16. in placeStep 2 Lead-in1. She has burnt by boiling water.2. Cool the area of skin; Wash it under the cold running water; Spread ointment on the burn; Cover the wound with bandage/clean cloth; See a doctor if necessary Step 3 新课探究I. Part1 (B) Part2 (A) Part3 (E) Part4 (D) Part5 (C)II. 1. a. It keeps you warm or cool.It prevents your body from losing water.It is where you feel cold, heat or pain. It gives you your sense of touch. b. Hot liquids; steam; Fire and radiation; the sun; electricity; chemicals c. First degree burns; Second degree burns; Third degree burns 2. Types CharacteristicsFirst degree burns Affect the top layer of the skin. Dry, red and mildly swollen. Mildly painful.Turn white when pressed. Second degree burns Affect both the top and the second layer of the skin. Rough, red and swollen. Extremely painful. Blisters watery surface. Third degree burns Affect all three layers of the skin. Swollen; tissue can be seen. Little or no pain. Black and white and charred. 3. 1.Remove; 2. Cool; 3. Place; 4. Dry; 5. Cover; 6. GetStep 4 课文重组 A 级 ill, burns, essential, prevents, liquids, types, carry out, unless, bandage, hospitalStep 5 无标准答案Step 6当堂巩固:Choose the best answer1. B2.D3.A4.C5.A6.B7.D8. B

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