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,Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.,Saturday 星期六 (Section B 3aSelf Check),(Section B 3a-Self Check),基础复现天天练:愚人节整蛊建议,(Section B 3a-Self Check),(Section B 3a-Self Check),April Fools Day is a holiday that is enjoyed all around the world. Although many countries and cultures celebrate the day at different times in different ways,all of them enjoy playing clever pranks(玩笑)on their friends and family. Learning a few pranks for April Fools,(Section B 3a-Self Check),Day can help you get a few laughs,have a lot of fun,and make the most out of the holiday. Follow these tips: Tip 1:Take batteries(电池)out of remotes(遥控). A simple trick you can play on your family members or housemates is to “remove” the batteries from remotes.,(Section B 3a-Self Check),When they go to turn on the TV,nothing will happen,causing them to wonder whats going on. For extra fun,try replacing the batteries with something silly like baby carrots or leaving a note that says “April Fools”.,(Section B 3a-Self Check),Tip 2:Put up a “wet paint” sign. Putting up a “wet paint” sign can be a simple and effective prank. You can enjoy watching people try to avoid it wherever youve placed the sign. For extra fun,try putting it in busy places or areas where people have to walk.,(Section B 3a-Self Check),Stand by with some friends and share a few laughs together as you watch people go out of their way to avoid the “wet paint”. Tip 3:Stare up at the sky. If you are out in a public place on April Fools Day,you can try staring up at the sky. You dont actually need to look at anything,,(Section B 3a-Self Check),but it can be funny to cause other people to look up at something that isnt there. Try getting others to stare up at nothing with you,to make the prank more convincing(可信的).,(Section B 3a-Self Check),Tip 4:Use the classic whoopee cushion(放屁坐垫). Some pranks are considered classic and the whoopee cushion is one of them. You can try putting a whoopee cushion in someones chair,resulting in a funny and embarrassing(难堪的) sound when they sit down.,(Section B 3a-Self Check),Your friend will be confused and amused to find that you were the one behind this classic prank. Tip 5:Replace cookies filling with toothpaste(牙膏). Maybe you know someone who cant refuse cookies.,(Section B 3a-Self Check),You can try taking out the usual cream and replacing it with toothpaste to offer them a delicious prank on April Fools Day. Have fun watching their reaction to the new flavor.,( )1. _ tips about having more fun on April Fools Day are mentioned in the passage. A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six ( )2. What does the underlined word “remove” mean in Chinese? A. 移动 B. 拿开 C. 走开 D. 离开,C,(Section B 3a-Self Check),B,( )3. When you know someone who cant refuse cookies,you can _ to offer them a delicious prank. A. stare up at the sky B. put a whoopee cushion in his chair C. take out the usual cream and replace it with toothpaste D. replace the batteries with something silly like baby carrots or leaving a note,C,(Section B 3a-Self Check),( )4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Try getting others to stare up at something with you to make the prank more convincing. B. Many countries and cultures celebrate April Fools Day at different times and in the same way. C. You can enjoy watching people try to avoid a “wet paint” sign wherever it is put. D. Some pranks are considered classic and taking the batteries out of remotes is one of them.,C,(Section B 3a-Self Check),( )5. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. How to celebrate April Fools Day. B. How to play clever pranks on your friends and family. C. How to have a safe April Fools Day. D. What to do on April Fools Day.,B,(Section B 3a-Self Check),谢 谢 观 看 !,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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