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Marta had worked hard for a long time to win the scholarship jacket but at the last moment something happened that threatened to rob her of the prize 长期来 玛尔塔为赢得一件奖给全优生的短上衣而刻苦学习 但最后一刻发生的事可能会使她 失去这一奖品 The Scholarship Jacket 一件奖给全优生的短上衣 Marta Salinas 玛尔塔 萨利纳斯 1 The small Texas school that I attended carried out a tradition every year during the eighth grade graduation a beautiful gold and green jacket was awarded to the class valedictorian the student who had maintained the highest grades for eight years 八年级学生毕业时 我就读的那所规模甚小的得克萨斯州学校年年都遵循传统做这样一件 事 把一件金色绿色相间的漂亮短上衣授予毕业典礼上致告别辞的毕业生代表 即八年来成绩 保持第一的那个学生 2 I was fourteen and in the eighth grade I had been a straight A student since the first grade and the last year I had looked forward to owning the jacket My father was a farm laborer who couldn t earn enough money to feed eight children so when I was six I was given to my grandparents to raise We couldn t participate in sports at school because there were registration fees uniform costs and trips out of town so there would never be a sports school jacket for us This one the scholarship jacket was our only chance 当时我 14 岁 在上八年级 从一年级开始 我就一直是全优生 到了最后一年 我盼望拥 有一件这样的短上衣 我父亲是农场工人 挣的钱不够养活八个孩子 所以我六岁那年 他们 就把我送给祖父母抚养 我们没法参加学校的体育活动 因为那些活动都要交注册费 运动服 要买 去外地也要花钱 所以 我们永远不会有什么校运动服 拥有这样一件毕业生荣誉服 对我们而言 便是唯一的机会 3 One day in May on the way from my history class to the gym I remembered my P E shorts were still in the classroom I had to walk back and get them I was almost back at the door when I heard angry voices and arguing in my classroom I recognized the voices Mr Schmidt my history teacher and Mr Boone my math teacher They seemed to be arguing about me I couldn t believe it I still remember the shock that rooted me flat against the wall 五月的一天 历史课后去健身房的路上 我突然想起我的运动短裤还在教室里 我得回去 取 快到教室门口时 我听见从里面传来愤怒的争吵声 我辨出了那些声音 是历史老师施密 特先生和数学老师布恩先生 他们似乎在为我争吵 简直难以置信 我仍记得我当时惊呆了 靠在墙上 一动不动 4 I refuse to do it I don t care who her father is her grades don t even begin to compare to Martha s I won t lie or falsify records Martha has a straight A plus average and you know it That was Mr Schmidt and he sounded very angry Mr Boone s voice sounded calm and quiet 我拒绝那样做 我才不管她父亲是谁呢 她的成绩根本无法与玛莎相比 我不愿撒谎 不 愿篡改成绩 玛莎平均成绩都是 A 这一点你清楚 那是施密特先生的声音 听上去他很愤 怒 布恩先生的声音听上去又轻又平静 5 Look Joann s father is not only on the Board he owns the only store in town we could say it was a close tie and 你瞧 琼的父亲不仅是校董 他还拥有镇上唯一的商店 应该说是难分高低 再 说 6 The pounding in my ears drowned out the rest of the words only a word here and there filtered through Martha is Mexican resign won t do it 我耳朵里嗡嗡作响 听不见他们后来讲的话 只东一点西一点渗入片言只语 玛莎是 墨西哥人 辞职 不干 7 To this day I don t remember how I made it through the rest of the afternoon I went home very sad and cried into my pillow that night so Grandmother wouldn t hear me 直到今天 我都想不起来那天下午我是怎么度过的 我心情沮丧地回到家 那天晚上 为 了不让祖母听见 我把头埋进枕头里痛哭一场 8 The next day when the principal called me into his office I knew what it would be about He looked uncomfortable and unhappy 第二天 校长把我叫进他的办公室时 我就知道他为什么要这样做 他看上去不太自在 也显得不高兴 9 Martha he said there s been a change in policy this year regarding the scholarship jacket As you know it has always been free He cleared his throat and continued This year the Board decided to charge fifteen dollars which still won t cover the complete cost of the jacket 玛莎 他说 今年有关奖励服装的政策有些变化 你也知道 以往奖励的服装一直是 免费的 他清了清嗓子接着说 今年 校董事会决定收十五元钱 这点钱还是抵不上奖 励服装的全部成本 10 I stared at him in shock and a small sound of dismay escaped my throat I hadn t expected this 我惊愕地盯着他看 不禁发出轻轻的沮丧声 我没料到竟会这样 11 So if you are unable to pay the fifteen dollars for the jacket it will be given to the next one in line 如果你付不出买奖励服装的十五元钱 我们就要把它奖给排在下一个的学生了 12 Standing with all the dignity I could muster I said I ll speak to my grandfather about it sir and let you know tomorrow I cried on the walk home from the bus stop 我站在那儿 竭力保持着尊严 说道 先生 这事我要回去跟我祖父说 明天给您答复 从汽车站走回家的路上 我哭了 13 Where s Grandpa I asked Grandma 爷爷在哪儿 我问奶奶 I think he s out back working in the bean field 我想他是在后面的豆子地里干活 14 I went outside and looked out at the fields There he was I walked slowly out to him trying to think how I could best ask him for the money I wanted that jacket so much It represented eight years of hard work and expectation He saw me and looked up 我走出屋 往地里张望 爷爷果然在那儿 我慢慢地朝他走去 寻思着怎么开口向他要钱 最好 我太想得到那件奖励的上装了 它代表着八年的努力和期盼 他看见我了 抬起头望着 15 He waited for me to speak I cleared my throat nervously and clasped my hands behind my back so he wouldn t see them shaking Grandpa I have a big favor to ask you I said in Spanish the only language he knew He still waited silently I tried again Grandpa this year the principal said the scholarship jacket is not going to be free It s going to cost fifteen dollars and I have to take the money in tomorrow otherwise it ll be given to someone else The last words came out in an eager rush I waited desperately hoping he d say I could have the money 他等着我开口 我紧张地清了清嗓子 双手紧握放在背后 这样他就看不到我的手在发抖 了 爷爷 我要您帮我一个大忙 我说的是西班牙语 他唯一能懂的语言 他仍静静地等着 我又试着说 爷爷 校长说今年奖励的衣服不再免费了 要花十五元钱买 我明天得把钱交 上去 否则就要给别人了 最后几个字是急切地蹦出来的 我等着爷爷的回答 极其希望他 会说我可以拿这笔钱 16 He turned to me and asked quietly What does a scholarship jacket mean 他转过身来对着我 轻声问道 这件奖励的短上衣表明什么呢 17 I answered quickly maybe there was a chance It means you ve earned it by having the highest grades for eight years and that s why they re giving it to you Too late I realized the significance of my words Grandpa knew that I understood it was not a matter of money It wasn t that He went back to hoeing the weeds that sprang up between the delicate little bean plants Finally he spoke again 我急忙回答 心想也许会有机会 意味着因你八年来年年成绩最好而赢得了它 他们给 你也是因为这个 等我意识到我这番话的意思时 为时已晚 爷爷知道我明白那不是钱的问 题 不是那个问题 他又去锄生长在青嫩的豆苗间的杂草了 最后 他又开口了 18 Then if you pay for it Marta it s not a scholarship jacket is it Tell your principal I will not pay the fifteen dollars 那么 玛尔塔 如果你花钱去买 那就不是奖励的衣服了 对不对 告诉你们校长 我 不付那十五元钱 19 I walked back to the house and locked myself in the bathroom for a long time I was angry with Grandfather even though I knew he was right and I was angry with the Board whoever they were Why did they have to change the rules just when it was my turn to win the jacket 我回到屋里 把自己锁在卫生间 在里面呆了很长时间 我生祖父的气 尽管我知道他说 得有道理 我生校董的气 不管他们是谁 为什么偏偏在轮到我赢得奖励的短上衣时 他们就 要改变规则了 20 It was a very sad and withdrawn girl who dragged into the principal s office the next day 第二天 我沉默不语 一副十分伤心的小女孩的模样 拖着脚步走进校长办公室 21 What did your grandfather say I sat very straight in my chair He said to tell you he won t pay the fifteen dollars Why he asked Your grandfather has the money Doesn t he own a small bean farm 你祖父怎么说 我挺直腰杆 坐在椅子上 他要我告诉您他不愿付那十五元钱 为什么 他问 你祖父付得起呀 他不是有一个种豆子的小农场吗 22 I looked at him forcing my eyes to stay dry He said if I had to pay for it then it wouldn t be a scholarship jacket I said and stood up to leave I was almost to the door when he stopped me 我朝他看看 强忍着不掉一滴泪 他说如果我得付钱 那就不是一件奖励的短上衣了 说完 我起身就走 快到门口时 他叫住了我 23 Martha wait I turned and looked at him waiting He looked at me biting his lip as if thinking Okay damn it We ll make an exception in your case I ll tell the Board You ll get your jacket 玛莎 等一等 我转过身来看着他 等他说话 他一边看着我一边咬着嘴唇 仿佛在思考什么 好吧 该死 就这样 我们对你的情况破一次例 我会跟校董们去说 你将得到奖励你的短上衣 24 I could hardly believe it I spoke in a trembling rush Oh thank you sir Suddenly I felt great I wanted to yell jump run the mile do something I ran out so I could cry in the hall where there was no one to see me At the end of the day Mr Schmidt winked at me and said I hear you re getting a scholarship jacket this year 我难以相信这是真的 我嗓音颤抖着急忙说 哦 谢谢您 先生 突然间我感觉好极 了 我要叫喊 要跳跃 要跑一英里赛跑 要做些什么 我奔出去 好在走廊里哭一场 那儿 没人会看见 放学时 施密特先生对我眨了眨眼 说 听说你要赢得今年的奖励的短上衣了 25 His face looked as happy and innocent as a baby s but I knew better Without answering I gave him a quick hug and ran to the bus I cried on the walk home again but this time because I was so happy I couldn t wait to tell Grandpa and ran straight to the field 他看上去像孩子般开心 像孩子般天真无邪 可是我心里比谁都明白 我没有回答 而是 紧紧地拥抱了他一下 然后向汽车站奔去 走在回家的路上我又哭了 但这一次我是喜极而泣 我迫不及待要把喜讯告诉爷爷 径直奔向地里 26 The principal said he s making an exception for me Grandpa and I m getting the jacket after all That s after I told him what you said 爷爷 校长说他要为我破例 我终于要得到那件奖励的短上衣了 那是我把您的话说给 他听后他才做的决定 27 Grandpa didn t say anything he just gave me a pat on the shoulder and a smile 爷爷没说什么 只是轻轻拍了拍我的肩膀 朝我笑了笑

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