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,Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.,Sunday 星期日 (单元综合运用),基础复现天天练:读写综合 A. 信息归纳 阅读下列关于校园欺凌的文章,并完成信息卡。,(单元综合运用),(单元综合运用),“No one in this world ever deserves to be bullied(欺凌)and brought down by people. And no one deserves to hold in all those situations that have happened to them. If you are being bullied,you are supposed to open up and talk about it. I know you may not feel comfortable to say it out,but if you dont,,(单元综合运用),they may gradually get used to bullying you. Remember that you are not alone. Others who get bullied know how you feel. People who love you will listen to you and be there for you. Stand up against bullying today. ” Jessica15Michigan,(单元综合运用),“No one deserves to be bullied. It is just not right and fair. I had a friend who was bullied and I came to help and stopped it. When you see someone being bullied,please tell an adult or try to stop it yourself. You might be worried about being bullied as well,but there is no reason to be,,(单元综合运用),because you are not alone. My classmates and I have set up a club called No Bullying and we will go out our way to help stop bullying at school. ” Bob17North Carolina,(单元综合运用),“When I went into middle school,there was a boy whom everyone just decided to pick on(欺负). He would always sit alone at lunch and never once had a friend to call his own. A few years later I remembered how many times this boy had tried to talk to mebut I never said a word.,(单元综合运用),I was too scared to lose my friendsI was too selfish to help someone in need. It made me cry when thinking of how lonely he feels. Never again will I ever let anyone decide who is “worth” being happy and having friends. And I want others to learn from my mistake.,(单元综合运用),When you see someone down on the ground,have the courage to be the hand that picks him up. ” Angela16 Des Moines IA “If youve been a bully(欺凌弱小的人),you dont have to admit it,you just have to realize,(单元综合运用),how you made them feel and change the way you behave. If you try to take a walk in someone elses shoes,you will realize how much of a tough time they are going through. We are the future generation,and we are expected to make a change in the world.,(单元综合运用),Take a stand and lend a hand,and someday we will make a difference in the world together. ” Beverley15Washington D.C,Information Card,(单元综合运用),to open up and talk about it,Bob,Information Card,(单元综合运用),No Bullying,She never said a word,Information Card,(单元综合运用),to make a change in the world,(单元综合运用),(单元综合运用),(单元综合运用),B. 书面表达 校园是我们学习的地方,是教育我们成才的地方,但屡见不鲜的校园欺凌却打破了校园应有的宁静。校园欺凌严重危害青少年的身心健康,破坏正常的教学秩序与和谐校园的建设。请你写一篇关于校园欺凌的短文。开头已给出。,(单元综合运用),内容包括: 1. 你或你的同学遇到过校园欺凌事件吗? 2. 校园欺凌带来的危害(至少两点)。 3. 给受到校园欺凌的同学几点积极的建议(至少三点)。 4. 呼吁大家一起抵制校园欺凌。,(单元综合运用),【写作思路点拨】 第一步:简介你或同学遇到过的校园欺凌事件。参考句型: Once I saw “什么人+做了+欺凌事件+时间+学校”。 第二步:两点关于校园欺凌带来的危害。,(单元综合运用),参考句型: 1. School bullying makes us _. 2. School bullying will cause _. 第三步:给受到校园欺凌的同学三点建议。参考句型: 1. First,you should _.,(单元综合运用),2. Second,youd better _. 3. Third,you must _. 第四步:呼吁大家一起抵制校园欺凌。 参考句型: 1. Lets _ against school bullying. 2. I hope everyone can _ to avoid _.,(单元综合运用),第五步:检查自己的写作。(1. 要求的四个内容都写到了吗?2. 是否有语法错误?),(单元综合运用),School is not only a place we can learn something,but also a warm home for us. However,school bullying becomes more and more common these years. _,(单元综合运用),School is not only a place we can learn something,but also a warm home for us. However,school bullying becomes more and more common these years. Nowadays,because of TV and the Internet,more and more school bullyings are known by us.,(单元综合运用),Last term,one of my classmates was asked for money by several older kids at school. He was so frightened that he was afraid to go to school. Luckily,our teacher knew what had happened and helped him deal with the problem. But it has had a very bad influence among our students.,(单元综合运用),I think we should stand out to say no to “School bullying”. Firstly,we are supposed to be brave to help the weak who are suffering bullying. Dont let them be alone. Secondly,we must trust in our teachers and parents. Once we are bullied,we should ask them for help.,(单元综合运用),Thirdly,never look down upon or laugh at others. It may hurt them,too. Lets work together to be against bullying at school,so that we can study in a cleaner and safer environment.,(单元综合运用),谢 谢 观 看 !,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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