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Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.,时文阅读,一、可以吃的海报,(时文阅读),Do you hate vegetables? Then this special show in London may change your mind. 1. _in the show can be eaten. There are six “foods” They are ice cream, bubbles, clouds, tornadoes(龙卷风), sausage, juice and so on. All of them are made 2. _ vegetables and fruit.,(时文阅读),For 3. _, the ice cream is made of carrots. The bubbles 4. _ made of broccoli and cucumber. The clouds are made of pineapple. 5. _ amazing! The tickets and posters for the show are even edible(可食用的). 6. _ are made of vegetable oil and rice.,(时文阅读),The designers used edible ink to print them. Each poster tastes 7. _. For example, the poster of the bubbles 8. _ like cucumber. The cloud poster is pineapple-flavored. Kids have around 30,000 kinds of tastebuds(味蕾).,(时文阅读),This is 9. _ than what adults have. So kids are more sensitive to flavors. 10. _ they try some new food they dont like, they may have a bad experience, according to the agency that set up the show. “But through play and experiments, children are more likely to try different foods,” the agency said to C.,(时文阅读),1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._,Everything,of,example,are,How,They,different,tastes,more,If,(时文阅读),二、美国马术冠军少女,(时文阅读),Can you ride a horse? Skylar Millhouser is very good at it. She is a seventh-grader at Worley Middle School, the US. She has won nine awards in national equestrian(马术)competitions. Millhousers horse is named Time Two Shine, but is known as Shine, 1 . She learned to 2 the horse when she was 5. Lynda Lewis taught Millhouser once a week 3 about three years“Shes 4 .,(时文阅读),She always gets up early to practice more because she believes that Practice makes perfect. She listens to me and does her homework very well,” Lewis 5 Star Telegram. “Theyre a cute pair. ” They are good at dressage(花样骑术)and horse dancing. Millhouser and her horse grew up together like good friends. Thats the 6 why Millhouser knows well about the horse. She also knows how to get along with the horse.,(时文阅读),When something goes wrong, she never blames the horse. 7 , she always encourages it. Still, the competitions are hard. Shine is well-trained, but is sometimes easily scared. Once, Millhouser was 8 in the arena(赛场). Suddenly, a big door opened and made a loud 9 . The horse was scared and ran away. Millhouser 10 and got hurt. Even so, she didnt give up.,(时文阅读),( )1. A. either B. too C. also D. neither ( )2. A. raise B. ride C. get D. drive ( )3. A. for B. in C. to D. through ( )4. A. difficult B. hard-working C. dangerous D. careful ( )5. A. spoke B. asked C. said D. told ( )6. A. reason B. matter C. questionD. problem,B,B,A,B,(时文阅读),D,A,( )7. A. Instead B. But C. And D. Also ( )8. A. putting up B. warming up C. looking up D. hanging up ( )9. A. noise B. voice C. sound D. action ( )10. A. fell off B. fell into C. fell over D. fell down,A,B,A,(时文阅读),D,谢 谢 观 看 !,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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