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沪教版九年级上学期英语期末联考试卷C卷一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) Tom is always _ first to come. He is working towards _ better future.A . the, theB . the, aC . a, a2. (2分)Look at Jacks roomIts such a mess!Ask him now A . tidy it upB . pick it upC . to tidy it upD . to pick it up3. (2分)The boy is _ smart _ everybody(人人;每个人)likes him.A . so, thatB . too; toC . very, that4. (2分)Is the room only for Amy?No, its _.A . Amys and her sistersB . Amys and her sisterC . Amy and her sisterD . Amy and her sisters5. (2分)If she the difficulty,she will tell us. A . overcomeB . come overC . overcomesD . overcame6. (2分)Mike asks his father a new bike for him. A . buyB . buysC . boughtD . to buy7. (2分)The police require the travellers to open their suitcases. We should understand this. The police are trying their best to keep the public safe.A . helpB . askC . remind8. (2分)Maps are very useful _ people who often travel, arent they?_.A . for; Yes, they areB . for; No, they arentC . to; Yes, theyare9. (2分) Shall we go hiking this weekend? Sounds _. I think well have a good time.A . goodB . wellC . good ideaD . Bad10. (2分)Sam, come downstairs, please. I need your help.Sorry, Mum. I _ on the phone.A . am talkingB . talkedC . was talkingD . have talked11. (2分)Do you know if we _a picric next month?Im not sure. But if it _ raining, maybe we will.A . will have, will stopB . have, will stopC . will have, stopsD . have, stops12. (2分)Do you know when _?I will tell you as soon as she _.A . will Lin Na come; comesB . Lin Na will come; comesC . Lin Na comes; will comeD . Lin Na will come; will come13. (2分)- How many teachers are there in your school?- , but Im not sure.A . HundredsB . Hundreds ofC . One hundredD . One hundred of14. (2分)It is 4:30 p.m. Ben and Leon _ their work, so they are playing chess now. A . are finishingB . finishedC . have finishedD . will finish15. (2分)Could you carry that heavy box for me?_.A . Not badB . No problemC . GreatD . Not too bad16. (2分)Which do you like _, coffee, tea or milk? A . moreB . bestC . the betterD . better17. (2分)In order _ to college, youd better _ hard. A . go; workB . to go; to workC . go; to workD . to go; work18. (2分)Not long ago, Zhang Yimou _ the amazing “Beijing 8 Minutes” in pyeongchang(平昌),Korea.A . DirectsB . directedC . was directed19. (2分)Ill tell you _ he told me last weekA . all whichB . all whatC . that allD . all20. (2分)Zhou Ming likes reading English magazines._. Its good for English learning.A . So do IB . So am IC . So I do二、 完形填空 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文。) One Saturday, I got a phone call about electrical problem. Since I am not an electrician, I quickly realized that the woman on the line had the wrong number. The woman on the phone sounded extremely anxiious(焦虑的)as her electricity wasnt working. Her husband tried to replace a wall switch(开关), but now some of their lights wouldnt be on, and the heat had shut off. The woman thought she was calling an electrician who had done work for her in the past. I had just recently changed my 1and she got me instead. Im not an electrician but I do work with electricity. I informed her that she had the wrong number, and I didnt know what her old electrician changed his number to. She apologized and we 2goodbye. After I hung up the phone I thought I could help her so I dialed back and found out she was iust. one town over. When I got to her house, I told her I would help her, but l wouldnt accept any money. This confused(使迷惑)her and she asked why I would bother if I wasnt getting paid. I told her it was an act of 3and to pay it forward. The couple, who were both retired, said they had never met anyone like me before. Her husband had installed the 4switch which was causing a short(短路), After I was done, they thanked me and tried to give me some money. I told them I wouldnt accept anything, and that the best payment would be to find someone else to help out. I also said that if they cant find someone else to repay then just he extra nice to each other. They were both unbelievably happy that I managed to solve their electrical problems quickly, but I think I was even 5at the opportunity to help them. (1)A . mind B . address C . cellphone D . number (2)A . spoke B . told C . said D . talked (3)A . honesty B . kindness C . courage D . friendship (4)A . wrong B . necessary C . proper D . inexpensive (5)A . better B . happier C . easier D . stronger 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共13分)22. (8分) Every day in China, about 200 million children go to school. Many of them take school buses. What should we do to keep these students safe on the road?On April 5, the State Council (国务院) published new rules about school bus safety. These new rules are much stricter than the old ones.Under the new rules, local governments must make sure that students attend nearby schools or boarding (寄宿的) schools to reduce traffic risks. Also, local governments must help kids in the countryside reach their school buses.From now on, school buses have a speed limit of 80km per hour on highways and 60km per hour on normal roads. While on the road, other cars must let school buses go first.The new rules also say that school buses must never be overloaded (超载的). There are many other rules as well. A school bus must have more than seven seats. On each bus, there must be at least one adult to keep an eye on the kids. Each school bus must have a fire extinguisher (灭火器), a first aid kit (急救箱) and a GPS.Last year, a series of school bus accidents happened in China. To stop such accidents, the Central Government decided to strengthen the rules for school buses.The most serious accident happened in November in Gansu, when a nine-seat minibus crashed. There were 62 children inside, and 21 of them died.(1)Under the new rules, which of the following is NOT true?A . School buses must not be overloaded.B . School buses must drive 80 km/h or less on normal roads.C . School buses can go first when there are other cars.D . local governments must help kids in the countryside reach their school buses.(2)The phrase “keep an eye on” in Paragraph 6 has a similar meaning to “_”.A . look afterB . play withC . look forD . chat with(3)According to the new rule, a school bus must have the following EXCEPT _.A . a GPSB . more than seven seatsC . a parent of one of the studentsD . a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit(4)The government made new rules for school buses because _.A . 21 students died in school bus accidents last yearB . the government encourages all students to take school busesC . 200 million children in China go to school by bus every dayD . school buses in China were not safe enough before23. (5分)根据短文内容,从短文前方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。A. Each part has a different meaning.B. So they cannot create as many numbers as we can.C. Thats because China has the longest mobile phone numbers in the world.D. Also, mobile phone numbers can be recycled.E. The main reason for using 11 digits is that we have the largest population in the world.Have you ever counted the number of digits(数字) in your mobile phone number? Your number has 11 digits. You may sometimes find it hard to remember your number. _Why is that?The 11 digits can be divided into three parts. _The first three numbers tell you which mobile phone service provider you are using. For example, 135 is for the China Mobile Communication Corporation and 188 is for China Unicom. The fourth to the seventh digits tell you which area the number is recorded in. And the last four digits are random (随机的)._We once had 10 numbers. But as our population grew, there were not enough numbers for us to use. So we began to use 11 digits starting from 1999.Eleven digits can be used to make tens of billions of mobile phone numbers, according to the Xinhua News Agency. Thats enough for each person to have seven or eight phone numbers to use in China. _Usually, the service provider will reuse a canceled number after three to six months. If you call a number that you havent contacted (联络) for a long time, you may find that its owner has changed.Besides China, Britain and Japan also use 11-digit mobile phone numbers. But their numbers always start with 0._Countries like the United States, Australia and India use phone numbers with l0 digits. Canadas mobile phone numbers are perhaps the worlds shortest: they use seven digits.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)阅读理解DThe kids in my class are doing an experiment. We want to show that you dont need to spend money to have fun. We arent going to buy anything for a whole week! Weve even had some Fun is Free T-shirts specially made. All the money that we save will go to charity. _Day 1: Who needs money when the sun is shining?There was a music festival in the park this evening so I went with my fried Rachel(whos also taking part in Fun is Free week).We met some other friends and had a great time一until it started raining!_Rachel wanted to cheat and get the bus, but I didnt let her!Day 2: The weather was still bad this mornirng and I couldnt even use the Internet because my computer wasnt working. I needed to have it fixed, but it would have cost money, so I asked Jack if he could help. He managed to fix my computer and I lent him some DVDs that he wanted to borrow._what a bargain!Day 3: Today my class had our photo taken by a photographer from the local newspaper!A journalist asked us for some tips on saving money for his article about fun is free week._If theyre in good condition, second-hand book shops will give you cash or other books for them!Day 4: How can you get some new clothes without going shopping?The answera clothes swapping party!_My friends and I had a greet time trying things on at our party and we avoided all the queues at the department stores. I went home with lots of new outfits!Day 5: Well, its the end of this week and Ive managed to save 35! Tonight Im going to have a pizza delivered and rent a DVD to celebrate.I think I deserve it, dont you?根据博文内容,将下面方框中的句子还原到博文当中,使博文内容完整。A. We were both happy and it cost us nothingB. Keep reading this blog (博客) to see howit goes!C. The others went to a cafe and we had to walk home!D. Mine was: Dont throw your old books awayE. Everyones got things that they dont wear any more, but that someone else might like.五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上. 每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词.Like most Chinese, Mr. Zhang has a traditional family. _he and his wife are middle school teachers while their 6yearold son is a pupil. Mr. Zhangs mother lives with them and helps look _the kids. They love one another and live _happy life.Yesterday was Mr. Zhangs mothers birthday. The couple wanted to do something to _their love for her. After a big dinner, Mr. Zhang brought of basin of warm water and asked his father to sit in front of the basin. He took off her shoes and put her _into the water. After that, he began to wash them carefully. His wife helped to comb his mothers hair slowly. Seeing this, the boy _his mothers example. He tried to comb his mothers hair, too. But he was not at all _to do that. So he brought a chair and stood on it. Everyone could feel the warmth and love in the family._we all know, respecting the old and taking care of the young is a good Chinese tradition. We should try _best to care for our family. We must visit our parents as often as possible, and _time with them even though we may work far away. Indeed family is a place for happiness.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)十,一百, 一千, 一万即使有再多的零, 没有了一, 一切都为零。在我们的生活中, 如果没有了健康, 财富、地位一切也都失去了意义。请以Ways to Keep Healthy为题, 参照图表的信息, 完成文章。注意: (1)书写清晰、字迹工整;行文流畅、语句通顺;(2)词数: 80词左右;(3)文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称等信息。Ways to Keep Healthy第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共5分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共13分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、23-1、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)24-1、五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)25-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、

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