新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语七年级下学期期末模拟复习卷二B卷

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新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语七年级下学期期末模拟复习卷二B卷_第1页
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新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语七年级下学期期末模拟复习卷二B卷_第2页
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新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语七年级下学期期末模拟复习卷二B卷_第3页
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新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语七年级下学期期末模拟复习卷二B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) _ fine day it is today! Yes, the sunshine is _ beautiful that Id like to go swimming in the sea.A . How; suchB . What a; soC . How; so2. (2分) (2019南岗模拟) Boys and girls, put your time to _ good use in the coming three months and you are sure to become an honor to those who love you and care for you. A . aB . theC . /3. (2分) Here are my . A . penB . pictureC . mapD . rulers4. (2分) She tennis in the school team. Now she is a professional tennis player. A . is used to playB . is used to playingC . used to play5. (2分) It was interesting to see so places of interest Suzhou.A . many; inB . much; fromC . many; for6. (2分) (2018南京) Amazingly, Ive managed to finish the project by myself._I told you it was easyA . With pleasure.B . Guess what?C . There you are!D . It doesnt matter7. (2分) -How much is the ticket to Central Park?-A one-way ticket _ $ 40, and you can _ another $ 20 for a round-trip.A . costs; payB . cost; spendC . pay, spendD . spends, pay8. (2分) (2018八下姜堰期末) Have you solved your problem?Ive kept on thinking about that matter , but I have had no idea.A . at timesB . some timeC . at a timeD . all the time9. (2分) Which of the signs means No phone calls? A . B . C . D . 10. (2分) (2019鄂州) Your dress looks nice on you. Could you please tell me ? In Taobao.A . where did you buy itB . when you bought itC . where you bought itD . when did you buy it二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分) (2019长沙) 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。 Thanksgiving was just around the corner. The menu (菜谱) had been set. The shopping list was made. 1seemed perfect. I could taste turkey and mashed potatoes (火鸡和土豆泥). Pictures of different pies, fruit and vegetables came into my mind. I couldnt 2!The day before Thanksgiving my dad called a family meeting. He said we needed to practice being 3. We are going to 4at a homeless shelter (收容所) on Thanksgiving Day. I couldnt believe this was happening. So we wouldnt cook our own Thanksgiving dinner? The holiday wouldnt be the same. I thought the day would be ruined (糟蹋).The next morning, we got up 5. I followed my father to the shelter with my sleepy eyes. I had no great expectations and felt 6all the way. As soon as we arrived, we got to work. There was so much to be done. But all I could think about was the dinner I couldnt enjoy.However, those thoughts soon 7. Over the next few hours, I watched hundreds of people come through the shelter. For some, this was the only hot meal they would eat that week. For others, it was the first time to eat a Thanksgiving meal. The shelter was filled with 8.Through this experience, I learned that Thanksgiving is a time to think about your blessings (祝福) and look for ways to bless others. When I gave up what I had wanted, I discovered how much I have. It is much better to 9than to receive. In the end, that Thanksgiving became an 10experience.(1)A . Something B . Everything C . Nothing (2)A . wait B . care C . understand (3)A . creative B . nervous C . thankful (4)A . rush out B . help out C . check out (5)A . early B . late C . suddenly (6)A . excited B . good C . down (7)A . appeared B . disappeared C . rose (8)A . stress B . joy C . fear (9)A . give B . take C . waste (10)A . uncomfortable B . unreasonable C . unforgettable 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)12. (8分) 阅读理解 A talking kitchen teaches students how to cook French and speak French. Researchers at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom have developed the French Digital(数字的) Kitchen. Professor Paul Seedhouse led the project.It works like a satellite navigation(导航) system in a car. The system can tell whether youve done what you were asked to do or not. For example, the sensor(传感器) in the knife not only knows that the knife is moving, but it also knows how the knife is moving. So it can discover whether the knife is slicing (切), whether its scraping (刮) or what. And so it doesnt go on to the next stage of the program unless youve done what it senses(感到)you should have done, said Paul Seedhouse.Students can ask the computer to repeat the instructions or translate them into English. There are vocabulary(词汇) lessons before and after the cooking.Professor Seedhouse became interested in the idea after he visited a talking kitchen designed for a different purpose. In his opinion the French Digital Kitchen turns the process (过程) of learning language into a real life experience. Here youre taking it out of the classroom and youre actually using the language to produce something which you can eat at the end of it. Its very enjoyable, he said.The system will be available for sale by the end of 2020. Adding the technology to a new kitchen could add about ten to twenty percent to the building costs. The system could also be added to an existing(现存的) kitchen.The researchers are also developing a new digital(的呼吸法) kitchen system that is easy to carry or to move. And the European Union has given them money to begin programs in six other languages, including English, Italian and Spanish.(1) Whats mainly described in the text? A . A satellite navigation system.B . A talking kitchen.C . A learning tool.D . A sensor.(2) The second paragraph tells readers .A . how the talking kitchen worksB . why theres a sensor in the knifeC . what a satellite navigation system isD . how to use the knife in the talking kitchen(3) Which of the following about the talking kitchen is TRUE? A . It can be used in a car.B . Its easy to be carried and moved.C . It can be put into an old kitchen.D . It can only speak French and English now.(4) Which part of a magazine may the text appear in? A . Science &. Technology.B . Life & Style.C . Advertisement.D . Entertainment.13. (8分) (2019东城模拟) 阅读理解 We have penfriends from all over the world who are interested in friendship, cultural exchange, language learning and travel.15, AustraliaHello! My name is Lucas. I live in Australia with my parents and my little sister. I have many hobbies including basketball, swimming and traveling around the world. I would love to meet someone from Asia because Im interested in Asian culture.Hope to hear from you!Languages: English, German13,GermanyHey there. Im Lena from Germany. I love dancing and listening to music. I go to practice dancing three times a week. I also enjoy learning languages. Now I am learning English and French at school, so I would like a penfriend who is interested in language learning.Languages: German, English, French16, FranceHi! My name is Alex Rutter. I live in Paris. My interests are taking photos, watching movies and being outside. I spend most of my free time with my friends. I want to find a penfriend who is interested in outdoor activities, like hiking or mountain biking.Languages: French, English14, CanadaHi, I am Wendy. I am a kind and honest person with a great sense of humor. I love reading, coin collecting and cooking. I also make my own greeting cards. I would love to meet interesting people from all over the world. Best wishes!Languages: English, French(1) Who comes from Canada? A . Lucas.B . Lena.C . Alex.D . Wendy.(2) What does Lena like doing? A . Reading and collecting coins.B . Dancing and listening to music.C . Playing basketball and swimming.D . Taking photos and watching movies.(3) Alex would like a penfriend who is interested in .A . Asian cultureB . making cardsC . outdoor activitiesD . language learning14. (8分) 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。Is there some one you hate? Well. Maybe you dont really hate them. But you get really angry every time you think of them. If you dont let this anger go, it can turn into bitterness(痛苦).Bitterness appears when we cant forgive someone who has hurt us or made us angry. Someone might say or do something that hurts us. But instead of controlling he anger ,we keep t deep inside . Before long, a bitter feeling begins to grow. We may think we are hurting that person by criticizing(指责)him or her often ,but we are really only hurting ourselves.Bitterness can not only lead to serious health problems such as heart disease ,but also hurt out relationships with friends and family members .No one enjoy being around an angry person for very long .If you see bitterness in your life ,here are some ways to deal with it .Accept itInstead of trying to deny your anger ,make it clear to yourself and accept it .See your anger for what it is and quickly deal with it .Stop making excuses for itYou may feel you have a right to be angry .You may think you are right and the other person is wrong . You may even secretly enjoy making the other person look bad .But in the end ,bitterness hurts you much more than the other person . The bitterness will hold you back . and the other person will go on with his or her life .Forgive and forget itYou probably can not completely put the anger out of your mind .But you can decide to forgive the other person . Forget it and move on .Youll enjoy better health and peace of mind .(1) According to the passage, we might get angry when someone_.A . holds us backB . forgets usC . doesnt like usD . hurts us(2) Bittemcss comes from .A . our health problem like heart diseaseB . the anger that lives deep inside our mindC . the person who says something that hurts usD . our relationships with friends and family members(3) The underlined word deny in the passage means _.A . 否认B . 误解C . 疏远D . 减轻(4) The best way to deal with the bitterness is to _ .A . make the person who hurts us look badB . hate the person who hurts us very oftenC . accept that you are hurting the other personD . forgive the person who hurts us and forget it(5) What can we learn from the passage?A . We should enjoy someone who hurts us.B . We should pay more attention to our friends.C . The peace of mind is more important than the hurt itself.D . We better to let bitterness go along with the other person.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)15. (10分) (2019鄂州) 阅读理解 Laurence Kim was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, on November 11, 1951. He was not like other children when he was young. A medical scan (扫描) showed that the two halves of his brain were not connected in the usual way. He developed an amazing memory. He started to read when he was two. He remembered everything he had read.To read more quickly, he read the left page with his left eye and the right page with his right eye. By reading the two pages at the same time, 看完一本书花他不到一小时的时间。By the age of 30, he had memorized around 12,000 books.However, he did not develop so well in other areas. He could not walk before four years old, and he had problems putting on his clothes and shoes. His social skills were poor, and he was extremely sensitive (敏感的) about new people. In 1984, Peek and his father met Hollywood movie writer Barry Morrow. Morrow was fascinated by Peek and began to write a new play about Peeks experiences. The movie Rain Man won an Oscar for Best Picture in 1988. This changed Peeks life. He got used to being the center of attention. He became more self-confident. He appeared on TV and traveled around the country with his father to develop awareness(意识) of his condition.Peek was not only an amazing man but also a real Rain Man. Sadly, Peek died of a heart attack in 2009.(1) 将处翻译成英文。 (2) 将处改为复合句。 (3) 写出处this指代的内容。 (4) 将处翻译成中文。 (5) 找出该文段的中心句。 五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)16. (1分) My mother is a doctor and she works in a h_. 17. (1分) 写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级。 (1) close_(2) good_(3) bad_(4) fresh_(5) big_(6) cheaply _(7) carefully_(8) comfortable_(9) much_(10) easy_18. (1分) I will send this notebook as a birthday gift to _(你). 19. (1分) You are not fit, and you should change your _ (the way you live). 20. (1分) She walked away q_. 21. (1分) We are trying to p_ pandas because they are in danger. 22. (1分) 根据句意及提示完成单词。(1) She seems _ (boring) these days.(2) My sister wants to be a _ (sing) when she grows up.(3) She passed her driving _ (考试) when she was 17.(4) Miss Wangs v_ sounds great. Many people think she will become a singer.(5) I would _ (挑选) Betty as my best friend23. (1分) My aunts son and daughter are my c_. 24. (1分) Tom and Betty are _(讨论) their favourite stars. 25. (1分) There are many islands in the Pacific_(海洋). 六、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分) What _ (direction) is the U.S. from China? 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共16分)27. (16分) (2016七上江苏月考) 假如你是Simon,请介绍一下你的朋友Sandy.要点:1)14岁,既高又苗条, 蓝眼睛,短头发。2)她来自美国,但现在和父母住在苏州。3)喜欢学习,比较擅长数学和跳舞,老师和同学们都很喜爱她。4)热爱运动,放学后经常和同学们一起打篮球。她谈论篮球并且在电视上观看篮球比赛。5)非常喜欢中国,认为中国朋友很友好。要求:1)语句通顺连贯,符合题目中的要点。2)60词左右。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)15、答案:略五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略六、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)26、答案:略七、 书面表达 (共1题;共16分)27、答案:略

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