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设计阶段 (design stage) 河流规划 river planning选址 selecting damsite 预可行性研究 pre-feasibility study 可行性研究 feasibility study 初步设计 preliminary design 技施设计 tech-construction design 招标设计 tender design 施工详图设计 detail construction drawing design 水工建筑物 (hydraulic structure) 水利枢纽 hydroproject 枢纽布置 layout of hydroproject 挡水建筑物 water retaining structure 取水建筑物 water intake structure 泄水建筑物 water release structure 输水建筑物 water conveyance structure 通航建筑物 navigation structure 过鱼建筑物 fish pass structure 永久性建筑物 permanent structure 临时性建筑物 temporary structure 水工建筑物 (hydraulic structure) 水利枢纽 hydroproject 枢纽布置 layout of hydroproject 挡水建筑物 water retaining structure 取水建筑物 water intake structure 泄水建筑物 water release structure 输水建筑物 water conveyance structure 通航建筑物 navigation structure 过鱼建筑物 fish pass structure 永久性建筑物 permanent structure 临时性建筑物 temporary structure 主坝 main dam 副坝 auxiliary dam 坝轴线 dam axis 坝高 high dam 坝长 length of dam 坝顶 dam crest 坝底 dam base 坝坡 dam slope 坝间 dam abutment 坝踵 dam heel 坝趾 dam toe 坝段 dam monolith 重力坝 gravity dam实体重力坝 solid gravity dam 混凝土重力坝 concrete gravity dam 碾压混凝土坝 roller compacted concrete dam 浆砌石重力坝 masonry gravity dam 空腹重力坝 hollow gravity dam 宽缝重力坝 slotted gravity dam预应力重力坝 prestressed gravity dam 溢流重力坝 overflow gravity dam 灌浆廊道 grouting gallery 排水廊道 drainage gallery 检查廊道 inspection gallery 拱坝 arch dam 拱轴线 centerline of arch 单曲拱坝 single curvature arch dam 双曲拱坝 double curvature arch dam 抛物线拱坝 parabolic arch dam 椭圆形拱坝 elliptical arch dam 薄拱坝 thin arch dam 重力拱坝 gravity arch dam 空腹重力拱坝 hollow gravity arch dam 溢流拱坝 overflow arch dam 支墩坝 buttress dam 平板坝 flat slab buttress dam 大头坝 massive-head dam 连拱坝 mutiple-arch dam 土石坝 earth-rock dam 土坝 earth dam 均质土坝 homogeneous earth dam 粘土心墙土石坝 clay core earthrock dam 沥青混凝土心墙土石坝 asphaltic concrete core earth-rock dam 粘土斜墙土石坝 sloping core earth-rock dam 沥青混凝土面板土石坝 asphaltic concrete facing earth-rock dam 溢流土石坝 overflow earth-rock dam 钢筋混泥土面板堆石坝 reinforced concrete facing rockfill dam 防浪墙 wave wall (parapet) 护坡 slope protection 防渗铺盖 impervious blanket 棱体排水 prism drainage 反滤层 filter 溢洪道 spillway 开敞式溢洪道 open channel spillway 正常溢洪道 main spillway 非常溢洪道 emergency spillway 陡槽式溢洪道 chute spillway 虹吸式溢洪道 siphon spillway 进水渠 entrance channel 闸门gate 泄槽 chute 跳流鼻坎flip bucket;deflecting bucket 出水渠 outlet channel 冲刷坑 scour hole; washout 水工隧洞 hydraulic tunnel 导流隧洞 diversion tunnel 泄洪隧洞 spillway tunnel 发电隧洞 power tunnel 灌溉隧洞 irrigation tunnel 放空隧洞 emptying tunnel 有压隧洞pressure tunnel 无压随洞 free-flow tunnel 不衬砌随洞 unlined tunnel 排水随洞 drainage tunnel 涵洞 culvert 填埋管 buried pipeline 沟埋管 trenched pipeline 钢性管 rigid pipe 柔性管 flexible pipe 钢筋混凝土管 reinforced concrete pipe 塔式进水口 tower intake 竖井式进水口 shaft intake 沉沙池 sedimentation basin 渡槽 aqueduct (fiume) 倒虹吸管 inverted siphon 落差建筑物 drop structure 通航建筑物 navigation structure 船闸 navigation lock (ship lock) 多级船闸 muti-line lock (mutiple lock) Electrical energy can be stored in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. Such a device is called a condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy is termed capacitance. 电能可以储存在被一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属板中。这样的装置称为电容器,它储存电能的能力就称为电容。 The reluctance motor operates synchronously at a speed which is determined by the supply frequency and the number of poles for which the stator is wound. 磁阻电动机是以某一速率同步转动,该速率是由电源频率和锭子绕指的级数决定的。 Compared with other kinds of motors, electric motors are quiet, smooth running, small, clean and easily controlled. 和其他类的发动机相比,电动机噪音较小,运转平稳,体积小,洁净,并易于控制。 As the years passed, the flow and vibration calculation programs as well as the testing facilities available to the development engineers improved continually. 随着岁月的流逝, 蒸汽流和震动的计算程序以及研制工程师能得到手的试验设备,都连续地得到改进。 The difference of load in the day and the night has been increasing. 电网负荷的昼夜变化日益增加。 The air outside pressed the side in. 外面的空气将桶壁压得凹进去了。 The boiler is equipped with 30 tilting burners fitted for either PC or oil firing. 锅炉装有30个摆动式喷燃器,即可烧煤又可以燃油。 The testing of machines by this method will entail some loss of power. 用这种方式来测试机器会损失一些能量。 It is necessary to examine the accuracy of these results. 检验这些结果是否精确是非常必要的 The assembly is called the “commutator”( which is) required to mounted around the armature shaft. 这一装配称作转接器,需要安装在电枢轴上。 It is possible to distinguish between three strategies for machine maintenance. 机器维修可以分为三种方针。 It is necessary to pay special attention to certain aspects of testing procedure. 有必要特别注意试验程序的某些方面。 It has been proved that induced voltage causes a current to flow in opposition to the force producing it. 已经证明,感应电压使电流的方向与产生电流的磁场力方向相反。

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