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口语测试短文要点Passage 1 1. “Teenagers Now” column 当代青少年专栏 2. He refuses to spend time with us or do as we tell him to. 他拒绝和我们在一起或者按照我们的要求做。 refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 decline to do sth (婉言)拒绝做某事 as 连词 如同,正如。 常见短语:Do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。As is often the case, 通常情况下As it is, 事实上As is known to all,众所周知3. insist on wasting his time 坚持浪费时间4. this important period in his life 人生中重要的一段时光5. at present = currently = nowadaysfor the time being 目前,现在6. allow him his freedom 给予他自由 Allow sb. sth. 赋予某人某物Passage 2 1. The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that it uses Characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words. 汉语不同于西方语言在于它使用的是能够独立成词并且有意义的汉字。in that = because 连词:因为2. Chinese people invented numerous characters to represent ideas, objects or actions. 中国人发明了许多的汉字来代表观念、物体或者行为。 represent= stand for = indicate 代表,象征 3. form vt. 构成,形成。 n. in the form of 以。的形式 4Combine A with B 把A与B结合起来 5Footprints脚印 follow in ones footprints 追随某人的足迹;效仿某人 6Shape n. 形状 vt. 塑造 Hardships help shape ones character. Be shaped like 是。的形状 The pillow is shaped like a tiger. 这个枕头像老虎的形状。 Passage 3 1. The countrys sports and fitness industry is taking off. 国家的健身产业正在腾飞。Fitness industry 健身产业 take off (产业、事业等) 腾飞 2take regular physical exercise 定期锻炼身体 3issue the Outline of the National Fitness Program 颁布全民健身计划纲要 issue vt. 发布,办法 n. 重大问题 4 Teaching facilities 教学设施 sports facilities 体育设施 5 raise public awareness 提高公众觉悟 6 Keep fit = keep healthy保持健康 7 Build a harmonious society 建设和谐社会 8People have obviously become more conscious of their fitness. 人们明显更加意识到健康问题。 Obvious = clear=apparent= evident 明显的,显而易见的 Be conscious of = be aware of = realize 意识到。明白。 Passage 4 1. make up 9% of its total area 占总面积的9% make up 组成,构成 be made up of 由。组成,构成 = consist of 2. Most lakes are linked by rivers or channels. Link vt. 连接 Be linked to = be related to = be connected with= be associated with 与。有关联 Channel n. 渠道;频道 I like programs on the sporting channel. 我喜欢体育频道的节目。channels of communicaiton 沟通的渠道 the English Channel 英吉利海峡3turn into good passageways 变成良好的通道4. territory 领土,领域5. One quarter of Finlands industrial output value 1/4的芬兰工业产值6. nickname 绰号,昵称n. vt. She was nicknamed Sunny because of her happy nature. 她因生性快乐而被人叫做开心果。Passage 5 1. The moon orbits the earth every day. 月亮围着地球转。2. go down in history 名垂青史3. be proud of = take pride in 以。为豪4. look up to sb. 仰视某人,敬仰某人 look down on sb. 瞧不起某人*live up to his promise 实现他的承诺live up to parents expectations 不辜负父母的期望5. set an example for sb. 为某人树立榜样for example = for instance 例如6. manage to do sth= succeed in doing sth成功做某事 Was/were able to do sth 成功做某事(用于过去时)7. live ones dream= realize ones dream= make ones dream come true 实现某人的梦想Passage 6 1. release a new film 发行一部新电影 release an album 发行一张专集2. order your food 点食物3. wait a couple of minutes 等两三分钟 * a couple of them 他们中的两个人4. retire 退休,退役。He was forced to retire early because of poor health. 他因身体不好被迫提前退休。Adj. retired 退休的, 退役的a retired work 退休工人a retired athlete 退役运动员Passage 7 1. depend on = rely oncount on 依赖,依靠Dont count on me to help you! 别指望我来帮你。be dependent on 依赖,依靠depend on be independent of 独立于Teenagers tend to be indepent of their parents in economy. 青少年倾向于在经济上独立于父母。2. They worked their own way up to fame. 他们靠自己的努力成名。Fame u名声,名誉3. worthy men 伟人worthy adj. 值得敬重的;值得的Sth is worthy to be done Sth is worth of being done 某事值得一做。4. ambition n. 志向,抱负adj.有雄心壮志的Ambition or talent, which matters more to success? 志向和天赋,哪个对于成功来说更重要?5. They can never succeed unless they see their foolishness, and change their courses. 如果他们看不到自己的愚蠢并且改变人生的路线,他们永远不会成功。Course: 课程,科目;航线;一道菜* in the course of = in the process of 在。过程中6. They are nothing now, and will be nothing as long as they live. 他们现在一无是处,并且只要他们活着,还将一无是处。 as long as = so long as 连词:只要Passage 8 1. get ahead 获得成功,取得进步 ahead of time 提前go ahead 用来表示同意某人的请求,“尽管做,不要有顾虑”-May I ask you a question? -Yes, go ahead. 我可以问你个问题吗?当然可以。问吧2. fall behind 落后3. Take a look around next time youre at work. 下次上班的时候观察一下周围。next time 连词:下次every time/ each time 连词:每次the first time 连词:第一次* for the first time 不是连词,不能引导句子。They tasted failure for the first time. 他们第一次体验到了失败的滋味。4. leave lights on 使灯亮着 5. solid waste 固体垃圾6. trash cans 垃圾箱7. We bet its a lot. 我敢说有好多垃圾。 I bet/guess/believe/think 我认为。8. copier 复印机printer 打印机typewriter 打字机typist 打字员9. Use a lower-energy bulb in your lamp. 使用小功率灯泡10. single-use plastic cups 一次性塑料杯11. a recycling box 回收箱12. When brushing your teeth or washing your face, dont let the tap run. 当刷牙或者洗脸时,不要让水龙头开着。Passage 9 1. My computer was broken. 我的电脑坏了。speak broken English 说蹩脚的英文,讲不流利的英语2. recover from the disease 从疾病中康复3. match vt. 匹配,搭配match = go with 4. a touching story = a moving story 感人的故事 I am really touched/moved. 被感动的5. donate sth to sb. = give sth away to sb. 捐赠donate part of his liver to a girl 把部分肝捐给一个女孩6. be embarrassed about our weight 为体重感到尴尬7. the pressure to stay slim 保持身材带来的压力8. go on diets 节食9. take weight-loss pills服用减肥药片 Passage 10 1. Captain Cook unexpectedly caught sight of an unusual animal. Captain Cook以外发现一种不寻常的动物。 unexpected visitors 不速之客 catch sight of 看见lose sight of 看不见2. in the distance 在远处 keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持距离l distant relatives 远亲3. native guide 当地导游 4. be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事5. puzzled looks 困惑的表情6. Before long 不久,很快 Before long the discovered the truth. 不久他们就发现了真相。7. The name “kang-a-roo” stuck and it is still in use today. “kang-a-roo”这个名字就固定了,并且现在仍然在用。Stick vi. 粘,贴;刺,戳stuck-stuck be stuck in = be trapped in 陷入。The car is stuck in the mud. 我的车卡在烂泥里了。stick to坚持,恪守stick to your decision 坚持你的决定 stick to your principles 坚持你的原则Passge 11 1. set out in a small boat to cross the Atlantic Ocean 乘小船出发穿越大西洋Set out = set off 出发He could not cook the fish so he ate them as they were. as there were: 按照他们原来的样子。意思是“生吃”。Passage 12 1. historic battlefields 大决战的战场 historic 划时代的,影响深远的historical 关于历史的 historical research 历史研究historical novel 历史小说Others are looking for culture, or simply want to have their pictures taken in front of famous places. 其他人探询文化,或者仅仅是想在名胜前拍个照。Simply=merely=only仅仅They are signs that the area is getting more tourism than it can deal with. 有迹象表明这个地区的旅游业已经超过了它所能承受的限度。Sign 标牌;迹象,痕迹deal with = cope with= handleaddress 处理,解决Passage 13 1. in total = in all 总计,共计2. fierce adj. 凶残的;激烈的 fierce dogs; a fierce competition 3. bite v. 咬bit bitten Once bitten, twice shy. 一招被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。Feed on(动物)以。为食live on (人类)以。为生Passage 14 1. a dinosaur-like monster 长的像恐龙的怪物2. a practical joke 一个恶作剧practical 实际的;实用的Passage 15 1. server n. 服务员;(计算机)服务器serve vt. 伺候 serve the people 为人民服务 vi 服兵役serve in the army service n. 服务 At your service. 随时为您效劳。.besides= in addition to 包括。On top of this 此外Ways of thinking 思维方式Imagination and enterprise are more important than formal qualifications. 想象力和进去心比正式文凭更重要。 qualification n. 资格证书,文凭Passage 161cut off his arm 砍掉,切掉他的胳膊2adjust to life 适应生活3After some time he got used to it and began to be motivated to do many things again. 经过一段时间,他习惯了并且积极地做许多事情。Motivate vt. 激励,激发 motivate sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事Motivation n. 动机,动力,积极性Passage 17 1. dialects 方言oral poems口头诗歌oral English 口语The English servants cooked for the French-speaking roylty. 英国仆人为说法语的王室成员烧饭。4. mother tongue 母语native language 5. conquer England 征服,攻克英国Passage 18 1. the universal facial expression 通用的面部表情universal adj. English is a uniersal language. 英语是通用语言。It is intended to put people at ease. 微笑的意图是让人感到自在。Sth is intended to do sth / for sth 某物被打算用来。at ease 自在 Passage 19 1. Young persons under 25 make up nearly half of the American population. 低于岁的年轻人占了美国人口的一半。Sb is in charge of sth. 某人负责某事 Sth is in the charge of sb. 某事由某人负责。Passage 20 1. When you memorize the spelling of words, or when you put things in order, you use your left side. 当你记忆单词的拼写,或者排列物品的时候,你用到左脑。Memorize vt. 记住,熟记 In order 井然有序out of order 杂乱无章;出故障Exceptions 例外 You are no exception. 你也不例外。

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