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话剧主持词3篇灰姑娘once upon a time, in a certain town, there is a very pretty girl, she not only beautiful and smart and kind-hearted. the girlwithout her, because her mother in her little when, after died.the girls father, married a new mother came back, the new mothers have brought two new sister.wow, this ne*t home can be noisy. the girl is very happy. home suddenly become vibrant, hilarious, girl thrilled.because she has not only dad have a new mother, and two sisters.however, the girls e*citement is short. because, new mother doesnt love girl, even her abusive.go to clean up, and when he finished go even cook hey!new mother always ordered the girl to reciprocate do west, but let her two daughters play at the side.girl is always in the oven side, dusty into his work.so sourly sisters will often laughed at, funof the girl.so annoying! how dirty girl!but that dirty girl is the fairy de grey pull!yes! her call fairy de grey pull, so-called fairy de grey was stained with dust upon a cloth said, dirty meaning ah!good fun! oh! oh!therefore the girl so called fairy de grey pull.the castle prince sent out the invitations, invite eatch one family girl.in the palace will give a ball, please do visit.bodyguard cried down the street.the girls received the princes invitation, are gay.in fairy de grey pull of home, two sisters also because received an invitation to the prince, but very happy:good! go to the palace must wear something nice!yes! want to wear a cause prince attention beautiful clothes!i want to wear that dress?wear shoes?head would like to decorate only good-looking?two sisters flipped out completely.prom coming day.fairy de grey pull still has to clean the room. fairy de grey pull, you slowly? still dont hurry esau!sisters began scolding fairy de grey pull.fairy de grey pull edge carrying the buckets to go out and edge sad too sobbed.fairy de grey pull went into his modest little attic.see the face reflected in the mirror are dust and dirt, and are wearing and so dirty. cant help sadnebrimming over from heartin good sad!oh! i really want to attend the princes dancing party!fairy de grey pull with other girl is same, also want to go to the prom.e*actly how lively dance, lu*uriant?fairy de grey pull thought prom, inner so e*cited, but this body dirty dress, how can enter into the kings palace, attend the princeprom?fairy de grey pull very envious of the two sister.sisters were so e*cited, happily preparing, but fairy de grey pull all do some cleaning and cook chores.fairy de grey pull! fairy de grey pull! fairy de grey pull! quick come!fairy de grey pull! you dead to go there! quick come to help me, dont hurry, will delay ball!sisters aahed.fairy de grey pull hurried to the side and sisters at housework, dare not lazy.fairy de grey pull! what are you doing? come to help me to comb a beautiful hair! take shoes!quick! help me! if not dressed in splendid point, prince will laugh at our shabby, that a disgrace!sisters restlessly said.honesty of immortal sisters de grey pull according to the commandment of the sisters combs for dress.sisters didnt know what to wear that dress, east to west chosen in the side pick shouting cries. however, no matter how dozen sistersdreup, sourly sisters did not beautiful.carriage to.we go!two sisters by mother took, pretending to foppish some kind of, then went out.when carriage, fairy de grey pull the lonely! only she was left alone at home guard. fairy de grey pull the poor!always i think, a fairy de grey pull really good sad, does he cant go to the ball?fairy de grey pull the fireplace began sobbed.although she tries to endure, but the thought of the palace lively dance, she could not help being and sad.blare. j blare. . she was crying sadly.hey! hey! miss!suddenly someone standing in fairy de grey pull behind called her.yi!fairy de grey pull got a fright, looked around, a strange mother-in-law standing there.the old woman ask fairy de grey, and said:why are you crying?well!fairy de grey pull wiped away tears said:i want to go to the princes party!the old woman nodded and said: thats not a problem, this have what difficult!in the palace of the ball, as long as it is after the princes invitation, no matter who can all go to!but i this body dirty dress, how can you go to the palace?the old woman laughed.good, good! you truly are a kind of good girl, i must let you go to the princes party.the old woman holding a crutch, tapping on the ground of pumpkin.oh!marvelous! since then, the pumpkin becomes beautiful chariot.originally old woman was a magician! fairy de grey pull by surprise. the old woman smiles to say: you see! vehicles there. butis still lack horses! the old woman called mice, then take out on crutches light touch the rat that immediately become driver and horses.ok, may i get on.the old woman to fairy de grey pull said.but fairy de grey pull refused to get on the bus.then she said,huh? why fast car?but. i.oh!乌龟与猴子赛跑one day, the monkey climbing in peach adopted on the peach, saw a tortoise walk while having a delicious lobster. hello, mr. tortoise, we come to game? the monkey said. the tortoise doubt ask: what game? m., elephant, uncle waltzes walked to come over, the tortoise and the monkey hurriedly ask: uncle, elephant elephant uncle, we thought the game, but surprisingly game? can you help us think of a project? the elephants uncle happily replied: children, the game running? they say: good! the elephants uncle said: from the forest to travel to distant skyscrapers edge, to go by a sea and a small hill.only hear elephants uncle shout: ready, start. monkeys like an arrow fly out. for a moment the monkeys lead. the tortoise jiqizhizhui, or discourage nowise, catnkey came by the sea, at the beach with the stone. the monkey jumped to stone, made a jinji independence, arm elishah, toward a distant look, see the distant the boundleocean. the monkey an*ious up, how past? it is urgent that straight to his feet.after a long time the tortoise just slowly come out, tired of full head big sweat. the turtle asked: why dont you past? the monkey said: you see that the boundlesea and i didnt have wings, and also cant swim how past? tortoise: you climb on my back, i carry you past. the monkey hurriedly say: good. so the tortoise the monkey back shore. the results, the tonkeys cut and ran.the tortoise runs so tired, but it always runs ah, front are branches, saw dim the monkey, the tortoise there. he asked the monkey: why dont you run? i go, you how past? you climb on my body, my back you up? the monkey said. the tortoise said: ok. the monkey carried the tortoise over the mnkey took the tortoise hand toward the finish walk. the elephants uncle stroked the tortoise and the monkey head to say: good boy, friends should help each other.天鹅湖one day, a supreme princeto son siegfried says the prince, shell have to choose a girl do his fiancee, and invited her to join them in the festival. the prince at a loss, he did not know her lover who is it?prince met him in a dream lover, but where is she? when he was a group of swan deeply attracted. he will follow them, this group of swan took him to a remote has already become the ruins of the castle near the shore. in this group of swan lake, dance, one of the most beautiful white swan attracted a prince. then the swan suddenly became a group of girls, the most beautiful girl at the prince confide their mysterious and unfortunate encounters. originally, the beautiful swan is imprisoned by magic princess. a vicious devil using the magic that she and her the maids into swans, only the night, at the shore instauration of human figures. to remove witchcraft only an idea is that a young man of constancy love, ability makes her and the maids get rid of witchcraft.the prince fell in love with the swan princejujube ao jie tower and to show her his feeling of love. but their conversation by malicious devil luote roland barthes overheard. in the festival at the prom, voldemort luote roland barthes took his daughter augean li ya entered the hall, maaseiah, the augean li ao jie replicas of the tower, its purpose is to confuse the prince, diddle his love declaration. the prince thought augean li ya is ao jie tower, therefore announced marry her. the devil luote roland barthes laugh wildly, take augean li ya leave.then wangzicai understand a trap, prince desperate to swan lake ran. know the truth of ao jie tower infinite grief, determined not to forgive the prince. when voldemort ecstasy showing dangerous, the prince of ferociously desperate to voldemort rushed in ao jie towers and geese are under the help, the devil prince was killed.henceforth witchcraft disappeared. ao jie tower and the maids restored human. hence, ao jie tower princeand siegfried prince happily together.。话剧窦娥冤主持词话剧主持词(2)(主持配乐:我的野蛮女友i believe钢琴曲)a;有梦想才会有追求,有追求才会有希望。大家好我是主持人。b :大家好我是主持人。c :大家好 我是主持人。a :在这青春与梦想构成的舞台。b :在这笑声与歌声汇成的海洋。c:在这永恒与温馨构成的殿堂。a :我们欢聚一堂,共同演绎灿烂而美好的梦!b :梦想,是人们对未来美好生活的无限憧憬。c:梦想,是人们胸中对理想的热爱与向往。a:梦想,是我们心中永不言弃的追求。b :人生因为有梦想而美丽,人生因为有梦想才会绚丽多彩。c:当时间列车碾过岁月的痕迹,当成长记忆抛开岁月的年华,始终不变的是追逐梦想的 希冀!a :让飞翔的羽翼载我们回到*年*月*日“聚梦”刚刚成立的日子,一群逐梦的精灵在用心演绎着青春的梦想。b:时光飞逝,岁月如梭。时间留给我们一个个渐行的背影,但记忆不会因时间而风化。c :回首凝望记忆长河,孔雀东南飞杜十娘怒沉百宝箱错等话剧记载着“聚梦”的成长。a :唯唯诺诺的焦仲卿和情有独钟的刘兰芝,为爱而生的杜十娘和见钱眼开的李甲 无不体现了古代社会礼教对人性的摧残。b :伴随着全校师生的大力支持和聚梦成员的不懈努力“聚梦”走过了*个日日夜夜。今天她带着熟悉的青春热情又站在了这里。c:是呀,她载着对梦想的希望,肩负着老师和同学们的期盼又和大家欢聚一堂a :她像一股和风,像一拘清泉,像一声莺啼,像一抹朝霞。b:她对青春的热情讴歌,对真理知识的不断追求,圆了我们青春的梦。c:为爱而生的崔宁和陈二姐给我们留下了对爱的沉思。今天我们将要演出的是一部关于人间正义的话剧窦娥冤希望大家能够喜欢。a;这部戏真实而深刻的反映了元蒙统治下中国社会极端黑暗、极端残酷、极端混乱的悲剧时代写窦娥被无赖诬陷,又被官府错判斩刑的冤屈故事。b;成功地塑造了“窦娥”这个悲剧主人公形象,使其成为元代被压迫、被剥削、被损害的妇女的代表,成为元代社会底层善良、坚强而走向反抗的妇女的典型。结束词b;在这美妙的歌声中,你是否被这精彩的演绎所感动呢 ? c 当你陶醉在演员们的真情演绎中时,当你被着爱的悲剧深深感动时,a; 那吗 请抹去眼角盈盈泪珠,请转身对你的朋友微笑!b; 让我们记住这个难忘的下午吧!今天的掌声属于你们!c;今天的光环属你们! 演绎青春戏剧人生。a; 我们将以昂扬的斗志、不懈的努力,谱写校园文化的新篇章b; 我们将以历史的使命、青春的名义,创造校园文化的又一辉煌c : 让我们共同期许、共同祝福我们明天会更好!a: 下面让我们一起喊出我们的口号:“汇聚你我梦想,演绎灿烂青春”c; 今天的话剧的就在这里划上圆满的句号!感谢各位同学 各位老师的支持,!再见!英语话剧大赛主持词话剧主持词(3)*年*月*日,我部班级工作督导中心在雁塔校区学术活动中心举办我部第三届英语活动月颁奖典礼暨英文话剧大赛决赛。到会的评委和嘉宾有我部党总支书记、主任吴保卫教授,党总支副书记郑生忠老师,教育学院副教授牛晓牧,陕西省艺术家协会马堃,我校外语学院教师齐宏苗,我部辅导员、综合素质拓展导师鲁燕、王党、姬波、强毅。参加此次活动的九组选手在经过了初赛和复赛的层层选拔后,闯进了决赛。九组选手风采不同,但展示给评委和观众的同是青春的活力,是朝气的象征。此次比赛的参赛曲目有我有一个梦想灰姑娘新灰姑娘威尼斯商人刺秦前传小红帽唐玄宗选妃灰姑娘黑豆公主。其中值得一提的是三组灰姑娘从不同的角度展示了不同的风采,可谓风格迥异,给观众带来不少欢乐。本次晚会形式多样,主持风格也与往常大有不同。此次晚会除正式主持人外,还有负责同学扮演的晚会导演串场主持。搞笑幽默的主持词,诙谐的语言特色,多样的故事情节,即兴的表演给观众带来全新的快乐体验。本次比赛的选手们也都发挥了自己的正常水平,将一幕幕话剧表演的惟妙惟肖。其中第三组中的灰姑娘则由一位男同学扮演,其滑稽的动作,浑厚的声音,丰富的表情,更是引得观众阵阵笑声。本次比赛的道具可以说是本场晚会的一大亮点。选手们精心准备的道具,形象逼真,充分展现出话剧表演的魅力。本次比赛中的唯一一部正剧威尼斯商人,在表演中也充分体现了其剧本特色,阴险狡诈的夏洛克用其独特眼神向观众展示了夏洛克那副奸诈的性格特点,充满正义感的女法官,以其严肃的表情,深邃的眼神向我们阐述了法律的公平性,让我们感觉到法律的威严。每一位选手在表演自己的角色时,都能真正的将自身融入到角色中,将角色原有的特点展现的淋漓尽致。此外,本次活动中间为活跃会场气氛,还精心准备了三个节目,包括来自我部合唱团的合唱forever friends,我部话剧团为此次英语活动月特地准备的节目麦克白,我部学生自行排练的舞蹈honey。比赛最后,牛晓牧老师、马堃老师分别针对比赛及同学们在艺术表演方面的一些问题给同学们提出了一些建议和指导,尤其是马堃老师提到“生活即艺术,艺术即生活”,更是给同学们以宝贵的建议:抓住生活中的每一个表演的机会去锻炼自己的才能。此后,吴保卫教授公布了比赛成绩和获奖名单,并对获奖选手表示了祝贺。获得本次比赛一等奖的是来自09级地理科学专业的灰姑娘,获得本次比赛二等奖的是来自09级地理专业的唐玄宗选妃,获得本次比赛三等奖的是来自09级电子商务一班的新灰姑娘。最后,进行了我部第三届英语活动月颁奖典礼,由吴保卫教授,牛晓牧老师,马堃老师分别为本届英语活动月的所有获奖选手颁发了荣誉证书。本届英语活动月历时41天,由英文书写大赛、英文手抄报设计比赛、英文挑战主持人比赛、英文朗诵比赛、英文配音比赛、西方社会文化习俗知识竞赛、英文话剧比赛等七项比赛组成。我部共有3000多名同学积极参与,占我部学生总数的*%以上,还有37位来自文科部和研究生部的同学。本届英语活动月的圆满成功,不仅为同学们提供了一个很好的学习机会,同时也促进了我部的英文学习氛围,更大的激发了同学们的学习兴趣与爱好,为将来的发展奠定了基矗话剧大赛主持词话剧主持词


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