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2012“赣教杯”优质课展评-说课稿说明: 主讲教师,采用国际最新的现代 “微课” 教育技术,拍摄了本节过去分词微格语法课,视频清晰,音质纯正。江西省“教育科研-旭光高中英语名师工作室”真诚奉献!http:/gz.jxteacher.com/dxg/。 The Past Participle as the Attribute and Predicative过去分词作定语和表语江西省永丰二中 Goodmorningeveryone!Standinghere,Imveryhappyandexcited.Itsmygreathonortobeheretopresentmylesson,andthechanceisverypreciousforme.AndIlltrymybest.TodayIlltalkabout“Structures:The Past Participle as the Attribute and Predicative”,Book 5 Unit1.Mycontentsconsistof8parts:Analysisoftheteachingmaterial:Analysisofthestudents:Teachingmethods:“任务型”教学法。TeachingaimsanddemandsTeachingaidsTeachingprocedureBlackboarddesignAndconclusionWell,firstly,Illtalkaboutpart1analysisoftheteachingmaterial.Ihaveconcludedthefeaturesof. 1.Contents: My topic is from grammar,unit 1 PEP junior high school English book5 2.Teaching aims: To help students learn to use The Past Participle (1) as the Predicative & attributeAbility aims: to master the past participle used as attribute and predicative. Emotion aims: to arouse the Ssspirit of participation and competition. 3.Keypointsand: Learn the past participle used as attribute and predicative.Difficultpoints: past participle, present participle and infinitive used as attribute 有关过去分词做定语、表语的练习本单元已设计得很充分。为加以巩固,可以组织学生做游戏。如:句子接力赛。横排每人说一句带分词作定语、表语的句子,传下去,看哪组先完成。ThenIlltalkaboutnextpartanalysisofthestudents.Itisknowntousthatthekidsareveryactiveandlikeplayinggamesverymuch,soduringmyclass,Illdesignsomeinterestinggamestoactivatethemtoparticipateandlearnsomething.Theywillalsobeinterestedintheclass.高二学生,在一定程度上,已经比较明白,区别过去分词与现在分词以及动词不定式的重要性,所以我们非常有必要用一个简单又有效果的微格教学方式来满足他们。NextIlltalkaboutteachingmethods.“任务型”教学法。Myteachingmethodsaretask-basedapproachandsituationalapproach.Usingdifferentmethodscanmaketheclassactive.Letsmoveontoanotherpart,teachingaimsanddemands.Thereareknowledgeaimsandabilityaims.Knowledgeaimsareto learn the past participle used as attribute and predicative.AbilityaimsareToimprovestudentsgrammarability“Structures:The Past Participle as the Attribute and Predicative”bycomprehendingandpracticing.To help students identify examples of “The Past Participle (1) as the Predicative & the attribute”.Nextistheteachingaids.Inthisclass,IlluseMicroclass,and PPT.ThesecanarousethestudentsinterestinEnglish.NowIlltalkaboutmostimportantpartteachingprocedure.Itconsistsof5steps.Warningup,lead-in,contentskeypointsanddifficultpointsandhomework.Step1warmingup and revision Arrange a competition among students and let them put them into English using “make + n” and past participles. Lets see who is the best one.约会,闲言碎语,道歉,竞争,选择,不速之客,感到沮丧的学生,受到鼓舞的竞赛者,拥挤的街道Sample answers: make an appointment, make gossip, make an apology, make a contest, make a choice, unexpected visitors, discouraged students, inspired contestant, crowded streetsPurpose: To arouse the students spirit of participation and competition. Also to review the learnt knowledge in last class.Step2islead-inDiscovering useful structuresEg: So many thousands of terrified people died.( Attribute)He found that it came from the river polluted by the dirty water from London.(Attribute) But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people.(predicative)Purposes: To help the students to discovery and think to lead in using past participle as the attribute and predicative.(导入根据所授内容设计,可通过展示与本课有关的话题或者图片等等引出本课话题)Step3ispresentation 1.过去分词作定语English is a widely used language.This is one of the schools built in 1980s.单个过去分词作定语,常放在被修饰词的前面;过去分词短语作定语,常放修饰词的后面。2. 如果被修饰的词是由every / some / any / no + thing / body / one所构成的复合代词或指示代词those或these等时,即使是单一的过去分词作定语,也要放在被修饰词的后面。如: There is nothing changed here since I left this town.3.现在分词、不定式和过去分词做定语,有何区别呢?1. Will you attend the meeting _on Saturday?A. heldB. being heldC. to be held D. Hold(还没发生的动作)2. The woman _a lesson is our teacher.A. giving B. givenC. to give D. give(正在发生的动作,表主动)The Olympic Games,_ in 776 B.C. did not include women players until 1912.A. first played B. to be first playedC. first playingD. to be first playing解析: 过去分词做定语:表被动,表完成。现在分词作定语:表主动,表进行。不定式作定语:表示将要发生的动作。区别 2Fallen leavesFalling leavesDisappointed people感到失望的人们Disappointing news令人失望的消息Exciting story 激动人心的故事Excited people (感到)激动的人们小试1. Did you attend the meeting _yesterday? A. to be heldB. having been held C. held D. being held2. I borrowed a book _ by Mark Twain from the library last week. I like it very much.A. written B. writing C. was writtenD. to write4. 过去分词作表语1).用作表语的过去分词被动意味很弱,主要表示动作的完成和状态,此时相当于一个形容词。2).被动语态的过去分词被动意味很强,句子主语为动作的承受者,后面常跟by短语。 The glass was broken. (状态) The glass was broken by Tom.(动作) The windows are closed.(状态)The windows are closed by Jack.(动作)3).表示“感觉流露”的一些过去分词(如:interested, surprised, excited, frightened, shocked)和一些过去分词(如dressed, drunk, devoted, lost, known)常用作表语,表示状态.其中有些仅表示状态,毫无被动意味。 How did the audience receive the new play?They got very excited. How did Bob do in the exams this time? Well, his father seems pleased with his results.She was very disappointed to hear the result.Hes quite experienced in teaching beginnersCleaning women in big cities usually get _by the hour.A. pay B. paying C. paidD. to pay解析: 该题考查分词作表语的用法。“to pay sb. by the hour” 计时给某人报酬。此题被动结构作表语。类似的有:get burnt, get hurt , get wounded.What he has done is really _. Now his parents are _ him.A. disappointed; disappointed atB. disappointing; disappointed aboutC. disappointing; disappointed with D. disappointed;disappointing by Purpose:Step4 Exercise1. 过去分词知多少预留的座位reserved seats被污染的水polluted water惊恐的人们terrified /astonished people拥挤的教室a crowded room打碎的花瓶a broken vase关了的门a closed door疲惫的观众the tired audience2. 摸底测验The painter looked so_ (tire) after working for a whole day.I was_ (disappoint) with the film I saw last night. I had expected it to be better.Everybody is really _(excite) about the new Olympic stadiums.His wound became_ (infect) with a new virus.As is known to us all, traveling is_, but we often feel_ when we are back from travels.A. interesting; tiredB. interested; tiring.C. interesting; tiring D. interested; tired2. Hearing the_ news, we all felt_A. encouraging; encouraging B. encouraged; encouragedC. encouraged; encouraging D. encouraging; encouraged3. From the dates_ on the gold coin, it is confirmed that it was made five hundred years ago.A. markingB. marked C. to be marked D. having been marked高考链接Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, _ as 3M. A. knowing B. known C. being knownD. to be known解析:答案B。此处考查过去分词作后置定语,3M与know之间是被动关系,故用过去分词表示被动。2. The disc, digitally _ in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night. A. recordedB. recordingC. to be recordedD. having recorded解析:答案A。此处考查过去分词作后置定语,disc与record之间是被动关系,故用过去分词表示。3. Dont use words, expressions, or phrases _ only to people with specific knowledge. A. being knownB. having been known C. to be known D. known解析:答案D。know与words,expressions,phrases构成动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动。4. The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. A. to smell B. smelling C. smeltD. to be smelt解析:答案B。此处为现在分词作定语,修饰flowers。smell为系动词,不能用于被动语态,相当于which/that smells sweet。Purpose:本部分为主要授课内容及组织的课堂活动。可从听说读写四块分写。Step5homework.(作业形式最好新颖,例如课让学生根据本课内容做个小调查等)Workbook Page43 Ex.1&2.step6 blackboard design过去分词作定语1单个的过去分词作定语一般放在所修饰的名词之前;过去分词短语作定语一般要后置。two married womena found umbrellaa used stampfallen leavesa novel written by Jimthe letter sent to our boss2过去分词具有被动或完成的含义。Whats the language spoken in Germany?They decided to rebuild the damaged bridge.3过去分词作定语常可扩展为一个定语从句。He is fond of the food cooked (=which had been cooked) by your mother.The report is the best of its kind ever written (=that has ever been written).4有时通过一个形容词或数词加另一名词的ed形式构成复合形容词。a three-legged deska one-eyed dogan honest-faced man a warm-hearted lady(conclusion)TobeagoodEnglishteacherismydream,Ithinkateacherisnotonlyaguideforthestudents,butalsoafriendofthem.IfIwereareal good teacher,Iwouldbuildacloserelationwithmystudents,helpingthemnotonlyontheirstudy,butalsoontheirlives.Sofar,IhavebeenanEnglishteacherfor17years,Istilltrymybesttoachievefurthersuccess!Thankyouverymuch! 本主题由 分区版主 丁丁 于 2012-9-24 0:52:39 执行 设置精华/取消

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