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江苏省中考英语二模试卷B卷一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1. (2分) (2017七上江都期中) Do you think Maths _ useful subject? A . is aB . is anC . are aD . are an2. (2分) Do you like music? Please come and join _.A . WeB . ourC . us3. (2分) (2017温州模拟) Remember to spend some time _ your loved ones because theyre not going to be around forever. A . fromB . withC . onD . in4. (2分) Doing eye exercises _ one of the useful ways to protect our eyes. A . isB . areC . wereD . be5. (2分) (2016七上井陉矿开学考) I _to the shop with Danny. We bought some gifts . A . goB . wentC . goesD . going6. (2分) Are there any flowers _ the tree. No. But there are many birds _ it.A . in, onB . in, inC . on, inD . on, on7. (2分) (2019九上普陀期末) _will the visitors arrive at our school? In about 40 minutes. A . How longB . How soonC . How muchD . How far8. (2分) (2017黑龙江模拟) I didnt see you the whole afternoon.Oh,I _ my brother with his English.A . helpedB . was helpingC . is helping9. (2分) Which do you prefer, orange juice or cola? _, thanks. Id like just a cup of tea. A . EitherB . NeitherC . BothD . None10. (2分) Theres on the road at this time of year, so it takes long if you take a bus. A . many trafficB . lots of trafficC . little traffic11. (2分) _ exciting news report it is! Oh, yes. It says our school won the football final.A . What anB . WhatC . How anD . How12. (2分) (2017九上抚宁期中) My grandma lives , but she doesnt feel . A . alone; lonelyB . lonely; aloneC . alone; aloneD . lonely; lonely13. (2分) Do you like seeing a movie on your mobile phone?No.I do that because it makes me uncomfortable.A . seldomB . oftenC . usuallyD . sometimes14. (2分) (2017八下六盘水月考) The girl is _, so she needs a guide dog to help her. A . sickB . blindC . tiredD . sad15. (2分) (2017九上县期中) Many people want to know _. A . if it is safe to eat KFC chickenB . if is it safe to eat KFC chickenC . that it is safe to eat KFC chickenD . that is it safe to eat KFC chicken16. (2分) The students stopped talking_ the teacher came into the classroom.A . whenB . untilC . andD . so17. (2分) How long have you _the house?Since last year.A . borrowedB . receivedC . boughtD . had18. (2分) (2017九上东丽期末) Your scarf feels soft. Did you buy it in China? No, I bought it in France. But it _ in China.A . is makingB . was madeC . makesD . made19. (2分) Its important the piano well A . of him to playB . for him to playC . of him playingD . for him playing20. (2分) (2018重庆) Must I go out to have dinner with you, Mum? No, you _, my dear. Youre free to make your own decision.A . shouldntB . mustntC . needntD . cant21. (2分) Is Mr. Zhang control of your class now?Yes, our surprise, he is doing his job well.A . to;toB . to;inC . in;inD . in;to22. (2分) This photo often makes me _ my teachers in the primary school. A . think aboutB . to think aboutC . think ofD . to think of23. (2分) (2018八下兴义期中) Please say thanks to your mom for us. A . Really?B . OK, I will.C . What a pity!D . Of course.24. (2分) - Its useful for the deaf people to learn sign language.- Yes, its a major way of for them.A . suggestionB . vacationC . productionD . communication25. (2分) He is a much better (好得多) tennis player (运动员) than(比)me. When we play, he always wins(获胜)_A . fastB . quicklyC . happilyD . easily26. (2分) (2018广东模拟) There are _ floors in the building and Mary lives on the _ floor. A . twenty; fifteenthB . twenty; fifteenC . twentieth; fifteenD . twentieth; fifteenth27. (2分) (2018奉贤模拟) _the words of pop songs_ a good way to learn English. A . Memorize; isB . Memorize; areC . Memorizing, isD . Memorizing, are28. (2分) Playing computer games too often our eyes. A . is helpful toB . is harmful toC . is good for29. (2分) She has three children. Her_ son has just started school. A . olderB . eldestC . oldestD . elder30. (2分) When you go to Qianfo Mountain, you should not take_.A . B . C . D . 二、 完型填空 (共1题;共6分)31. (6分) (2016九上杨浦期末) 根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。The International Climate Champions (ICC) project began in 2007. It gives young people of school age a chance to speak publicly on climate change and to call on people to take action to reduce its 1 .Each country involved selects three teenagers to be Climate Champions, who take part in local and international activities.Climate Champion Irene Sanna lived on the Italian island of Sardinia. Irene is interested in solar energy, and 2 believes that Sardinia should use the waves around its coast to produce electricity. We must make our plans to save our coast, which still has no pollution. We must protect the animals, birds and fish in danger from global warming. And we must recycle.Chinese student Ding Yinghan is the Beijing Climate Champion. Ding feels it is not 3 to say that just one country - his own - is causing climate change. He says the air pollution that leads to global warming comes from many parts of the world, including poorer countries that are now growing more quickly. He believes the only way to 4 the situation getting even worse is for rich and poor countriesto work together.Sophia Angelis, a junior student in California, is a US Champion. Shes against young peoples generation lack of interest in politics and feels they need to discuss the problems that really matter to their generation. Sophia strongly believes that climate change is an important issue for her generation. For her, 5 in the way teenagers behave are an important way of influencing choices made by parents.In 2008, the Climate Champion attended the International Conference of Environment Ministers in the Japanese city of Kobe. 6 , 30 countries are involved in the ICC, and more countries are expected to join soon.(1)A . support B . amount C . costs D . effects (2)A . hardly B . also C . never D . only (3)A . proud B . common C . fair D . important (4)A . protect B . improve C . prevent D . explain (5)A . changes B . problems C . characters D . advantages (6)A . After all B . At present C . For example D . Whats more 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)32. (10分) (2016七下合浦期中) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。CMy name is Lin Tao. I am a Chinese boy. Now Im studying in America. There are many kinds of clubs here. When I first come here, I dont know anything about clubs. Im a shy boy, so I cant speak English well. In my first year in America, I dont like to speak to others. In my second year I have to change (改变) myself by doing some new things. I realize that school is not just about getting good grades (成绩), its also about being part of a club. One day, when I go to the Media Center with my classmate Jim, he tells me something about the club. Its interesting, so I join it. I am in many clubs now. Its good to be part of a club. These clubs help me to make new friends.(1) Where is Lin Tao studying now? A . In China.B . In America.C . In Canada.D . In Australia.(2) Lin Tao doesnt like to speak to others the first year because . A . he doesnt know anyoneB . he is busy with his studyC . he cant speak English wellD . he doesnt like his classmates(3) What does Lin Tao think in his second school year? A . He must study hard.B . He must make more friends.C . He must speak English more.D . He must do some new things.(4) What does the underlined word realize mean in Chinese? A . 明白B . 猜测C . 怀疑D . 想象(5) What can you learn from the passage (短文)? A . Lin Tao doesnt like joining clubs.B . Lin Tao lives in America with his parents.C . The Media Center is Lin Taos first club.D . Lin Tao makes many new friends in the first year.33. (8分) (2017八下钦州期中) 根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。CAlmost every Chinese person can recite the two lines of the famous poem, Every grain on the plate comes from hard work(谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦). But sadly, many of us dont actually get the real meaning of these lines: Dont waste food.A CCTV program, News One Plus One, reported that the food Chinese people throw away every year is much enough to feed 200 million people for a year.Do we have too much food? Of course not. According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2013, especially in developing countries. Six million children die of hunger every year.Chinese people are well known for being hospitable(好客的) and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food on the table.Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. Last November, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing, got fired because she took some leftover(剩余的) food home for her son. Many people stood by her and criticized(批评) the waste of food.What should we do in our daily lives to waste less food? Here are some tips:1). Do not order too much in a restaurant. Only order as much as you want to eat. If you cannot eat all the food you ordered, take the rest of it home.2). Dont be too picky(挑剔的) about food. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it.3). Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Dont buy too much, especially for vegetables and fruit.(1) How many people were hungry in the world in 2013 according to the UN World Food Program?A . 200 million.B . Six million.C . 925 million.D . 625 million.(2) What does the writer want to show us through Li Hongs story? A . Many Chinese restaurants waste a large amount of food.B . Many Chinese people are kind-hearted and ready to help the weak.C . Chinese people feel that they lose face if their guests eat all the food.D . Many Chinese people dont agree with the behavior of wasting food.(3) According to the passage, we shouldnt waste food because _. A . food comes from very hard workB . six million children die of hunger every dayC . there is enough food to feed all the peopleD . Chinese are hospitable and generous(4) Which of the following is a good way to save food? A . Ordering more than you need at a restaurant.B . Taking home restaurant leftovers.C . Not knowing what you already have at home when shopping.D . Not eating the food you dont like even if its healthy.34. (10分) (2016枣庄) 阅读理解。ADear Died,Today I was at the shopping center and I spent a lot of time reading the Fathers Day cards. But as I chose add read, and chose add read again, it seemed that not a single card said what I really wanted to you.Youll soon be 84 years old, Dad,and you and I will have had 56 Fathers Days together. I didnt think that you were too old. But the sad thing happened last week. I watched as you turned at the corner in your car. I didnt realize at once that it was you because the man who was driving looked so elderly.Fifty years ago this spring, we planted carrots together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa. This week, well plant carrots together again, perhaps for the last time but I hope not. I dont understand why planting carrots with you is so important to me. Well, I dont quite know how to tell you this, dad I dont like carrots. but I like planting them with you.I guess what am trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their dad today. Praising a father on Fathers Day is about more than a dad who brings home, money or shares a dinner. Its more about a dad deeply loving children who know everything and wont listen to anyone. Its about sharing. Its about loving someone more than words can say, and I wish that it would never end.Lover,Jenny(1) Where did Jenny go today?A . A garden.B . A shopping center.C . A cinema.D . A hospital.(2) How old is Jenny now?A . 84.B . 56.C . 50.D . 34.(3) What does the underlined words “the man” in paragraph 2 refer to (指)? A . An old man.B . A car driver.C . Jennys father.D . Jennys husband.(4) What can we learn from paragraph 3?A . Its the last time for Jenny to plant carrots with her father.B . Jenny and her father plant carrots together every year.C . Both Jenny and her father like eating carrots.D . Jenny would like to stay with her father.(5) What does Jenny talk about in the last paragraph?A . Deep love for Dad.B . Best wishes for Dad.C . The importance of Dad.D . The beginning of Fathers Day.四、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)35. (1分) How about _(go) shopping on Sundays? 五、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)36. (5分) (2019七下茂名月考) 左栏是五个人饮食的习惯,右栏是七条建议。请根据五种习惯为其选出合适的建议。_John eats spicy(辣的)food every day_Tom likes Western food very much._Peter likes Chinese food very much, especially dumplings._Mr. Li is Cantonese. He like Guangdong food_Mary likes sweet food very much.A. Lingnan Restaurant Here you can enjoy the Lingnan clture and Guangdong food.B. Northeast Dumpling Restaurant 168 Binjiang Road. We have cooks from Harbin.C. Sichuan Restaurant Sichuan local people cook the food. Spicy and deliciousD. KFC Hamburgers, salad, chicken, potato chips, etc.E. Noodle RestaurantCooks from Lanzhou make delicious noodles for youF. Sweet Food Restaurant Kinds of sweet food, ice cream, milk shake, etc.G. Fast Food Restaurant Fresh vegetables and meat. Rice is free.六、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)37. (5分) (2017杭州模拟) 假如你是李玲,和美国的Peter是笔友,上次邮件中他提到想了解你对音乐的爱好,以及中国的一些礼仪。现请你根据以下信息给Peter回信。Favorite music: folk musicFavorite instrument: diziReasons: Culture(至少三项) 1 Shake hands when meeting for the first time. 2 table manners 3 注意:1邮件必须包括表格所有信息;2词数:80左右,开头和结尾已给出(不计词数)。Dear Peter,It was a really nice surprise to get your email. I think its a great idea to keep writing to each other. You told me that you like country music.Look forward to receiving your letter.Yours,Li Lin38. (5分) 为了积极响应全市共青团员“植绿爱绿护绿,为三城同创做贡献”的倡议,你校在3月12日组织了春季植树活动。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语日记来记录这次令人难忘的活动。(词数50个左右;文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。注意正确使用时态。)要点提示:1. 乘车 (take the bus) 去桃河公园植树 (plant trees)。2. 一些同学挖坑 (dig/dug holes), 一些。3. 竖起告示牌 (put up the board) 告诉市民爱护 (protect) 小树。4. 拍照记录 (take photos to record) 此次绿色活动 (green action)。第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略二、 完型填空 (共1题;共6分)31、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)32、答案:略33、答案:略34、答案:略四、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)35、答案:略五、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)36、答案:略六、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)37、答案:略38、答案:略

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