必修1 第一单元 单词语法

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必修1 第一单元 单词语法_第1页
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1 Unit 1 重点单词 1 add up 合计 加起来 add up to 共计 总计达 加起来等于 不用于被动语态 后常跟数字作宾语 add to 把 加在 里面 往 里添加 I want to add more sugar to my coffee add to 增加 增添 促进 The bad weather added to our difficulties Please add up the numbers and I m sure they will add up to 100 2 1 adj be upset about over at sth 对 感到心烦 be upset that 让人不安 心烦 She is upset about the bad news I m upset that you lied to me 2 vt upset oneself about sth 某人 自己 为某事烦恼 It upset s sb that 让某人心烦 不安的是 Don t upset yourself about the bad news It upset me that you lied to me 3 打翻 碰倒 She stood up suddenly and upset a glass of wine 3 be concerned about for 关心 挂念 I m concerned about my English test be concerned with 与 有关 涉及 对 感兴趣 The book is concerned with unemployment as so far as be concerned 就 而言 As far as I am concerned this arrangement is quite satisfactory 4 go through 1 经历 经受 She went through a lot of difficulties in her childhood 2 通过 穿过 We went through two caves 3 检查 审查 The police went through the three suitcase but didn t find anything valuable 4 花完 用光 I went through a lot of money during my trip 5 suffer 后接一般的损害 痛苦 寒冷 饥饿 损失等抽象名词 suffer from 后接具体的表示疾病或者造成不幸 痛苦的事物的名词 尤其指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难 He suffered an injury in the war He has suffered from the lung cancer for many years 6 recover from 从 中恢复过来 recover oneself 恢复过来 镇定下来 It took a long time for him to recover from a bad cold She soon recovered herself and stopped crying 7 get be tired of sth doing sh 对 厌烦 心理上 get 强调动作 be 强调状态 be tired from with sth doing sht 由于 而疲倦 身体上 be tired out 筋疲力尽 Sometimes I am tired from with reading and even sometimes I am tired out but I am never tired of it 8 disagree on 在某方面意见不合 有分歧 disagree with 不同意某人的观点 食物 气候等 不适宜 Though he disagrees with you on this point he will try his best to help you The climate here disagrees with the visitor from a foreign country 9 be grateful to sb for sth 为某事而感激某人 be grateful that 感激 We are grateful to you for the help you have given us I was very grateful that you could borrow me the book 10 1 join in sth doing sth 参加 加入 可以直接加宾语也可以不加宾语 Thousands of people joined in the celebration on Tuesday They came out for their morning exercises I also joined in 2 join sb in sth doing sth 和某人一起 参加活动 等 Would you like to join me in taking a walk 3 join sth sb 指加入某组织 团体 如参军 入团 入党等 when did your brother join the army 11 set down 记下 放下 登记 He set down the heavy box and rested for a while Please set me down at the next corner set about doing sth set out to do sth 着手做某事 set off 动身 出发 引爆 set aside 留出 把 放在一旁 set back 使推迟 耽误 set up 设置 开办 12 settle down 使 安静下来 安顿下来 定居 settle down to doing sth 着手认真做某事 settle in into 适应 新的环境 settle on 决定 选定 转让 赠与 After the settlers 移民 settled in their new settlement 定居点 they found they couldn t settle down to their new job so there would be some time for them to settle in the new environment 2 Unit 1 直接引语与间接引语 一 陈述句与疑问句 一 定义 直接引语 直接引用别人的原话 并在原话前后加引号 被引用的句子称为直接引语 间接引语 用自己的话转述别人的话 被转述的部分称为间接引语 多数以宾语从句的形式构成 I can see him now the boss said The boss said that he could see him then 二 直接引语与间接引语互相转化时应注意的问题 应特别注意以下四个变化 句型变化 陈述句 疑问句 祈使句 时态的变化 人称变化 状语变化 1 句型的变化 规则说明 例句 直接引语若为陈述句 变为间接引语时 间接引语往 往变成由 that 口语中可以省略 引导的宾语从句 根据句意 主句谓语 say to 或 said to 可改为 tell 或 told I want to stay here he said He said that he wanted to stay here She said to me I will come here to help you She told me that he would go there to help me 直接引语若为疑问句时 应注意 1 间接引语的语序应改为陈述语序 2 若为一般疑问句 则在变为间接引语时要用连 词 whether if 来引导 主句中用 said 时应改为 asked 注意 与 or 连用时用 whether 3 若为特殊疑问句 则保留原来的疑问词 仍用 原来的疑问词引导 He said Are you interested in English He asked me whether if I was interested in English He asked me How can I get to the railway station He asked me how he could get to the railway station 2 时态的变化 1 直接引语变为间接引语时 主句谓语动词为一般过去时的时候 从句谓语动词要发生相应的变化 主句谓语动词的形式 直接引语时态 间接引语时态 一般现在时 一般过去时 现在进行时 过去进行时 现在完成时 过去完成时 一般将来时 过去将来时 一般过去时 过去完成时 主句谓语动词是一般过去时 现在完成进行时 过去完成进行时 不变 主句谓语动词是一般现在时 现在完 成时 She often says All men and women are equal uder the law She often says all men and women are equal under the law You did very well I have just told Tom I have just told Tom that you did very well 2 直接引语变为间接引语时态不变的其他情况 规则说明 当直接引语是客观真理 客观时刻表 经常的习惯 历史事件时 谚语以及 名人名言 He said The earth goes around the sun He said that the earth goes around the sun He said the plane takes off at 6 30 am He said to the doctor I smoke two packs every day He told the doctor that he smokes two packs every day 3 The teacher said World War II ended in 1945 The teacher said that World War II ended in 1945 He said where there is a will there is a way 当直接引语为一般过去时 有具体的 过去某年 月 日作状语时 Mr wang said I was born in China in September 1972 Mr wang said he was born in China in September 1972 直接引语含有情态动词 must ought to used to had better 以及情态动词的过 去式 could might should would 等 She said to me You must hurry up She said that I must had to hurry up 当直接引语为过去完成时 过去进行 时 She said They had left when I arrived there She said that they had left when she arrived there Jack said Where were you going when I met you in the street Jack asked where I was going when he met me in the street 3 人称的变化 直接引语变间接引语时 人称代词要根据其在句中的意思进行相应变化 4 状语的变化 直接引语变间接引语时 随着时态的变化状语也要进行相应变化 注意事项 直接引语 间接引语 now 现在 then 那时 today 今天 that day 那天 tonight 今天晚上 that night 那天晚上 this morning 今天上午 that morning 那天上午 this week month etc 本星期 that week month etc 那星期 yesterday 昨天 the day before 前一天 the day before yesterday 前天 two days before 两天前 last week year etc 上星期 the week before 前一周 three days a year etc ago 三天以 前 three days before 前三天 tomorrow 明天 the next following day 次日 the day after tomorrow 后天 in two days time 两天后 时间状语 next week month etc the next following week 地点状语 here there 其他需注意 注意事项 直接引语 间接引语 this 这个 that 那个指示代词 these 这些 those 那些 bring 带来 take 带走方向性动词 come 来 go 去 练习题 1 How many people are there in your family he asked the boy 2 She asked me which do you like best 3 Did you watch TV last night he asked 4 Unit 1 单元巩固测评 注 意 所 有 不 规 则 动 词 的 过 去 式 过 去 分 词 形 式 以 及 单 元 重 点 单 词 会 按 课 程 节 奏 每 堂 课 都 进 行 相 应 听 写 请 同 5 学 们 认 真 对 待 再 次 强 调 课 后 必 须 先 认 认 真 真 复 习 今 天 所 讲 内 容 包 括 单 词 语 法 学 案 以 及 其 他 所 讲 知 识 点 然 再 做 6 练 习 题 以 达 到 巩 固 测 评 的 目 的 而 不 仅 仅 是 被 动 的 完 成 任 务 一 重点词汇识记 运用 1 I all the teachers for their help 2 Can I the game 3 In some countries people whothe government are classed as criminals 犯人 4 He with the lovely girl at first sight 5 I enjoy reading but I so much reading 6 It s hard to live with someone if you don t them 7 My grandmother a strange headache since last week 8 If he thinks of some good ideas he likes others 9 I have my clothes I m ready to go on a holiday 10 Most children like staying 户外 1 You d better try to find a chance to talk to her 2 She didn t break the picture it was an accident 3 The student always asks her teacher questions 4 My grandfather many difficulties during the war be concerned about no longer calm down a series of go through face to face at dusk add to on purpose set down set down on purpose add to disagree with be grateful to fall in love swap with join in pack up get along well with suffer from be tired of outdoors 7 5 The girl her ideas on a piece of paper and handed it to her teacher 6 She was too excited and I had some difficulty in making her 7 The street lights go on and go off at dawn 8 It was nearly 12 o clock and the girl didn t come back Her mother her 9 The Smiths have moved to Hong Kong They live in Nanchang 10 Her mistakes our trouble last week 二 重要知识点考察 1 Betty in England after she graduated from a famous university there A suffered B settled C recovered D calmed 2 I will the story as it was told to me A set up B set off C set about D set down 3 It was reported that the number of those who had lost their lives in the floods18 A added to B added up C added up to D added 4 Everyone can see that the little boy has made the mistake A on time B in time C on purpose D in purpose 5 Why is Mr Green so these days He was fined by the police for driving after drinking A concerned B surprised C upset D puzzled 6 The little girl took a deep breath to herself down but her voice still sounded frightened A set B calm C bring D keep 7 Bill is glad to find that his mother is beginning to from the accident A discover B recover C cover D recovering 8 I always start the day by my emails A went on B went by C go through D going through 9 It was the first time that many of them classical music A have heard B heard C had heard D hear 10 It is the first time that he the discussion about what to do with the problem A has joined us in B had joined C has joined us D had join us in 11 Don t warnings if the volcano 火山 is active it can be very dangerous near the top A disagree B look C swap D ignore 12 Mrs Williams arrived at our house at 9 00 neither earlier nor later A clearly B entirely C simply D exactly 13 We all think it s no pleasure all day without studying hard A to play B play C playing D played 14 While the road we should be careful A we crossing B crossing C to cross D cross 15 He asked with my new work A whether I was getting along well B if was I getting along well C whether was I getting along well D that I was getting along well 16 This novel was concernedthe Second World War but most teenagers are more concerned the hero s love story A with about B with with C for with D about with 17 I failed again but my parents told me that failurethe mother of success A was B is C be D has been 18 He told us that therea football match at 19 00 A were going to B is going to C was going to be D was going to have 三 语法巩固 注意句型 时态 人称 时间状语的转换 8 将下列直接引语转化为间接引语 1 I have to finish the work he said 2 He said to me I have found my book 3 Can you speak English she asked 4 You must come here he said to her 5 I moved here five years ago he said 6 Will you go on business next month his colleague asked 7 Where shall we have a picnic today he asked 8 They made an appointment the day before yesterday he said 9 How much did you pay for the computer my mother asked 10 She asked Do you want to go by train or by plane


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