高中英语Unit 20《Communication Workshop & Culture Corner》课件2 北师大版选修7

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高中英语Unit 20《Communication Workshop & Culture Corner》课件2 北师大版选修7_第1页
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Unit 20 Communication workshop Space :The Final Frontier,Part I (words review) beyond spread globe phenomena astronomer barrier precise probe primitive permanent possibility restriction invasion humankind,part II Fast Reading Read the article. Match these headings with the paragraphs.,A B C D E F,Recent Interest Early Space Exploration Introduction Conclusion Into Deep Space Chinas Contributions,Question :,Find out the time order . What events happened in these years? From the events ,what conclusion can we draw?,Quick response according to the text,1957 1961 1969 1970 1990 2003,space exploration began the first successful manned flight US put a man on the moon Chinas successful launch ofDFH Hubble Telescope was launched Chinas successful launch ofSZV,Conclusion : Space exploration spread out all over the world as time goes by.,Part III Phrases in the text,1在-另一边 2 张开, 伸开, 展开 3 有待于探索 4 发生 5以-结束 6逐渐减少 7 从-开始 8 总之 9 只要,on the other side of spread out -remain to be done (explored) take place end with drop off start with in conclusion as long as,Ex2:Find sentences in the text that mean the same as these colloquial口语的, 通俗的sentences.,The space age kicked off when they sent up Sputnik 1. (B) The final part of early space exploration was the moon landing. (B),The age of space exploration began in 1957, when Sputnik 1 was launched by the Soviet Union.,Which ended with the US putting a man on the moon in 1969.,3.Space exploration is in again because of that new telescope. (C) 4.Its so good that its found loads of new planets. (C) 5.Theyre going to launch robot ships to find places like Earth. (D),Recently, there has been another burst of interest in space as a result of the Hubble Telescope.,The telescope is so precise that, over fifty new planets have been located beyond our solar system.,Further space probes, such as Deep Space, will be sent out in order that they might find small Earth-like planets where there might be life.,all over the world,decreased,shown weve been there,4. Its a stepping stone. 5. The skys no longer the limit.,the possibilities are endless,a stage on the way,Ex3:Match these words with the idiomatic expressions from the text (1-5) in italics.,We have left our mark everywhere. All four corners of the globe. The number of manned flights dropped off.,a stage on the way,the possibilities are endless,decreased,all over the world,shown weve been there,Ex4:Linking words learning,to, as a result of, so that, for, so as to, in case, in order that, as, in order to, due to,reason,as a result of,as,In case,due to,purpose,to,so as to,In order to,In order that,for,so that,Ex5:Completing sentences,Take an umbrella because it might rain. Take an umbrella in case _. 2. Bring your costume to swim in the river. Bring you costume so that _. 3. Its foggy so you cant drive fast. You cant drive fast due to _. 4. If you leave your telephone number, we will contact you. Leave your telephone number in order that _.,it rains,you can swim in the river,the fog,we can contact you,5. My aunts coming so dont come round. Dont come round because of _. 6. Check if he is in by giving him a ring. Ring him up first in order to _. 7. Wear warm clothes as the nights can be very cold. Wear warm clothes in case _. 8. You are not permitted to work if you are on a student visa. You cant work because of _.,my aunt,check hes in,the nights are very cold,your student visa,Summary,1.Phrases,on the other side of spread out -remain to be done (explored) take place end with drop off start with in conclusion as long as,2.Grammar: linking words & Adverbial Clauses,Cause,Result,Purpose,because as for since seeing that now (that) considering (that),sothat suchthat so that,in order that so that for fear that,区别: because / because of He couldnt see the view_ the tree. She was afraid _the dog was barking. I cant hear the music _he is talking He cant walk very well _ the accident. The waves are enormous _the typhoon. Jenny ate three bowls of noodles_ she was hungry.,because of,because,because,because of,because of,because,Part IV Writing practice,5句话作文 要求:使用本课所学的单词,词组及语法知识点。,A report,A report 事件:一起严重的交通事故 时间:昨天下午4点左右 地点:高速公路入口 原因:卡车司机开车前饮酒过多,开车 时头晕(dizzy),卡车失控撞翻 一辆小汽车 伤亡人数: 4 死 1伤 影响: 交通中断一个多小时 评论: 今年最严重的交通事故,A serious traffic accident happened in which 4 people was killed and one injured. A lorry was out of control and crashed onto a car at the entrance to the highway at about 4 p.m. yesterday. The driver drank so much wine that he felt dizzy when driving. The accident caused a traffic jam which lasted an hour. It was seen as the most serious accident in this year.,Homework,Remember the language points in this unit. Reading comprehension in English Weekly .,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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