高一英语课件外研版必修一《Module 1 My First Day at Senior High》Introduction

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高一英语课件外研版必修一《Module 1 My First Day at Senior High》Introduction_第1页
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外研版 高一年级 (必修1) Module 1,英语课件,Introduction,教学目标和内容: 1. 学习本课与高中学习科目有关的生词。 2. 通过讨论问答学习生词,为阅读活动做准备。,Introduction,My name is I am a I was born on in I graduated from I like/am fond of/am good at I hope/think/want,biology chemistry English Japanese geography Russian history Chinese mathematics PE (Physical Education) physics IT (Information Technology),Which subjects do you learn?,Science subjects: Arts subjects:,math, physics, chemistry, biology,Chinese, English, history, geography, politics, Japanese, Russian,1. How many of the subjects are science subjects? 2. Which of the science subjects do you study at your school? 3. How many of them are languages?,Work in pairs. Talk about the following questions with your partners.,Look and answer,4. Which languages do you study at your school? 5. Which of them are not academic (学术的) subjects? 6. Which are your favourite subjects? which subject is important/difficult in your mind? Why?,Show your likes and dislikes: like / love / enjoy / be fond of / be interested in I dont like/love/enjoy I dislike/hate I am not fond of/interested in I think thatis boring/terrible.,You may do like this: 1. I like _ because _. 2. I think _ is important because _. 3. I think _ is difficult because _. 4. I would like to study _ because _.,拓展: 英语中常用来表达喜好的句子,1. I would rather. (我宁愿干. .) 2. I would not feel happy if. (如果我会 不舒服的) 3. I prefer something that. (我喜欢) 4. I am much more interested. (我更喜欢) 5. I am not very interested in. (我不喜欢),6. I like seeing something . (我喜欢看) 7. I do not get very excited about . (我不喜 欢) 8. What I like is .(我喜欢) 9. I really prefer .(我真的喜欢) 10. If you ask me, then . (要是问我, 我) 11. I can not stand .(我难以忍受) 12. In my opinion, .(在我看来),新课单词,biology,chemistry,English,geography,history,Chinese,mathematics,physics,Speaking,Work in pairs. Discuss the questions: What are the main differences between Junior High school and Senior High school? 2. Do you think that work at Senior High school is hard than at Junior High school? 3. Are Senior High teachers similar to Junior High teachers?,When you talk about the differences, you may use the following words: attitude behaviour instruction method comprehension textbook spelling photogragh enthusiastic,New words,attitude n. 态度 enthusiastic adj. 热心的 behavior n. 行为; 举动 method n. 方法 comprehension n. 理解; 领悟 instruction n. 指示; 说明 photograph n. 照片 spelling n. 拼写,Written Practice,My English study English is one of my favourite subjects. I like it because it plays an important part in our daily life. I have a positive a_ to studying English. I am very i_ in it and every day I watch the Outlook English program on CCTV channel 10. All of my class work hard in class and we b_ quite well and listen to the,ttitude,nterested,aviour,teachers attentively. My English teacher is very nice and she likes telling stories to us. I like her teaching m_. Though I like English very much, I still find reading c_ and understanding i_ difficult for me. I think this t_ is really beautiful as it has got a lot of nice p_ on it. I am sure I will work harder than before and make great progress in my English study.,ethod,omprehension,extbook,nstructions,hotograghs,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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