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仁爱版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期末考试试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共19题;共38分)1. (2分) (2017八下泗阳期中) British people say please and thank you all _ time, and they always keep their voice down in _ public.A . a; theB . the; /C . /, aD . /;/2. (2分) The palace Museum is located in the centre of Beijing. The underlined part means _. A . laysB . lyingC . liesD . laid3. (2分) Where would you like to go for your summer holiday, Beijing or Shanghai? _. I will go to Sanya in Hainan.A . BothB . EachC . NeitherD . Either4. (2分) (2017七下吴江期末) Our team won the first prize in the football gamesCongratulations! team you are!A . How greatB . What a greatC . What greatD . How a great5. (2分) In_opinion, wed better finish our homework first. A . sheB . himC . myD . me6. (2分) (2018福州模拟) You can read the _on the machine if you dont know how to use it. A . inventionB . instructionsC . instruments7. (2分) Feng Xiaogang is a famous _, I like his movies best. So do I. I have watched most of his movies.A . presidentB . directorC . actor8. (2分) Is Alice playing basketball? . She is playing soccer.A . Yes, she isB . No, she isC . Yes, she doesD . No, she isnt9. (2分) In the future, more and more robots in our families. A . appearB . appearedC . will appearD . are appearing10. (2分) (2015八上山西月考) All the ingredients are in the bowl. Please mix . A . it upB . up themC . them up11. (2分) Shanghai is a big city _ the east of China. A . byB . onC . inD . at12. (2分) What will you do this weekend, go swimming or climbing? _. I will visit my parents. A . NeitherB . BothC . NoneD . Either13. (2分) It is selfless _ the doctor to devote all the time he had _ for the patients.A . for; to careB . of; to careC . for; to caringD . of; to caring14. (2分) (2016广东) With the development of science and technology, robot cooks _ in our families in the future.A . appearB . appearedC . will appearD . were appearing15. (2分) Tim and I _ football yesterday. He did much better than l. A . playB . will playC . playedD . are playing16. (2分) (2017江苏模拟) You _ pay too little attention to your reading skills, as they are so important.A . shouldB . mustntC . cantD . neednt17. (2分) Do you think he has the ability to do the work?Yes. I trust him.A . is unable to doB . can doC . doesnt want to do18. (2分) Shall we camp out together in the summer holidays? A . Thats OK.B . Thats a good idea.C . Thank you.D . Thats right.19. (2分) (2019江西模拟) Dont be so narrow-minded. Helping others means _ yourself. If you are kind to someone, he will someday repay you. A . to helpB . helpingC . helpedD . helps二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分) 阅读短文,从A.B.C.D.四个选项中选出能填在相应空白处的最佳选项。Along time ago, there was an emperor. He had a beautiful1. In the garden, there was a little nightingale(夜莺)singing very beautifully.One day, the emperor heard about this little birds beautiful2. He asked his guards to bring her to him. When the emperor heard the nightingales voice, he said, “Put her3a golden cage, so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her.The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped4one day. The emperor was very angry. He ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him. The bird could sing very beautifully,5. The emperor was pleased.Soon the robot bird became old. It no longer sang beautiful songs. Just at that time, the emperor was ill and he became very weak. One morning, while6in bed, the emperor wanted it to sing once7. But the robot bird8sing any more. Suddenly, the nightingale landed on the window. She began to sing her most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became9each day.After the emperor was well, he changed a lot and became kind10his people. From then on, all his people cherished(爱戴)him for his love and kindness.(1)A . park B . house C . garden D . door (2)A . noise B . voice C . sound D . noisy (3)A . in B . on C . for D . from (4)A . to sing B . sing C . sings D . singing (5)A . also B . so C . too D . either (6)A . jumping B . standing C . lying D . running (7)A . again B . two C . second D . twice (8)A . can B . could C . dont D . couldnt (9)A . weaker and weaker B . taller and taller C . better and better D . younger and younger (10)A . at B . to C . on D . in 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共30分)21. (10分) (2019乐山) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的几个选项中,选出最佳选项。 When he was nine years old, American boy Milo Cress had a question: How many plastic straws(吸管) do Americans use every day?He quickly learned there wasnt a simple answer. The boy tried to work it out himself. Through lots of research, Cress found out that Americans use about 500 million straws every day. In hopes of reducing plastic waste, he founded the Be Straw Free project in 2011.Cress started the project in his hometown Burlington, Vermont. He asked a local restaurant to stop offering straws with every drink order. It was a simple change. However, it would save money. And by doing that, the restaurant would cut down on its straw use by 50 percent.For the years that followed, Cress tried to spread his project across the United States. More and more restaurants agreed to join. They stop providing the customer with a straw unless he or she asks for one. Last April, Seattle became the first American city to completely ban (禁止) plastic straws.Plastic pollution has been one of the most serious problems today. According to scientists, more than eight million tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year. Plastic straws are especially terrible. They make it easy for people to get comfortable with single-use plastics.After his project became popular, Cress took his findings on the road. He has since spoken to tens of thousands of students around the world. He wants to encourage more people to say no to plastic straws.Focusing(聚焦) on straws is one simple step we all could take, Cress says. And it makes me feel that I, as a kid, could make a difference, too.(1) When did Milo Cress start to care about the problem of straws? A . Ten years ago.B . In the year 2011.C . In the year that he was 9.(2) Cress started the Be Straw Free project in order to . A . get a good score in science at his schoolB . encourage people to reduce plastic wasteC . become a famous person in his hometown(3) What did Cress ask a restaurant in Burlington to do? A . Stop offering straws to its customers.B . Prevent people from using straws to drink.C . Count the number of straws it uses every day.(4) Plastic straws are especially terrible because . A . they are the most serious problem todayB . scientists pay little attention to their influenceC . they help people get used to using single-use plastics(5) Over the years, Cress has . spread his project across the United States asked Seattle to completely ban plastic bags counted the plastic straws in the ocean every year spoken to teens around the world about plastic waste A . B . C . 22. (10分) 根据材料内容选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Junior school students in Harbin,Heilongjiang, had a long weekend. They had four days off from Oct. 19-22. It was not for any festival, but was caused by serious smog.The smog was caused by high levels of PM 2.5 in the air.PM 2.5 is small particles(微粒) of pollution in the air with a diameter (直径) of 2.5 micrometers or less. Waste gas from cars and factories is the biggest cause of PM 2.5 pollution. On Oct. 17, the World Health Organization named air pollution a cause of cancer.To better protect children, cities are taking action.On Oct. 21, Harbin Education Bureau decided to close primary and junior high schools for two days.Beijing started a program on Oct. 22 which has a warning system with four levels. The red warning is the highest warning level. It means that the next three days will see serious pollution.When a red warning is issued(发布), schools will close.If theres pollution thats not as serious, the Beijing Commission of Education will ask schools to stop PE classes and outdoor activities.How will students be informed?First, the Commission of Education will inform schools online, Ye Yan, head of Beijing Shijingshanqu Experimental Primary School, told Beijing Times. Then teachers will text students parents.Will the days off affect the study plan?Missing school days will be made up during the summer or winter vacations, said Wang Hao, a physical education teacher in Beijing Chaoyang district.For students in Harbin who had the long weekend, they would go to school on the next two Saturdays.(1) Why did students in Harbin have a long weekend?A . Because the weather was extremely cold.B . Because a special festival came.C . Because the winter vacation began.D . Because there happened serious smog.(2) Which of the following is TRUE about PM 2.5?A . It makes water polluted.B . People can see it with eyes.C . It only comes from factories.D . It can cause serious diseases.(3) When a red warning is issued in Beijing,what will happen?A . All of the work will be stopped.B . People arent allowed to go outside.C . Schools will be closed for a few days.D . Air pollution will be seen in a few weeks.(4) What does the underlined word text mean in Chinese?A . 写信.B . 发信息.C . 写文章.D . 发邮件.(5) What is the reading mainly about?A . What PM 25 is made up of.B . How people fight against air pollution.C . What influence the smog brings to school.D . How schools deal with the missing school days.23. (10分) 阅读理解I am new to New YorkI do not know anyone in the cityAn old woman lives next doorShe gives me a big box of fruit and vegetablesThe kind neighbor(邻居)is ValThe fruit and vegetables are from Vals garden(园子)There are carrots,tomatoes,strawberries and so on in the gardenVal doesnt have sons or daughtersBut she is happyShe likes working in her gardenShe loves those plantsSometimes,she talks to themOne day,I dont see Val in the gardenSome days later,I see people take many boxes from her homeGrass grows in the gardenThe plants look sadThen I know Val passed away(去世)So I begin to take care of(照顾)her gardenThen a family comes to live next doorThey are new to the cityThey do not know anyoneAnd I give them a big box of fruit and vegetables from Vals garden根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 (1) Val is the writers A . grandmotherB . friendC . teacherD . neighbor(2) What can we know about Val from the first two paragraphs (段落)? A . She has a big familyB . She is new to NewYorkC . She loves the plants in her gardenD . She has many visitors in the garden(3) Why does the writer take care of Vals garden? A . Because Val is too oldB . Because Val passed awayC . Because Val is on holidayD . Because Val gave it to the writer(4) What does the writer give the new family?fruit flowerscakes vegetablesA . B . C . D . (5) Whats the best title of the passage? A . Health is importantB . Interesting neighborsC . Love from the gardenD . Working makes us happy四、 语法填空。 (共7题;共32分)24. (2分) Well have a school trip to Fuzhou City Museum next week. _. And Im sure youll learn a lot.A . Have funB . Cheer upC . Best wishesD . Never mind25. (10分) (2017黑龙江模拟) 语法填空Everyone has his dreams of the future. But do you know w_future really is? I think future is now. That is to say, we m_treasure(珍惜)every minute and second.There is an old English_(say), “Gain time, gain life.” Then what is time? Time is something that cant be seen or touched, but we feel it _(pass) by. Time is always with us. We often say “Time is money”, but it is more _(value), because when money is spent, we can earn it back. But if time is gone a_, it will never return. Thats why we say time is priceless.Grasping the present is grasping the future. As students, we should work hard in o _to create a bright future of our own. We should m_the best use of every hour and be the master today. We should do everything as _(good) as possible. And never put off what can be done today till tomorrow.Time and tide_(wait) for no man. If you waste today, you will regret tomorrow.26. (10分) (2019九上龙华期末) 根据上下文意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空或者填入所缺单词。 Do you like horror (恐惧感)? If so, be sure not to miss Frankenstein.Frankenstein is a book by English _ (write) Mary Shelley. Its a scary story. A scientist, _ (name) Frankenstein, made a monster (怪物) out of dead body parts. The monster had _ (feeling) like real people do, but no one liked him because of his _ (look). At last he _ (become) bad and killed the scientists friends. The scientist wanted to create something great, but only created _ (sad). One of the main ideas of the story is _ science can bring both good and bad things.The story was a hit in the early 19th century, and the monster _ (go) on to become popular. There _ films, TV shows, and even video games about him.Mary Shelley wrote the story because of a competition _ friends to write the scariest story. Nearly 200 years later, its safe to say she won!27. (1分) (2017七下蒙阴期末) The Chinese government has made several rules on whale _ (protect) in the past 10 years. 28. (5分) (2017八下靖江期中) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。(1) They lived in the country after they got _ (marry).(2) Has the girl finished making the paper flowers? Sorry, I dont know, but she _(make) them in the bedroom yesterday afternoon.(3) Daniel refused _(clean) his room and this made the teacher angry.(4) How many _ (stomach) does a camel have?(5) We should speak to the teachers and parents _ (polite).29. (1分) (2018临沂) An American father made pretty dresses for his daughter out of his _ old shirts. (wife) 30. (3分) Susan _(be) in the music club when I_(call) her. Emma _(teach) her to play the piano then. 五、 单词拼写。 (共4题;共13分)31. (1分) Mr. Green has a _(小孩). He usually plays with him. 32. (2分) Jackie Chan is my favorite_(演员). He is of medium_(身高). 33. (5分) (2017七下杭州期中) 根据下列句子及所给首字母,写出各单词的完全形式(每空填一词)。(1) Bill b_his teeth every day at night before he goes to bed.(2) Jacky is a good student. He gets up early every day and never arrives l_ for school.(3) Its Dragon Boat Festival today. Zhu Hui really m_ his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.(4) I work hard to make my dream come t_.(5) I e_watch TV or play computer games on Saturday evening.34. (5分) (2016九下江都期末) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)(1) Everyone else in my class was invited _ (除了) me, and I didnt know why.(2) Tom, you look tired. What about _ (放松) for a while?(3) Tom is an _ (礼貌) boy. He always cuts in on others.(4) Mr. Wu is patient and he always spends as much time as he can _ (解释) things to his students.(5) Dr. Ma is _ (自豪的) to help people see again and improve their lives.六、 句型转换。 (共2题;共4分)35. (2分) Lucy bought a new computer last week. (改为反义疑问句) Lucy bought a new computer last week,_ _? 36. (2分) (2016七上崆峒期末) The sweaters are 20 dollars. (就划线部分提问)_ _ are the sweaters?七、 翻译。 (共1题;共10分)37. (10分) (2017七上亭湖期末) 根据汉语完成下列句子。(1) 我希望他梦想成真。I hope his dream _ .(2) 你还喜欢做别的什么事吗?_ do you like to do ?(3) 米莉,今天几号?_ today, Millie?(4) 那个穿白衬衫的男子是谁?Whos that man _ ?(5) 我住得离学校很远。I live _ the school.(6) 孩子们已经准备好吃午饭了。The children _ lunch.(7) 假如他们不招待我们,我们就捉弄他们一下。If they do not give us a treat, we _ them.(8) 它们含糖太多,对我们牙齿有害。They have too much sugar and _ my teeth.(9) 我想买些和埃米买的不一样的礼物。I want to buy some presents _Amys .(10) 我在考虑该穿什么?Im thinking about _ .八、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共25分)38. (25分) (2016八上山西月考) 根据短文内容,回答问题。Potato chips are Americans favorite snacks(零食). Where do potato chips come from? In 1853 a native(本土) American named George Crum made the first potato chips. Crum was a chide(头目) in an expensive restaurant in Saratogasprings, New York. One day, a customer(顾客) did not like the French fries. He said they were too thick(厚的). So Crum made more, this time thinner. The customer still didnt like them. Crum got unhappy. He decided to make the customer angry. So he cut the potatoes, very thin. The customer loved them.Other people wanted Crums potato chips. Now, there was a new food on the menu Saratoga chips. Soon Crum opened his own restaurant and made his special chips.It took a long time to make potato chips. People peeled the potatoes by hand. Then in 1920,the automatic(自动的) potato peeler changed everything. Now it was faster and easier to make potato chips. Now potato chips were not a specialty. They were a popular snack food, but only in the north.A salesman named Herman Lay wanted to sell potato chips in the south. He sold potato chips in bags. His business grew. Today, Americans eat a lot of potato chips every day.(1) Where did potato chips come from? (2) Who made the first potato chips? (3) Did the customer love the thick French fries? (4) Was it easy to make the potato chips after 1920? Why? (5) Who brought the potato chips to the south, Herman or George Crum? 九、 短文填空。 (共1题;共10分)39. (10分) (2016七上江苏月考) 首字母填空。根据对话内容和首字母提示,在空白处填入合适的单词,完成对话。M: Are you free o_Sunday/W: No, Im very b_. At 8:30 I have a music lesson. Then at 10:00 I have English. It is useful (有用的)but it is d_for me.M: Well, what time do you have l_.W: At 12:00.M: What lessons do you have in the a_.W: I have a Chinese lesson and an A_lesson.M: W_is your Chinese teacher?W: Ms. Yang.M: And what time do your lessons finish?W: At h_past four.M: What do you do in the evening?W: I l_to music. What about you?M: I usually watch TV after d_.十、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)40. (5分) (2017七下黄石期中) 假如你是Tom,你的同学Li Hua在上周的英语考试中失败了,她的心情很不好。请你给她写一封信安慰她,让她早日有一个好心情。根据以下提示词,写一篇80个单词左右的短文。提示词:fail, unhappy, spend on, talk with, do sports, learn to smile, believeDear Li Hua,Yours,Tom第 24 页 共 24 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共19题;共38分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)20、答案:略三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共30分)21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略四、 语法填空。 (共7题;共32分)24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略五、 单词拼写。 (共4题;共13分)31、答案:略32、答案:略33、答案:略34

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