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Unit 9 Chinese Food Key to the Exercises Text comprehension I Decide which of the following best states the main idea of the passage B This essay is by and large an illustration of a proposition raised by Kenneth Lo that food will determine one s physical strength and ultimately one s spiritual and moral fiber and well being Its aim and conclusion rest with the philosophy expressed in Chinese food II Judge according to the text whether the following statements are true or false 1 T Refer to Paragraph 1 2 T Refer to Paragraph 2 3 T Refer to Paragraph 6 4 F Refer to Paragraph 7 According to Helen Burke the cooking itself takes only 10 of the actual preparation but it is not a simple matter as indicated by the percentage of time it consumes 5 T Refer to Paragraph 9 III Answer the following questions 1 Food and eating according to Kenneth Lo determines not only one s physical health but also one s spiritual and moral soundness and his ultimate well being 2 Refer to Paragraphs 2 3 and 4 According to the author many people in the West are gourmets and gluttons while a large number of others are pretty indifferent to food On the contrary Fu Tong a London restaurateur maintains that to Chinese people food is of primary importance and is one of the ecstasies of life Also when they go to a restaurant Westerners care more about the table than the food while the Chinese aim to eat with a capital E or take the food with the utmost earnest 3 Refer to Paragraph 5 Literally Chinese food is ubiquitous Chinese restaurants have sprung up almost everywhere in the world At the root of the phenomenal rise of Chinese food in the world is a strong interest in Chinese food in the West There is an increase in sensuality in the Western world and coincidentally Chinese food is very sensual in its combination of color texture and taste 4 Refer to Paragraphs 7 and 8 For Chinese people the traditional high quality Chinese meal is a serious matter It is fastidiously prepared and fastidiously enjoyed Both the preparation and enjoyment of a Chinese meal can last hours and make a shared experience which is well planned The meal must not only meet the challenge of the palate but also that of the eye 5 Refer to Paragraph 9 A good traditional Chinese meal must be well planned and balanced in order to meet the demand of the palate and the eye alike So according to Emily Hahn there is moral excellence in good cooking which implies the combination of all life all action and all knowledge So important is a meal that it is not simply the product of a recipe it expresses the basic assumptions of life among which is harmony and balance IV Explain in your own words the following sentences 1 Food to us Chinese is one of the greatest joys in life it is thought about before being prepared it is treated with lots of love and care while being prepared and when it is ready a great deal of time is devoted to enjoying it 2 The main reason for the sudden and tremendous popularity of Chinese food throughout the whole Western world lies in two facts one is the increased desire for sensual pleasures which is abundant in Chinese food and freedom from age old customs in the West the other is the notion of physical pleasure provided by Chinese food which is always ready to satisfy the taste of the eater Structural analysis of the text Paragraphs 7 9 constitute the third part of the text Paragraph 7 The traditional quality Chinese meal is a serious matter fastidiously prepared and fastidiously enjoyed Paragraph 8 The enjoyment must match the preparation Paragraph 9 The smooth harmonies and piquant contrasts in Chinese food are an expression of basic assumptions about life itself Rhetorical features of the text 1 All these have become much more part and parcel of the average person s life Paragraph 6 2 Meat and fish solids and soups sweet and sour sauces Paragraph 8 Vocabulary exercises I Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words 1 emotional strength to do what one believes to be right 2 material used to produce power sth used to keep the body functioning 3 lower class type 4 a number of dishes that are served one after another in an orderly way 5 by themselves II Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form 1 fastidious 2 ecstasies 3 lavish 4 elusive 5 phenomenal 6 proceeding 7 enterprise 8 contrived III Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words 1 disregard 2 authoritative 3 ubiquity 4 desirable 5 piquancy 6 ceremonially 7 gluttonous 8 derivation IV Fill in the blank s in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text 1 come off 2 conform to 3 derives derived from 4 attend to 5 sprung up 6 came about 7 proceed with 8 lavishing on V Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used 1 Antonym distantly indifferently 2 Synonym epicure 3 Synonym fundamental primary principal 4 Antonym produce make 5 Synonym affirm state 6 Synonym mix intermingle combine 7 Synonym change modify adjust 8 Synonym provocative sharp pungent VI Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words 1 explains 2 accidentally found 3 discuss with 4 start 5 played a prominent role in 6 think about it carefully 7 consumed part of 8 interrupting Grammar exercises I Combine the sentences in each set into one beginning with the words given 1 Lev Tolstoy a great Russian writer was born in 1828 and died in 1910 2 My proposal that we should import more equipment from abroad is to be discussed at the meeting 3 The news that she is invited to the party is very encouraging 4 The Canadian surgeon Dr Norman Bethune a great international fighter laid down his life for the Chinese revolution 5 In spite of the fact that they worked day and night on the project they failed to find out the mechanism of the disease 6 The announcement that all flights were cancelled because of bad weather greatly distressed the waiting passengers 7 Mike the best mechanic in the garage worked on my car 8 The amateur boat builder was constructing a simple model a small outboard cruiser of conventional design II Improve the following sentences by using appositive clauses 1 Our word tobacco comes from the Spanish word tobaco a word which means cigar in the Arawak Indian language An appositive may repeat a noun for the sake of clarity and emphasis 2 Columbus s crew was astonished to find the Arawaks puffing on huge cigars in Hispaniola an island which is now divided between Haiti and the Dominican Republic 3 The cigars were made from Nicotiana tobacum a hybrid of two wild plants first grown in Peru and Bolivia 4 This tobacco from Hispaniola was not the kind smoked by the other Indians of North America habitual users of tobacco also 5 This second and much more widely used kind of tobacco was Nicotiana rustica a hybrid that is native only to the western slopes of the Andes 6 From here its cultivation and use spread into North America at about the same time as the cultivation of maize a staple grain crop 7 Archaeologists find the first pipes among Indian artifacts at the level that they find the first evidence of maize cultivation a fact which suggests that the Indians learned to smoke and to grow corn at the same time 8 This tobacco was so strong that the Algonkians mixed it with sumac leaves and the inner bark of the dogwood and called it kinnikinnik a word meaning that which is mixed 9 Most Indians favoured pipes some ate tobacco leaves some drank tobacco and still others preferred cigarettes shredded tobacco wrapped in corn husks 10 Drinking tobacco became popular in Elizabethan England after 1565 the year the leaf was first imported from the West Indies III Complete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the four choices given 1 C When the antecedent contains such the relative word is as 2 B Eye means the power of seeing appreciative or discriminating visual perception 3 D 4 A In the structure too adj to we use a an n after the adjective 5 B Machinery is a collective noun 6 A ear attention heed 7 C brains intellectual power intelligence 8 B IV Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets 1 He was less frightened than hurt 2 Their room is no bigger than ours 3 George did more work than anyone else 4 Dick s behavior is more courteous than Bob s 5 I paid three times more for the food than they did As much as and as many as are equivalent to more than when they are premodified by a times phrase 6 A collection of facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house 7 A whale is no more a fish than a horse is 8 He is more of a sportsman than his brother V Translate the following into English using the expressions in brackets 1 That noise is more than I can bear 2 We are more than happy to help you in any way we can 3 No less than a thousand people participated in the marathon 4 He is no more interested in chemistry than his brother is 5 It is more a poem than a picture 6 He was accused of no less a crime than high treason VI Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below keeping the italicized parts in your sentences 1 e g He never remembered to have known such weariness as he felt now The explorer took only such men and things as he really needed into the jungle with him 2 e g He is not just an actor but also a great writer She not just sings like an angel but also dances divinely Translation exercises I Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1 决定他们体力直至情操气节 健康安乐的东西 又怎能不关心呢 2 事实上 人们颇有理由可以说 中国食品已经成为当今唯一真正意义上的国际性食品 3 西方这种对感官享受需求的增长和从积习中解放出来的渴望 再加上中餐本身注重色 香 味的概念 中餐总是能很快满足味蕾 正是中餐突然间迅猛地在偌大西方世界风靡一 时的根本原因 4 我们也许能将它们切碎 分别贴上 烹调 健康 品质 之类的标签 但事实上它们是 不可分割的 II Translate the following sentences into English using the words and phrases given in brackets 1 You should have told me in advance that you would further your studies in America 2 He lavished too much care on his grandchildren 3 Various new technology industries have sprung up 4 Many English words derive from Latin Greek and French words 5 A philosopher holds that contradictory oppositions are ubiquitous 6 Kindness is part and parcel of his nature 7 He possessed phenomenal memory and intelligence 8 He is fastidious about his food and clothes III Translate the following passage into Chinese 一个典型中国人的观点是 吃是第一乐事 中国人非常重视吃 许多人还把它看成是 人生至乐之一 这里有一个很有趣的例子 它说明了西方人和中国人对待吃的不同态度 西方人上餐馆时 最关心的往往是找一张好餐桌 更确切地说 找一个可以看见别人 也 能让人看见的好位置 然而 中国人上餐馆时则喜欢找一个不为外人所见的小包间 这种 差异的原因在于 前者在用餐时由于有社会交流而感到惬意 而后者则主要从品尝食物中 得到快乐 许多人认为 一顿精美的传统中餐制作极其细致 据说 备料和配料大约占实际工作量的 90 烹调本身则仅仅占大约 10 既然烹饪如此精细 那么享用也应该与之匹配 一顿 正宗的中国餐宴可以长达三个多小时 难怪有人说 它简直像个宗教仪式 Exercises for integrated skills I Dictation script In the Chinese culture the whole process of preparing food from raw ingredients to morsels ready for the mouth is highly distinctive when compared with other food traditions At the base of this process is the division between fan grains and other starch foods and ts ai vegetable and meat dishes To prepare a balanced meal it must have an appropriate amount of both fan and ts ai and ingredients are readied along both tracks Grains are cooked whole or as flour making up the fan half of the meal in various forms Vegetables and meats are cut up and mixed in various ways into individual dishes to constitute the ts ai half Even in meals in which fan and ts ai are joined together such as in wonton they are in fact put together but not mixed up and each still retains its due proportion and own distinction II Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate 1 only 2 by 3 all 4 which 5 history 6 France 7 range 8 very 9 latter 10 that 11 mistaken 12 quality


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