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新目标九年级英语上6-10单元课文详解与训练 (Review of Units 610) 课文详译1a Read the clues and complete the crossword.读提示,完成字谜。Down竖填1. When my mother is tired, I try to be helpful and make dinner. 当我的母亲有病时,我尽量帮助,并做饭。2. Why buy CDs? You can listen to the radio for free! 为什么买影碟?你可以听收音机消闲。3. To volunteer, I visit children in the hospital. 对于志愿者,我看望医院里的孩子。4. More people speak this language than any other language. Chinese更多的人讲这种语言胜过于其他语言。汉语5. one, two, three, go! 一、二、三,跑!8. Not now, not later, but soon. 不是现在,不是后来,而是不久。9. You can travel and experience a different culture. 你可以旅行,同时体验一下不同的文化。10. The opposite of start. Stop “开始”的反义词。停止12. The past tense of get. got “get”的过去式是“got”13. I play music and I sing songs. 我搞音乐,我唱歌。14. The Yellow River goes to the ocean. 黄河流进太平洋。16. Oh no! Its raining but I left my umbrella at home. 噢,不!天在下雨,但我把伞落在家了。17. I dont feel well. I think Im sick. 我感到不舒服。我想我病了。18. This and that . 这个和那个。19. One is but two are. 说一不二。21. Lets meet at the school. 咱们在学校集合。Across 横填1. It sounds like here. Hair 它听去像“here(这儿)”。Hair (头发)4. If your clock stops, youll be late. 如果你的钟停了,你将会迟到。6. The airplane is going to land soon. 飞机不久就着陆。7. I like and she likes. 我喜欢,它也喜欢。9. American children wear costumes at Halloween. 美国孩子们在万圣节前夕穿套装。11. Lets put up signs for Clean-up Day. 咱们把清洁日的标牌挂出去吧。15.Pack light clothes for a hot country. 装好轻便的衣服去一个炎热的国家16. The opposite of quite. Loud 安静的反义词。大声的18. Many cars on the road is heavy traffic. 路上很多的车阻塞了交通。20. A place where people make bread. bakery 人们做面包的地方。面包店22. The opposite of worse. better 较差的反义词。较好1b Choose words from unites 6-10 and write a clue for each word. Read the clues to your partner. He or she guesses the words. 从610单元中选出一些单词,并为每个词写出提示。把这些提示读给你的伙伴听,让他(她)猜出这些单词。1. They have eight legs. (spiders) 它们有八条腿。 (蜘蛛)2. 3. A: These things have eight legs. 这些东西有八条腿。B: Are they spiders? 它们是蜘蛛吗?A: Yes, they are! 是的,它们是。2a Listen to the four conversations. Match the conversations with the correct pictures. 听这四个对话。把对话和正确的图连接起来。Draw lines to match 划线连接India too touristy印度 太多游客的Singapore too expensive新加坡 太昂贵的Hawaii too tiring夏威夷 太令人厌倦的France too hot法国 太热的Write “T” (for true) or “F” (for false). 写出“T”或者“F”。 T Jin likes working with kids. 金喜欢和孩子们一起工作。_F_ Jin likes basketball. 金喜欢篮球。_F_ Jin can clean up parks on Sundays. 金能够在每个星期日都把公园彻底清扫。_T_ Jin doesnt know how to fix up bicycles. 金不知道怎样修理自行车。_T_ Jin can read to people at the hospital. 金可以给医院里的人朗读。Number the events 1-5. 给下列情景按15排序。_2_ Amy had forgotten her umbrella. 艾米忘了她的雨伞。_5_ Amy had left her math book at home. 艾米把数学书落在家了。1 The bus had already gone. 汽车已经开走了。_3_ Amys class had gone to the museum. 艾米的全班同学都去了博物馆。_4_ Amy went to the library. 艾米去了图书室。Draw lines to match.划线连接。Gu loud music谷 吵闹的音乐Dave music with great lyrics戴夫 抒情音乐Harry music you can dance to亨利 可以跳舞的音乐Ben quiet music本 柔和的音乐2a答案2 1 4 3 2a听力原文Conversation 1Jin: Hello, Mrs Tan. Id like to be a volunteer. Can you help me?Mrs Tan: Sure. What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?Jin: Well, I like working with kids.Mrs Tan: Do you know how to play basketball? We need someone to help teach basketball? We need someone to help teach kids basketball.Jin: No, I dont really like basketball. Is there anything else?Mrs Tan: Sure. Theres a job cleaning up the parks. Its every Sundays.Jin: Thats no good. I help take care of my grandmother on Sundays.Mrs Tan: I see. Heres another job. Do you know how to fix up bicycles?Jin: Sorry. I cant even fix up my own bicycle.Mrs Tan: Okay. Maybe this is a good one. We need someone to read to people at the hospital. You can do it any day you like.Jin: that sounds good. When do I start?Mrs Tan: How about today?Conversation 2Peter: Hey, Kelly. Imagine you could travel anywhere. Where would you go?Kelly: Oh, I dont know. I dont like to travel.Peter: Come on! What if you could go anywhere? How about a jungle trek in India?Kelly: No. Its to tiring.Peter: Oh, well, then what about a trip to France? You could see the museums.Kelly: No. I think France too touristy.Peter: Really? But theres lots to see and do. Oh, I know. How about Hawaii? The weather is really warm.Kelly: Really warm? Yes, you re right. I dont want to go to Hawaii. Its too hot!Peter: Okay. How about Singapore? Singapore is not too hot, too tiring or too tourist. You must want to go to there.Kelly: No, Singapore is too expensive.Peter: Kelly, there must be some place you want to go!Kelly: Yes, there is.Peter: Really? Where?Kelly: I want to go home. Goodbye.Conversation 3Ben: Hi, Gu. Im starting a band. Do you want to join me? Gu: Sure, Ben. Id love to be in a band.Ben: Okay, good. What do you play? Gu: I dont play an instrument. I sing. I like music with great lyrics.Ben: So do I, Gu. Who else can join our band? Gu: Well, theres Dave. He plays the piano. But he prefers quite music.Ben: Good. What about Harry? He plays the guitar, doesnt he? Gu: Yes. But Harry loves music thats loud.Ben: Thats OK. We can play loud music and quiet music. Gu: What kind of music do you like, Ben?Ben: Oh, I like music you can dance to. But theres just one problem for our band. Gu: Whats that?Ben: Im not a musician and I cant sing.Conversation 4Zhang: Hi, Amy. How are you? Amy: Hi, Zhang. Im glad to see you. Ive had a bad day.Zhang: Why? What happened? Amy: Well, this morning I was late at the bus stop. The bus had gone so I had to walk to school.Zhang: Thats a long walk. Amy: Yeah. And then it started raining and Id forgotten my umbrella.Zhang: Oh no! Did you get wet? Amy: Yes, I was late and wet. And, my class wasnt at school. They had gone to the museum.Zhang: You missed a museum trip. Thats too bad. Amy: Then in the afternoon I went to the library to study for the math test. And guess what?Zhang: Oh no. What? Amy: Id left my math book at home.Zhang: Youre right. You did have a bad day.2b Listen again and follow the instructions next to the pictures. 在听录音,然后理解旁边的图画。2b答案Indiatoo tiring; Singaporetoo expensive; Hawaiitoo hot; Francetoo touristy; T F F T T2 5 1 3 4Gumusic with great lyrics;Davequiet music;Harryloud music;Benmusic you can dance to2c PAIRWORK 结对练习 Role play. Practice the conversations above with your partner. 角色表演。和你的伙伴练习上述对话。A: Id like to be a volunteer. Can you help me? 我想当名志愿者。你能帮助我吗?B: Sure. What kind of volunteer work would you like to do? 当然。你想做什么志愿工作?A: 3 PAIRWORK 结对练习 Write your answers to these questions. Then talk about them with your partner. 写出问题的答案,然后和伙伴一起谈论它们。Where would you like to visit? Id like to visit Holland.你想到哪参观? 我想参观荷兰。Why do you want to go there? 你为什么想去那里? What would you do there? 你要去那儿干什么? Where dont you want to go? 你哪儿也不想去? Why dont you want to go there? 你为什么不想去那儿?4 PAIRWORK 结对练习Complete the sentences. Then talk about them with your partner. 完成句子,然后和伙伴谈论它们。By the time I was five, I had started learning English. 我五岁时就开始学习英语了。By the time I was seven, I had 我七岁时就 By the time I was ten, I had 我十岁时就 By the time I was twelve, I had 我十二岁时就 By the time I was thirteen, I had 我十三岁时就 A: By the time I was five, I had started learning English. 我五岁时就开始学习英语了。 B: Really? Where did you learn? 真的? 你在哪儿学的?A: I went to classes at an English language school。 我参加了一所英语学校的学习。5 PAIRWORK 结对练习Think of an invention. Write information about it in the chart. Then talk to your partner and try to guess his or her invention.想出一项发明。把它的信息填入表格。然后说给你的伙伴听,并且尽量猜猜他(她)的发明情况。A: When was it invented? 它是上时候发明的?B: It was invented about a thousand years ago. 它是大约几千年前发明的。A: Who was it invented by? 谁发明的?B: It was invented by a Chinese man. 它是由一位中国人发明的。When was it invented? 它什么时候发明的?about a thousand years ago大约一千年之前Who was it invented by? 它是谁发明的?What is it used for? 它是用来做什么的?How has it developed? 它已经得到了怎样的发展?6 GROUPWORK 分组活动 Fill in the blanks. Then interview two classmates. 填空,然后采访两位同学。A: Whos your favorite singer? 你最喜欢的歌手是谁?B: I really like Celine Dion. 我的确喜欢席林迪恩。A: Really? I prefer Faye Wong. 真的?我比较喜欢费依翁。 My favorite 我最喜欢的 You 你 (students name)学生的名字 (students name)学生的名字singer 歌手 Faye Wong费依翁type of music 音乐类型song 歌曲band 乐队instrument 乐器7 PAIRWORK 结对练习 What are some things you would like to do? Make a list. Then talk to your partner about them. 你想要做的事情是什么?列个表,然后把它们讲给你的同伴听。A: What would you like to do? 你想要做什么?B: Id like to climb Qomolangma Mountain. 我想要攀登珠穆朗玛峰。A: Do you think you could do it? 你认为你能做到吗?B: 1. climb Qomolangma Moutain. 攀登珠穆朗玛峰。 2. 3. 4. 5. 8 PAIRWORK 结对练习 come up with 想出put off 推迟write down 写下put up张贴hand out发放call up打电话cheer up 使振奋clean up打扫干净set up建立 Take turns to choose a square and make a sentence using the phrasal verb in the square. If the sentence is correct. Student A puts an “X” in the square and Student B puts an “O”. The first student to make a row wins. 轮流选择一个方框,并且用其中的动词短语造句。如果该句子是正确的,学生A就在这个框里画个“X”, 学生B画一个“O”。最先做完的学生获胜。知识点点拨 1. Lets put up signs for Clean-up Day. 咱们把清洁日的标牌挂出去吧。 put up在此是“张贴”的意思,相当于hang sth. on。除此之外,它还有下列几种常见的翻译法: 升起、抬起,相当于raise。 Put up your hand if you can answer this question, please. 如果你能回答这个问题,请举手。 建造、搭起,相当于build. They have set up several buildings for the city. 他们已经为这座城市建起了几栋大楼。 束起(头发等),相当于fasten up。 The girl is going to put up her hair next week. 这个女孩准备下周把头发束起来。 把打成包、把东西装成(包等),相当于pack up等。 Please put up the apples in four parcels. 请把这些苹果分成四包。 指导、使(某人)熟悉,相当于instruct, familiarize(sb.)。 We must put the newcomers up to their duties. 我们必须指导新来的人熟悉他们的职责。 提供(食、宿),相当于provide food and accommodation。 We can put them up for the night. 我们可以安排他们过夜。 2. Jin doesnt know how to fix up bicycles. 金不知道怎样修理自行车。 (1)how to fix up bicycles意为“怎样修理自行车”,是由疑问副词how构成的动词不定式短语。show,know,tell,teach,learn等动词要求不定式带上疑问词(who,when,how,where,which等)构成的短语作宾语。 He cant decide when to start. 他不能决定什么时候出发。 I dont know how to tell you the news. 我不知道怎样告诉你这个消息。【锁定考点】 根据所给中文完成句子翻译(每空词数不限)没有人知道下一步干什么。. (2003 辽宁)【解题要领】 答案:Nobody knows what to do next. 动词know后作宾语的动词不定式往往和疑问词连用。(2)fix up意为“修理”、“修补”,相当于repair、change或improve to make suitable for new needs等。 Theyre fixing up an old room for the worker. 他们正在为这位工人修理一个旧房间。 此外,fix up还有下列几种常见的译法: 安排某事,相当于arrange sth.。 I can fix it up with my brother. 我可以和我哥哥一起安排好这事的。 为安排住处,相当于provide lodging for。 We were fixed up for the night in this house.我们被安顿在这个房子里过夜。 使恢复健康、治愈,相当于restore from ill health, cure。 The doctor fixed him up fine at last. 医生终于把他的病治好了。 打扮,相当于dress up。 Do I have to fix up to go to the Toms? 我应当打扮好了再去汤姆家吗?3. Jin can read to people at the hospital. 金可以给医院里的人朗读。 read to sb.意思是“给某人来读”;read for sb.意思是“替某人来读”,二者虽然只有一词之差,但意义是大不相同的。 He often reads stories to the children. 他经常给孩子们读故事。 I am old. Can you read the letter for me? 我年纪大了,你能替我把这封信读一下吗? Will you please read the answer to the students for the teacher? 你能替老师把这个答案读给学生们听吗? 基础知识巩固练习一、词汇 A)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The two _ (fish) are fishing in the river over there.2. Mark Twain was _ (know) as a great writer all around the world.3. Our teacher gave me an _(education) book yesterday.4. I am afraid to hurt their _ (feel).5. He was _ (embarrass) when they kept telling him how clever he was. B)根据句意及首字母的提示,补全所缺的单词。6. Do you think that he had e_ so many difficulties?7. Our teacher tell us plants d_ from seeds.8. Its not good for parents to s_ their children.9. This Sunday I am going to the b_ garden for trip in our city.10. Australia is very large, but the p_ is quite small. C)选出可以替换句中划线部分的词语。11. You dont have to stay at home before they leave. A. mustnt B. neednt C. usednt D. cant12. My friend prefers basketball to football. A. dislikes, and B. has, more C. likes, better than D. doesnt has, or13. He said that he wasnt satisfied with your answers. A. wasnt good for B. wasnt angry with C. wasnt happy with D. wasnt surprised with14. I would like to go to the cinema with them. A. like B. think C. miss D. want15. We must catch up with an idea before he comes back. A. see B. have C. finish D. end二、单项选择。 1. The room _ I live _ is very large. A. which, / B. that, / C. which, in D. where, in 2. This is the doctor _ saved the babys life. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 3. The film reminded him _ what he had seen in American.A. to B. in C. of D. for 4. What animal do you like _, a dog, a cat or a pig? A. well B. better C. best D. very 5. He traveled all over the world _ he had a man-made leg.A. if B. as C. because D. though6. Not only I but also Tom and Jack _ interested in English because it _ useful. A. is, is B. is, are C. are, is D. are, are 7. I cant go _ because I have to go home at once. A. else anywhere B. anywhere else C. else nowhere D. somewhere else 8. Why does this woman decided _ these places?A. not go B. doesnt go C. not going D. not to go 9. Would you please help me _ the picture on the wall?A. put up B. put on C. put into D. put off 10. Excuse me, could you _ me your new dictionary?A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. take 11. He is a _ boy, so he cant go to the park by himself.A. six-year-old B. six year old C. six-years-old D. six years old 12. We have never seen _ good a car _ this.A. as, as B. so, as C. such, that D. so, that 13. _ of them is a farm worker.A. Both B. All C. Neither D. Some 14. It _ us five hours to work out the problem.A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took 15. Lets write them _ before we forget them.A. down B. on C. to D. with三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. By the time we woke up, the sun _ (rise) up. 2. Would you like _ (eat) another cake? 3. Jack wont leave here until his friend _ (get) here this afternoon. 4. Did you make him _ (drink) a glass of water? 5. The students stopped _ (talk) when the teacher came in. 6. It _(say) that his family has moved to Heilongjiang. 7. _ you ever _ (be) to my hometown? 8. To please everyone everyday _ (be) too hard job. 9. I dont know what _ (happen) to the man on April Fools Day. 10. Yesterday Jin _ (read) to the students in class.四、同义句转换。 1. He said that his favourite food is dumplings. He said that he _ dumplings _. 2. Todays meeting was less important. Todays meeting was _ _ important. 3. I hear you had a great time in Harbin last month. I hear you _ _ in Harbin last month 4. I hope that I shall get well very soon. I hope _ _ well very soon. 5. Children should help their parents to do some housework. Children should _their parents _ housework. 6. She gave her son a call, but he wasnt in. She _ _ her son, but he wasnt in. 7. The old man called Zhang Lin doesnt live here any more. The old man called Zhang Lin doesnt live here _ _. 8. Mr He teaches English in our school. English _ _ by Mr He in our school. 9. The boy is so young that he cant go to school this year. The boy is _ young _ go to school this year. 10. By the time he was six, he had started learning English.He _ learning English _he was six.五、补全对话。 根据下面对话中的情景,在每空中填入一个适当的单词,将对话完整。(Xiao Bin and his father are at home.)Xiao Bin: _1_are you doing now, Dad?Father : Im learning_2_ _3_TV.Xiao Bin:What are you doing that_4_?_5_are only a taxi driver, _6_a student. Is_7_useful for you to learn English?Father :Yes. As we know, the Olympic Games_8_be held in_9_in 2008. When that day_10_, if I know much English, I will_11_my taxi to give welcome and_12_the friends from all_13_the world.Xiao Bin:Oh, you are really great!Father :And whats more, we have been a member of the WTO. So English will be more and more important from now on. Lets 14our best to15 English well, OK?Xiao Bin:Good idea!六、完形填空As I have learnt English very well in the university(大学), there is a good chance I will be able to stay on as a teacher with the university where I am_1_. Most of my friends and parents_2_that its best for a girl to be a university teacher.But I dont know_3_to do. It is not that I wouldnt like to be a teacher. But I dont want to stay, not now, because I need some experience in telling my students how to turn_4_into practice.I once taught business English at a night school, yet I had never done any business. Though I prepared my lessons well, I still_5_to create (创造) a “real-life” situation(情景) for my students to practice with. I feel now is not the right time for me to_6_here and spend my life in a university. I want to work in a place where I can_7_what Ive learnt: my knowledge of English and French. I also want to know more about other things.I know that_8_I leave the university, I shall start from the beginning in some ways, but Im_9_to learn, to work hard to keep up with others and then, if possible, surpass(超过) them. English can be a good tool to help me. It is a_10_to an end, but not the end itself.( ) 1. A. visiting B. working C. studying D. playing( ) 2. A. know B. think C. excuse D. hear( ) 3. A. whether B. what C. how D. why( ) 4. A. pictures B. covers C. pages D. theory( ) 5. A. failed B. enjoyed C. decided D. needed( ) 6. A. study B. work C. travel D. wait( ) 7. A. learn B. finish C. worry D. use( ) 8. A. if B. before C. un

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