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高中英语书面表达第一部分: 常见句子结构及训练一、 基本句子结构种类:I、 主语+谓语:It is raining now.Weve worked for 5 hours.The meeting lasted half an hour.All of them work hard.It often snows here in winter.Time flies.这类句子的谓语动词都是不及物动词,都不带宾语,但可以带状语,常见的不及物动词有: act, come, go, leave, study, work, last, grow, fall, cry, blow, disappear, appear, smile, rise, ring, reduce, read, play, pass, open, close, live, look, listen, laugh, hurry, speak, talk, sleep, run, retire, graduate, return, fly, end, die, cover, cost, care, burn, agree, ,jump, fail, gather, wait, succeed, stay, stand, sit, lie, shine, happen, take place, fit, meet(相遇), show up, break down, break out, turn up, die away, give out, run up etc. 训练题1. 让我们立即行动起来. (act)_2. 我不能这样做. (act)_3. 他们就像没事儿似的. (act)_4. 乌云低沉沉的,天下着大雪. (fall)_5. 他永远活在我们心里. (live)_6. 他家就在马路那边. (live)_7. 他过一两个星期就来. (come)_8. 麦子长势很好. (grow)_9. 我英文学得不错. (do)_10. 房间里燃烧着熊熊的炉火. (burn)_11. 我们在海滩玩了一个下午. (play)_12. 恰好他身边有钱. (happen)_13. 王大爷的话还在他脑中回响. (ring)_14. 慢慢地她脸上露出了一丝笑容. (appear)_15. 过了一会儿, 来了一个警察. (appear)_16. 雨停了. (stop)_17. 你的衣服很合身. (fit)_18. 下午四点半我们回到了学校. (return)_19. 背起书包我急忙赶到学校. (hurry)_20. 他满面笑容. (smile)_II、主语+谓语+宾语:可分为以下几种情况: 主语+谓语+宾语(从句/代词/不定式/动名词) 主语+谓语+宾语+人+物(或物+to/for+人) 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补(或复合宾语) 注意看下列各句所带的动词: I want to catch the 1:30 train. A seven-hour drive brought us to the Great Wall. Im sorry to have kept you waiting. The river broke its banks. He said that he was a worker 3 years ago. We should practise speaking English every day.训练题1. 医生劝我不要抽烟. (advise)_2. 解放前有很多人上不起学. (afford)_3. 让我向你介绍一下我们的系主任. (allow)_4. 又有人敲门, 我去开门. (answer)_5. 要是你能帮这个忙, 我将非常感激. (appreciate)_6. 我们安排好今天下午参观一个展览. (arrange)_7. 我要求给他更多工作做. (ask)_8. 他决定亲自出席这次会议. (attend)_9. 盼来信. (look forward to)_10. 这家工厂是在1958年由一些家庭妇女办起来的. (start)_11. 到那里时,记得给我们写信. (remember)_12. 他差一点给一辆卡车压着. (miss)_13. 这男孩赶紧去搀扶老太太. (support)_14. 先让我向你们表示最热烈的欢迎. (express)_15. 这里的一切给我们留下了很深印象. (strike)_16. 这使我想起了我的童年. (remind)_17. 这些大大改善了他们的劳动条件. (improve)_18. 她在七项比赛中得了两个第三名. (win)_19. 祝一路平安. (wish)_20. 吃点这个,可以防止你感冒. (prevent)_III、主语+系动词+表语:常见的系动词有: be, look, feel, prove, sound, taste, smell, seems, appear, stay, keep, go, come, get, turn, become, remain等。如:He soon fell asleep.His wish has come true. He looks like his father.Everything has gone wrong. A lot of work remains to be done. It is getting dark.训练题1. 从自行车上掉下来, 他受了伤. (get)_2. 我希望你不久痊愈. (get)_3. 他提的意见证明是正确的. (prove)_4. 商店开到八点. (stay)_5. 他足足站了一个钟头. (remain)_6. 天热得夜里都没法睡觉. (grow)_7. 那时候, 他们简直没法活下去. (keep)_8. 机器出了毛病. (go)_9. 大家似乎情绪都很高. (seem)_10. 这些努力似乎全都白费了. (seem)_11. 它并不像看起来的那么容易. (seem)_12. 他看起来很匆忙的样子. (seem)_13. 看到这, 他脸红了. (turn)_14. 看来他有点紧张了. (look)_15. 田野看起来一片葱茏. (look)_16. 经过旅途劳顿, 他显得疲惫不堪. (look)_17. 这话听起来有道理. (sound)_18. 房里一会儿就挤满了人. (become)_19. 我们都相当着急. (feel)_20. 他们听到这消息很激动. (feel)_二、 常见基本句型的运用: I、There be 的句型(即 there be +主语+地点/时间状语),其中be 动词可以有各种时态变化,可替代的词有:used to be, seems to be, happen to be, live, stand, lie, sit, come, seem, exist. There is going to be a meeting tomorrow. There lived an old man at the foot of the mountain. There ought to be no trouble. There came a shout for help. There must have been a village here. 训练题1. 拐角处站着一个警察. (be)_2. 恰好河上有座桥. (happen)_3. 最近几年,这个村庄发生了巨大的变化. (be)_4. 昨天买的那台机器出了故障. (be)_5. 没有时间/必要去那儿. (be)_6. 他似乎有许多事情要做. (seem)_7. 山顶上有一个塔. (stand)_8. 今年,我们家乡雨水很多. (be)_9. 过去这条河上有座桥. (used to)_10. 三班和四班将举行一场篮球赛. (be)_II、It is +adj. That+句子; It is+V.ed that +句子; It is+名词that +句子: 常用的adj.: possible, obvious, clear, important, sure, certain, likely, natural, strange. 常用“v.ed: said, known, laughed, hoped, suppose etc. 常用“n: a fact, a wonder, no wonder, no good, a pity, a question, no use, the case, no matter, a shame 等。如: It is obvious that you are wrong. It is the case that he was injured. It is certain that he will succeed. It is expected that there will be a good harvest. It is no use that you will talk with him. 训练题1. 难怪他今天没出席会议._2. 很遗憾你没看这部电影._3. 有可能明天要下雨._4. 有人建议明天去参观长城._5. 令人奇怪的是他马上就苏醒过来了._6. 最要紧的是马上送他到医院._7. 希望你能给他一些帮助._8. 人们发现整个村庄被洪水淹没了._9. 他这样做是自然的._10. 据称这部电影明年上映._III、It seems that +句子(似乎看来): It follows that.(由此看来),It happens that.(碰巧), It appears that.(似乎),It remains that.(尚有), It turns out that.(原来),It makes no matter that .(无关紧要), It goes without saying that .(显然),It occurs to sb. that.(使某人想到的)。如: It seems that he was late for the train. It turned out that he was Xiao Zhangs father. It happened that the harvest was bad that year. 训练题1. 正好那儿有个警察.(happen)_2. 在我看来你完全错了. (appear)_3. 使我想到了他们受的苦. (occur)_4. 结果他根本没去过那儿. (turn our)_5. 显然他病了.(go without saying)_IV、主语+系动词+adj./v.ed+不定式: 用于该句型的adj和v.ed有:glad, happy, pleased, sorry, willing, ready, anxious, careful, sure, afraid, fit, difficult, easy, disappointed, surprised, satisfied, kind etc. 如:I am glad to see you. Be careful not to catch cold. The question is too difficult for me to answer. The water is not fit to drink. 训练题1. 他乐意帮助别人.(willing)_2. 收到你的信,我感到十分高兴.(glad)_3. 对不起给你添了这么多麻烦.(sorry)_4. 得知结果后, 我很失望.(disappointed)_5. 千万不要忘记.(sure)_6. 这很难说.(hard)_7. 这房间住起来很舒服.(comfortable)_8. 他急于知道结果.(anxious)_9. 我真幸运赶上了最后一班公共汽车.(lucky)_10. 在那个湖里游泳很危险.(dangerous)_11. 我们可以提前完成这项工作.(able)_12. 你们队一定会获胜.(certain)_13. 知道你平安无恙,我们都很高兴.(glad)_14. 在这个房间里工作多么舒适!(pleasant)_15. 你可以随意看这些书.(welcome)_V、主语+动词+that+句子/主语+be+adj.+that+句子:用于该句型中常见动词有:agree, answer, decide, discover, expect, guess, hear, hope, imagine, insist, know, learn, promise, realize, remember, think, wish, suppose, mean, see, show, advise, find, reply, understand, make sure, tell, remind, prove 常见的adj.有:glad, sorry, afraid, sure, pleased, surprised, disappointed etc. 如: I heard that an accident happened yesterday. He decided that he had been wrong. This means that we have to wait another week or so. He was sure that it was true. I am afraid that it is going to rain tomorrow.训练题1. 我们相信你能把它搞好.(certain/sure)_2. 我担心在即将来临的考试中他考不及格.(afraid)_3. 儿子考试又未及格,父母很失望.(disappointed)_4. 你一定要向我保证你不会半途而废.(promise)_5. 那时发生什么事我记不起来了.(remember)_6. 这使我想起了以前犯的错误.(remind)_7. 我没有意识到天这么晚了.(realize)_8. 我不懂你的意思.(understand)_9. 所有的这些都表明, 我们的国家越来越富强.(show)_10. 后来我明白这样做没有用.(see)_11. 出去之前, 一定要把门锁好.(make sure)_12. 我们一定要弄清楚他们是否能来.(make certain)_13. 他们希望能有一天访问中国.(hope)_14. 我们盼望他12月初回来.(expect)_15. 我完全没有想到家乡会有这么大的变化.(think)_VI、带 it之类的句型:1. It is time for ./to do./that +句子。 该是做.的时候了.2. It takes +(人)+时间 +to do. 做.花了某人多少时间.3. It is/has been +时间+since +句子. 自从做. 多少时间.4. It is/was +强调部分+that. 正是.5. Vt.+ it +adj.(n.) +从句(不定式,动名词).6. It (wont) be long before +句子. 不久.7. It is the first (second.) time that . 第一次.8. It is/was. doing/不定式.9. It is ones turn to do. 轮到某人做. 如: It is time that we got up. Itll take (you) 3 hours to go there. It wont be long before he comes. I havent heard from him since I left. This will make it possible for us to arrive in time. It is our turn to give a performance.训练题1. 你该睡觉了. 2. 我不久就知道了这件事._3. 我们很快就来到了那个村庄._4. 收到你的来信已有一月之久._5. 这是我第一次到美国._6. 并非每个孩子都有这样的机会._7. 最要紧的是改进我们的教学方法._8. 你帮助我真是太好了._9. 他发现学习英语很难._10. 我用了一个多小时才做完家庭作业._11. 该轮到你发言了._12. 好久我们才知道发生的事情._13. 只是在解放后, 中国人民才开始新的生活._14. 我们认为他这样做是应该的._15. 坐公共汽车去那儿需一个半小时._VII、with +名词 +adj/ v.ing/ v.ed/ 介词短语/ adv. Dont talk with your mouth full. With night coming on, we started for home. With no time lost, I returned to the shore. A girl came in with a book in her hand.训练题1. 他睁大着眼睛睡着了.(adj)_2. 火正燃着, 他就走开了.(v.ing)_3. 天气晴朗, 吹来阵阵清风.(v.ing)_4. 有他负责这项工作, 我们确信事情一定会成功.(v.ing)_5. 你不能开着机器离开这里.(v.ing)_6. 一个血流满面的小男孩跑进屋来了.(v.ing)_7. 他半闭着眼在听音乐.(v.ed)_8. 我的两个朋友回家了; 我独自生活了一段时间.(v.ed)_9. 有这么多人支持他们, 他们一定会成功.(介短)_10. 他没戴帽子出去了.(adv)_11. 有他带路, 我们不久就到达那儿.(介短)_12. 他穿着一件衬衣在那里干活.(adv)_13. 一个妇女在街上走, 手里抱着一个小孩.(介短)_14. 我喜欢背靠墙坐着.(介短)_15. 他即使在冬天也开着窗户睡觉.(介短)_16. 有我在那儿, 她不会害怕.(adv)_17. 他低着头跟在妈妈后面.(介短)_18. 他没说一句话, 就离开了房子.(v.ed)_19. 他凝视着我, 站在那里.(v.ed)_20. 房间干干净净, 一切都摆放得井井有条.(介短)_VIII、常用的状语从句句型: 从句、主句(连词+主语+谓语., 主语+谓语.)在这个句型中, 从句部分也可放在主句后面.时间: when while, before, after, since, not.until., once, no sooner.than, hardly.when, as soon as., the moment etc.地点: where原因: because, as, since目的/结果: so that, in order that, so.that, such. that 条件: if, unless, as/so long as让步: though, although, as, whether.or, no matter +特殊疑问词, Wh-ever比较: as.as, not as/so.so, that方式: as, as if(though) 如: As long as you work hard, you will succeed in the exam. No matter where we go, we are always close to the people. He was so ill that we had to send for a doctor. It is such a lovely day that Id like to go swimming. Hardly had he got on the bus when it started. It was getting dark before he left. He is younger than any other person in her family. As time went on, he became old.训练题1. 他听说这一喜讯非常高兴.(when)_2. 你比我们预料的迟来了三天.(than)_3. 他们边走边谈.(as)_4. 约翰, 没跟你说话不要插嘴.(not. until)_5. 他想到工作最艰苦的地方去.(where)_6. 我没等多久,他就来了.(before)_7. 听完报告后,我们进行了讨论.(after)_8. 无论有什么因难, 我们都有能克服.(whatever)_9. 这机会太好了, 我们决不能错过.(so.that.)_10. 铃一响, 学生们一个接一个地走出教室.(no sooner.than)_11. 无论发生什么事, 我们都决心完成任务.(whatever)_12. 一旦你下定了决心, 就应该坚持下去.(once)_13. 由于下大雨, 我们只好呆在家里了.(as)_14. 虽然他年轻, 但他懂得很多.(as)_15. 自从离开家乡以后, 家乡发生巨大变化.(since)_16. 大学毕业他就到一个中学任教.(as soon as)_17. 如果不下雨, 那我们怎么办?(if)_18. 他站起来给那个老人让座.(in order that)_19. 他忙得连饭都不能按时吃.(so. that)_20. 这个村庄位于两条河流的交汇处.(where)_21. 这工作并不象看起来的那么容易.(not so/as. as.)_IX、同一形容词与不同介词搭配,意义有时不同:1) 主语+be + adj. + 介词:good at./for./to./of. famous/known for./as./to.anxious for./about. tired of./withready for./at./in. pleased at./with./about.absent in./from. angry with./at.strict with./in. careful of./about.2) 不同 adj.与同一个介词搭配:a. polite, strange, equal, close, useful, opposite, friendly, harmful, honest tob. nervous, careful, happy, crazy, serious, doubtful, particular aboutc. ashamed, fond, full, worthy, short, sick, afraid, impatient, proud ofd. eager, fit, possible, late, necessary, useful, sorry, sick, hungry, suitable fore. delighted, busy, crowded, satisfied, wrong, filled, covered, equipped, popular withf. successful, absorbed, interested, engaged, deep, active, limited ing. angry, quick, clever, bad, surprised, slow, puzzled, terrified, disappointed, present atWe are ready for the meeting.The film is worthy of being seen.Something is wrong with the machine.The station is far away from here.训练题1. 第一座陵墓叫长陵, 修建开15世纪.(known as)_2. 这药可以治感冒.(good for)_3. 我们渴望知识.(anxious for)_4. 他没来参加会议.(absent from)_5. 他对食物很挑剔.(particular about)_6. 这地方缺水.(short of)_7. 老师对我说的满意.(satisfied with)_8. 目前的形势对我们很有利.(be favorable for)_9. 他坐在那里沉思.(deep in)_10. 父亲对我很失望.(disappointed with)_11. 我适合做这个工作.(fit for)_12. 他住在街道对面.(opposite to)_13. 对此我深表歉意.(sorry for)_14. 他在专心致志地工作.(absorbed in)_15. 吸烟有害于健康.(harmful to)_16. 公共汽车上乘客很多连站脚的地方都没有.(crowded with.)_17. 那些鞋子不适合于登山.(suitable for)_18. 这位老师对学生要求很严.(strict with)_19. 他在这次考试中及格了.(successful in)_


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