11-语法教学 - 逐字稿

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语法教学GreetingGood morning, my dear students. How are you? Pretty good.Great? How about me? Im great. Thanks for asking. Step 1: Lead in Before our class, I want to show you a picture, Q: do you know this old man? He is a philosopher in the Spring and Autumn Period founder of Taoism ,his name is Laozi. The picture is very famous in the world, lets say it together, Yes, its Taiji. Today well learn something about this magic thing. Step 2: PresentationNow lets read this passage and then find out the main idea.Traditional Chinese doctor believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. For example, are you quiet and often tired? You may have too much yin. You should eat hot yang foods like beef, Dangshen and Huangqi herbs. But people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang. Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods like tofu.Have you finished? Yes, who can write down your answers on the blackboard. you, please. Do you agree with her? Perfect! Thank you.1) You said that it is about yin and yang, right? During your first time reading, have you notice “may”, “should”? No? Thats all right. Lets read this passage again to find out the answers. You can discuss with your partner. And then answer my question: if you are quiet and often tired, what should you do? One minute for you. OK, stop here. Have you found? Clearly, you should eat hot yang foods like beef, dangshen ang huangqi. Because you may have too much yin.2) We learned about verbs and nouns and so on, do you know what these two words are called? Its maybe a little difficult. You can have discussion in groups. Ding dong, time is up! Which group wants to share your ideas? Group 2, please. Tom! You have no idea? You should look at your book carefully. Anything else? Tina. Very good. Sit down, please. Do you have different ideas? The two words are called modal verb. Wow, good job. How do you know that? You have previewed this lesson. You are a hard-working girl! Now everyone you should know that the first one is may/mei/, you use may to indicate that something will possibly happen or be true in the future, but you cannot be certain. The other one is should. And the negative form, may not and should not. I think everyone can read it very well. You use should when you are saying what would be the right thing to do or the right state for something to be in. Step 3: PracticeIts time for us to do some practice. I prepare a Translation game for you. You will work in pairs and translate the sentences with each other by using the new words. I will show some sentences of new words on the PPT. You should read these sentences and translate it. One two three, go! OK, stop here. You are so active. Lets read it one by one group 1, you should read it loudly. Excellent. How about group 2. You may have two sentences. Group 3,you should be better. Now lets read it together.So much for this exercise. Open your exercise book, lets fill in blanks. 6 minutes for you. Finished? Who wants to share your answers? Jack, please. OK, Jacks answer is right? No? Which one is not? Lets help him to correct it. The answer should be “He may be very busy now.” Jack, pay attention to the meaning.Step 4: ProductionAt the beginning of the class, I prepare a picture for you. The circle is divided into two parts. And the Chinese doctor believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. So can you imagine how can we keep a balanced lifestyle? You can discuss with your partner. If you have any problem you can put you hands up. Five minutes for you. Then I will invite someone to show your opinion in front of class. Got it? Lets begin. Three, two, one, stop! The girl in red, please. We should run every day. Thank you. Running may help us build up our bodies. Any volunteer? This boy, please. To keep you healthy, you should to eat less junk food and drink more water. You answer is perfect. Thanks, sit down. Then you can make a report about these healthy diet and show us one by one. Lets start. Nina, can you show us your report? Great. Alice, do you want to try? Thank you. Everyone did a good job. Im so happy that you all know so much healthy diet, but you should keep good living habits.Step 5: Summary and homeworkWell, how time flies! Its nearly the end of this class. Who can help us to make a conclusion. What we have learned today? The boy in corner, please.Modal verb: should and may. Yes we have learnt modal verb, and how to give people advice by using the modal verbs.Of course, after class, you can search more information about yin and yang on the internet. Then write a short passage to describe your own advice.OK, so much for today, see you next time. 5. Blackboard design Yin: yangQuiet angryTired stressed outToufu beef、dangshen、huangqi You may have too much yin. You should eat hot yang food.You may have too much yang. You should eat more yin food.


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