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PEP 六年级英语上册第一单元的难点语法和句型 1 how 引导的特殊疑问句小结 搭配 意义 运用语境 例句 How old 多大年纪 用来询问年龄 How old are you 你多大年纪了 How much 多少 用来询问不可数名词 的数量 How much milk do you want 你想要多少牛奶 How much 多少钱 用来询问物品的价钱 How much is the book 这本书多少钱 How many 多少 用来询问可数名词的 数量 How many books are there 有多少本书 How long 多久 用来询问某动作或状 态持续了多久 How long will you stay here 你将在这里呆多久 How often 多久一次 用来询问在某一特定 时间内进行某个动作 的次数 通常针对频 度副词 always sometimes 等提问 How often do you watch TV 你多久看一次电视 How far 多远 用来询问距离 How far do you live from here 你的住处离这里多远 易混点辨析 take a 交通工具 与 by 交通工具 take a 交通工具 的意思为 乘某种交通工具 例如 We take a bus to school We go to school by bus 知识详解拓展点 1 如何询问别人的意见 What about 课文运用 What about you 你呢 句型结构 What about 名词 代词 动名词 其他 重点解析 what about 是口语中非常常用的结构 其主要用法如下 a 用于提出建议 例如 What about some juice 来些果汁怎么样 b 用于询问对方的意见 例如 I d like a hamburger What about you 我想要个汉堡包 你呢 c 用于询问某人的情况 例如 You like swimming What about your sisiter 生活实例 星期日 John 和 Chen Jie 去快餐店吃午餐 John 决定吃一个汉 堡包 他想知道 Chen Jie 想要吃什么 John I d like a hamburger What about you Chen Jie I d like some French fries 2 询问怎样到达某地的句型及其短语 问句 How can I get to 地点 处所 我怎样才能到达 同义句型 1 Can you tell me the way to 地点 处所 2 Where is 地点 处所 3 Which is the way to 地点 处所 答语 You can go 出行方式 你可以 去 你知道怎样写公共警示标志吗 No 名词 动名词 例如 No photos 禁止拍照 No parking 禁止停车 No smoking 禁止吸烟 No swimming 禁止游泳 看一看 读一读 连一连 1 Crosswalk A 人行行道 2 Turn right B 右 转弯 3 One way C 单行道 4 No entry D 禁止驶入 5 No bikes E 自行车禁行 6 No left turn F 禁止左转 PEP 六年级英语上册第二单元的难点语法 1 一般过去时态的特殊疑问句 课文运用 Where did you buy that 你在哪儿买的那个东西 这是一个一般过去时态的句子 Did 在这里是助动词 do 的过去式 在句中帮 助构成疑问句 没有具体意义 例如 When did you buy it 你什么时候买的它 What did he do 他做了什么 巧学妙记 含有实义动词的 一般过去时的特殊疑问句变化口诀 疑问词在句首 助动词 did 跟着走 主语 动词原形紧相随 其他成分在后头 2 过去式 bought 课文运用 Dad bought it in Chinatown 爸爸在唐人街 给我 买的 bought 是 buy 的过去式 3 也许 可能 用 maybe 课文应用 Maybe that way 可能是那条路 副词 maybe 的意思是 也许 可能 大概 常放在句首 修饰整个句子 表示不太肯定的推测 例如 Maybe you are right 也许你是对的 4 学会表达方位 课文应用 It s east of the cinema 它在电影院的东边 1 in the east of 在 的东部 强调前者在后者范围之内 Jilin is in the northeast of China 吉林在中国的东北部 2 on the of 在 的 部 接壤 Canada is on the north of the US 3 to the of 在 的 部 位置上不接壤 Japan is to the east of China 5 thank you for 表感谢 课文应用 Thank you all for coming 谢谢大家的到来 for 是介词 后面需要跟名词 代词或者相当于名词的词来表示感谢的原因 Thank you for your presents 谢谢你的礼物 6 look for 寻找 课文应用 Look for me near the door 在门附近找我 look for 其后可接人或物 如果接代词 要用其宾格形式 I m looking for my little dog 我正在寻找我的小狗 Where is Mike I m looking for him 迈克在哪里 我正在找他 易混辨析 look for 和 find look for 寻找 强调找的过程 find 找到 强调找的结果 I looked for the shoe store here and there but I couldn t find it 我到处找那家鞋店 但我没有找到 第二单元的重难点词汇 1 Excuse me 对不起 2 where 在哪里 3 library 图书馆 4 post office 邮局 5 hospital 医院 6 cinema 电影院 7 bookstore 书店 8 science museum 科学博物馆 9 please 请 10 supermarket 超市 11 next to 与 相邻 12 bank 银行 13 far 远的 14 want 想要 15 a pair of 一双 16 minute 分钟 17 after school 放学以后 18 buy 购买 19 get off 下车 20 north 北 21 south 南 21 east 东 22 west 西 23 turn 转弯 24 left 向左 25 right 向右 26 then 然后 Unit 2 的重点句子 1 There is a hospital in the middle The post office is near the hospital on the right The bookstore is on the left 2 Where is the supermarket Go straight ahead 3 First go straight Next turn left at the post office Then turn left at the school 4 Where s the museum It s in front of the shoestore 5 Is the zoom far from here No it is not far 6 Thank you You are welcome 7 What are you going to do after school I want to buy a pair of shoes 8 Walk straight for three minutes 9 Get on the No 301 bus Get off at the cinema 10 Go next to the shoe store 11 Today is my birthday Thank you all for coming 12 Happy birthday to you Thank you 13 Let me tell you how to come Start from the bus stop in front of our school Find the white building on the left Look for me near the door 一般将来时 a 标志词 tomorrow this evening tonight next Monday week month in a few days weeks 等 b be going to 句型 课文应用 What are you going to do this evening 今天晚上你打算做什么 I m going to the cinema 句型结构 What are you going to do 其他 答语 I m going to 动词原形 其他 重点解析 be going to 是一个表示计划 打算的结构 因为表示的是将来的动作 因此 是将来时的一种方式 be 动词要随主语人称和数的变化而变化 be going to 后面要接动词原形 I am going to verb 动词 We You They are going to verb 动词 H e She is going to verb I m going to go shopping tomorrow I m going to clean my room She He is going to go shopping We They are going to play the piano I am going to visit my grandma She is going to swim I am going to read a book She He is going to plant trees They are going to go for a walk d be going to 句型中怎样对划线部分进行提问和问答 1 I am going to dance this evening 一件事情 what What are you going to do this evening 2 I am going to dance this evening 时间 When When are you going to dance 3 What are you going to do this evening I am going to dance this evening 4 What is he going to do this evening He is going to dance this evening 5 What are they going to do this evening They are going to dance this evening 一 单项选择 1 Little Jack sometimes goes home foot A by B at C on 2 can I get to the zoo A What B How C How old 3 I live on fifth floor A the B C a 4 Look the pictures They are beautiful A to B C at 5 How can I cinema A get to the B get to C get the 6 Where did you buy the book A Twenty yuan B In the bookstore C OK 7 Please come to the party 6 pm Saturday A at on B in in C on in 8 Walk straight three minutes to the hospital A in B for C at 9 The hospital is the left A in B with C on 10 I m going to Shanghai Saturday A in B on C at 11 Liu Yun the theme park this weekend A is going to B goes to C is going 12 What are you going to do A this weekend B yesterday C last week 13 We re going to plant trees this afternoon A in B on C 14 I m going to my grandparents next week A visit B visits C visiting 15 Are you going to buy books Yes I want to buy story books A some any B any some C any any 16 are you going I m going at 3 o clock A Where B How C When 二 用下列所给单词填空 When Where What Who Why How 1 can I get to the zoo You can go by bus 2 do you go to school on foot Because my home is naer 3 are you going after lunch I am going to the bookstore 4 are you going I am going at 4 o clock 5 are you going to do I am going to play football 足球 三 问答句配对 A B 1 Where are you going A By train 2 When are you going B Buy a comic book 3 What are you going C It s east of the cinema 4 How do you go to the zoo D At 3 o clock 5 Where is the post office E The fruit stand

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