高中英语 Module2《Highlights of my senior Year》-Period课件 (外研版选修7)

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Period 4,Module 2 Highlight of My Senior Year Reading & Vocabulary 2 & 3 Function and Speaking Writing,Reading and Vocabulary (2) 1. Fast reading (4m) Read the text and finish Activity 1 on page 19.,Concert Band. Running Club, Baseball Club. Fashion Club. C.A.R.E. Drama Club. Debate Club, Future Business Leaders of America. Debate Club, Future Business Leaders of America. Future Business Leaders of America. Photography Club.,attract concern photography slogan,What _ the tourists most Danxia Mountain. Danxia Mountain is a major tourist _. I like John but I dont find him _. I feel _ about the poor children. “One world one dream” is the _ of Beijing Olympic Games.,attracts,attraction,attractive,concerned,slogan,Reading and Vocabulary (2) 2. Vocabulary (6m) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.,Function & Speaking 1.Practice(5m) Expressing thoughts and opinions about the American senior high clubs.,It worries me that It seems (strange) to me that I find it ( strange/ interesting/ amusing) that In my opinion/ view, As far as Im concerned, As I see it, My feeling is that,e.g. A: How was the Concern Band as far as you are concerned? B: As far as Im concerned, it is ok. A: What is your view about the Drama Club? B: In my view, it is not attractive. A: Which two clubs would you most like to join? Why? ,Function & Speaking 2. Speaking (5m) Give opinions about the clubs and decide which club would you most like to join.,1. What are after-school activities? Activities that take place when school has finished. 2. Why are after-school activities considered so important? Because they develop social skills such as leadership, and allow students to develop individual talents. 3. Why are competitive sports considered so important? Because many Americans believe that being able to compete properly is important, particularly boys. 4. What happens in summer camps? The students take part in different outdoor activities.,Reading and Vocabulary (3) 1. Fast reading (4m) Finish Activity 1 on page 23.,Reading and Vocabulary (3) 2. Careful reading (6m) Finish Activity 3 on page 23., students who have skills in several areas. very important. of competitive sports. as learning how to compete successfully. take part in different kinds of outdoor activity. go camping with groups of friends. popular with older students.,There are so many good things that happened to me these two years. Theres so much to remember. The highlight of the year was . What was great about it was . My feeling is that . It was a good thing / pity that . Exchange ideas with one or two other students.,Writing 1. Speaking (4m) Decide if there are highlights of your senior high school life that seem unforgettable to you.,Para 1: Give some information about yourself: name, age, class and what your favorite subjects are. Para 2: Describe the highlight of your senior high. Para 3: Express your feeling about it.,Writing 2. Writing (6m) Write an article for a student newspaper about your highlight of senior high school life.,Period 5,Module 2 Highlight of My Senior Year Reading Practice Cultural Corner,1. The passage is about _. A. the writers first day at school B. the writers schooldays C. the writers childhood D. the writers life 2. Decide where you would expect to see this passage. A. In a biography. B. In an autobiography. C. A brochure to persuade people to attend this school. D. A government report.,Reading Practice 1. Fast reading (3m) Read the passage quickly and choose the correct statement about the passage.,I was shown to the dormitory where I would sleep . Dormitory is _. The bedding was a pillow, a sheet and a thin quilt. Bedding is _. an electric kettle to heat water for tea Kettle is _. Sport was compulsory, and every week we had to go for a five-kilometers run, . Compulsory is _.,Reading Practice 2. Reading skills (6m) Try to guess the meaning of the following words according to the passage.,a place where people can sleep,something like pillow, sheet on a bed,a container which can heat water,an adjective which means we had to do something,Activity 5 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C Activity 6 very negative because he was very unhappy. he is a dynamic bachelor. he hoped he would get a letter from his parents. he talks about singing hymns and wishes he had been a catholic. he knew he wouldnt have to do all the things he disliked about school ever again.,Reading Practice 3. Careful reading (10m) Finish Activity 5 & 6 on page 26.,It was sad because he cried at night, he didnt know why he had to do a maths problem, it was misty and cold and he felt liberated when he left school at 18.,Reading Practice 3. Discussion (5m) Do you think the writers schooldays were happy or sad?,cheerleading squad,cheerleader,pompom,routine,Cultural Corner 1. Brainstorming (1m) Learn some new words by watching the pictures.,What is a cheerleader? What happened in the 1920s, 1950s, and in 1978? How do Americans feel about cheerleading?,Cultural Corner 1. Fast reading (6m) Skim the passage and answer the following questions.,What is a cheerleader? A cheerleader is a member of a team that dances and does gymnastics before and during competitive games to encourage crowds to cheer their sports teams. What happened in the 1920s, and 1950s? 1) In was not until the 1920s that pompoms began to play an important part in cheerleading. Not until the 1920s did pompoms begin to play an important part in cheerleading. 2) By the 1950s, most American high schools had cheerleading squads.,What happened in the 1978? In 1978, the National Cheerleading Championship were shown on television, and universities began offering courses in cheerleading. How do Americans feel about cheerleading? Some Americans are amused by it and see it as rather a stupid activity. In fact, cheerleading is considered so important in America that several movies have been made about it.,I like _which can _crowds to cheer their sports teams during _ games. Everyone will feel excited and cant help roaring. In the past, cheerleading only _ in America. As time passed, more and more counties started cheerleading. Now it _ _ _ _ _ games _, and many universities offer _ in cheerleading. In fact, cheerleading is _ so important _ several movies have been made about it.,cheerleading,encourage,competitive,existed,plays an important,part in,worldwide,courses,considered,that,Cultural Corner 2. Vocabulary (5m) Fill in the blanks.,Do you think cheerleading is a serious activity? Say why or why not. What part does dance or gymnastics play in your education?,Cultural Corner 3. Discussion (4m) Discuss the following question with your partner.,Howe work,Compare your school days with that of Reading Practice and Cultural Corner. Write sentences describing what is similar and what is different.,Language Date Bank,Language points,1.想想过几天我就要永远走出校门了,似乎有一种别样的感觉。 It seems strange to think that in a few days time Ill be walking out of the school gates forever. It seems + that 从句 “看来” in a few days time = in a few days / a few days away,Language Date Bank,2.同时我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年时光. Meanwhile, I find myself looking back at my senior year. find oneself 突然发现自己处于某种处境或在做某事. e.g. 如果你发现自己为某些事情烦恼,打电话给我. If you find yourself worrying about things, call me. look back at / to / on / upon 回顾, 回想 e.g. 我喜欢回顾我在高中的日子. I like to look back on my high school days.,Language Date Bank,3. 我决定把他们写下来,多年以后的某一天再次阅读时,往事就会涌上心头。 Ive decided to write them down so that one day, years from now, when I reread them, the memories will come back. 4. 新学期开始,我们就接受了培训,学习怎样做这种工作。 At the start of the school year, we were given training in how to do this. 有时在不定式前加一个疑问词做动词/介词的宾语. e.g. He often teaches us how to tell jokes. Have you got an idea of where to get help?,Language Date Bank,5.我非常乐意做同伴调解人,就是帮助学生们解决同学之间的问题。 Ive greatly enjoyed working as a peer mediator, someone who helps students to settle problems that they have with other students. have problem with sb 和之间有问题, 出现了麻烦 e.g. 你到底和他之间有什么问题? What problems do you really have with him?,Language Date Bank,6. 我喜欢争强好胜. I am competitive. compete competition competitor compete with / against sb. compete for sth. compete with sb. in She and her sister are always _ attention. A. competing with B. competing for C. competing in D. competing against,Language Date Bank,(联想记忆) 完成 complete completely,7.我们比赛着冲下雪坡,实在痛快。 I had great fun racing each other down the ski slopes. have fun doing sth / have fun with e.g. 他们参加各种各样的户外活动玩得很高兴。 They have fun taking part in different kinds of outdoor activities. e.g. 那个小女孩在开心地玩洋娃娃。 The little girl is having fun with the doll.,Language Date Bank,8.我找到一件非常适合我的晚礼服. I found a dress that suited me perfectly. suit & fit e.g. The dress _ you well, but its colour and style doesnt _ you.,fits,suit,Language Date Bank,e.g. 她很称职. She is fit for the job. e.g. Its hard to suit everybody. 使每个人都满意是很困难的。,9.这花了我两小时,不过很值得。 It took two hours but it was worth it. = It was worthy of two hours. e.g. It was hard work, but it was worth it at last. e.g. The dinner jacket costs $200, which is worth it for attending the senior prom. 10.我们几个人租了一辆漂亮的车去参加舞会。 A group of us rented a nice car to take us to the prom.,Language Date Bank,11.真遗憾,这样美妙的夜晚很可能再也不会有了。 Its a great pity that its probably the last time this will happen. It is clear/true/certain/sure/obvious that 12.后来,我们到附近旅馆吃了一顿丰盛的早餐为我们这个完美的学年划上了圆满的句号。 Afterwards, we went and had an enormous breakfast in a nearby hotel - it was a perfect ending to a perfect school year.,Language Date Bank,Practice,1. They elected him as _. A. a president B. President C. a President D. the President 2. Greatly _ on sports, she was invited to our soccer team. A. interested B. interesting C. keen D. keened 3. Id like to arrive 20 minutes early _ I can have time for a cup of tea. A. as soon as B. as a result C. in case D. so that,4. I am sure David will be able to find the library-he has a pretty good _ of direction. A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense 5. It wasnt until nearly a month later _ I received the managers reply. A. since B. when C. as D. that 6. Your son is always very _ towards old people. A. considering B. considerate C. considerable D. careful,be considerate to / towards 对很体谅,Practice key phrases from Reading & Practice,In fact, the only preparation I had for this_ was watching as my mother _ my name tag into my shirts, trousers and woollen sweaters. Im _ to admit that I sobbed as I fell asleep that night. We had a _ English teacher, a bachelor who had plenty of time for us boys and _ my life- long love of love of literature.,adventure,sewed,ashamed,dynamic,inspired,Practice key phrases from Reading & Practice,4. There was also a teacher of botanical science, who _ me to my _ for flowers and plants. Being _ for classes was_ , no one was allowed to be late. We had to attend morning _ every weekday, _ boys of other faiths, who were allowed to stay in their classrooms.,introduced,passion,punctual,essential,except for,assembly,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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