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Drill 4Section A1. The sender of the parcel is Fred_2. The predicted sales for every month year is _3. The fax number of the company is _4. _percent of the payment will be paid in local currency 5. Mr. Lees first destination is _Section B 6. A.She is happy with it for the monthly sals meeting. B.She is unsatisfied with it because of the video player in it. C.She complains about it foe the video player being move it. D.She is unhappy with it because it is not sufficient for her purpose. 7. A. The goods will arrival before the stipulated time.B. Since the arrival time is so important that the goods will be shipped by air.C.The goods will be shipped to the destination via some other places.D.The goods will be shipped three times in total. 8、A.The design of the product. B.The value of the product. C.The package of the product. D.The promotion via some other places. 9. A.The doesnt work well in the company B.The new manager is not so good as Tom C.The staff doesnt like Tom so he has to leave company D.The new manager is more experienced. 10、 A.Friends B.Classmates C.Lawyer and client D.Boss and secretary10. A. What time is B. How to get to a place C.Where a bus stop is D.What the telephone number is.12. A. By Thursday B.By Friday C.By Saturday D.By Sunday13. A.In a doctors office B.In a shoe shop C. In an office D.In a hotel 14. A.Both speakers think half of the staff are efficient B.The man has an unfavorable opinion of the restaurant, but the woman does not C.Neither of them has a favorable opinion of the restaurant D.The woman is a restaurant manager herself 15.A.He is confident B.He is worried C.He is bored D.He is angry Section CTask 1 16.A.Boss-Employee B.Colleagues C. Friends D.Interviewer-Interviewee17. A. The job requires a lot of traveling B. The job offers good salary C.She can use her English D.She can meet a lot of peopleTask 2 18.A.The Nestle Company B. Many American companies C.The Toyota Motor Company D.The FAW Groups of China 19.A.Europe B.The United States C.Switzerland D.India 20.A.Asia B.China only C.The Untied United States and Europe D.India onlySection ADirections: Choose the best answer for each statement from four choices marked A, B, C, D and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single through the center.21. Could you please send me the latest catalogue and make sure that I am on your_ list for future mail shots?A. catalogue B. dialogue C. mailing D. guest22. Could you_ the line a moment, please?A. take B. hold C. catch D. extend23. Unfortunately Ms. Zhong is not able to_ the appointment with you on Wednesday as arranged before.A. run B. keep C. make D. manage24. Draft(s) drawn_ this credit must be negotiated in China on or before May 12,2007 after which date this credit expires.A. at B. in C. with D. under25. Sales promotions may generate the initial_ of a new product.A. trial B. try C. dealing D. attempt26. The possibility of paying for a product over an extended period is called credit_.A. option B. payment C. alternative D. facility27. International companies usually have product of multi-brands to fill shelf_ in shops.A. rooms B. space C. occupation D. /28. Im sorry but the boots are_ stcok. We shall be having some more next week.A. in B. on C. without D. out of 29. People within an organization should cooperate in order to achieve objectives that they can not achieve by working_.A. differently B. dependently C. individually D. whole-heartedly30. Thy company will appoint an expert in order to achieve objectives that they can not achieve by working_.A. favour B. need C. request D. chargeSection BDirections: Read the following passage. Fill each gap with the best answer form the four choices marked A, B, C and D , and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. There are several reasons to keep your negotiation team(NT) as possible. The first few deal with the expense and difficulties that arise when your NT must_ overseas. Flights, ground transport, meals, hotels, communication, conference centers, taxes and cargo can make a trip for even a small team extremely expensive._ for passports, visas, inoculations, and potential medical care for a large group can easily become_ . Problems and additional expenses may also arise when attempting to deal with various family and business_. Finally, for NTs operating overseas, keeping_ of large groups in a foreign country is nightmarish at best-ask any tour guide. The_ rest of the reasons for keeping the NT compact apply to both domestic and overseas assignments. Primarily, communication is a_ of strength_ any organization and never more so_ within the NT. Premeetings, recaps and midmeeting breaks demand that communication be both precise and concise, as major decisions are made in_ of seconds. The chief negotiator (CN) must be able to seek the input of the quick, and large groups are cumbersome.31. A. manage B. perform C. operate D. function32. A. Arranging B. Preparing C. Getting D. Readying33. A. unmanageable B. manageable C. uncontrollable D. controllable 34. A. itineraries B. schedules C. arrangements D. appointments35. A. register B. log C. record D. track36. A. remnant B. rest C. remaining D. surplus37. A. process B. income C. resource D. source38. A. thereupon B. thereof C. within D. among39. A. unlike B. like C. than D. as40. A. fact B. course C. matter D. waySection CDirections: Read the following passage and the statements that follow. Choose the best answer for each statement from the three choices marked A, B and C, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Where would you rather do your work: a nice coffeehouse or a busy office? More and more, people are able to do their work with a good cup of coffee in the friendly environment of their local coffeehouse. With a powerful laptop and a mobile phone, it isnt necessary to be tied to a desk any more. Next time youre out for a coffee, look around you. That man in the corner could be an advertising executive writing an advertisement that youll be seeing on TV in the never future. That woman in a dark coat talking to a man could be discussing his pension. And the young woman typing away could be finishing a business proposal! Its certainly a new world, and join it more easily than you think. According to a survey, 7.6 million Americans now work at home or away from a traditional office. Many organizations realize that people like working away from the office and trying to create incentives to encourage more people to telecommute. AS well as making working away from the office and are trying to create incentives to encourage more people to telecommute. As well as making workers happier, it reduces pollution as fewer people travel to work. But its not a perfect life. One telecommuter, who finds he can concentrate better in a coffeehouse than at home, complained about the lack of electrical outlets. Another person at work on her computer said that she didnt like to feel under pressure to buy something. Both admitted, however, that these were minor difficulties with the problems they used to face in a big office. Coffeehouses provide the sense of community that the coffee used to provide, but without the stress. They may be great place to relax, concentrate, meet friends and business contacts, but they are businesses, too, and the rely on customers buying their products. But where else could you get your work done, enjoy doing it, have good company, great coffee, and all for less than the cost of driving to work every day?41. With new technology, you dont need to be at the office to do your job.A. True B. False C. Not Mentioned43. It is difficult to become a telecommuter.A. True B. False C. Not Mentioned44. Telecommuting is less environmentally friendly than office-based work.A. True B. False C. Not Mentioned45. Telecommuting is much less expensive than commuting to work everyday.A. True B. False C. Not Mentioned46. Telecommuting has become main style of working.A. True B. False C. Not MentionedSection DDirections:Look at the tables and chars below.For each table or chart,there are four statements describing it.Choose the best statement from the four choices marked A,B,C and D to match it.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.46、 Number of tourists visiting a particular country. A、 From January there was a downward trend in the number of tourists.B、 From July to September the number of tourists fluctuated.C、 From September to December the number of tourists kept steady.D、 The number of tourists was larger in October than that in November.47、 Public transportation shared by different traveling purposes.A、 Most people take airplanes for different traveling purposes.B、 More people take trains rather than airplanes to commute to work.C、 People only take airplanes,buses or trains for personal business.D、 More people take airplanes for business purposes because it save a lot of time.48、 *09.05.2005 bus trip canceledA、The bus goes from the airport to the hotel RussiaB、The bus runs every half an hour.C、The bus service will last for 5 days.D、There wont be any bus trip on 9th May.49、 Foreigners Travel in China.A、 Foreign travelers from U.S.A remained increasing from 1995 to 1999.B、 Traveler from Japan decreased sharply.C、 Travelers from other countries increased gradually.D、 In 1998 foreign travelers rose sharply and reached 260,000 in number.30 28 Japan26 Others2422 U.S.ATravellers 100,00222018161412108 46 2 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 199950、 Where are you expenses going Food Clothes Entertainment Transportation Books Other Items60%10%10%5%3%12%A、 People spent most of their income on food.B、 Clothes and entertainment took up 10 percent.C、 Compared with transportation,people spent more money on books.D、 From the pie chart we can see that people pay more attention to entertainment.Passage 1It looked just like another aircraft from the outside.The pilot told his young passengers that it was built in 1964, a Boeing KC-135 refueling tanker, based on the 707. But appearances were deceptive, and the 13 students from Europe and the USA who boarded the aircraft were in for the flight of their lives.Inside, the area that normally had seats had become a long white tunnel(隧道).Heavily padded from floor to ceiling, it looked a bit like a lunatic asylum(精神病院). There were almost no windows, but lights along the padded walls eerily illuminated it. Most of the seats had been taken out , apart from a few at the back , where the young scientists quickly took their places with a look of apprehension. For 12 mouths, science from across the continents had competed to win a place on the flight at the invitation of European Space Agency. The challenge had been to suggest imaginative experiments to be conducted in weightless conditions.For the next two hours the Boeings flight resembled that of an enormous bird which had lost its reason, shooting upwards the heavens before hurting towards Earth. The intention was to achieve weightlessness for a few seconds.The aircraft took off smoothly, but any feelings that i and the young scientists had that we were on anything like a scheduled passenger service were quickly dismissed when the pilot put the plane into a e45-degree climb which lasted around 20 seconds.Then the engines cut out and we became weightless. Everything became confused and left or right, up or down no longer had any meaning. After ten seconds of free-fall descent the pilot pulled the aircraft out of its nosedive.The return of gravity was less immediatle than its loss, but was still sudden enough to ensure and we became weightles , a new team conducted its, then the German team who conducted a successful experiment on a traditional building method to see if it could be used for building a future space station. The Americans had an idea to create solar sails that could be used by satellites.After two hours of going up and down in he plane dong their experiments, the predominant feeling was one of exhilaration rather than nausea. Most of the students thought it was an unforgettable experience and one they would be keen to repeat.51. What does the writer say about the plane?A. It had no seats. B. The inside was painted white.C.It had no windows. D. The outside was misleading.52. There were almost no windows, but lights along the padded walls eerily illuminated it. What does eerily mean?A. clearly B.nervous C.strangely D.brightly53. According to the writer, how did the young scientists feel at the beginning of the flight?A. He quickly climbed and then stopped the engines.B. He climbed and then made the plane fall slowly.C. He took off normally and then cut the engines for 20 seconds.D. He climbed and then made the plane turn over.55. What was the conditions are like in space.A. To see what conditions are like in space.B. To prepare the young scientists for future work in space.C. To show the judges of the competition what they in space.D. To allow the teams to out their ideas.Passage 2 Production has also become international. Some large corporations have stepped across national borders and established branches and subsidiaries different countries. As an example, US companies are building automobiles in china, West Germany, Britain , and Japan. In some cases, components of an automobile are produced abroad and the USA, using the imported parts. Although the united state has the largest number of such corporations , it is not the only county which has them. Other multinational corporations, for instance , are based in Japan , France , Germany , Britain , and Italy.Labour , too , is much mobile than in the part.Both skilled and unskilled workers can now move easily from one county to another. In Europe, for example, there are large number of Turkish workers employed in the German economy. Doctors, lawyers, and other professionals are also finding it easier to work in foreign counties . The labour market has become international and the number of expatriate workers is continuing to grow . What effect does this increased integration have on domestic and world economy?It has long been understood that economic activities within a country are very closely integrated .In the domestic economy , a direct expenditure of one million dollars will first increase total demand by the amount . In addition , however, companies and individuals who received the money will spend some of it. The effect of will further increase . This process is known as the domestic multiplier process.The final effect on demand and on the countys GNP will be much greater than the direct effect alone.56. Multinational corporations mean_.A. corporations owned by many counties B. corporations controlled by many counties C. corporations financed by many countiesD. Corporations that operate in the home counties and in at least one other counties and that have a management philosophy that is worldwide.57. Para.2 is mainly about _.A. Labour, is much more mobile than in the pastB. Production has become international C. The increased integration have great effort on domestic and world economy D. The labour market has also become international 58. Expatriate workers mean_.A. skilled workersB. Unskilled workersC. Workers employed from the labour marketD. Workers working in foreign counties59. Integrated means_.A. separated B.made largeC.joined together D.imported60. Expenditure means_.A. money spent B. Money received C. The income of other D. Total demand for money答案听力1. North 2.5,000 3.86211936 4.35% 5.London610. DCCDD 1115. BBBCA 1620. DBCCA选择2130.CBBDA DBDCD 3140. CAABD BDCCC4145.ABBAC 4650.BBDDA5156.BCBAD 5660.DDDCA

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