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初中英语常用句型和短语(Page2)Unit111.A:How was your school trip? 你的学校郊游玩的怎么样? B:It was great/pretty good/good/OK/not bad/terrible.很好/相当好/好/还可以/不错/很糟糕。2.Dont worry about me.=Dont be worried about me.别当心我。3.We saw many farms and villages along the way.沿路我看见很多农场和村庄。4.ride a horse 骑马 5.feed chickens 喂鸡 6.milk a cow挤奶7.be interested in 对感兴趣 8.take photos 照相 9.hear from sb 收到某人来信 10.hear sb do sth听见某人做某事 11.hear sb doing sth 听见某人在做某事 12.see sb do sth 看见某人做某事 13.see sb doing sth看见某人在做某事14.all in all 总共 15.quite a few 相当多 16.on a farm在农场Unit121. sothat 如此以致eg: She was so scared that she couldnt move.(=She was too scared to move.)2.so that 以便 eg: She works hard so that she will go to college some day.3.have a school trip学校郊游 4.go camping 去野营 5.stay up late 熬夜6.run away 逃跑 7.shout at sb=shout to sb 大声吼某人 8.fy a kite放风筝9.put up张贴,举手,搭帐篷 10.take up 占据、着手做 11.turn up 开大声 12.turn down开小声、拒绝 13.make up编造 14.get a surprise吃了一惊 15.work as担任 16.pick up捡起来,搭便车,接某人,接电话(=answer the telephone)III.八年级上册常用句型和短语 Unit11. Long time no see. 很久不见了。 2.enough time/money 足够的时间/钱 3.old/interesting enough够大了/有趣 4.of course=certainly=sure 当然 5. keep a diary记日记 6.keep doing sth 坚持做某事 7. keep sb doing sth 让某人坚持做某事 8.feel like doing sth =want to do sth想做某事 9.decide to do sth=make a decision to do sth决心做某事10.something/nothing important 重要的东西/没重要的东西 Unit21. A:How often do you go online?你多久上网一次? B:I hardly ever go online.我几乎不上网。2.A:How often does she go home?她多久回家一次? B:She goes home once a week.一周一次。3.go online=surf the Internet上网 4.hardly ever几乎不 5.once a week 一周一次 6.twice a month一月两次 7.three times a year 一年三次 8.at least 至少9.more than超过(反:less than/fewer than少于) Unit31. Its not necessary to be the same.没必要相同。2. be different from和.不同(反:the same as ) 3.be similar to 和.相似 4. get good grades 取的好成绩 5.share sth with sb和某人分享某物 6.laugh at 笑. 7.as long as 只要 8.in fact事实上9.as.as.和.一样.(反:not as.as.不及.)eg.I am as old as you.我和你一样大。 I am not as tall as he.我没他高。Unit41. have one thing in common有一个共同点 2.play a role/part in. 在. 方面起作用 3. take part in参加 4.be up to=depend on 依靠 5.make up 编造6. all kinds of 各种各样 7.such as=for example比如Unit51. A:How do you like soap operas?=What do you think of/about soap operas? 你觉得肥皂剧怎么样? B:I love/like/dont mind/cant stand /can t stand watching them.我非常喜欢/喜欢/ 无所谓/难以容忍/无法看他们。2. A:What can you expect to learn from sitcoms?你期望从情景喜剧中学到什么? B:I can learn some great jokes.我想学到些笑话。3. A:What happened to him?他发生什么事了? B:He had a car accident.发生了交通事故。4. plan to do sth=make plans to do sth 计划做某事 5.find out 找出6. expect to do sth期待做某事 7.hope to do sth 希望做某事 8.take ones place to do sth 取代做某事 9.do a good job工作干得好10. come out=publish 出版 11.try/do ones best to do sth 尽力做某事12.join the army参军 13.be famous for=be well known for以.而出名14.be ready to do sth(be ready for sth) 准备好做某事Eg. Im ready to take the exam.=Im ready for the exam.Unit61. A:What do you want to be/become when you grow up?长大后你想当什么? B:I want to be a pilot.飞行员。 A:How are you going to do that?为了当飞行员你打算怎么准备? B:Im going to study hard.努力学习。2. My parents want me to be a doctor,but Im not sure about that.我父母要我当医生, 但是我不肯定。3. You must make sure you try your best.你一定要保证尽力。4.have to do with=have something with 和.有关 (反:have nothing with和.无关)5.at the beginning of.在开始时(反:at the end of.)6.grow up长大 7.go to college 上大学 8.take some medicine 服药9.agree with同意 10.make a promise to sb 向某人保证Unit71. A:Will people live to be 200 years old?人们会活到200岁吗? B:Yes,they will.会。2. A:Will there be world peace?将会有世界和平吗? B:Yes,I hope so.希望有。(I hope not.希望没有。)3. fall down (pt.fell)倒塌 4.fall over 绊倒 5.be in great danger处于极大危险中 6.in the future将来 7.on the earth地球上 8.over and over again反复Unit81. pour.into.把倒进 2.add.to. 把加进 3.mix up 混合4. dig a hole(pt.dug)挖洞 5.take ones temperature 测体温 6.a piece of .waste paper 一张废纸 7.a spoon of honey一勺蜂蜜Unit91. A:Can you come to my party on Saturday night?星期六晚上你能来参加我的晚会吗? B:Sure,Id love to./Sorry,I cant.I must/have to./Im afraid not.当然要。/对不起, 我不能来,我必须做./恐怕不能来。2. I look forward to hearing from you.希望能收到你的来信。3. prepare for=study for 为.做准备 4.have/take an exam 进行考试5. hang out(pt.hung)闲逛 6.catch up with 赶上 7.come up with赶上,想出.办法 8. go to a concert 去听音乐会 9.another time改天 10.look after=take care of 照顾 11. not.until.直到.才. eg.I didnt sleep until 12 oclock last night.昨晚我直到12点才睡着。Unit101. If he goes to the party,hell have a great time.如果他去参加晚会,他会玩的开心的。2. If he doesnt go,I wont,either(=me, neither)如果他不去,我也不去。3. Can you give me some advice?你能给我提点建议吗?4. have/hold a meeting 开会 5.make mistakes in. 在方面犯错误 6.in half减半IV.八年级下册常用句型和短语Unit1 Whats the matter?1.A:Whats the matter/trouble /problem with you?=Whats wrong with you?你怎么了 B: I have a headache.我头疼。B:I argued with my best friends.我和最好的朋友吵架了。2. have a cold 感冒 3.have a headache 头疼 4.have a stomachache胃疼 5. have a toothache牙疼 6.have a sore throat 喉咙疼 7.have a fever 发烧 8. have a cough咳嗽 9.have/take a rest 休息 10.have/take a break (课间)休息11.have a heart problem患心脏病 12.take a risk=take risks冒险 13.see a dentist =go to a dentist看病 14.lie down and have a good rest躺下好好休息15.take ones temperature测体温 eg.I have taken my temperature.我已经测过体温了16.get on上车( 反:get off) 17.to ones surprise 使某人吃惊的是18.in surprise吃惊 19.right away =at once 马上 20.get into trouble 陷入麻烦21.run out of = use up 用完 22.cut off 切除 23.cut out 删除 24.cut up 切碎 25.cut down砍伐 26.get out of 走出27.be in control of 控制 28.give up放弃 29.give away赠送30.give out =hand out分发 31.shout for help呼救 32.wait for sb 等某人33.get an X-ray照X光片Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.1. Were all going to be old one day,too.有一天我们都会老的。2. At the age of six, I started to go to school .在六岁时,我就开始上学。=when I was six years old,I started to go to school. 初中英语常用句型和短语(Page3)3.clean up打扫 4.cheer up使高兴 5.put off推迟 6.care for = take care of = look after照顾,关心 7.care about关心,在乎 8. try out for a volunteer尝试做志愿者 9.at the same time同时 10. fix up修理 11.take after = be like = look like像 12.be broken .坏了 13.set up 建立 14.help out 帮助走出困境 15.make money 挣钱16.excited about sth对某事很激动 17.at the age of =when在年纪 18.plan to do sth.=make plans to do sth计划做某事 19.make a big difference to sb 对某人有极大的影响 20.answer the telephone=pick up the telephone接电话Unit3 Could you please clean your room?1.A:Could you please do sth?请你做某事好吗? B:Yes,sure./Sorry,I must/Sorry,I have to行。/对不起,我必须.eg.A:Could you please take out the rubbish?请你把垃圾到了行吗?。2.A:Could you please not do sth?请你不要做某事行吗? B:Sorry,I wont do that again.对不起,我不那样做了。eg.A:Could you please not close the door?请你不要关门行吗? B:Sorry,I wont do that again.3.A:Could I use your computer?我可以用下你的电脑吗? B:Yes,You can./Sorry,you cant.Ill use it.行。/对不起。我要用。4.I do not mind doing housework.我不介意做家务活。5.I have no idea.=I dont know.我不知道。6.depend on=be up to依靠 7.take out the rubbish倒垃圾 8.all the time 一直9.borrowfrom从.借进.(反:lendto.把.借给.)10.in order to do sth 为了11.provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb为某人提供某物12.sweep the floor扫地 13.fold clothes 折衣服 14.spendon sth花.在.方面eg.I spent too much time on English.我在英语方面花了很多时间。15.spend(in) doing sth花.做某事 eg.She spent five hundred yuan buying clothes .昨天她花了500块钱买衣服。Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents?1. My parents often flight a lot.我的父母经常吵架2.Its time to do sth.(=Its time for sth)做某事的时间到了。eg.Its time to have lunch.=Its time for lunch.3.I studied midnight last night so I didnt get enough sleep.昨天晚上我半夜才睡,所以 睡眠不足。4.allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事(be allowed to do sth被允许做某事)5.look through 浏览 6.work out 解决,解出结果 7.work on 从事 8.work as 担任 9.get on with sb和某人相处得好 10.feel lonely感到孤独11.argue with sb=flight with sb=get into a flight with sb和某人吵架/打架12.continue to do sth=continue doing sth继续做某事13.compare.with. 把.和.比较 14.compare.to.把.比作.15.communicate with sb 和某人交流 16.cause a lot of stress 带来麻烦 17.be angry with sb=be mad at sb 生某人的气 18.a big deal 大事 19.in my opinion=I think.我认为Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?1.A:What was she doing at the time of the rainstorm? =What was she doing when the rainstorm came?当暴雨来临时她在干什么? B:She was helping her mother make dinner.她在帮妈妈做饭。2. go off(铃)响 3.fall asleep=go to sleep睡着 4.die down 逐渐消失5. make ones way to.=go to去.地方 6.keep silent=keep quiet保持安静 7. in silence 静静地 8.take down 拆除,记下 9.write down 记下,写下 10.wake up(woke)醒来 11.have a look 看一看 12.look out (of) the window往窗外看Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains 1. There are now fewer than 2000 pandas living in the remaining forest.现在生活在余 下的森林中的熊猫不足2000只了。2. remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事 3.turn.into.=change.into. 把.变成.4.fall in love with爱上 5.once upon a time从前6.get married to sb=marry sb和某人结婚 eg.She want to get married to him.=She want to marry to him. Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world.1. A:How high is Qomolangma?珠穆朗玛峰有多高? B:Its 8,844.43 meter high.Its higher than any other mountain in the world. 有8,844.43米高。他比世界上任何其它的山都高。2. There are sb doing sth. 有某人在做某事。 3.Look at sb doing sth.看某人做某事。4. feel free to do sth 随便做某事 5.take in air呼吸空气 6.achieve ones dream=come true实现梦想 7.every two years每两年Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?1. A: Have you read Little Women yet?你看过小女人这部小说吗? B: Yes,I have already read it.对,我已经看过了。2.A:Has she had breakfast yet?她已经吃过早饭了吗? B:No,she hasnt yet.不,还没吃。3.be full of=be filled with 装满. eg.The glass is full of milk.=The glass is filled with milk. 4.hurry up 赶快 5.introduce sb to sb把某人介绍给某人 6.ever since自从7.one another=each other相互 Unit9 Have you ever been to a museum?1. A:Have you ever been to an amusement park?你曾经去过游乐园吗? B:Yes,I have been there twice.去过两次。2. A:Where is your father?你父亲在哪儿? B:He has gone to Guangzhou.到广州去了。3. A:Whats the population of China?中国的人口是多少? B:Its about 1.4 billion.大约14亿。4. More than three quarters of the population are Chinese in Singapore.新加坡超过四 分之三的人口是中国人。5. have difficulty/trouble/problem in doing sth在做某事方面有困难 Eg.He has some difficulty in learning English.他在学英语方面遇到了麻烦。6. invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事 7.encourge sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 8.take a holiday=take a vacation 度假 9.tea art茶艺 10.tea sets 茶具11.a couple of 几个 12.whether.or.不管.还是. 13.all year round全年14.neither.nor.既不.也不.,两者都不. Unit10 I have had this bike for three years. 1.A:How long have you had your bike?你的自行车买多久了? B:Ive had it since I was ten years old.自从我十岁起就买了。2.A:How long has she kept the book?这本书她借多久了? B:She has kept it for two weeks.她借两个周了。3.check out 观察 4.clear out 清理 5.clean up扫干净 6.part with sb和某人分开 7.search for 寻找=look for 8.be close to 挨着,接近 9.stay the same=keep the same 保持一样10.regard.as.=consider.as. 把.看着. eg.We considered Deng Xiaoping as a great leader.我们把邓小平看作是一位很伟大的领导者。11.according to 根据 12.so far 到现在为止 13.as for 至于14.to be honest 老实说 15.board game 棋类游戏 16.no longer=not.any longer 不再 17.no more=not.any more不再V.九年级常用句型和短语Unit1 How can we become good learners?1. A:How do you study for a test?你是怎样为考试作准备的? B:I study by working with a group.我是通过小组学习做准备的。2. Everyone is born with the ability to learn.每个人天生具有学习的能力。3. Use English or lose it.要使用英语,否则就会丢失。4. Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。5. be born with 天生具有 6.be patient with sb 对某人有耐心 7. have conversations with sb和某人对话 8.take notes 记笔记 9. pay attention to .注意 . 10.connect.with把.和.联系起来 11.look for寻找 12.look through浏览13.look up查字典 eg.If you dont know English words,you may look them up in a dictionary.如果你不 知道英语单词,可以查字典。14.look over仔细检查。 eg.The patient is seriously ill,the doctor is looking him over.这个病人病得很严重,医 生正在仔细检查。Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!1. What fun the Water Festival is! 泼水节真有趣!2.What a good boy he is! 她是多么好的一个孩子! 3. How good the boy is! 这个孩子真好!4.How hard the girl studies!这个女孩学习真努力!


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