人教版2020届九年级上学期英语第三次月考试卷(无听力资料)(II )卷

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人教版2020届九年级上学期英语第三次月考试卷(无听力资料)(II )卷_第1页
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人教版2020届九年级上学期英语第三次月考试卷(无听力资料)(II )卷一、 情景反应根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分) (共5题;共5分)1. (1分) 听句子,选择最佳问答语 A . Its very cleanB . We can swim in itC . Its 20 kilometers long2. (1分) 听句子,选择恰当的应答语( ) A . Please take out the trash.B . Im going to be a pilot.C . You need some more drinks.3. (1分) (2017邵阳) 选择正确答语完成对话( ) A . Its 8:00.B . Its red.C . Its an apple.4. (1分) (2019八上滨州期中) 选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 A . I watch TV.B . I was happy.C . I read a book.5. (1分) 听句子,选择最佳应答语 A . Its bad luck.B . They celebrate it.C . With both hands.二、 对话问答,根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答语。(5分) (共5题;共5分)6. (1分) (2019七下台州期末) What is the weather like in London today? A . SunnyB . SnowyC . Rainy7. (1分) (2019九上杭州开学考) Why does the man call the woman? A . To help her with her paperB . To see whether she is busyC . To invite her to a concert8. (1分) (2018常德) How will the foreign teacher go to the school? A . B . C . 9. (1分) (2019八下涡阳期末) Whats Peter doing now? A . Doing the dishes.B . Feeding the cat.C . Cleaning the bed.10. (1分) What does the woman like? A . Playing computer games.B . Playing ball games.C . Watching movies.三、 图片理解,看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。 (共1题;共5分)11. (5分) What would Kitty like to be when she grows up? A . B . C . 四、 短文理解,根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分) (共1题;共5分)12. (5分) (2019八下襄汾期末) 这一大题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 (1) When did the relationship between Mr. Green and Alice start? A . On May 10th, 1978 .B . On March 10th, 1980 .C . On April 5th, 1982 .(2) Where did Mr. Green meet Alice for the first time? A . In the hospital.B . In the school.C . In the park.(3) How old was Alice when she became a doctor? A . 23 years old.B . 24 years old.C . 25 years old.(4) Where did Alice and Mr. Green go in 2007? A . To Australia.B . To Egypt.C . To Canada.(5) How long did Alice look after Mr. Green in 2010? A . For 5 months.B . For 6 months.C . For 7 months.五、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(5分) (共5题;共5分)13. (1分) _(final), mix them all up. 14. (1分) Should I listen to English in the morning? Yes. Its a good idea_(do)some English listening in the morning.15. (1分) We can get a lot of _ (energy) from food. 16. (1分) We should guide the students _ (finish) the survey report. 17. (1分) I had several _ (decide) about what to do. 六、 单项选择 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10 (共10题;共10分)18. (1分) Robert is good at playing _ piano although he is only _ 11-year-old boy. A . /; theB . the; anC . a; /D . the; the19. (1分) What kind of soup would you like? Id like _ soup. A . beef and carrotB . beef and carrotsC . tomato and eggsD . tomatoes and egg20. (1分) _club do you want to join? A . HowB . WhenC . WhereD . What21. (1分) What _amazing museum, isnt it? A . aB . anC . theD . /22. (1分) (2017九上临沂期中) I wonder _next month.A . where they have the boat racesB . whether they will have the boat racesC . they will have the boat racesD . whether they have the boat races23. (1分) (2019南充) Its cold outside, Jimmy! You should _your sweater. Thanks, mom.A . take offB . take inC . put onD . put up24. (1分) (2017黑龙江模拟) My parents_ live on the farm,but now they _ living in the Nongda new community. A . is used to;used toB . are used to ;used toC . used to ;are used to25. (1分) (2019徐州) Does Aunt Jane enjoy _? Yes. She has three dogs, two cats, four birds, and some goldfish in her house.A . keeping petsB . collecting dollsC . visiting the zooD . working on the farm26. (1分) (2019重庆) His car _ five years ago, but it looks quite new. A . buysB . boughtC . is boughtD . was bought27. (1分) There _ a football match on TV yesterday. Did you watch it? A . isB . hasC . wasD . have七、 交际运用(共15分) (共1题;共5分)28. (5分) (2019九上吉林月考) 根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。选项中有一项是多余选项。 A. Where was it made?B. I think its quite pretty.C. What about those ones?D. Yes, it was made in Shanghai.E. Wow, but thats too expensive!F. We have many robot cleaners here.Salesman: Good morning. Can I help you?Margaret: Yes, please. Id like to buy a robot cleaner. Salesman: _Some were made in China, and some were made in other countries. Margaret: This one looks very nice. _Salesman: In America. Margaret: How much is it?Salesman: 8,000 dollars. Its the newest one. Margaret: _I dont have enough money. Have you got any cheaper ones?Salesman: Sure. _Margaret: Well, this one looks very good. And the price is OK. Was it made in China?Salesman: _Margaret: OK. Ill take this one. 八、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分) 用方框中所给的选项补全对话(有两个多余选项)。 A. Why?B. Kate, I am Lily.C. What about you?D. This is Lily speaking.E. Good luck to you!F. Im getting ready for Christmas.G. Please tell me about Christmas.A: Hello!B: Hi! May I speak to Lily, please?A: _B: This is Kate. What are you doing now?A: _B: What presents do you want to get from Father Christmas?A: I want a nice bike.B: _A: Because I want to do some exercise to keep healthy.B: Thats a good idea!A: _B: Id like a new computer. I want to know about different festivals on the Internet.A: _B: Thanks!九、 选词填空(10分) (共1题;共10分)30. (10分) 选词填空 snow vacation sit wind again(1) The Smiths go to Hawaii on _. (2) Look! There is a dog_under the tree. (3) It often _in the north of China in winter. (4) The TV play Home with Kids is very interesting, I want to watch it_. (5) The trees are shaking! Its_outside. 十、 阅读理解(共40分) (共6题;共40分)31. (5分) 阅读理解 Polynesian Cultural CenterPolynesian Cultural Center(PCC) in Hawaii not only shows visitors the Polynesian way of life but also protects their skills and culture for the future. Youll find hands-on activities and cultural wonders, such as the art of fire dancing, climbing 50-foot trees.GATE PRICE Adult $59.95 Child(3-12) $47.96Disneyland ParkDisneyland will bring you into a magic world. As you walk around Disneyland, you may see Snow White and Mickey Mouse on the street. If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland in California. 1 day 1 park ticket for $99 adults ages 10 and up, and$ 93 for kids.Camelot ParkIf you want to experience the ancient days, Englands Camelot Park is the place for you. Its in Lancashire, England. You can watch magic shows, see fighting with swords or on horseback. To enter a world of ancient England, come to Camelot Park!Adult 30 Child(3-12)25Family Tickets are half price now! For 27.50 worth 55.DollywoodDollywood, on the beautiful Smoky Mountains in the southeastern USA. You can even take a ride on the only steam-engine train still working in the southeast of USA. Dollywood is the biggestticketed tourist attraction in Tennessee. Tourists have fun learning all about Americas traditional southeast culture.Child(411): $52.75Adult(1259):$47.55(1) Which park will bring you into a magic world? A . Disneyland.B . Dollywood.C . Camelot Park.D . The PCC.(2) Whats Dollywood famous for? A . Magic shows.B . Ancient England.C . Polynesian culture.D . Americas southeast culture.(3) What can you enjoy in Polynesian Cultural Center? A . Experiencing the ancient life in Hawaii.B . Protecting the visitors skills.C . Learning local customs and skills.D . Watching fighting on horseback.(4) If Mr. and Mrs. Green go to Camelot Park with their children,9-year-old daughter Alice and 5-year-old son Bob, how much will they pay for the gate tickets now? A . 110.B . 85.C . 55.D . 42.50.(5) What do the four parks in the ads all have in common? A. They are all in the USA . B . They are all theme parks.C . They are all about ancient culture.D . They are all places for free.32. (5分) (2019江西模拟) 阅读理解 In a small village there lived a man. He would do nothing all day but daydream. Whenever he was hungry, he would go out, beg(乞讨)for food, come back and hang out.One sunny afternoon, the man was very hungry. With great difficulty, he got up, took out a pot(罐)and went out to beg. By begging the whole day, he finally got a pot of milk. He hung the pot on the ceiling(天花板), lay down on his bed and started daydreaming again.This pot of milk is going to make me rich, he thought. I can make butter from the milk. Then I will be able to make ghee(印度酥油)and go to the market and sell the ghee. His dream continued, With the money I get, I will buy a pair of cows. They will have baby cows. Soon I would have a large number of cows.Then I will continue my business. I will buy come more cows and own a farm. And I will employ people to work on my farm. I can also open a candy shop. I will make candies out of the cows milk, the man kept smiling to himself.I am so smart, thought the man. Lost in his thoughts, he reached out his foot, breaking the pot. He saw the broken pot and cried. He lost whatever he had because he was lazy and spent his time daydreaming.(1) After the man came back home with a pot of milk, he began to . A . daydreamB . make butterC . drink itD . sleep(2) What happened to the pot at last? A . The man drank all of the milk in itB . The man sold it for moneyC . The man broke itD . The man lost it(3) We can infer from the story that the man in the end. A . became rich by selling gheeB . remained a beggarC . got a lot of cowsD . opened a candy shop(4) Which of the following words best describes the man? A . Brave.B . Smart.C . Lazy.D . Creative.33. (5分) 阅读理解 Maria and Peter go to school in Manila(马尼拉). They have school from Monday to Friday. School starts at 8:00 and ends at 17:00. After school on Monday, Maria goes home, but Peter stays at school for a club activity. He likes to play volleyball. On Monday and Tuesday, Maria doesnt have any activities. She watches television at home and helps her mother in the kitchen. But on Wednesday, Maria has a piano lesson at 18:00. She goes back to school at 17:30, so she can practise(练习)before lessons. Peter helps his father and uncle at the cafe after school on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, he likes to read quietly at home and do homework. Maria and Peter sometimes sleep in the afternoon after school because they are tired. (1) When does school end(结束)? A . 17:00.B . 20:00.C . 16:00.D . 21:00.(2) On what day does Maria usually help her mother? A . Monday.B . Tuesday.C . Wednesday.D . A and B.(3) On what day docs Peter usually help his father and uncle? A . Monday.B . Tuesday.C . Wednesday.D . Tuesday and Wednesday.(4) They sometimes sleep in the afternoon because they are . A . lazyB . happyC . tiredD . funny34. (5分) (2019七下中山期中) 信息归纳 Lets have a look at American students school life. On school days, American students usually get up at 7:00 a.m. Most students walk or take a yellow school bus to school. Some students ride bikes. After they arrive at school at about 8:30 a.m., they meet their friends and talk about their activities. They put their backpack in a small cupboard(衣柜)and take out only one book, some writing paper and a pencil for each class. In the middle school, they take only five or six subjects each term. They usually go to the same class every day, and they have homework for every class. At noon, the students eat lunch at school. They often have meat, vegetables, fruit and some drinks. But some students like pizza, hot dogs or hamburgers better. At 13:00 in the afternoon, they begin to have classes. Their classes are always over at 15:00. Then they join the school clubs or play sports. They go back home at about 5:30 p.m.Information CardThe country where the students are from_The way most students go to school_The number of subjects the middle school students take each term_The things that most students often have for lunch_The time when the students finish classes_35. (10分) 根据短文内容,填写所缺单词,每个空格只填1个单词。 USA? Britain? Which country is better to study in? We often hear such discussions. As China opens its door, it is a dream for many Chinese students to study abroad. They want to learn about the outside world.Its true that studying abroad can help students develop themselves. Their foreign language skills will be improved and it may be easier to find jobs.But there are problems that should be considered. Language is the first. Students must spend a lot of time learning another language. Students must also learn to live without parents care and deal with all kinds of things they havent had to do before, like looking after themselves. There are reports about Chinese students abroad running into an ocean of difficulties and giving up finally. When they have to take care of themselves, it is hard for students to study well. Finally, studying abroad brings a heavy burden (负担) to the family. For most Chinese parents, the cost of studying abroad is very high. But is it worth it?We know that there are many famous people who have achieved success through their hard work in China. Liu Xiang is a good example. Once an American teacher invited him there, but he refused. He kept training hard with his Chinese teacher. He surprised the world when he won a gold medal at the Athens Olympic Games. So when you wonder which country is better to study in, think again.Title: Studying at home or study _?Phenomenon(现象)Studying abroad has become a _ for Chinese students.AdvantagesIt is helpful for Chinese students to _ themselves.It is helpful for Chinese students to _ foreign language skills.It enables(使能够) Chinese students to find jobs more _._It _ Chinese students too much time to learn a foreign language.Its hard for Chinese students to get used to the life abroad _ parents care.Parents may be under pressure(压力)because the cost of studying abroad is very _.Purpose: To tell us studying abroad is not the only way to be _ by describing Liu Xiangs example.36. (10分) 阅读下面一种发明物品的描述,请从AF中选出相匹配的图片(其中有一项是多余的)。 _This invention was invented by a 15-year-old boy with the help of his grandmother. Then he could stay outside and skate longer with his friends. His cars were warm and comfortable._Many people believe that the first one was invented by 18-year-old Blaise Pascal in 1642 to help his father count taxes. It was used to add and subtract(加减) numbers. About 50 were made but they were not very popular 300 years later, they finally became popular. They have been popular ever since._This invention helps people read, write and do close work after the age of 45. Without them, the world would be difficult for the people above 45._Since it was invented, it has been recording the history of the world. Its also convenient for us to take some pictures about the unforgettable and amazing moments in our daily lives, and even keep them forever._This invention can help people in the street. It looks like a tree standing beside the street. It directs(指挥) cars and trucks. Without it, the traffic would be terrible.A. B. C. D. E. F. 十一、 书面表达(共20分) (共2题;共20分)37. (5分) (2016八上金华期中) 假如你是张华,上周末你们班组织了去敬老院开展送温暖活动。请你将活动情况介绍给你美国的朋友Ben,与他分享你的美好经历。(活动内容见下表)活动地点义乌敬老院(Yiwu Nursing Home)参加人员全班同学活动形式1). 送去鲜花水果2). 帮忙打扫卫生3). 陪老人聊天(chat with)、唱歌、跳舞4). 活动感想要关爱(care for)、尊重(respect)老人(elderly people)要求:1. 词数100左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 内容必须包括上表中的要点,可作必要的发挥;3. 条理清楚、语句连贯;4. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名等信息。Dear Ben,Thank you for your last e-mail. Let me tell you what we did last weekend.If you have the chance in China, I hope you can join us.Yours,Zhang Hua38. (15分) 当今社会我们倡导互相帮助,提倡“雷锋精神”。请你以A car accident为题,并根据下面提供的信息,写一篇短文描述这一次事件的经过。 要求:1)中心突出,语意连贯,层次清晰。2)时态运用准确。3)文中不得出现真实姓名、校名。4)书写工整,词数80左右。A car accident第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 情景反应根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分) (共5题;共5分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略二、 对话问答,根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答语。(5分) (共5题;共5分)6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略三、 图片理解,看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。 (共1题;共5分)11、答案:略四、 短文理解,根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分) (共1题;共5分)12、答案:略五、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(5分) (共5题;共5分)13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略六、 单项选择 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10 (共10题;共10分)18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略七、 交际运用(共15分) (共1题;共5分)28、答案:略八、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)29、答案:略九、 选词填空(10分) (共1题;共10分)30、答案:略十、 阅读理解(共40分) (共6题;共40分)31、答案:略32、答案:略33、答案:略34、答案:略35、答案:略36、答案:略十一、 书面表达(共20分) (共2题;共20分)37、答案:略38、答案:略

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