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听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分) ( )1.A.Once a month. BIn the afternoon.CFor two hours.( )2.A.I dont like doing that. BI run every day.CI usually exercise.( )3.A.Yes,please. BNo,I didnt.CI never drink juice.( )4.A.Five. BSwing dance.CIts easy.( )5.A.In the evening. BIts interesting.CAbout one hour.二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分) ( )6.How many times does Jack go to the club in a week?AOnce. BTwice. CThree times. ( )7.What does Mike often do on Saturdays?AHe reads books. BHe exercises. CHe watches TV. ( )8.What day is it today?AMonday. BTuesday. CSunday. ( )9.How much money does the woman have?A$17. B$19. C$20. ( )10.What does Lily have to do this afternoon?AGo to the movies. BClean her room.CSee the doctor.三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听下面一段对话,回答第1112小题。 ( )11.What does Jim usually do on Saturday?AHe usually goes to the library.BHe usually goes to the museum.CHe usually goes to the beach.( )12.How often does Jim watch TV?ASometimes. BNever. CHardly ever.听下面一段对话,回答第1315小题。 ( )13.What are they doing now?AMaking a call. BDoing housework.CPlaying chess.( )14.How often does Jack help his father wash the car?ATwice a month. BOnce a week.COnce a day.( )15.What day is it today?AFriday. BSaturday. CSunday.四、听短文,完成表格。(每空一词)(每小题1分,共计5分)Use of the InternetStudentsThere are 16 students in the class.How many(percent)17. percent of the studentsEighty percent of the studentsOnly two studentsHow oftenEvery day18. a week19. What to doMost of them send emails,take 20. lessons or talk with their friends.Only a few play computer games.笔试部分 (100分)五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分)( )21.Mary often does some shopping _ online on _ weekends.Athe;/ Bthe;theC/;the D/;/( )22.What can you see _ the mist (薄雾)?Some trees.Aabout Bof Cfor Dthrough( )23.Do you know the _ of the test?Yes.I got an A.Arule Bplace Cresult Dtime( )24.Today is quite _ for me because I have to take many lessons.Ahungry Bold Cfree Dfull( )25.A woman jumped into the river and _ yesterday.Oh,Im sorry to hear that.Apracticed Bdied Cfollowed Dsaved( )26.You look so tired,Sue.I _ slept last night.I feel very terrible now.Aalways Bever Chardly Dusually( )27.About 76 percent of the earth _ water.Ais Bare Cam Dwere( )28._ I like swing dance,I dont have time to learn it.AAlthough BIf CWhen DBecause( )29.Its not good to drink too much coffee._,I still want to drink some.ASo BHowever CLuckily DThen( )30._ do you watch TV?Almost every day.AHow much BHow far CHow often DHow long( )31.I have _ to do.Please give me _ to read.Anothing;something Bsomething;anythingCnothing;everything Danything;nothing( )32.I think the best way _ is playing basketball with friends.Arelax Bto relaxingCto relax Drelaxing( )33.Only ten percent of the students _ their mother with the housework after school.Ahelp Bhelps Chelping Dto help( )34.Does your brother often do exercise?_.So he is very strong and healthy.AYes,he is BNo,he isntCYes,he does DNo,he doesnt( )35._?Once.AWhat do you think of junk foodBHow many times do you eat junk food a monthCHow much do you pay for the junk foodDHow often do you eat junk food六、完形填空。(每小题1分,共计10分)Tim and Sara are brother and sister.They live _36_ their parents on a farm in the countryside.They are never _37_ because there is always something to do on the farm.Every day they get up early and help their parents _38_ the familys cows before school.Their school starts at 9:00 am. and finishes at 3:00 pm.They always walk there.They _39_ their time in the school.There every day is new and they can _40_ a lot from the teachers.Their favorite _41_ is science because they think it is really interesting.In the evening,after they _42_ their homework,they always work on the farm.Weekends are their favorite time _43_ they can go for long walks in the countryside.When the weather is good,they always go camping.In winter,when the village is white with snow,the children often go skating or _44_ snowmen.They enjoy living in the countryside.“It gives _45_ a chance (机会) to know more about nature (大自然),” they said.( )36.A.for Bfrom Cwith Dbetween( )37.A.bored Bshy Cfriendly Dafraid( )38.A.save Bsell Ccook Dfeed( )39.A.show Blove Close Dworry( )40.A.try Bkeep Clearn Dremember( )41.A.subject Bhabit Cactivity Dpicture( )42.A.order Bfinish Cask Dwonder( )43.A.or Bbut Cafter Dbecause( )44.A.make Bmove Cwash Ddescribe( )45.A.me Bher Cus Dthem七、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共计30分)ADo you think you are fat?Do you want to be healthy?Lets do exercise together!We have three groups for you to join:Easy Level (水平):Anyone can join this group to do exercise.We run or ride bikes in the park three times a week,usually on Monday,Wednesday and Friday afternoon,starting at 5 pm. and lasting (持续) for 30 minutes.Medium Level:You can join this group if you are not too young or too old.We exercise three times a week,but we do more sports than the first group.We can play basketball,football or go swimming.We will exercise for two hours a time.High Level:If you want to join this group,youd better ask your doctor first,because we do sports every day from Monday to Friday,one and a half hours each time,and there are many strength (力量) exercises.( )46.What sport does the first group do?ABasketball. BRunning. CSwimming. DFootball.( )47.Which group can a 70yearold man join?AThe first group.BThe second group.CThe first or the second group.DThe second or the third group.( )48.You can join the third group after your _ says yes.Aparent Bteacher Cdoctor Dfriend( )49.People in the third group exercise _ hours a week.A1.5 B4.5 C7.5 D10.5( )50.The writers purpose (目的) is to _.Ateach people how to do sportsBtell people to live a healthy lifeChelp people learn more about sportsDask people to join the groupsBDo you often play sports at school?In the UK,everyone has to play some kinds of sports at school until the age of twenty.On average (平均),14 to 16yearold students play about 100 minutes of sports a week at school,but this reduces (减少) to 30 minutes a week for 17 and 18yearold students.Pupils who enjoy PE. can play sports at a sports club after class.Some sports clubs often work together with schools to encourage (鼓励) young people to play more sports.Here are some students opinions about this.My favorite subject at school is PE.I like team sports,especially (尤其) basketball.I play for the school team and we train twice a week.(Blake,15)I like dancing in the gym,but I hate playing sports outside when its cold or rainy.(Megan,14)I play football for our school team and I love it.We train after school and hold matches against other schools every week.(Drew,16)( )51.In the UK,students should play many kinds of sports at school until _.A12 B18 C20 D21( )52.Which student does the most sports at school a week?ASally,17. BBruce,18. CPeter,15. DDavid,20.( )53.Some _ often work with schools to let students play more sports.Asports clubs Bart clubsCbanks Dstorytelling clubs( )54.How often does Blake do the basketball training at school?AOnce a week. BTwice a week.COnce a day. DTwice a day.( )55.Which of the following is NOT true?ASchools in the UK want their students to play more sports.BBlake likes to have PE. classes at school best.CMegan likes to play sports on the rainy or cold days.DDrews team often plays against other school teams every week.CJoy loves instant noodles (方便面)She eats them at least once a week.She has a way to make this more delicious.She writes:“Although instant noodles are not healthy food,I still love them.They are cheap,delicious,and I can cook fast.I often add (加) something to make them more delicious.”“I discard their flavorings (调味品)I make the flavoring myself.When I cook the noodles,I always put an egg into them.I love eggs.They are one of my favorite foods.Sometimes I put some pieces of meat.I also put some vegetables,sometimes cabbages and sometimes broccoli.Yesterday I tried tomatoes.It was great!Next time Id like to try some beans.After I eat instant noodles,I often go out for a walk and then have an apple.I feel great.”( )56.What does Joy think of instant noodles?AHot. BDelicious. CExpensive. DLong.( )57.The underlined word “discard” means “_” in Chinese.A制作 B选择 C发明 D丢弃( )58.What does Joy always add to her instant noodles?AAn egg. BMeat. CBeans. DCabbages.( )59.What does Joy often do after eating instant noodles?AShe drinks water. BShe has a rest.CShe has a walk. DShe goes shopping.( )60.Which is the best title of the article?AThe best place to eat vegetables and fruitBHow to eat more delicious instant noodlesCHow to buy instant noodlesDThe best time to eat vegetables and fruit八、词汇运用。(每小题1分,共计10分)A)根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。mind,health,magazine,different,together61My pen is red,and your pen is from mine.62They arrived at about four oclock.63Lisa likes reading and there are many on her desk.64Just now an idea came into my 65We all know that exercise is good for B)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。66Mark,who is your favorite (作家)?67Would you buy some (咖啡) for me when you go shopping?68I think the (牙医) in this hospital are very nice.69Our school got 12 (得分) in the soccer game.70Childrens (身体) grow very fast.九、任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共计10分)In the past,women spent hours a day in doing housework but men did less.But a survey (调查) in the UK shows that now men do housework as much as women in 40% of the families.(A)Now_men_do_more_housework_than_before. And in about half of the families women and men do housework together.The survey also shows that 2/3 of women will be happy when men help with housework,although they often end up doing the work themselvesSome of them said,“Men just dont care as much as women.(B)或许是因为男人不知道怎么做家务。”From another survey in Canada we can find that women at the age of 2030 spend more time on their work and less time on housework.根据短文内容,完成下面的小题。71In the past, spent less time on housework.72Now women and men do housework together in about percent of the families.73The underlined word “themselves” refers (指) to “ ” and it means “ ” in Chinese.74将文中(A)处画线句子翻译成中文。 75将文中(B)处画线句子翻译成英文。 十、情景交际。(每小题2分,共计10分)A:Hi,Joe!76. B:Oh,hi,Jenny.Im dreaming about the outdoors.A:77. ?B:Its camping.A:78. ?B:Because I think its a great group activity.A:Yeah,thats right.79. ?B:Twice a month.What about you,Jenny?80. ?A:Not now.But I camped a lot as a child.十一、书面表达。(15分)每个人的生活方式和习惯都不相同。请根据表格提示,比较两个好朋友不同的生活习惯,并简要发表自己的看法并作出评价。要求:70词左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)ActivitiesBillTinaExercise一周两次每天一次Go online每天一次一周两到三次Eat junk food经常偶尔Watch TV for 2 hours几乎每天每周一到三次- 7 -

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