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美联英语提供:牛津英语初中语法大全10关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里http:/m.meten.com/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0他们俩都是医生。语法分析:属于限制性同位语。(2)They none of them said nothing.他们谁也没有说什么。语法分析:代词作同位语。(3)You two sit here.你们两个人坐这里。语法分析:数词作同位语。(4)People,old and young,came out to greet the distinguished vistors.老老少少的人们都出来迎接贵宾。语法分析:形容词作同位语。(5)Formerly a worker himself,he is now an engineer.过去他是工人,现在是工程师了。语法分析:有些同位语的结构很复杂,带有一个副词或介词,如果主语比较短时,这类同位语可以提前,来给它以突出的位置。(6)There was no doubt that she was a fine scholar.毫无疑问,她是个优秀的学者。语法分析:有不少名词后可以跟that引导的从句,说明其内容,可以称为同位语从句。(1)The theory _ it is all right.(2)We _ put torward a proposal.(3)He seemed different from us _.(4)The rumour spread _ a new school would be built here.(5)I have no idea _ she left.(1)itself (2)each (3)all (4)that (5)why83.非限制性定语从句The plane,which is usually very punctual,was late today.这班飞机通常很准时,不过今天却晚点了。这个句子为典型的非限制性定语从句。可以看出这类从句对所修饰的都有词没有限制词义的作用,只是一些补充性的说明,而且通常都有逗号把它和句子的其他部分隔开,多译成一个并列句。把从句拿掉以后,对句子的剩下部分没有太大的影响。我们把which is usually very punctual拿掉以后,句子就变成了The plane was late today.意思仍很完整,合乎语法。需要留意的是,在这类从句中不可用关系代词that和关系副词why,也不可以把其他的关系副词给省略掉,此类从句多用于书面语中。(1)Tom,who had been driving all night,suggested stopping at the next town.汤姆开了一夜的车,建议在下一个镇子上停下来。语法分析:简单、合乎规范的句子。(2)The buses,most of which were already full,were surrounded by old men.公共汽车大部分都已载满了乘客,周围是一群老人。语法分析:在非限制性定语从句中,which和whom常可以与of或其他介词连用。(3)I drank beer,which made me fat.我喝啤酒,这使我的身体发胖了。语法分析:which不代表一个名词,而代表了前面句子的全部或者部分意思。(4)Such money as he earned was spent on his girl friend.他挣的那点钱都花在了他女朋友身上。语法分析:as用作关系代词,引导定语从句,主要和such连用,也可单独引导一个从句。(5)Surely there isnt a teacher but faces this problem.可以确定,凡是老师都会面临这个问题。语法分析:but作为关系代词引导定语从句。(6)Ive set a plan whereby you can spread the cost over a period.我定了一个办法,你可以照此分期付款。语法分析:whereby引导一个定语从句,其意思等于by which,类似用法还有wherein和whereupon等。(1)She returned with _ provisions _ were needed.(2)He hoped to give me a chance _ nobody else ever had.(3)There is no tree _ bears some fruits.(4)This is Mr.Smith,_ I was working,was very generous.(5)She changed her mind,_ made me very angry.(6)He is a teacher,_ is clear from his manner.(1)such.as (2)such as (3)out (4)for whom (5)which (6)as84. 限制性定语从句These are the tickets which you ordered.这些是你所订购的票。大多数定语从句对所修饰词的意思加以限制,成为限制性定语从句。这种从句通常紧接先行词,在书面语中其间通常没有逗号。从功能上看,限制性定语从句对作为先行项的意义不明确的人或物加以限制或识别,如果去掉该从句,便不能确切表达先行项所指的意义。这类从句多由关系代词或关系副词来引导。(1)Have you got the postcard(which) I sent you?你收到我寄给你的明信片了吗?语法分析:在限制性定语从句中,当关系代词在从句中作宾语时,在绝大多数情况下可以省略,尤其在口语中(2)Come any time you like.你随便什么时候来都行。语法分析:有些表示时间的定语从句并不由when引导,特别是在某些句型中。(3)Thats the way I look at it.这就是我对这事情的看法。语法分析:在way后也可以跟一个定语从句,不需要关系代词或副词。(4)Anything I can do for you?我能为你做点什么?语法分析:在被修饰的词为all或everything时,作宾语的关系代词可以省略。(5)Thats the place we met last year.这是我们去年见面的地方。语法分析:关系副词where有时也可以省略。(1)The boy _ I saw told me to come back today.(2)Thats the best hotel _ I know.(3)The car _ I hired broke down.(4)At that time _ I saw him,he was quite strong.(5)The family _ are all football fans are now taking a holiday.(6)My dog _ name is Ted is growing last.(7)You are still the same person _ I knew six yesrs ago.(8)There is no rule _ has exceptions.(1)whom (2)that (3)that (4)when (5)who (6)whose (7)as (8)but85、关于定语从句的注意点I still remembei the day when she was killed.我仍记得她被害的那一天。在由when,where,why和how等词引导的定语从句时,它们分别指前面先行词所表示的时间、地点、原因和方式,否则引导的就不是定语从句。定语从句主语和谓语的一致性决定于先行词的数,关系代词如指前面的整个句子时,谓语动词用单数。定语从句可转化为分词短语,如果因为时态的限制或含有情态动词的时候,则不可以转换。(1)The girl with whom you work is his sister.和你一起工作的女孩是他的妹妹。语法分析:关系代词作介词的宾语,介词可前置(2)They arrived at a farm house,in front of which sat a little girl.他们来到一家农舍前,农舍前坐着个小女孩。语法分析:如关系代词作介词短语的宾语,这个短语只能前置(3)That was the meeting during which I kept falling asleep.就在那个会议上我总是不停地打瞌睡。语法分析:先行词是定语从句中介词的宾语时,介词可前置(4)Here is a letter from the Whites,who want to come to London.有一封怀特夫妇来的信,他们要来伦敦。语法分析:定语从句主语和谓语的一致性决定于先行词的单复数(5)He is a strange character who dislike parties.他是个奇怪的人,不喜欢社交。语法分析:先行词如果是人称性的,关系代词用who,否则用which(1)He built a telescope through _ he could study the skies(2)The fox by _ the chicks were killed was shot.(3)She works in a factory,at the back of _ there is a river.(4)The names,of _ she remembered some were all strange to me.(5)The girl on the right of _ sat a young man was a woman driver.(6)The fact _ you pointed out made me interested.(7)That is the house _ the boy was born.(8)He doesnt know the reason _ she was absent.(9)He is one of the engineers who _be experts in German.(10)The committee who _be responsible for it were all punished.(11)She admires those _ succeed.(1)which (2)which (3)which (4)which (5)whom (6)which (7)where (8)why (9)are(10)were (11)who86. 谓语 例句Were expected to fulfil the task ahead of time.他们期待我们提早结束工作。 语法分析当一个带负荷宾语的句子改为被动结构后,里面都包含了一个复合谓语。谓语有广义和狭义之别,广义谓语指除主语外,包括动词在内的部分。狭义谓语主要指动词,不包括壮语和宾语。凡是由一个动词构成的,就属于简单谓语,符合谓语都有几部分构成,可以是情态动词+动词原形,不定式和另外ide词构成以及系动词+表语等形式。 触类旁通(1)He might be called a truthful boy.他也许可以称得上是个诚实的孩子。语法分析:某些形容词或名词的符合宾语,在变成被动结构时,可以形成复合谓语。(2) The snow lay thick on the ground.地上铺着厚厚一层雪。语法分析:某些不及物动词有时也可以跟一个表语,与它构成复合谓语。(3)The parted the best of friends.他们分手时是最要好的朋友。语法分析:有时一个不及物动词后跟一个动词或名词,说明主语的状态,作用接近表语,这类结构也可以说是一种复合谓语。(4)No one dared speak of it.没有人敢于谈论此事。语法分析:情态动词+动词原形构成复合谓语(5)I used to swim every day when young.我年轻的时候天天都游泳。语法分析:有不定式和其他的词构成复合谓语。(6)Shares prices have picked up recently.最近股票上涨了。语法分析:有大量的成语动词可以用作谓语,虽然它们由多个词构成,但是仍然是简单谓语。 巩固练习1. The door of our bedroom loook out upon the lawns.2. He may be bringing aomefriends home.3. He was found injure at the foot of a cliff.4. She was make president of the society.5. The woman has be kept waiting for three hours.参考答案:1. looked 2. be 3.injured 4.made 5. been87.主语和谓语一致 例句An iron and steel workds, with several venhicle factories, is being built in that city.在这个城市正在修建一座钢铁厂和几家车辆公司。 语法分析这个句子里的主语是单数,虽然后面跟有with引导的短语,但因为这种短语多为修饰语,所以谓语仍用单数形式,也就是句子的主语和谓语动词一致。主谓一致是谓语动词在人称和数的方面和主语保持一致。主谓一致在人称方面比较简单,因而复杂的是二者在数的方面的一致关系。 触类旁通(1)The suggestion put forward by the scientists has been accepted.科学家们提的提议被接受了。语法分析:主语和谓语的一致,要不受修饰语的影响。(2)Training drivers is not an easy task.训练司机不是一件容易的工作。语法分析:由一个抽象概念作句子的主语,一般要用单数谓语。(3)To try and fail is better than not to try at all.尝试而失败要比根本不去尝试好。语法分析:当主语是and连接的两个名词时,在指一样东西时用单数谓语,若指两样东西则用复数谓语。(4)Somebody wants to see you.有人要见你。语法分析:由each, some, any, no以及every等构成的代词作主语时,谓语要用单数形式。(5)The committee is to deal with the matter.委员会将处理这件事情。语法分析:有些集体名词可以跟单数谓语,也可以跟复数谓语,作整体讲跟单数谓语,着重于包含的复数复数成员时,可以跟复数谓语。 巩固练习1. Mumps be fairly rare in adults.2. Mathematics be a subject studied nearly in every school.3. The species of rose be very rare.4. A high proportion of Americans go to college.5. Most bacteria grow best in slightly acid medium.6. So all be well.参考答案:1. are(is) 2. is 3. is 4. go 5. grow 6. is88. 关于主谓一致的注意点 例句The professor with a number of students was doing experiments in chemistry lab at that time.那时教授带了很多学生正在实验室做化学实验。 语法分析句子的主语是单数,尽管后面带有with, as well as, rather than, like, but, except, besides和along等连接的名词,谓语仍用单数形式。但在口语中,有时根据观念一致的原则,谓语可以用复数形式。连词or, either.or, neither.nor, whether.or, not only.but also和not.but等连接并列主语,谓语的单复数依从临近原则来决定。关系代词who, that, which等在定语从句中做主语,谓语动词的数应与先行词的数一致。 触类旁通(1)A cart and horse was seen in the sistance.远处可见一辆马拉车。语法分析:如果and连接的两个词是指同一个人、同一事物或同一概念,则句子谓语用单数形式。(2)Nobody except Miss Mary is to join us.除了玛丽小姐没有人要参加到我们中间来。语法分析:主语是单数,谓语仍用单数形式。(3)Not one but all of us are hoping to be there.不是一个人而是我们大家都希望去那里。语法分析:由连接词的并列主语,谓语的数依据临近原则来确定。(4)None of our parents is a driver.我们的父母没有一个是司机。语法分析:在由noen, either, no和one等作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。(5)Lots of damage was caused by the flood.洪水带来很大的破坏。语法分析:a lot of, lots of等+名词构成的主语,谓语动词的数依据主语部分中后面的名词数而定。(6)Where is your teacher and classmates?你的老师和同学在哪里?语法分析:在倒装句中,谓语动词往往和其后的第一个主语保持一致。巩固练习1. Where be the watch and chain?2. Smoke and fod be often called clever.3. She, like you and Tom, be very clever.4. The teacher with some of her pupils be cleaning the classroom.5. You or I be going to receive them this afternoon.6. Many a desk and many a bench be to be taken out of the room.7. More than one be killed in the battle.8. Part of the students here very clever.9. A number os pages in the book be broken.10. The number of students be boys in our classroom.11. One-third of the students be boys in our classroom.12. Four million frances be very hones and hard-working.13. The goverment be very honest and hard working.14. Mankind make progress.答案:1. is 2. is 3. is 4. was. 5. am 6. is 7. was 8. are 9. are 10. is 11. are 12. is 13. are 14 has been making.89. 表语表示法及表语从句 例句Money is what they are after.他们追求的是金钱。 语法分析标语也叫补语,在这个局子里从句充当了表语。此外,有很多成分可以充当表语,如名词、代词、数词、形容词、分词、动名词、不定式、副词、介词短语以及词组等。表语从句主要有三类,即由that引导的表语从句。由连接代词或连接副词引导的表语从句和由关系代词what引导的从句。 触类旁通(1)Youre looking a different person.你看起来好像换了一个人。语法分析:名词作表语(2)Its something to be home again without an acciednt.能再次平安回家真是不简单。语法分析:代词作表语(3)She has gone mad.她疯了。语法分析:形容词作表语。(4)All you have to do is press this button.你只要按下这个电钮就行了。语法分析:不定式作表语(5)The trouble was that they coulnt agree among themselves.问题是他们内部意见不统一。语法分析:that引导表语从句,that有时可以省略(6)Her first question was whether the teachers had arrived yet.语法分析:她的第一个问题是老师们到了没有。(7)Thats what I am here for.这就是我来这里的目的。语法分析:由关系代词型的what引导的从句 巩固练习1. Gordon was three.2. He looked quite cheer.3. My hobby is grow roes.4. My teacher is both gentle and encourage towards me.5. Her show is the air at five oclock.6. Thats the battle took place.7. My fathers health is not it used to be.8. That was she spoke Japanese so funnily.答案:1.third 2. cheerful 3. growing 4. encouraging 5. on 6. where 7. what 8. why90. 宾语表示法 例句Then she composed a symphony.之后她谱写了一首交响曲。 语法分析及物动词后跟一个直接宾语,表示动作的结果,绝大多数及物动词都可跟有直接宾语,成语动词也可跟有宾语,表示动作的对象、承受着或结果。在双宾东西后面可跟两个宾语,一个是直接宾语,一个是间接宾语,间接宾语表示动作是向某人或为某人所做。宾语可以有很多成分构成,如名词、代词、数次、名词化的形容词、动名词、不定式、复合结构或从句等。 触类旁通1. We love our motherland.我们都热爱祖国。语法分析:直接宾语表示动作的对象。2. They robboed a bank.语法分析:直接宾语表示动作承受者。3. He forgot what I told him.他把我告诉他的事情给忘记了。语法分析:从句作宾语4. I will play you some light music.我将给你们演奏些轻音乐。语法分析:能担任间接宾语的通常是指认的名词或短语、代词、名词化的形容词或名词性从句等。5. I tried not to offend her.我设法不得罪她。语法分析:不定式作宾语。6. Has it left off raining?雨停了吗?语法分析:动名词作宾语7. Respect the old and cherish the young.要尊老爱幼。语法分析:名词化的形容词作宾语 巩固练习1. Stop act like a child.2. Success goes to determine.3. My mother sends you her greet.4. She bought she a new book.5. Ill see you get a good seat.6. They asked see her ID card.7. I dont understand you mean.答案:1. acting 2. the determined 3. greeting 4. herself 5. that 6. to 7. what91. 复合宾语 例句I am pleased to see you back.看到你回来了,我很高兴。 语法分析在这个句子中,名词或代词+介词短语或副词构成复合宾语,复合宾语的第一部分叫宾悦,第二部分为宾语补语,两部分之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系。此外复合宾语的种类还有名词或代词+形容词,名词或代词+名词,名词或代词+不定式,名词或代词+分词等。 触类旁通(1)She shouted herself hoarse.她把声音都喊哑了。语法分析:代词+形容词构成复合宾语,常见的这类动词有很多,如believe, call, feel等。(2)Permit me to introduce myself.请允许我自我介绍一下。语法分析:代词+不定式构成复合宾语,在少数动词后面的复合宾语包含一个不带to的不定式,某些成语动词后面也可跟这类复合宾语。(3)Her question has set me thinking.她的问题令我深思。语法分析:在很多动词后面可以跟由现在分词构成的复合宾语。关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里http:/m.meten.com/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0


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