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个性化教学辅导教案学 科: 英语 任课教师: 授课时间: )姓名年级七性别男课题数词专项讲解总课时_ 第 6 课教学目标1、 掌握数词的用法2、 直击数词考点难点重点课堂教学过程课前检查作业完成情况:优 良 中 差 建议_过程数词专项基数词: 表示人或事物数量多少的词. 序数词: 表示人或事物的顺序的词. 往往和定冠词the连用.一. 基数词.1.基数词的读法. 1)1-12 : one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 2)13-19: 词尾加-teen : thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 3)20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90 : 逢十词尾加-ty : twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 4) 21-99: 在十位与个位之间加连字符构成. 21- twenty-one 99-ninety-nine 5)101-999 : 先说几百, 再加and ,再加末尾两位数或个位数. 101-one hundred and one 238-two hundred and thirty-eight 6) 1000以上的数: 先将数字从右往左数,每三位数用一个逗号隔开, 从右往左第一个逗号表示 “千”读thousand 第二个逗号表示 “百万”读million 第三个逗号表示 “十亿”读billion英语中无万这个词,我们可以用几十个千(thousand)表示几万,几百个千(thousand)表示几十万。18,657,421-eighteen million , six hundred and fifty-seven thousand , four hundred and twenty-one.2,510two thousand five hundred and ten;84,296eighty-four thousand two hundred and ninety-six;274,350two hundred and seventy-four thousand three hundred and fifty。【巧学妙记】巧记100以内的基数词基数词不难记,找清规律很容易;十二以内词各异,十三数到十九去,后加teen莫忘记;二十、三十至九十,正式之后有-ty;要说“几十几”,中间“-”别丢弃;a hundred是“一百”,请你记住莫大意。二. 序数词基数词变序数词 口诀: 基变序,有规律,词尾要加th .一二三,特殊记,词尾分别tdd(first second third ) 八去t , 九去e, ve要用f替. ty变作tie,再加th莫忘记. 若遇几十几,只变个位就可以.1)英语序数词的第一至第三需特殊记忆。first(1 st), second(2 nd), third(3 rd)2)序数词中第四至第十九都是在基数词后加th, 但要注意第5、8、9、12的拼法:fifth、eighth、ninth、twelfth.3)序数词中第20至第90的十的倍数是将基数词词尾的y改为i, 再加-eth. twenty twentieth (第二十) eighty eightieth (第八十4)十以上的基数词变成序数词时,把个位数变成序数词即可,十位数不变。thirty-two thirty-second (第三十二) seventy-five seventy-fifth (第七十五)5). 序数词的缩写形式,在阿拉伯数字后加上序数词的最后两个字母构成。 如:fifth 5th second 2nd三. 数词的应用.1. 表编号. 结构: 名词(首字母要大写) + 基数词 = the +序数词 +名词 Lesson One = the first lesson 注:有些编号,一般仅用第一种表达法。 Room 101 101号房间2. 序数词前一般加定冠词the 但序数词前与不定冠词a /an 连用时,表示 “又一,再一” Mr Brown has a second car. 布朗先生另外还有一辆车。He has tried a second time. 他又尝试了一次。Youve done it three times .Why not try _fourth time ? A.a B.an C.the D./3. 基数词的复数形式表示年代和年龄 1)表示年代: in the + 年份的复数 在几世纪几十年代.在十九世纪七十年代. _in the 1870s in the 1970s 在20世纪70年代 2)表年龄: in ones + 整十的复数 表示在某人几十岁时在他三十岁时: _in his thirties_.4. hundred / thousand /million /billion 1).若hundred / thousand /million /billion 前有基数词时,其后不加s,也不加of .若没有时既加s 也要带of .three hundred seats 三百个座位 hundreds of 数以百计的,成百上千的 thousands of 数以千计的,成千上万的 millions of 数百万的 billions of数十亿的Every year _ visitors come to China .There are two _ students in our school .A.thousand B.thousands C.thousands of D.thousand of 5. 几个半的表达法: 基数词 + and + a half +名词复数 = 基数词 +名词(单数/复数) +and +a half two and a half hours = two hours and a half 6. 时刻表达法: 1)整点: 基数词 + oclock 2)几点几分: A).直接读法: 先读小时 ,后读分钟 3:25 - three twenty-five B).间接读法: a)30分钟. 分钟+ past + 小时 3:25 -twenty-five past three b)30分钟. ( 60-分钟 )+ to + (小时数+1) 3:55 - five to four c) 30 分钟 = half 15分钟=a quarter 45分钟= three quarters 3:30 -half past three 3:15-a quarter past three 3:45 -a quarter to four 日常生活中的时间读法常常简化,直接按基数词的顺序读。7:05-seven o five;7:15- seven fifteen7. 日期表达法: 结构: 1).月 日,年 (日用序数词,年用基数词) 注: 年份的读法: 先读前两位数,再读后两位数. 读日时要加the.2007年3月21日.- March the twenty-first , two thousand and seven.( March 21th ,2007)1900-nineteen hundred 2008-two thousand eight 1999年-nineteen ninety-nine; 2000-two thousand; 1905-nineteen o five;2).日 月 年 (the +序数词+of +月, 年)2007年3月21日-the twenty-first of March ,two thousand and seven. 习惯写作:March 21th ,20071998年6月8日 写作:June 8,1998;读作:June the eighth, nineteen ninety-eight 或the eighth of June, nineteen ninety-eight。2003年3月17日,星期一 Monday, March the 17th, 2003.8. 分数词的表达法: 1).结构: a).分子用基数词,分母用序数词. b).当分子大于1时,分母加复数. 3/4- three fourths (three-fourths) 2).注意:a).分数词的几种特殊形式. 1/3one third = a third 1/4one fourth = a quarter 1/2one second = a half 3/4three fourths = three quarters b).分数词作主语时, 谓语动词根据分数词后面的名词来确定. Two fifths of the milk _(be ) drunk by Tom . One third of the students _(be )girls .9表示百分数5:five percent, 0.8 zero point eight percent.分数、百分数与主谓一致分数、百分数的考查往往和主谓一致相联系。当分数、百分数修饰可数名词的复数时,谓语动词用复数形式;当分数、百分数修饰不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式。如: Eighty percent of the students in our school come from Henan. 我们学校百分之八十的学生来自河南。 Three fourths of the students in my class are interested in English. 我们班四分之三的学生对英语感兴趣。 Two thirds of the water on the earth is sea water. 地球上三分之二的水是海水。 10. 基数词常和一些计量类名词“单数”用“一”连在一起,构成复合形容词,修饰名词。 如: A twelve-year-old boy 一个十二岁的男孩 a five-mile race 一次五英里的赛跑11、 表示有小数的词用基数词。 5.5 five point five 12.135 twelve point one three five课堂检验题:【2013益阳】1. How old is your daughter ? . We had a special party for her party yesterday . A. Nine , nine. B. Nine , ninth . C. Ninth , ninth . 【2013黄石】2. Its said that _ of the water around the world _ polluted. A. two third; hasB. two thirds; have C. two third; areD. two thirds; is【2013雅安】3. We planted trees last year. A. hundreds of B. hundred of C. five hundreds D. five hundred of【2013恩施】4. Lindas mother looks young, but actually is in her _. A.sixties B.sixtieth C.sixty years old【2013湘潭】4.December is _ month of the year. A.twelve B.the twelfth C.the twelveth【2013牡丹江】5._ of the students in our school _girls. A. Two three, are B. Two thirds, is C. Two thirds, are【2013东营】6. On February 25, 2013, Li An, a Chinese director, won the best director again. It is his time to win an “Oscar”. A. firstB. threeC. twiceD. second【2013宜宾】7. “Food Safety” has become one of the hottest topics recently. Yeah, it receives _ Internet hits(点击) a day. A. thousandsB. thousand of C. thousands of D. ten thousands【2013贵阳】8. The winner of the singing competition was a _ girl called Zhang Mei from China. A. 19-years-old B.19-year-old C. 19-year-olds. 【2013阜康】9. Can you imagine what life will be like in _ time? 在20年的时间 A. 20 years B. 20 years C. 20-years D. 20-year课堂检测听课及知识掌握情况反馈_。测试题(累计不超过20分钟)_道;成绩_;教学需:加快;保持;放慢;增加内容课后巩固作业_题; 巩固复习_ ; 预习布置_签字 学习管理师: 家长或学生签字:课后作业: 数词考点专练【2013宿迁】10. of the coats made of cotton. They feel comfortable. A. Two-thirds; isB. Two-thirds; areC. Two-third; isD. Two third; are【2013丹东】11. When did you start to collect stamps? I got my _ stamp when I was _ years old. A. one, seven B. one, seventh C. first, seventh D. first, seven【2013本溪】12. Its the _ time for me to volunteer in a hospital. I dont know anything about it. A. first B. second C. third D. last 【2013济宁】13. The earthquake in Yaan left _ people homeless. A. two thousands B. thousands of C. two thousands of D. two thousand of【2013兰州】14. In this exam, youre asked to write a composition of about _. A. 90-wordsB. 90-wordC. 90 wordsD. 90 words【2013衡阳】15. doctors are against H7N9 in China. A. Thousands B. A thousand of C. Thousands of 【2013达州】16. How was your weekend? Great! It was my grandmothers _birthday. We enjoyed _. A. ninth, themselves B. ninetieth , ourselves C. the ninetieth, ourselves D. nineteenth, themselves【2013安顺】17.Kate is girl. Shes very happy at school. A.a eighteen-year-old B.an eighteen-year-old C.an eighteen-years-old D.a eighteenyears-old【2013安顺】18. To finish the task, weve tried three times, and after dinner well try time. A.the fourthB.a fourthC.fourthD.four【2013莆田】19Lets go to the bookstore at half past nine tomorrow morning Its too lateLets make it A.a quarter to nine B .twenty to ten C.a quarter to ten【2013南充】20.My mother bought me a sweater for my _ birthday. A.twelfth B.twelve C.the twelfth【2013湛江】21.What day is it today? Its Monday, and its my _ birthday. A.fifteen B.fifteenth C.the fifteen D.the fifteenth【2013广安】22.How many teachers are there in your school? About four _. A. thousands of B.thousand C.thousands 【2013天津】23.Where is Class _? Its on the _ floor. A.Six; third B.Sixth; third C.Six; three D.Sixth; three 【2013南宁】24. They are the students of _. A. Grade 7 B.7th grade C.Grade 7th 6【2013齐齐哈尔】25._soldiers and doctors went to Yaan to help the people there two months ago. A. Thousands of B.Two thousands C.Thousand of【2013乌鲁木齐】26. The number of the cars in our neighborhood is about eight _, and _ of them are new cars. A.hundred; two thirdsB. hundred; two thirds C. Hundreds; two thirdsD. hundreds; two third【2013广东】27.Excuse me, sir. Heres a package for Lin Tao. Which room does he live in? _. A.308 Room B.Room 308 C.The Room 308 D.The 308 Room【2013黄冈】28.What should we do now? Please turn to Page _ and look at the_ picture. A.Twelve; fifth B.Twelfth; fifth C.Twelve; five D.Twelfth; five【2013济南】29.Mothers Day is on the _ Sunday in May every year. A.two B.second C.six D.sixth【2013成都】30. Its the boys _ birthday today. He is five years old. A.fifteen B.fifth C.five【2013梅州】31. Unit _ is easy but _ unit is difficult. A.Sixth; seven B.Six; seven C.Sixth; the seventh D.Six; the seventh 【2013邵阳】32. _ of our classmates are good at basketball. A.Three quarters B.Three fourth C.third four【2013孝感】33.After the Asian Games, _ people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays. A. thousand B.thousands C.thousands of D.thousands of【2013贺州】34. This tall building has _ floors. And Tony lives on the _ floor. A.twelve; twelve B.twelfth; twelfth C.twelfth; twelve D.twelve; twelfth【2013龙东】35. _ students took the college entrance exam on time _ the morning of June 7th in South China, though it rained heavily. A.Thousands of; in B.Many thousands; on C.Thousands of; on【2013自贡】36.Please write down the new words in the text of _. A.Lesson Ten B.the Lesson Ten C.Tenth Lesson【2013绥化】37. She is a _ girl with two big eyes. A.six-years-old B.six-year-old C.six years old【2013沈阳】38. Doris lives on the _ floor. Its too high, so she has to take a lift every day. A.four B.fourth C.forty D.fortieth【2013天水】39. Have you finished your todays work? No, I need _. A.two another hours B.another two hours C.more two hours D.two other hours 7

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