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2020届七年级上学期英语第一次月考卷A卷一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) (2017厦门模拟) To be _ honest student, you are not supposed to tell a lie.A . aB . anC . the2. (2分) (2019八下博兴期中) The new couple _last month and we all attended their wedding. A . marriedB . have marriedC . have been marriedD . got married3. (2分) Whats in the box?_ a shirt and two dresses.A . There isB . There areC . HaveD . Has4. (2分) shirt is this? Is it Li Liangs?No, its Tiantians.A . WhatB . WhoC . HowD . Whose5. (2分) Mr. Wu teaches English. We all like .A . our; himB . us, himC . us; herD . our; her6. (2分) (2019山东模拟) Mike, supper is ready. I dont want to eat _, Mum. Im not feeling well.A . everythingB . nothingC . somethingD . anything7. (2分) Did your father work in America in 2000?_. He worked in Australia.A . No, he doesnt B . Yes, he doesC . No, he didnt D . Yes, he did8. (2分) (2018八上东莞月考) This Unit has new words, so it is very difficult for me. A . fewB . littleC . muchD . many9. (2分) (2017七下岳池期末) Please _in bed. Its bad for your eyes.A . not to readB . dont readC . dont to readD . not read10. (2分) (2017八上普宁期中) There _ a football match next week. Shall we go and watch it?A . will haveB . hasC . haveD . will be11. (2分) (2017八下长春月考) She is really busy every day. _.A . So does TomB . So is TomC . So I amD . So do I12. (2分) Where_ Daniel_ his books?He_ them in his bag last night.A . does; put; putsB . did; put; putC . does; puts; putsD . did; put; putted13. (2分) Are you a fan of Zhou Libo?Yes. Not only I but also my sister him very much.A . likeB . likesC . doesnt like14. (2分) (2017八上始兴期中) Thanks me!A . for tellB . to tellC . to tellingD . for telling15. (2分) -Im Gina. Nice to meet you. -_A . Im fineB . Nice to meet you, tooC . Whats your name?二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分) If you are writing or studying, it makes much difference where the light comes from. People use1and pens every day. They have to be very careful about the way of the light because the light shines on their work.Every2 gets its light either from daylight3 the window4 from the lamps or electricity,5no matter what kind of light it is, the way it shines towards our books or work is very important to the eyes.Take a book and sit with your6 toward the window, and try to read. Your shadow(影子) falls all over the page and makes it7 for your eyes as if you were in a8 room.Now turn around and face the window. The page is9 shadow again, while the bright light is in your eyes.Try sitting with your10side toward the window. This is very good for11 , but if you were writing, the shadow12 fall across the page and bother you13.There is another way sit14 your left side to the window. Now everything is perfect for writing as well.Whatever kind of light is in the room, the rule about the right way to sit is15 the same.(1)A . eyes B . heads C . books D . hands (2)A . man B . woman C . house D . animals (3)A . from B . through C . into D . inside (4)A . and B . then C . as D . or (5)A . but B . until C . if D . when (6)A . side B . back C . body D . front (7)A . good B . bad C . useful D . clear (8)A . bright B . clean C . dirty D . dark (9)A . in B . into C . on D . to (10)A . front B . back C . left D . right (11)A . speaking B . reading C . writing D . studying (12)A . can B . may C . would D . will (13)A . few B . a few C . little D . a little (14)A . by B . with C . against D . near (15)A . only B . never C . not often D . always 三、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共41分)17. (10分) In the most southern part of our planet, theres a place thats covered with snow and ice all year round. But it has the clearest and cleanest air. Amazingly, in this place, the sun sometimes hangs even in the midnight sky. This place is Antarctica (南极洲): the coldest, windiest and harshest (恶劣的) place on the Earth.As the worlds least-known place, Antarctica is of great interest to scientists around the world. In 1983, China joined the Antarctic Treaty (南极条约). The treaty made Antarctica a peaceful place for member countries to do scientific research. During 30 years, China has sent many scientists to Antarctica. They mostly look at the resources under the icy land and do research about climate change and marine (海洋的) biology.Antarctica is a place with fantastic views. However, life there is very hard. Food is one of the biggest problems. Frozen (速冻) food which can be heated easily is peoples daily food. Fresh vegetables are hard to grow in the cold weather. Therefore, scientists often eat dried or canned vegetables.Sleep is also troublesome. In Antarctica, summer lasts from November to March. During this period, Antarctica points to the sun and receives sunlight 24 hours a day. In order to get some sleep, scientists cover the windows with black plastic cloth to create “night”.Working in Antarctica is dangerous, especially when meeting gale-force (七级以上的) winds. Sometimes the wind is even stronger than a typhoon. It can easily blow people away. So there are ropes that connect buildings of some research stations. People can hold these ropes to keep their balance in forceful winds.Whats more, communicating with others is difficult. Without cables and Internet in some research stations, two-way radios are the only tools to communicate. If people want to say hello to friends and relatives, they can use satellite phones.Although it is challenging to work in Antarctica, scientists passion to learn about this mysterious land will never end. It is hopeful that one day they will step every corner of this icy land.(1) From Paragraph 1, we learn that the Antarctica _.A . is covered with snow and iceB . rains heavily from time to timeC . has little wind most of the timeD . has sunshine during every night(2) Scientists from China go to Antarctica to _.A . find out ways to control water pollutionB . research climate change and marine biologyC . grow plants and vegetables in special conditionD . stop the hunters from killing the marine biology(3) In order to sleep well in Antarctica, the scientists have to _.A . wear more clothes to keep warmB . cover the windows with black clothC . connect research stations with ropesD . eat more fried and canned vegetables(4) We can replace (替换) the underlined word passion in the last paragraph with .A . strong loveB . full preparationC . pleasant introductionD . amazing imagination(5) The passage is mainly about .A . view of the AntarcticaB . exploring the AntarcticaC . how to survive in the AntarcticaD . climate changes of the Antarctica18. (8分) (2017八上深圳期中) 阅读理解DHave you ever heard of Ayusa? It is a high school exchange program, and it helps international students experience life in America, and students can also learn about its history and culture.Ayusa is one of the best student exchange programs. Only the best and the brightest students can take part in the program. Every year, students from over 60 different countries, including African countries, come to America to live with American families and attend American schools. Since 1980, Ayusa has helped more than 40,000 students from around the world live and study in America.Do you want to experience a different culture and learn a new language? Take action now!We are glad to help students between age 15 and 18. We also support our host families. Our website is also here to help you. If youre interested in this program, go to /www.ayusa. org/families/host-student and fill your information on it, including your name, email address, phone number, as well as State. After this, press the button Submit, and then you can start your new application. Besides, you can also call at 010-12378912 or send emails to Evisithotmail.com.(1) According to the passage, Ayusa _.A . is the name of a countryB . was set up ten years agoC . helps students experience life in AmericaD . only helps African students(2) The underlined word its in Paragraph 1 refers to _. A . ChineseB . AmericanC . AfricanD . Japanese(3) Which of the following is NOT true? A . Some Ayusa students are from Africa. B . Any students can take part in Ayusa.C . Ayusa students live and study in America.D . Ayusa is one of the best student exchange programs.(4) You can find the passage most probably in a _. A . dictionaryB . geography bookC . novelD . newspaper19. (10分) (2017济南模拟) 阅读理解Last Monday John went downtown. After John spent a long time shopping downtown, he got very hungry. Across the street there was a McDonalds. He didnt usually eat at fast food restaurants and didnt know what to order. When he looked at the menu, it was hard for him to make a decision. Not only were there ten similar types of hamburger dinners, but there were also fish and chicken dinners. He didnt know what to choose. He thought of asking the cashier for help, but she didnt look very friendly. At last he chose a small chicken meal. “With so many choices, its not very fast food!” he thought.(1) Why did John go downtown last Monday? A . He went shopping.B . He bought some clothes.C . He went to eat at the fast food restaurant.D . He bought fast food.(2) Why didnt John know what to order at McDonalds? A . He didnt like fast food.B . He didnt mind fast food.C . He couldnt stand fast food.D . He didnt eat there very often.(3) What made it hard for John to decide what to eat? A . He was in a hurry.B . He wasnt very hungry.C . There were too many choices.D . The menu was difficult to read.(4) Why didnt John ask the cashier for help? A . He didnt like the cashier.B . He couldnt stand the cashier.C . The cashier was busy.D . The cashier looked unfriendly.(5) Why did John think the fast food was not fast? A . It took him a long time to decide what to order.B . The cashier didnt bring him his meal for an hour.C . The cashier was not friendly.D . The restaurant was too far from the downtown.20. (8分) (2019九上龙华期末) 阅读短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Many parents set rules for their childrens online activity, such as limiting the amount of time they can spend online. But some children in the US and UK are saying that theyd like to make rules for parents, too. Their main complaint is that their parents share too many photos of them online.In a 2016 study, it was found that parents in the US share an average of 116 photos of their kids after they are born. Most were taken before the child turned 8 years old. Many of the photos showed kids in embarrassing situations, like having food all over their faces, Quartz reported.Parents do like to share their childs progress as he or she grows up. But their kids dont like it as much. In a survey of UK children between the ages of 12 and 16, 70 percent said they felt their parents didnt respect their online privacy (隐私), according to Digital Parenting magazine.In addition, many kids said that other students at school sometimes pick on (捉弄) them after their parents post photos online, CBS News noted. In one case, a girl was bullied (欺负) by boys at school after they found her moms blog, which had many family photos.Each time a photo or video is uploaded, it creates a digital footprint of a child, which can follow them into adult life, a spokeswoman for a leading childrens charity in the UK said. Its always important to ask children for their permission before posting photos or videos of them.(1) According to the first paragraph, what do kids in the US and UK complain about? A . Their parents setting rules for their online activity.B . Their parents limiting the amount of time they spend online.C . Their parents posting too many photos of them online.D . Their parents setting high expectations for their schoolwork.(2) According to the 2016 study, many US parents like to _. A . share photos online after they get marriedB . post photos of their kids in embarrassing situationsC . take more photos of their children after they are 8D . pick on their kids and make them feel embarrassed(3) About 70 percent of UK teenagers think their parents _. A . care too much about their progress in schoolB . forget to set good examples for themC . dont care enough about their online safetyD . dont respect their online privacy(4) What do we know from the story? A . Parents should ask kids for permission before sharing their photos.B . UK kids dont mind that their photos are shared by their parents.C . Sharing photos online helps kids live a better adult life.D . Kids dont get bullied at school when their photos are shared online.21. (5分) (2016九上临海期末) 任务型阅读,阅读以下好学生新规,请从AE选项中给每段话配上相对应的主题句。New rules and behavior standards (标准) for middle school students came out. Who are the most excellent students? Middle schools use a new way to decide that. The best students wont only have good grades. The following are some of the new rules._Have you ever copied others work during an exam? Dont do it again. Thats not what an honest student should do. If you played computer games for two hours in your room, dont tell your parents you were doing your homework._April is Bird-Loving Month in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate? You should join! That way, you can learn more about animals and learn how to protect them._When your classmates are in trouble, remember to give them a hand. You know a friend in need is a friend indeed. Try to do more for others._Try to stay away from Web pages that are bad for you. Find good websites and use them for homework._Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Maybe you can discover a new planet someday. Dont look down on new ideas. You should welcome them because new ideas can make life better.A. Love animals.B. Be open to new ideas.C. Use the Internet carefully.D. Care about others.E. Tell the truth.四、 单词拼写。 (共11题;共32分)22. (5分) 根据所给首字母提示填词。 Children all over the world like to celebrate their birthday.They usually have a party and i_ their friends to join the celebration. The party may not be held on the exact date of their birthday if it comes on a school day. It may be held on the closest weekend instead.Two kinds of parties are the most p_. One is held at home, Parents prepare a s_ birthday meal for their children. The other is held away from home. It may at restaurant, a park, movie theater or some other placesThere is a birthday c_ with candles on that day. Each candle means each year of a birthday boy or girls age.As children grow older, their birthday parties change. In f_, many people stop having parties now. They say they would like to forget their age.23. (1分) Jacks j_always make us laugh to tears. 24. (4分) (2016七下桂林期中) 根据所给的首字母提示,写出单词在句中的正确形式。 (1) He likes running, he can run f_. (2) The teachers write on the blackboard with c_. (3) There are a lot of f_ paintings in the museum. (4) The sun is r_. 25. (1分) I often listen to_(mju:zik)in the evening 26. (1分) (2016七下合浦期中) Why are you _(仍然) here? 27. (1分) (2019七上无锡月考) The Greens _(plan) the trip to London next week. 28. (1分) (2016七上江苏月考) My grandpa _ (not go) walking in the morning, because its too cold. 29. (10分) (2018七上慈溪期中) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个恰当的词或使用括号中单词的正确形式填空(每空一词)。 I have two good friends. Their_are Paul and Jack. They are twin(孪生) brothers. Here_(be)two nice photos of their family. The _(one) photo is their family photo. These are their grandparents. They are their_(mother) parents. Their mother looks like (看起来像) their grandfather. _(that) are their parents. Paul and Jack are in the middle of them. This is a very happy (幸福的) family. _the next photo, we can see a book. Its_English book. Its _(my). A dictionary is in the picture, _. It is _(Paul). We are all in No. 1 Middle School.30. (2分) Some records are _. We feel _ about them. (amaze) 31. (1分) (2018无锡模拟) Stop _ (bite) your fingers, Sisley SorryMum32. (5分) (2017七上台州月考) 在下列空格内填上一个适当的单词,使句意完整,该词的首字母已给出。 (1) The store is on sale. You can buy things at a good p_. (2) These w_are my aunts. (3) That s_great. (4) She often tells us her e_habits. (5) We are in the s_class. We are classmates. 五、 句型转换。 (共1题;共4分)33. (4分) Dale goes to the museum once a week(对划线部分提问)_Dale_to the museum?六、 翻译。 (共1题;共5分)34. (5分) 比尔(Bill)跳舞跳得如此好,以至于我都不敢相信我的眼睛。(couldnt believe my eyes)七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)35. (5分) (2017九上达州期末) 现在中学生普遍觉得压力很大,有的不能很好地处理人际关系,有的害怕考试。你一定也有过压力吧?你的压力是什么? 你是怎样处理压力的?请就此问题用英语写一篇短文,与同学们分享。词数在90左右。Pressure is a serious problem in todays world. Most students in our class are under too much pressure.第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16、答案:略三、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共41分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略四、 单词拼写。 (共11题;共32分)22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略31、答案:略32、答案:略五、 句型转换。 (共1题;共4分)33、答案:略六、 翻译。 (共1题;共5分)34、答案:略七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)35、答案:略

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