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1 个性化教学辅导教案 学科 英语 学生姓名 年级 七 任课 老师 杜丽 授课时间 2015 年 06 月 07 日 教 学 目 标 教学内容 典范英语 7 的复习 考 点 重点词汇 句型 能 力 方 法 课前 检查 作业完成情况 优 良 中 差 建议 课 堂 教 学 过 程 过程 一 课前交流 了解学生上次课的复习情况 课前与学生交流了解其最近的英语学习状况 其在学习上碰到的困难等 并帮 助其解决困难 另外跟学生说明本节课主要内容是什么侧重点在哪里等 二 知识梳理 Book One Words 1 表演 show 2 滑冰 skate 3 翻跟头 tumble 4 潜水 dive 5 优雅 elegant 6 不安 不高兴 upset 7 毁了 ruin 8 生气 furious 9 欣喜若狂 overjoyed 10 海象 Walrus Phrases 1 擅长于 be good at 2 等待 wait for 3 撞上 bump into 4 事实上 in fact 5 突然 all of a sudden 6 尽力 try one s best to do sth 5 突然 all of a sudden 6 尽力 try one s best to do sth 7 和什么一样 as as 8 只要 as long as 9 如此 以至于 so that 10 听起来 sound like Sentences 1 I will do skating said Arctic Fox I am good at that 我要表演滑冰 北极狐说道 因为我很擅长滑冰 2 He bumped into Fox and Fox went flat on her face 海象撞上了北极狐 于是北极狐摔了个大马趴 3 All of a sudden Walrus just couldn t stop himself and he leaped onto the ice 突然 海象控制不住自己 它跳到了冰面上 4 My ear is filled with voices sweetly singing in the night 晚上我耳边充满了甜美的歌声 5 In fact he sounded like a rusty old bucket 事实上 它的声音听起来像是一个生了锈的旧木桶 6 He tried and tried his very best not to join in 它 海象 尽量让自己别掺和进去 7 You can be the clown As long as you do it properly 只要你适当地去做 你就能成为小丑 8 Now he is so good that Fox Polar Bear Seal and Whale are glad he is taking part 现在他 海象 是如此得棒 以至于北极狐 北极熊 海狮和鲸鱼都想让它加入到表 2 演中 Book Two Words 1 吝啬鬼 miser 2 吝啬的 mean 3 悲惨的 miserable 4 馅 filling 5 冰箱 fridge 6 鬼 ghost 7 天使 angel 8 地下室 cellar 9 老鼠 rat 10 交换 swap Phrases 11 因为 because of 12 属于 belong to 13 太 far too 14 撕碎 tear up 15 心想 think to oneself 16 摆脱 get rid of 17 放弃 give up 18 一把 a fistful of 19 一 就 as soon as 20 至少 at last Sentences 1 He never gave away a penny he was a mean and miserable man 他从不乱花一分钱 他是一个既吝啬又不幸的人 2 Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbors Flinch 先生之所以不幸是因为他的邻居们 3 On one side of Mr Flinch s grim grey house stood a jolly red one Flinch 先生那栋灰不溜秋的房子的一边坐落着一栋明艳的红色房子 4 Mr Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his wallpaper It did no good Flinch 先生不停地敲打着墙壁直到它出现破洞 但还是没用 5 This can t go on Flinch thought to himself He even shouted it out loud Flinch 先生心想 这日子没法儿过了 他甚至大声地叫了出来 6 It was easy to sneak into his kitchen and put a dead rat in the fridge 偷偷地溜进 Carl 的厨房然后在冰箱里放上一只死老鼠是一件轻而易举的事 7 That will get rid of him said Flinch and smiled a nasty smile 终于可以摆脱他了 Flinch 说着脸上露出卑鄙的坏笑 8 Poppy beamed with joy Last night angels sang down my chimney Poppy 眉开眼笑地说 昨晚 天使的歌声传入了我家的烟囱 Book Three Words 1 挑选 choose 2 无聊的 boring 3 肯定的 firmly 4 宴会 banquet 5 建议 suggest 6 旅行箱 suitcase 7 吊桥 drawbridge 8 承认 admit 9 游乐场 Fun fair 10 野餐 picnic Phrases 1 跑来跑去 run around 2 照顾 look after 3 把 拿出来 take out 4 启程去 set out for 5 走过 穿过 go across 6 沿着 往下走 go down 7 就像 as if 8 对 生气 恼怒 cross at 9 至少 at least 10 盯着 看 stare at Sentences 1 I m afraid there won t be room for a pony on the coach 我恐怕马车上没有地方容纳小马了 2 It did take a long time to get to the seaside 到达海滨确实花了很长时间 3 If you stayed here a bit longer you might start liking the seaside 如果你在这在呆久些 你肯定会喜欢上海滨的 4 But Princess Pip wasn t listening She was putting all her important things in her suitcase 但是皮皮公主不听 她把她所有重要的东西放进她的旅行箱 5 The fish looked very cross at being caught so Princess Pip let them go 3 鱼被抓了很生气 所以皮皮公主就放它们走了 6 It was hard work but they built a huge house with a moat all around 虽然是费力的活儿 但她们建了很大一座房子 还有一条护城河 7 Why don t you ride one of the horses on that merry go round suggested Daisy Daisy 建议说 干嘛不去旋转木马那骑马呢 8 What a pity we have to go home tomorrow 真遗憾我们明天得回家了 Book Four Words 1 这时 then 2 补充 add 3 已经 already 4 公平的 fair 5 决定 decide 6 课间休息时间 playtime 7 操场 playground 8 吓唬 scare 9 尖叫 scream 10 害怕的 scared 11 多汁的 juicy 12 线索 clue 13 追踪 跟随 follow 14 图书馆 library 15 意思是 mean 16 难过 sad 17 原谅 forgive 18 走廊 corridor 19 宝藏 treasure 20 害臊 惭愧的 ashamed Phrases 1 取笑 make fun of 2 上一次 last time 3 编造 make up 4 指着 point at 5 一堆 a pile of 6 犯错误 make mistakes 7 看起来就像 look like 8 帮某人一把 give sb a hand 9 课堂上 in class 10 期盼着 look forward to 11 一件重要的事 something important 12 照顾 take care of look after 13 受批评 惹上麻烦 get into trouble 14 对 感到怜悯 feel sorry for 15 事实上 in fact 16 外太空 outer space 17 加入 join in 18 觉得厌倦 get fed up 19 平分 share out 20 跑开了 run off Sentences 1 我有一件重要的事告诉你们 I have something important to tell you 2 他看起来就和其他的孩子一样 但是他的肤色不一样 He looked just like other children but he was a different color 3 我希望你们能够照顾好我们班的新男孩 并且在他需要帮助的时候给予帮助 I want you to take care of our new boy and give him a hand if he needs it 4 我不需要再多一只手 我已经有两只手了 I don t need a new hand I ve got two hands already 5 你知道什么该做什么不该做 继续写作业吧 You know better than that Get on with your work 6 我老是受批评 而这个新男生却没有 I get in trouble and that new boy doesn t 7 所有的学生对此都非常期待 All the children were looking forward to it 8 他们向和其他同学不一样的另外一个方向出发 They set off in the other direction to the rest of the children 9 Charlie 看起来很悲伤 Underwood 对他很是同情 Charlie looked so sad that Miss Underwood felt sorry for him Book Five Words 1 无聊 bored 2 队长 captain 3 检查 check 4 控制 control 5 摸 碰 touch 6 按 press 7 按钮 button 8 肯定 sure 9 漂浮 float 10 屏幕 screen 4 11 不管怎么说 anyway 12 解释道 explain 13 表面 覆盖 surface 14 金属 metal 15 巨大的 giant huge 16 古怪 odd 17 自豪地 proudly 18 追击 追逐 chase 19 俯冲 dive 20 想知道 wonder Phrases 1 打开 关 灯等电器 turn on off 2 清扫 clean up 3 如此 以致 so that 4 一定是 must be 5 你最好做 you d better 6 看一看 两种说法 have take a look 7 出发 set off 8 降落在 land on 9 盯着 stare at 10 对 生气 be angry with 11 试图做 try to do 12 急转弯 make a sharp turn 13 还好 没事 all right 14 出什么事了 What s going on 15 除此之外 apart from 16 靠近 be close to 17 摆脱 get away from 18 一种 a kind of 19 毕竟 after all 20 在回 的路上 Sentences 1 我告诉你不要乱碰那个红色的按钮 I told you not to touch the red button 2 他猜到发生了什么事 He guessed what had happened 3 Spanner 早上其它时间都在清扫早乱的东西 Spanner was cleaning up the mess for the rest of the morning 4 每个人都放下手里的事过来看 Everyone stopped what they were doing and came to look 5 Stella 船长说 我想知道那是什么 6 不管怎么说 这太大了不可能是一个小行星 Anyway it s too big to be an asteroid 7 你最好去看一看 You d better go and have a look 8 为什么它对我们这么生气 Why is it so angry with us 9 太空怪物越来越近了 The space monster was getting closer and closer 10 这是摆脱那个怪物的唯一办法 It s the only way to get away from the monster 3 典型例题 填空 1 Alan can play the guitar very well and he wants to be a m in the future 2 She asks me if 是否 we can m friends with each other 3 She is Chinese but she can s English very well 4 East or west home is the b 5 I am the last one to take a s in my family 6 T are faster than buses 5 7 Do not run in the h 8 Our English teacher is s with us 9 An elephant never f 10 My father likes r newspapers in the evening 阅读 A Alice Brown lives in New York with her mum and dad and two brothers Tony and Peter It is Alice s fourteen birthday next week The family has got two dogs a cat and four rabbits Alice likes cats and rabbits but her brothers like dogs Alice s dad works in a hotel He s a hotel manager Her mum teaches English at a middle school Alice and her brothers study at the same school but they are in different grades She s in Grade Seven Her brother Tony is in Glade Ten and Peter is in Glade Six They live in a house near the school They walk to school together every day Alice is interested in computers At home she plays computer games in her free time When she leaves school she also wants to work with computers 1 Who does Alice live with A Two brothers B Her family C Her parents D Father and mother 2 How many animals are there in her family A Six B Two C Four D Seven 3 What does her mother do A She works in a hotel B She is a manager C She studies English D She is a teacher 4 How do they go to school every day A By bike B On foot C By bus D By taxi 5 Which one is NOT true A Alice plays computer games at school B Alice and her brothers study at the same school C They are in different grades D They live in a house near the school 4 巩固练习 make like miss story be Today is the Dragon Boat Festival Zhu Hui s family 6 at home His mom is 7 zongzi His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV But Zhu Hui is in the US There isn t Dragon Boat Festival there Zhu Hui s host family are doing different things The mother is reading a 8 to her young children Zhu Hui 9 his family very much He thinks there is no place 10 home B 根据所给单词 首字母或中文 写出各单词的正确形式 每空限填一词 11 Are the boys there sing an English song under the tree 12 Some African country are really poor 6 13 I like sunny days I can t feel happy on c days 14 Pandas are in great d let s save them 15 The bank is a from our school next to the hospital 16 Don t 爬 the tall tree it s not safe enough 17 Be 安静 please The baby is sleeping 18 There are only 四十四 students in his class 19 Mr Wang wants his daughter to be a great 音乐家 in the future 20 He 享受 reading English aloud every morning A Bill is from Sydney He can speak French and English but he can t speak Chinese He has a pen pal in the United States Her name is Lisa and she lives in New York Bill s favorite sport is basketball and he can play the guitar Lisa s favorite sport is tennis She can t play the guitar but she can play the piano and sing very well 21 Bill is from A Australia B France C the United States D the UK 22 Lisa is an A Chinese B American C English D Japanese 23 What languages does Bill speak A Chinese B French C English D B and C 24 What is Bill s favorite sport A tennis B volleyball C soccer D basketball 25 Which sentence is NOT right A Bill has a pen pal in the USA B Lisa lives in New York C Bill can play the piano and Lisa can play the guitar D Bill and Lisa like different sports B Musicians Wanted Are you a music lover Can you sing or dance Can you play the guitar Can you play the violin Welcome to our Star Rock Band Please call Tina at 898 3343 from Monday to Friday 8 30 11 00 am We will meet every Sunday morning Musicians Wanted Are you a music lover Can you sing or dance Can you play the guitar Can you play the violin Welcome to our Star Rock Band Please call Tina at 898 3343 from Monday to Friday 8 30 11 00 am We will meet every Sunday morning 7 26 We can learn to play ping pong A at Mr Cai s house B on Friday afternoon C in School s P E Building D from Monday to Friday 27 The Star Rock Band will meet every A Friday afternoon B Monday morning C Saturday afternoon D Sunday morning 28 Cathy can sing well and she wants to meet some music lovers She can A call 368 5788 B call 898 3343 C meet Mr Cai on Sunday D meet Tina on Saturday C Bill and his friends are in a big city He takes a lot of food His bag is big and heavy Soon Bill gets lost He walks in the street for a long time and he feels tired 疲惫 It s eight in the evening he goes into a restaurant He asks for some drinks and soon he begins to sleep When he wakes up 醒 来 he can t find any people in the restaurant The door is closed and he can t go out He finds a telephone number and begins to call Mt Jackson the owner 主人 of the restaurant Hell o says the boy When do you open your restaurant Mr Jackson The telephone wakes up the man and he isn t happy So he says Don t ask me about that I can t let you in Oh no I want to go out 29 Bill s bag is big because A there s a lot of clothes in it B he puts much food in it C he likes big bags D he takes many books 30 Bill goes to sleep because A he gets home B he eats too much in the restaurant C he doesn t know where he can go D he s very tired 31 Mr Jackson thinks A Bill wants to sleep in his restaurant B Bill wants to go into the restaurant C Bill leaves his bag in the restaurant D Bill wants to go out of the restaurant D Toby an 11 year old boy is playing with a ball The ball goes into the street and Toby runs for the ball A car hit 碰撞 Toby An ambulance 救护车 takes Toby to the hospital in 30 minutes The doctors at the hospital tell Toby s parents Toby is in a coma Every day Toby s parents visit him at the hospital They sit next to Toby s bed and talk to him But Toby never talks to them He just sleeps One day Toby s father says Wake up Toby Wake up come home and play with Rusty Rusty is Toby s dog When Toby s father says Rusty Toby moves his arm Rusty Toby s father says again Again Toby moves his arm 手臂 Toby s parents have an idea They tell the nurse We want to bring Toby s dog to the hospital The nurse says OK The next day Toby s parents bring Rusty to the hospital When they put the dog on Toby s bed Toby opens his eyes and hugs 拥抱 the dog 8 Toby s parents bring Rusty to the hospital every day One day Rusty jumps onto Toby s bed and scratches 抓 his arms Toby says his first words Bad dog After eight weeks Toby is well He leaves the hospital and goes home 32 Toby is in the street when a car hits him A visiting his father B walking with his dog C talking with his dog D running for a ball 33 The words Toby is in a coma may mean 意思是 来源 Zxxk Com A Toby can t wake up or talk B Toby must leave the hospital C Toby needs to play sports D Toby is very healthy 34 wakes up T oby in the bed A A doctor B A nurse C His dog D His father 35 From the story we can learn that A Toby can never talk at last B Toby likes playing basketball C Toby s dog is bad D Toby is in hospital for about eight weeks 36 The best title 标题 for the story may be A the parents love B Toby and Rusty C a story of Rusty D Toby s family 5 课堂小结 这节主要复习了 book one 的知识点及一些练习 通过今天的学习 希望学生能够掌握所 学知识巩固所学内容 课堂 检测 听课及知识掌握情况反馈 测试题 累计不超过 20 分钟 道 成绩 教学需 加快 保持 放慢 增加内容 课后 巩固 作业 10 题 巩固复习 预习布置 签字 年级组长 学管师 老师最欣赏的地方 老师想知道的事情 老师 课后 赏识 评价 老师的建议

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