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北师大版高一英语unit1unit5 单词复习1. The dogs were trained to detect the p_ of explosives.2. Farmers have b_ a lot from the new policy.3. Miss Green looks unhappy; she isnt s_ with the results.4. A lot has been done in the recovery of the n_ economy in the past five years.5. You must a_ for not being able to meet her on time.6. Generally speaking, young people usually have more e_ than the old.7. I will never f_ him for stealing the money.8. Lets have a rest; I hve hardly enough s_ left to move my feet.9. When he got there, he found the village was s_ by the enemies.10. The little girl felt very t_ when she was left alone in the house.11. When she studied in Peking University, she was a_ a scholarsip every year.12. - Are you sure you have enough money to run a company?- Not very sure. And I will take it into a_.13. To our great d_, it rained on the day of the sports meet.14. The patient is seriously ill and is being kept under continuous o_ in hospital.15. It was raining hard yesterday. I think there was no p_ that they climbed the mountains.16. He graduated from a famous foreign language i_.17. Its hard to a_ your goal without working hard.18. You can use my computer on c_ that you take good care of it.19. The patients were o_ over a period of several months.20. He is a _(专家) in Chinese history.21. An earthquake _(袭击) southern California on June 28.22. We all like the boy because he is very _(谦虚的).23. As a student, you should _(尊重) your teachers.24. He _(解释) to us why he was late for school this morning.25. I wouldnt think that it was w_ to ask him to join the club.26. He _ all his life _(献身于) helping the disabled people.27. Tom likes classical music _ _ _(还, 也) rock n roll.28. All the patients like her for her k_.29. His b_ at the party made evrybody angry.30. Hanson said that he had an a_ with his wife before he left.31. The request to get a computer for each office is under c_.32. We cant accept her e_ for breaking the window.33. Captain Cook is a person of strong d_.34. He has been a postman for 10 years. Collecting and d_ letters is his job.35. World Wildlife Fund is the largest international wildlife protection o_.36. He dislikes _ _ _ _(被人瞧不起).37. The boy is old enough to _ _(照顾) himself.38. If you raise this problem at the meeting, Ill s_ you.39. He b_ as if nothing had happened.40. He is d_ to give up smoking.41. Will you weigh it in the b_?42. The two major political parties have c_ to form a government.43. The union was formed to p_ the rights and interests of miners.44. If you want to sell your house, you can put an a_ in the local newspaper.45. When he went to England, he found his English was too _(有限的), so she began to learn English.46. She _(叹气) when she saw the hole in her blouse.47. The _(研究) indicates that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.48. If you are trying to go to college you _ _(应该) study harder.49. Dont _ _(扔掉) those rotten vegetables; we can feed them to the pigs.50. We have an extractor fan in the kitchen to _ _ _(除掉) the smell of cooking.51. Dont speak any more. Everybody _ _ _(厌倦了) your everlasting complaints!52. He left as a poor boy and returned as a w_ man.53. A shark can smell blood at a d_ of half a kilometre.54. Im e_ sorry to have troubled you.55. Kim worked as a t_ guide in Dalian las summer.56. The river lies on the _(边界) between the US and Mexico.57. This colour is _(稍稍) different from that one.58. The ship spent four days in _(港口).59. The car continued driving _(向东).60. He was elected _(部长) of Education.61. He _ _ _ _(有天赋) music.62. Hes trying to _ _(想出) how to solve the problem.63. I must _ _(安定下来) this morning and finish the homework.64. There is a _(大陆性的) climate in that place.65. Teenagers should not be allowed to watch v_ movies.66. The news that he cheated in the exam _(传开) through the school quickly.67. Watching too much TV or playing computer games too often is _(有害的) to our eyes.68. Some people believe that life _(存在) on other planets.69. _ _(既然) you have the chance, why not make good use of it?70. The heavy rain _ us _(阻止) going to see a film.71. He _ _ (高兴起来)at once when I promised to help him.72. _ _ _(就) I know, his home is far from school.73. I have seen him _(在内) these last three days.74. They decided to fly to Beijing _ _(而不是) take a train.75. Whether well go for a picnic _ _(取决于) the weather.76. We must start at _(黎明). The city is very far from here.77. Look! _ _(大团的) snow and rocks are falling down the mountain.78. A_ is the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars and other heavenly bodies.79. The world population is e_; its now more than 60 billion.80. Most people think that the social s_ needs to be improved.81. According to the religion, ideas about the beginning of the u_ do not agree with the theory of “Big Bang”.82. Because of the pull of g_, anything which is thrown up will fall towards the earth.83. Its reported that on the _(表面) of Mars astronomers have got the evidence of water.84. I feel easy in such a harmonious _(氛围) in my class that I have made progress in my study.85. There was a shortage of _(氧) at the top of the mountains.86. His interest in this subject g_ decreases.87. She has got a very scientific m_ of dealing with political problems.88. This new rose is a d_ of a very old kind of rose.89. There is a new p_ house next to the post office.90. Dad seemed more d_ than angry.91. There was a g_ change in climate.92. Several people were injured in a bomb e_.93. There is too much v_ on TV these days.94. She was feeling more c_ than before.95. Mark found it easy to eat with chopsticks once he _ _ _ _(掌握了窍门) the way of using them.96. She wont p_ dogs in the house.97. I found the key _ _(偶然) when I was cleaning the room.98. The little girl _ _(盯着) the little cats tumbling over each other in their basket.99. I like her _ _(即使) she can be annoying.100. How do you _ _(解释) the sudden disappearance of the murder weapon?模块3单词答案1.presence 2benefited 3satisfied 4national 5.apologize 6.energy 7. forgive 8.strength 9.surrounded 10.terrified 11awarded 12.account. 13.disappointment14.observation 15.possibility 16.institute. 17.achieve 18.condition 19.observed 20.specialist(专家21.struck(袭击)22.modest (谦虚的).23.respect (尊重) 24. explained(解释) 25.worthwhile 26. devoted to(献身于) 27.as well as(还, 也) 28.kindness. 29.behavior. 30.argument 31.consideration. 32excuse/ explanation 33.determination. 34.delivering 35. organization. 36. being looked down upon(被人瞧不起). 37.care for(照顾) 38.support 39.behaved 40. determined 41.balance 42. combined to form a government. 43.protect 44.advertisement 45limited(有限的) 46. sighed(叹气) 47. research(研究) 48. ought to(应该) 49.throw away(扔掉) 50. get rid of(除掉) 51.is tired of(厌倦了) 52.wealthy 53.distance 54.extremely 55.tour 56.border(边界) 57. slightly(稍稍) 58.port(港口).59.eastward(向东).60.Minister(部长) of Education.61.has a gift for(有天赋) .62.figure out(想出) 63. settle down(安定下来) 64.continental(大陆性的) 65.violent 66.spread(传开) 67.harmful(有害的).68.exists(存在) 69.Now that(既然) 70. prevented us from(阻止)71.cheered up (高兴起来) 72.As far as(就) 73.within(在内) 74.rather than(而不是) 75.depends on(取决于) 76.dawn(黎明).77. Masses of(大团的) 78.Astronomy 79. exploding 80. system 81.universe 82.gravity 83. surface(表面) 84.atmosphere(氛围)85.oxygen(氧) 86.gradually 87.method 88.development 89.publishing 90.disappointed 91.gradual. 92.explosion.93 violence.94. cheerful.95. got the hang of(掌握了窍门) 96. permit 97. by accident(偶然) 98 stared at(盯着)99. even if(即使)100. account for(解释) 模块4 单词训练Unit 11. His illness must have had some _(关系) with his diet.2. Beethovens music _(鼓舞) me to be a composer.3. We felt a great sense of _(成就) when we reached the top of the mountain.4. His _(行为)towards me shows that he does not like me .5. Mr Read made up his mind to _(投入)all he had to setting up some schools for poor children.6. It was very _(考虑周到的) of you to remember my birthday.7. Taking everything into _(考虑), the event was a great success.8. She spent her life _(参加运动) for womens rights.9. The hero was very _(谦虚)about his great deeds.10. We _(尊敬) him for his courage.11. She was _(接生) of a healthy baby.12. Its _(值得的) for you to visit the exhibition.13. He was _(观察) to follow her closely.14. The astronauts soon got used to the _(状况)of weightlessness.15. He will _(取得成就)nothing if he doesnt work harder.16. If you raise it at the meeting, Ill_ (支持)you. 17. Will you please _(解释) this point to us?18The _(专家) first checked the robot and later make it work again.19. The duty of this _(组织)is to raise funds for the campaign. 20. -What time is it? -Ten oclock. I heard the clock in the church _(敲击) ten.Unit 2 1. She often carries an umbrella in sunny summer days so that she wont get _. (晒黑的)2. The chick finally broke out through the shell and _ (挣扎) out of it.3. After 10 years in prison, he was given his _ (自由).4. What time is _ (合适的) for us to meet?5. Taking extra vitamins may _ (减少) your possibility of catching cold.6. We must increase our _ (产量) to meet the demand.7. I am not all _ (满意) with the present situation.8. My teacher asked me to write a _ (摘要) of this report.9. They _ (使迷惑) me with so many questions.10. Lots of grain is attacked by _. (害虫)11. The explorers _(装备) themselves with everything they needed and set off.12. America _ (出口) a large quantity of products to Africa and Southeast Asia.13. This book is intended for students of advanced _ .(水平)14. A _ (化学的) change takes place in paper when it burns.15. It refers to crops growing with natural rather than chemical _ .(肥料)16. These put the _(矿物质) back into the soil, making it rich and healthy.17. He wanted to _(证明) that he was right.18. I want to _ (交换) some pounds for dollars.19. _ (不管) you think, you must make an apology to the customer.20. How can I _ (除去) the kitchen of the flies?Unit 3 1. Imagine you are hungry and all there is to eat is a _ (煮熟的) shoes.2. They were caught in a _ (暴风雨).3. He picks out the _ (鞋带) and eat them as if they were spaghetti.4. The museum is open daily _ (贯穿) the year.5. There was nothing in the letter of _ (特别的) importance.6. They _(招待) us with the best wine.7. Charlie Chaplin _ (摆动) his walking stick as he walked.8. We should try our best to _ (克服) all the difficulties when we are in trouble.9. He was _ (幸运的) to escape the fire.10. We soon arrived at the _ (底部的) of the mountain.11. I was no longer with the life that had _ (满足) me for quite a long time.12. She seemed _ (惊讶的) when she heard the news.13. A policeman stood in the middle on the road, _(指挥) the traffic.14. He was given a special prize for his lifetime _ (杰出的) work.15. There are many _(无家可归的) children in Africa.16. Last summer holiday we went camping in a _ (多山的) area.17. I think of how small I am and how _ (宽广的) the sky is.18. It goes without saying that _ (失败) is the mother of success.19. One man went into the house, _(寻找)for food, while the other man went in search of money.20. A little kid ran into the road and was _ (撞倒) by a car.21. The police dog has a good _ (感觉) of smell.22. Bruce has _ (主演) in dozens of films in the past 10 years.23. Tom _(耳语) the secret to his mother so that no one else would hear it.24. They produced noodles of exactly the same _ (长度).25. The meeting began with a report on the _(优秀的) harvest in south Switzerland.Unit 4:1 Little Katherine cant e_ herself clearly in English because of nervousness.2 Professor Zhang could not take part in the evening partly because of illness, so his eldest son r_ him.3 Mike and John both like playing football and computer games, and besides these, they have many other s_ as well.4 They are not right to cut down all those trees; they will be p_ by nature sometime.5 The Haier Group is i_ a new family fridge this year.6 Such an important _(协议)can not be broken by anybody at will.7 We have met a _ (主要的)problem.8 To respect the _ (当地的) custom of the buying country is one important aspect of Chinas foreign policy.9 Most parents warn their children not to talk to _ (陌生人).10 Nowadays, there is more and more _(误解)between parents and children, which is the so-called generation gap.11 Sometimes we can make ourselves understood using g_.12. I prefer _ (喜剧) to tragedy(悲剧).13. He cant forget his _(经历) in Africa. 14. He a_ to me for stepping on my foot.15. As you _(接近) town, the first building you see is the church.16. Give me a _(大体上的) idea of the work.17. She was there all day, but c_, I did not see her.18. He felt a t_ on the shoulder.19. _(行动) speak louder than words.20. In our country n_ the head is usually to say “Yes”. Unit 51.The _(主题) of our discussion today is “Asia in the 1990s”.2.I have brought a few toys to _(使愉快) children.3.How much do you _(收费) mending that light in the hall?4.He traveled to Kunming during the summer holiday and bought a lot of _(纪念品) for his friends.5.The president _(卷入) the scandal(丑闻) and had to resign his job.6There are 55 _(少数民族) in China and they play an important part.7. He made the _(实验) again and again until he got a satisfactory result.8. All the characters in this novel are _(虚构的).9. Japan has become one of the most _(先进的) countries.10. He likes wearing _(运动鞋).11. Some of the earliest _(移民者) of this land were sheep farmers.12. He is an experienced _(翻译) and has worked in this company for 10 years.13. He has gained a lot of _(利润) by selling clothes.14.He took part in many _(运动的) competitions last year.15. They _(自愿) to donate their clothes and food to the people in the flooded area.16. To our _(兴奋),he was set free soon because of being innocent.17. The _(结合) of the colours added a lot of beauty to the design.18. The schools in Shenzhen have a lot of modern teaching _(设备).19. Which _(牌子) is your favourite?20. We begin with a reading _(测验) in English class every day.Keys :unit 1 1-5 connection, inspired, achievement, behavior, devote 6-10 considerate, consideration, campaigning, modest, respect 11-15 deliver, worthwhile, observed, consideration, achieve 16-20 support, explain, specialist, organization, strikeUnit 2:1. sunburnt 2. struggled 3. freedom 4. suitable 5. reduce6. output 7. satisfied 8. summary 9. confused 10. insects11. equipped 12. exported 13. level 14. chemical 15. fertilizer16. mineral 17. prove 18. exchange 19.Whatever 20. ridUnit 3:1. boiled 2. storm 3. laces 4. throughout 5. particular6. entertain 7. swung 8. overcome 9. fortunate 10. bottom 11. satisfied 12. astonished 13. directing 14. outstanding 15. homeless16. mountainous 17. vast 18. failure 19. searching 20. bumped 21. sense 22. starred 23. whispered 24. length 25. excellentUnit4:1. express 2. represented 3. similarities 4. punished 5.introduced 6. agreement 7. major 8. local9. strangers 10. misunderstandings 11. gesture 12. comedy13.experinces 14. apologized 15. approach 16. general 17. curiously 18. touch 19. Actions 20. noddingUnit 51.theme 2.amuse 3.charge 4.souvenirs 5.involved 6.minorities 7.experiment 8.imaginary 9.advanced 10.sneakers 11.settlers 12.translator 13.profit 14.athletic 15.volunteered 16.excitement 17.combination 18.equipment 19.brand 20.test


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