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2010年中考系列复习十七九年级Unit OneThe Changing World 、本单元重点词汇1. whole adj. 整个的,全部的;n.整体;作形容词时位于冠词、单数指示代词、物主代词或所有格之后;如果没有冠词或其他限定词,其不能与单数名词连用。例如: Mom spent a whole afternoon cleaning the house.妈妈花了一整个下午打扫房子。 The whole class went to have a history class.全班都去上历史课。 The whole of the village was burning.整个村庄都着火了。2. afford v. 负担得起(的费用),抽得出(时间),后面一般跟不定式、名词或代词,经常与can, could, be able to连用,多出现在否定句或疑问句中。例如: In the past, many families couldnt afford education for their children in China. 在过去中国的许多家庭供不起孩子上学。 We cant afford to have a holiday this summer. 今年夏天我们抽不出时间度假。 Reading affords pleasure. 阅读带来乐趣。3. when adv. 什么时候,何时;conj. 当时候;例如:When did your elder brother graduate from Tsinghua University? 你哥什么时候从清华大学毕业的?Linda was listening to music when her mom came back. 当她的妈妈回来的时候,琳达正在听音乐。4. develop v. (使)发展,(使)成长;其名词形式是development;例如:Recently, Chinas economy has developed rapidly.近来,中国的经济发展迅速。With the development of China, most children in poor areas can go to school . 随着中国的发展,贫穷地区的大多数孩子能够去上学了。5. consider v. 考虑;后跟名词、代词、动名词、或从句。例如: Please consider it carefully yourself.请你自己仔细考虑考虑。 We are considering going to Canada.我们正考虑去加拿大。 Have you ever considered how you could get there?你曾考虑过如何能到达那里吗?6. population n. 人口,人数,在表达“人口多或少”时,常用large与small;要用what来提问人口的数量;其作全部人口解释时,后跟单数谓语动词;若作部分人口解释时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如: India has a large population.印度人口很多。 What was the population of Asia in 2000?年亚洲的人口是多少? The population of China in 2005 was 1.3 billion.年中国的人口是亿。Over about 80% of the population in China are farmers.中国大约百分之八十的人口是农民。7. unless conj.如果不,除非引导条件状语从句,从句中经常用一般现在时来表示将来时。例如:We wont go to see the film unless it doesnt rain tomorrow.我们明天不去看电影,除非不下雨。8. so adv. 如此,这样;主要有以下几种用法:1)修饰形容词或副词 We didnt expect him to stay so long. 我们未料到他会停留这么久。2)引导结果状语从句 He worked hard so he passed the exam. 因为他努力学习,所以通过了考试。 The girl is so lovely that we all love her. 那女孩那么可爱以致于我们都喜爱她。3)引导目的状语从句 Speak clearly, so that they may understand you. 讲清楚一点,好让他们听懂。4)引导倒装句 Jack could swim when he was five, so could I. 杰克五岁时会游泳,我也是。注意:“so+be/情态动词/助动词+主语”与“so+主语+be/情态动词/助动词”的区别:前者表示前面提到的肯定情况也同样适合另外一个主体;后者表示“的确如此”,这种结构用于对别人的话表示赞同。例如:- How sunny it is today! -So it is. 今天天气多晴朗啊! 对,确实很晴朗。9. one fifth 五分之一 英语中表示分数时,分子应用基数词,分母应用序数词;分子若大于1时,分母应用复数形式。例如: 1/2 读作: one half 1/3 读作: one third 1/4 读作: one fourth one/a quarter 3/4 读作: three fourths three quarters 4/5 读作: four fifths 7 4/9 读作:seven and four ninths注意:当分数作主语,后面的谓语动词与其所修饰的名词保持一致。即:当所修饰的名词是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数;当所修饰的名词是可数名词单数,后面的谓语动词应用单数;当所修饰的名词是可数名词复数,后面的谓语动词应用复数。 例如: One fourth of the water in the river has been polluted. 这条河四分之一的水已经被污染了。 One third of a ton is too much. 三分之一吨都太多了。 Two fifths of the students in our class are girls. 我们班五分之二的学生是女生。10. succeed v. 成功 后面常跟介词和名词或动名词构成的短语。 例如: The scientist has succeeded in his research. 那个科学家的研究已经成功了。 Nancy succeeded in climbing up the mountain. 南希成功地爬上那座山。注意:其名词形式是success,其形容词形式是successful,其副词形式是successfully11. excite v. 使兴奋,使激动 例如: The good news excited the little boy very much. 那个好消息使那个男孩子非常兴奋。注意:其形容词形式是:excited表示人由于外部事物的刺激而兴奋,激动。exciting意为“令人兴奋的”,表示事物本身具有令人兴奋的特性,通常修饰物。 例如: The children are so excited about Childrens Day. 儿童节令孩子们十分兴奋。 The exciting news made us excited. 那则令人兴奋的消息让我们很激动。12. tidy adj. 整洁的,干净的 v. 弄整洁,弄干净;例如: Mom often spends a whole Sunday tidying the house every week. 妈妈经常每周花一整个星期天的时间把房子弄整洁。 The house is always very tidy and clean after being well tidied by Mom. 房子被妈妈整理之后总是非常干净整洁。13. possible adj. 可能的 其主要用法如下:1) It is possible (for sb.) to do sth. 或 It is possible that . ; 例如: It is possible for me to finish the job in three days. 对于我来说,在三天内完成这项工作是可能的。 It is possible that I can finish the job in three days. 对于我来说,在三天内完成这项工作是可能的。 2) as.as possible “尽可能.,愈.愈好” 例如: You should work as hard as possible, or you cant catch your classmates. 你应该尽可能努力地学习,否则你就赶不上你的同学了。3) if possible “如果可能的话”;例如: Please come earlier next time if possible. 如果可能的话,下次请早点来。4) 其副词形式是possibly;其反义词是impossible。、本单元词组小结1. learn.from. 从.中学习;例如: We can learn a lot from the Internet. 我们可以从网络上学到很多。2. divide.into. 把.分成.;例如: Lets divide the apple into halves. 让我们把苹果分成两半吧。3. make progress 取得进步;例如: The twins tried their best to learn English well and made great progress. 那对双胞胎尽最大努力学好英语,并取得了巨大的进步。4. thanks to 幸亏,由于。常带有“感谢”的感情色彩,表示由于某个人或某物的存在才有某种好的结果,其后接名词、代词、动名词等名词性短语。例如: Thanks to the teachers help, Dick has caught up with his classmates in his study. 多亏了老师的帮助,迪克已经在学业上赶上了同学。注意:thank . for . 为了.而感谢.;例如: Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。5. draw up 起草,拟定 ;例如: If you want to write a good composition, youd better draw up an outline before writing. 如果你想要写出好作文,你最好在着手写之前拟一拟提纲。6. take place 发生;例如: The next meeting will take place soon. 下次会议很快会举行。注意:take place表示确定会发生,happen表示偶然发生。例如: I happened to meet my English teacher in the mall yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午我碰巧在购物中心碰到英语老师。7. human being 人类 ;例如: How long can a human being go without food? 人不吃东西能活多久?8. at present 目前,现在;例如: He has no enough material in hand at present. 目前他手头上没有足够的资料。 They have no intention of getting married at present. 他们目前没有结婚的打算。 9. a couple of 两个,几个 ;例如: The driver picked up a couple of pupils and took them as far as the county town. 司机让两个小学生上车,把他们一直带到了县城。 Ive got a couple of questions to ask you. 我有几个问题想问你。 10. have trouble with sth. /have trouble (in) doing sth. 在.有困难;例如: If you leave your bicycle out at night, youll soon have trouble with rust. 如果你把自行车放在露天过夜,要不了多入它就会生锈,那你就苦了。 Students growing up from nursery school to college have trouble dealing with realities. 从幼儿园到大学的大学生在如何应付现实生活上都存在困难。 11. even though 即使;例如: Even though you dont like it, you must do it. 即使你不喜欢这工作,你也得做。 Even though I hadnt seen my classmate for many years, I recognized him immediately. 即使多年没有见到我的同学,我还是马上认出了他。 12. in detail 详细地;例如: He told us the accident in detail. 他详细地把事故讲给我们听。 Please explain how to work out the math problem for me in detail, will you? 请您为我详细地解释一下怎样计算这道数学难题,好吗? 、重要语法点1、现在完成时She has left. If you want to see her, youll have to wait for a while. 她已经走了。如果你想见她的话,你得等一会儿。 We have lived here since three years ago. 自从三年前以来我们就一直住在这儿了。 They havent been to Canada yet. 他们尚未到过加拿大。 Have you ever seen such an interesting novel? 你曾看过这么有趣的小说吗?How many new words have you already learned since you began learning English? 自从你开始学英语以来,你已经学了多少个新单词了?2. 直接引语与间接引语Maria asked Kate, Will you go to the Great Wall next week? 玛丽亚问凯特:“你下周去长城吗?”Maria asked Kate if / whether she would go to the Great Wall the next week. 玛丽亚问凯特她下周是否去长城。、日常交际用语1. 谈论假期发生的事情 -Where have you been during the summer vacation? -I have been to Kunming with my parents.2. 谈论喜欢和不喜欢 -I really hate to go shopping. -So do I.3. 可能和不可能 Its possible / impossible to finish the homework before 7 oclock.4. 逻辑关系(原因和结果) -Why are you late for school? -Because of the heavy traffic.


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