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8B Unit 1 知识梳理一、词汇 1.present 给,赠(动词) presentation 演出(名词) 2. sonth 南方(名词) southern南方的(形容词) 3. marry结婚(动词) married 已婚的(形容词)marriage婚姻(名词) 4.poison毒(名词) poisonous有毒的(形容词) 5.pollute污染(动词) polluted被污染的(形容词) pollution污染(名词) 6.alone孤单(副词) lonely孤独的(形容词) 7.especial特别的(形容词) .especially 特别地 尤其(副词) 8.recent 最近的(形容词) .recently最近(副词) 9. health健康(名词) healthy健康的(形容词) healthily健康地(副词) healthier更健康的(形容词) healthiest 最健康的(形容词) unhealthy 不健康的(形容词) unhealthily健康地(副词) 10.luck 运气(名词) lucky 幸运的(形容词) luckily幸运地(副词) unlucky不幸运的(形容词) unluckily.不幸运地,不幸的是(副词) 11.pleasant 使人愉快的(形容词) unpleasant使人不愉快的 ,讨厌的(形容词) pleasure 快乐、愉快(名词) pleased高兴的(形容词) 12.own自己的(动词) owner 主人(名词) 13.service服务(名词) serve 服务(动词) 14.relax放松(动词) relaxed放松的(形容词) 15.develop发展(动词) developed发展过了的(形容词) developing正在发展的(形容词) development发展(名词) 16.describe 描述(动词) description 描述(名词) 17.attract 吸引(动词) attract ive有吸引力的(形容词)attraction吸引、向往的地方(名词)二、重点短语1not any more / not any longer/ no more / no longer 不再2. since then 从那时起 3.move house 搬家 4.move into a new flat 搬到新公寓 5. get married结婚 6. in the southern part of 在的南部 7.in the center of 在中心8.change a lot 变化很多 9.turn into 把变成 10.play cards and Chinese chess 打牌和下中国象棋 11.water pollution水污染12.be used to do sth 被用来做某事 13.used to do sth 过去常常做某事14be used to doing sth 习惯做某事 15.be used for doing sth被用来做某事16.take action to reduce the pollution 采取措施减少污染 17. in some ways 在某些方面 18.open space 开阔的地方 19.feel a bit lonely感到有点孤独 20.foom time to time 不时地 21make me happy 使我快 22.get to know 认识 23 as well as 也 24.as often as before像以前一样常常25.interview sb/ have an interview with sb 采访某人 26. make a sentence with用 造句27.alone / by oneself / on ones own 独自 28. in service 使用中,服务中29. dranking water 饮用水 30. the change to Beijing 北京的变化 31. by the way 顺便问一下 32.in fact 事实上32.a place of natural beauty 一个自然美的地方 33. lend sb sth 把某物借给某人34.travel to and from town 进出城镇 35.most of them他们大部分36.have time to relax more有时间 多放松 37.the same feeling 同感 36.green hills around 青山 环绕 39.far from 离远40.easier to get there 更易到那儿 41. take photos 拍照 42because of illness because sb be ill 因为某人病了 三、重点句型讲解1. Now the government has turned the place into a park. turninto意思为把 变成可用 changeinto替换。例如: Im think of turning the flower garden into a vegetable field.我正考虑把花园改成菜地 另外turn into=change into 例如:Water turns into ice in cold weather. 2. because the factory used to dump its waste into the river used to do sth意为 过去常常做某事 ,后跟动词原形,表示过去习惯、经常发生的动作或状态,而现在不复存在了 Peter used to walk to the factory.彼得过去常常步行去工厂。 There used to be an an old temple near the school.过去,在学校附近有座古庙。3. Its difficult for him to see some of them as often as possible. 此处为its+adj +for sb+ to do sth 句型,意为“对某人来说做某事是的”。其中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是句中的动词不定式短语。例如: Its important for us to keep the water clean.对我们而言,保持水的清洁是很重要的。 Its important for a dancer to be healthy. 对于一个舞蹈演员来说,保持健康是很重要的。4.He thinks he is lucky enough to see the changes to Shanghai. 此处为:sb + be +adj +enough +to do sth意为“某人在某方面已经达到做某事的程度”。注意enough要放在形容词的后面。例如: Nick is strong enough to be a player.尼克身体很强壮,能够当运动员。He is generous enough to give gifts to all of us .他很慷慨,给我们大家都买了礼物。5.I m happy that she has time to relax more. have time to do sth 意为“有时间做某事”time前面可用 no, much, enough等词修饰 She has enough time to cook meals at home. 他有足够的时间在家做饭Im sorry I have no time to play with you. 对不起,我没时间和你玩。6. . I enjoy chatting with you enjoy doing sth意为“喜欢作某事”。具有类似用法的动词还有 finish, keep, mind, practice等。例如 The old man finished writing. 那位老人完成了写作。I practice playing the piano every day. 我每天练习弹钢琴。7.the environment is not as good as before 。not as意为“不如那么”两个 as之间用形容词或副词原级。例如: This man is not as fat as before. 这个男人不像以前那么胖了8.I must say that its the best model I have ever seen.我得说这是我所见过的最好的模型 这里I have ever seen.用作定语,修饰前面的the best model 例如: The present that I gave you is made in Japan. 我给你的礼物是日本产的.9. Let me show you how to get to the railway station “ show sb+疑问词+动词不定式”是动词 shown的常用结构。例如: Ill show him how to do that. 我已教他如何去做。 Ill show you where to go. 我来告诉你该往哪走。10.since 1958 自1958年以来 since为介词,意为:自以来,说明某事开始的时间,后接点时间,如: He hasnt been home since1978. 自1978年以来,他没有回过家。 Ive lived here since childhood. 我从小就住在这儿。 The little dog has been dead since 2 days ago. 这条小狗死了两天了 since 可做连词,引导时间状语从句,从句常用一般过去时,主句一般用 一般现在时或者现在完成时,意为:自以来如:We have never seen each other since he left here。自他离开这儿以来,我们彼此从未见面。 It is just a week since we arrived here 。自从我们到这儿以来,刚好有一周了 since 做连词时还有另外一个意思,即:既然,由于。引导原因状语从句,常置句首,指双方都知道的原因,语气比because弱。如: Since you are going ,I will go too。 既然你要去,那么我也去。 Since he says so, it must be true。既然他这么说,那一定是真的。11.语法现在完成时(一)用法:(一)现在完成时表示过去发生或已完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。与其连用的时间状语有:already ever just never yet recently例如:I have already opened the window. 我已把窗户打开。She wont go to the cinema tonight because she has already seen it.她今晚不去看电影,因为她已经看过了构成:1. 肯定式构成: have/has+动词过去分词。2. 否定式构成: have/has+not+动词过去分词。have/has与not可分别缩写为havent, hasnt例如: Miss Hu hasntcome back yet. 胡小姐还没回来。3. 疑问句的构成: 将have/has提到主语前,简略答语用:Yes,主语+ have/has或No,主语 +havent/hasnt . 例如Have you ever made cakes? Yes,I have. No,I havent.4.在现在完成时的各种结构中,have/has均为助动词,无实际意义。当主语是第三人称单数时 要用has。 have/has之后要用动词的过去分词,规则动词的过去分词与过去式的变化规则相同,如: finishfinished courage couraged studystudiedstepstepped clapclapped skimskimmed5.不规则动词的过去分词的变化基本可分为下列五种类型:1).AAA (动词原形、过去式与过去分词同形)如:cutcutcut read read read2) ABB(过去式过与去分词同形)如:buy boughtbought teach taughttaught3.)ABC(动词原形、过去式与过去分词各异) 如:drive drove driven growgrewgrown4.)ABA (动词原形与过去分词同形) 如:comecamecome runran_run5.)AAB(动词原形与过去式同形) 如:beatbeatbeaten四、单元话题: 写关于过去和现在所发生的短文,有三个原则:一、要概括说明发生的变化二、要详细描写发生的变化,在描写变化的过程中可使用however,but等表示转折的连词,是行文自然流畅。三、要对所发生的变化发表自己的看法。 My hometown ,Nantong ,is an economic development zone near the sea, with a population of three hundred thousand. It used to be a fishing village. There was no industry.And there were only a few primary schools. Since the end of the 20th century, a lot of foreign businessmen have invested here. A lot of factories and a big port have been built. The port connects Nantong with other places both in and out of our country. Im sure in the near future our hometown will become beautiful.8B Unit 2 知识梳理一、词汇1. perform 表演(动词) performer 表演者(名词) performance 表演(名词)2. shine 闪耀,闪烁(动词) shiny 闪烁的(形容词)3. harm伤害(动词) harmful 有害的(形容词) harmless无害的(形容词)4. Help帮助(动词) helpful有帮助的 乐于助人的(形容词) helpless 无助的(形容词) helpfully有帮助地(副词)5. use使用(动词) useful 有用的(形容词) useless 无用的(形容词) usefully有用地(副词) 6. delight高兴(名词) delightful高兴的(形容词) 7. excite 使兴奋(动词) excited 兴奋的(形容词) exciteing令人兴奋的(形容词) excitement兴奋(名词) 8.end 尽头,末尾(名词) endless无尽的(形容词) 9.success 成功(名词) successful成功的(形容词) successfully成功地(副词) unsuccessful不成功的(形容词) unsuccessfully不成功地(副词) 10.hope 希望(动词) hopeful 有希望的(形容词) hopeless无望的(形容词) hopefully 有希望地(副词) 11.experience经历,经验(动词,名词) experienced有经验的(形容词) 12.culture文化(名词) cultural 文化的(形容词) 13.state 陈述,说明(动词) statement陈述,说明(名词) 14.clear清楚地,清澈的(形容词) clearly清楚地(副词)二、词组1.go on a trip to去旅游 2. take you out把 带出去3.come on快点 4. have a fantastic time度过愉快的时光5.by underground 乘地铁 6. be away from远离。7.by the way 顺便问一下 8.have a birds-eye view鸟瞰9.a symbol of 。的标志 10. at the entrance 在入口处11.at high speed高速 12. stop doing sth停止做某事13.stop to do sth停下来做某事 14. later in the afternoon下午的晚些时候15.wave to sb 向某人挥手 16. all the way一路上17.scream with joy高兴地尖叫起来 18.at the end of在.末尾、尽头19.march along 沿.游行 20. march across游行穿过21.show sb sth/ sth to sb把某物给某人看 22.In all总共23. has/have been to去过某地 24.has/have gone to 去某地 25.go hiking去远足 26.Chinese gardens中国园林三、重点句型讲解1. It must be fun. Can I join you?在这个句子中, Must表示肯定的或有把握的推测,意为:一定,准是.例如:This must be the book you want . 这一定是你想要的那本书。表示否定的推测用cant ,意为:不可能。例如:Our English teacher cant be in the office.He has gone to Beijing.我们英语老师不可能在办公室。他去北京了。2.I couldn/t stop taking photos with them. couldnt stop doing sth可与 couldnt help doing sth 作同意句转换。因此,原句可改为: I couldn/t help taking photos with them. 另外:stop to do sth 表示:停下来做某事。这里的 to do sth 做目的状语。例如:The boy stopped to listen ,but they heard nothing. 男孩停下来听,但什么也没听到。 stop (from)doing sth 表示:阻止做某事 The heavy rain stopped them (from) going out . 大雨 阻碍了他们外出1. Ill show them to you when I come back. show sth to sb =show sb sth sth 把某物给某人看 , 但当sth 是人称代词 it them 时,只能用 .show sth to sb 结构。例如: Would you show me another one ?= Would you show another one to me?2. It seems he hasnt come back yet。看样子他还没回来。 seem表示:似乎,好像,其后可接句子,形容词或动词不定式,例如: Everyone seems very busy except us. 除了我们,大家好像都很忙 He seems to know what he is doing?他似乎知道他在做什么? It seems that there is something wrong with this computer.他的电脑似乎坏了。3. It was really wonderful to have a birds -eye view of Hong Kong a mordern city of tall buidings with lights shining in the evening. 在傍晚,鸟瞰香港这个高楼林立、灯火通明的现代化都市,感觉真是美好 have a birds -eye view of意为:鸟瞰。 with lights shining 在句子中作后置定语。例如: At Christmas in the western countries,you can see Christmas tree with colourful lights shining on them.在西方国家的圣诞节,你可以看到彩灯闪耀的圣诞树。4. It was fun to see so manyelephants marching down the street.看见那么多大象在街上行进真有趣。 It is fun todo sth是一常用句型,意为:做某事是有趣的。例如: It is fun to fly to the moon in the spaceship. 乘宇宙飞船去月球真有趣。 see sb doing sth意为:看见某人正在做某事。强调动作正在进行。see sb do sth意为: 看见某人做某事。强调动作已完成。试比较 I saw him playing football on the playground. 我看见他正在操场上踢足球。 I saw him play football on the playground. 我看见他正在操场上踢足球。(已踢完,现在不踢了) so, such这两个词都有如此、这样 的意思。so修饰形容词或副词,such 修饰名词,但如果 名词前有much many little few 等词修饰时,不能用such。例如: The weather is so fine these days. 这些天天气很好 I have never seen such an interesting film. 我从未看过这样有趣的电影。 It is exciting to see so many places of interest. 参观这么多的名胜古迹是令人兴奋的。6.语法现在完成时(二)用法:(二)现在完成时表示动作发生在过去并且一直持续到现在的动作或状态。与其连用的时间状语有:so far,since+过去时间/从句,for+一段时间。例如:They have planted the trees since last year.他们从去年起开始植树。have been to与 have gone to 如何区分 Have been to与 have gone to ,请看:例句欣赏1I have just been to the post office .我刚刚去过邮局。2. My sister has never been to Guangzhou.我妹妹从未去过广州。3.They have been to Japan twice.他们去过日本两次。4.-Where are they? 他们在哪? -They have gone to Hawaii for their holiday. 他们去夏威夷度假了。5It cant be John. He has gone to the town.那不可能是月翰,他去镇上了。用法小结Have been to 意为“曾经去过某地”,表示现在不在那了。可与just, ever, never 等时间状语连用,也可接次数,表示去过某地几次,如例句1,2,3,。Have gone to 意为“到某地去了”表示说话那个人不在现场,而是到了某地,或是在某地的途中,例如句4,5。温馨提示:当have been /gone to 后接地点副词here, there 等时,应去掉介词to. 例如:-Have you ever been to Qingdao?你去过青岛吗?-Yes, Ive been there once.是的,我去过那里一次。终止性动词与延续行动词终止性动词,又称短暂性动词或非延续行动词,它所表示的动词通常在一瞬间就能完成,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。如:I have left Beijing .(Yes)I have left Beijing for three days.(No)延续行动词表示动词可以延续一段时间,能够和表示一段时间的状语连用。如;Uncle Wang has lived in the city for five year. 终止性动词只有转换成能够持续表示意义的动词或短语才能与表示一段时间的状语连用。那么,应该如何转换?常用的方法主要有以下几种:1.转换成: be+名词/形容词/副词/介词短语这种系表结构。如:join the army be a soldier/in the army ,diebe dead ,leavebe away, arrive-be in/ atget marriedbe married begin startbe oncome go be in/ at stopbe over等。如:The man took park in the Party 10years ago .I left Beijing three days ago.I have been away from Beijing for three days. 2.用延续行动词替换非延续行动词。:borrowkeep, buy -have 等。 如:Millie borrowed this book a week ago.-Millie has kept this book for a week.I bought the new computer a month ago.-I have had the new computer since a month ago.3.用:It is /has been +一段时间+since+从句谓语动词用一般过去时表示。如:She joined the club two yeas ago .-It is two yeas since she joined the club.4.用:一般时间+has passed+ since+从句谓语动词用一般过去时表示。如:Alan came here six months ago.-Six months has passed since Alan came here.5. He died 3days ago。同意句为:He has been dead for 3 days He has been dead since 3 days ago It is 3 days since he diedIt has been 3 days since he died四、单元话题记述游记应该先交代时间、地点和人物。接着按照时间顺序,叙述游程中的趣事。写游记要避免写成流水账,可用一些表示时间顺序的词或短语,如:first,then,finally等连接句子,起到承上启下的作用。每描述一件事时,可做简单评论。注意的是,写游记要用一般过去时。 Last summer holiday ,my parents and I went to disney land. We had a good time there.First we went to the Cartoon World and saw Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse there.They were so lovely that I spend alot of time playing with them,then we went to Sleeping Beauty Castle. Sleeping Beauty was so pretty that we couldnt stop taking photos with her . In the evening, we had some western food there and I bought a Mickey Mouse purse for my friend .Atlast, my parents bought some stationery as souvenirs for me .What a wonderful time we had !8B Unit 3 知识梳理一. 重点单词A.四会单词1online adj. 联网的,在线的 2.television n. 电视=TV3. program n. 电脑程序 4. role n 角色 5. point n 分数 .6. level n.等级7. knowledge n.知识 8. grammar n. 语法9. reach v 到达 10.screen n.屏幕11. pass v 通过 12.mark v 做标记13. purple n./adj. 紫色,紫色的 14.keyboard n. 键盘15. menu n. 菜单 16.mouse n.鼠标17.e-dictionary n. 电子词典 18.restart v 重新启动19.connect v 连接 20. foot n. 英尺21.total n. 总数,总和 22.free adj 自由的23. Mars n. 火星 24.set v 设置背景25.daily adj 每日的 ,日常的 26.course n. 课程27. telephone n.电话 28.tour n. 旅行29. radio n. 收音机 30. package n.一套东西,包裹31. cover v 涉及,包括 32. order v订购33. simple adj. 简单的 34.save v 保存3. control v 控制, 支配B. 词形转换1educational adjeducate veducation n. 2. designer ndesign v 3. travel v traveled traveller n 4. asleep .adjsleep vsleptsleptsleepy adj. 5.correct-correctlyincorrect-incorrectly 6.footfeet 7.produce vproducer nproduct nproduction n 8. create vcreative adjcreation n二重点词组1.look like看起来像 2.the remote control遥控器 3.turn on 打开 4.turn off关上 5.turn up声音调大 6.turn down声音调小 7.change the channel换频道 8. a writing competition作文竞赛 9.want to do sth想要做某事 10.educational CD-ROM教育光盘 11.learn more about computers了解关于更多电脑的知识 12.the different uses of computers电脑的不同用途 13.draw and design绘画和设计 14.play games玩游戏 15.search for the information寻找信息 16.send and receive e-mails发送和接收电子邮件 17.word processing文字处理 18.write computer programs编写电脑程序 19.(travel) around the world in eight hours八小时环游全世界 20.come out 出版,发行 21.help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事 22.help sb with sth在某方面帮助某人 23.at the same time同时 24.main charater主要角色 25.a thirteen-year-old boy一个13岁大的男孩 26.love travelling喜欢旅行 27.one day某天 28.look at the beautiful sky看美丽的天空 29.fall asleep睡着了 30.have a very strange dream做了一个奇怪的梦 31.in ones dream在某人的梦里 32.a golden cloud一片金色的云 33.get a point得一分 34.every time每次 35.get enough points得到足够的分数 36.come down下来 37.carry off to带.到. 38.play the role of扮演的角色 39.the knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary英语语法和词汇的知识 40.a lot of useful information很多有用的信息 41.for example例如 42.many other interesting places许多其他的名胜 43.pass a level通过一级 44.a map of the world一张世界地图 45.find out发现,弄清楚 46.sell out 买完 47.start/begin with以开始 48.none of them他们中没有一个 49.on the screen在屏幕上 50.on the computer 在电脑上 51.send sb sth=send sth to sb把某物送给某人 52.print out打印出 53.click on点击 54.let sb do sth让某人做某事 55.do some exercises做练习 56.mind doing sth介意做某事 57.not at all根本不 58.on the television在电视上 59.many new kinds of computers许多新种类的电脑 60.go to the cinema=see a film去电影院/看电影 61.keep sb doing sth使某人一直做某事 62.need sb to do sth需要某人做某事 63.thanks for doing sth感谢做某事 64.agree to do sth同意做某事 65.agree with sb同意某人的意见 66.do shopping online网上购物 67.in the short play在短剧中 68.Would you please do sth?你愿意做某事吗? 69.take place 发生 70.look worried看起来焦虑 71.as soon as一就 72.go to bed 上床睡觉 73.laugh at嘲笑 74.all over the world全世界 75.in the dining hall在餐厅 76.fall off the bike从车上摔下来 77.store the information存储信息 78.a floppy disk软盘 79.a hard disk硬盘 80.be made of+可看出材料的(由制造) (The desk is made of wood.) 81.be made from+不可看出材料的(The paper is made of grass.) 82.be made in+地点(The Tv is made in Japan.) 83.What happened to sb? 某人发生了. 84.knock at the door敲门 85.plan to do sth计划做某事 86.watch a football game观看足球比赛 87.make sb do sth使某人做某事 88.need doing=need to be done需要做 (My hair needs cutting.=My hair needs to be cut.) 89.restart the computer从新启动电脑 90.wake up唤醒 91.take a trip to+地点 去某地旅行 92.prepare to do sth准备做 93.prepare sth准备某物 94.prepare for sth为某事做准备 95.be prepared to do sth准备做某事 96.work out计算出 97.choose to do sth选择做某事 98.prefer to do sth宁愿做某事(I prefer to swim here.) 99.prefer sth喜欢某物(I prefer the kind apple.) 100.prefer A to B宁愿要A不要B(I prefer apples to oranges .) 101.prefer doing sth to doing sth宁愿做某事不做某事(I prefer swimming to skating.) 102.warn sb to do sth 警告某人做某事 103.warn sb not to do sth警告某人不做某事 104.on ones way home在某人回家可路上 105.look out of the window向窗外望去 106.the sports meeting运动会 107.put off推迟,延期 108.have a good(great,nice,wonderful) time 玩得开心 109.national treasure国宝 三重点句子1.I have no idea.=I dont know.我不知道.2.It looks like a television.它看起来像一台电视.(look like )3. What do you usually use your computer for?你通常用你的电脑来做什么?Whatfor?=Why?Eg. What do you buy the computer for ?你买电脑干什么? Why do you buy the computer? 你为什么买电脑?4. I usually use it to search for information.=I usually use it for searching for information.我通常用它来查找信息.be used for doing sth=be used to do stheg. The knife is used for cutting apples.=The knife is used to cut apples. 刀子是用来切苹果的。5.Because its fast and easy.它既快捷又方便。6. When you have got enough points, a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place you have never visited before.当你得到足够的分数,一片云会下来把你带到一个你以前从未去过的地方.名词放在enough后,如enough points, 而形容词放在其前,如good enough 画线处是一个定语从句,

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